Team Spirit

Isabella's POV
Me, Mike, Kevin and Mia are in one of the big rooms in the Shiba House. The reason is because it's Emily's Birthday tomorrow. Kevin checked outside of the room to make sure Emily didn't come here.

Kevin: "This is going to be tough to pull off."

Mia: "Have a little faith, Kev."

Me: "Come on. Once we got all of this stuff already, all we have to do is just hide it for tomorrow."

I put the box of the decoration at the table as Mike finished the color of the board and said 'Happy Birthday, Emily'.

Mike: "Tomorrow's going to be great. It's Emily's first birthday without her sister, but it's so cool we're doing something special for her."

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door that makes us terrified to see who it is. I hope it's not Emily. I pulled my samuraizer out just in case.

Me: "Who's there?"

The door opened and it was Jayden who was behind the door. All of us were relieved to see him.

Mike: "You should have seen your faces. It looked like Master Xandred was at the door."

Me: "Very Funny, Mike."

Kevin: "Ha Ha. We just didn't want Emily to find us."

Jayden: "The coast is clear. Emily went outside. What about the cake?"

Mia: "I've got all the ingredients for an awesome cake. I just need to bake it without her noticing."

Kevin, Mike, Me, and Jayden: "No!"

Kevin: "I mean, we don't want to risk it."

Me: "As Kevin was saying, Antonio already ordered the cake from my family's bakery in the city."

Mia: "Oh, okay."

All of us are in silence about what we are supposed to do now while Antonio gets the cake for tomorrow. The 5 of us but Emily are back to action for preparing the surprise birthday party for her. All of a sudden, there was a nighlok attack in the city. All of us, including Antonio, went there morphed. There is a nighlok named Splitface taking a lot of people's souls. Kevin uses the Hydro Bow to blast the nighlok in the back to see us.

Jayden: "Snack time is over for you, nighlok."

Splitface: "The Samurai Rangers?"

Antonio: "HA! You're done!"

Antonio and Mike are about to attack the nighlok.

Splitface: "Body Swarm!"

Splitface using the body swarm on Mike and Antonio.

Mike: "Whoa! It's like dodgeball with teeth."

Splitface uses the body swarm on us while fighting. Splitface slashes Emily as she falls down.

Splitface: "MMM, you'll make a fine dessert."

Emily: "Wait, no."

Splitface takes Emily's spirit as well.

Jayden, Mia and Me: "Emily!"

Jayden: "What did you do to her?"

Me and Mia went to Emily while Jayden and the rest dealt with Splitface.

Mia: "Emily!"

Me: "Wake up, Emily! Are you okay?"

Splitface: "MMM-MMM, I have to say it – her spirit was delicious, and in 24 hours, it'll be mine forever."

Jayden: "Huh?"

Mike: "What?"

Antonio: "Forever?"

Me: "Impossible."

Splitface: "Of course, if you defeat me, you could have all their spirits back. But you won't have the chance because I'm heading back to the netherworld where no moral can follow."

Kevin: "Huh?"

Jayden: "What?"

Mia: "Guys, we've got to stop this creep."

Me: "And quick."

Splitface: "All of you try to enjoy your one last day with your friend, because I'm leaving and I won't be coming back."

Jayden: "No, we won't let that happen."

Kevin: "Yeah!"

Mike: "No way!"

Splitface: "Yes way! See ya."

Mike: "Wait! Get back here!"

Kevin: "You're not going anywhere."

Kevin and Mike attack Splitface but it uses the body swarm again.

Mike: "Watch out!"

Antonio blocked it just in time.

Antonio: "It's time to take you out."

Jayden jumped in as Antonio grabbed a disk and put it into his barracuda blade.

Splitface: "Body Swarm!"

Splitface uses body swarm again on Jayden and Antonio as Splitface went back to the nighlok that it's near the creak of the netherworld.

Splitface: "Have a nice day."

Splitface went back to the netherworld through a crack.

Jayden: "He's gone."

Kevin: "What do we do now?"

Mia: "Oh no, poor Emily. The sun's already setting."

Me: "Yeah and by this time tomorrow, she may never wake up again."

We demorphed and went back to the Shiba House to see that Emily is in the bed.

Mentor Ji: "54 people, including Emily, had their spirits stolen. Official hospital reports say that the patients are resting comfortably, but we know better."

Kevin: "I can't believe by tomorrow night, Emily and those people could stay asleep forever. We have to defeat that nighlok before that happen."

Mia: "But he said he won't leave the netherworld. What can we do?"

Mike: "We have to do something. No matter what it takes, we have to save her."

Me: "And we have to do it very quickly. Otherwise, we could lose a member."

Next day
I was sitting down in my bed in my room at the Shiba House writing a song. Out of nowhere, I hear Mike in the room with Mia and Emily.

Mike: "Emily Awake!"

I ran quickly to the room to see Emily awake.

Emily: "Sorry, guys. I let him get me."

Mike: "Don't be silly. We're just glad you're okay. Here."

Mike gives her a glass of water to drink it.

Emily: "Thanks for putting on the brave face for me, but I know I'm not okay. I feel empty."

Mia: "Don't worry. We'll figure it out."

Me: "We promise."

Jayden: "We're not going to let you down. We'll save you. Just hold on till then."

Emily looked at all of us but she went back to sleep.

Mia: "No! She's falling back to sleep."

Mike: "Emily!"

Mike ran unexpectedly. Mia, Kevin and Me went after him in the city. We see him in anger of slashing the crack.

Kevin: "Stop!"

Mia: "Calm down! That won't do anything."

Mike: "Then what should we do? Tell me. What should we do?"

Me: "Honestly. . ."

Jayden: "Mike!"

We see Jayden running toward us but he stops to see Deker in front of us.

Jayden: "You."

Deker: "It seems I have bad timing. I thought we could finally duel, but you were obviously preoccupied."

Jayden: "If you know that, then go away. I don't have time for your games, stranger."

Deker: "There is one way for humans like you to enter the netherworld."

Mike: "Really?"

Me: "How?"

Deker: "Simply trade your human existence to become a nighlok. Willingly give yourself over to them and pass through a gap."

Jayden: "Wait. Are you saying you made that choice?"

Deker: "I don't remember how it happened to me, but I'm living proof it can be done."

Deker turns to the half-nighlok as we are ready to fight.

Deker: "I welcome you to do it. You can then fight in ways no living human can. It'll make our impending duel even more glorious."

Deker jumped to a building to go away.

Mia: "Become a nighlok?"

All of us went to see the gap in front of us.

Mike: "I'll do it."

Me: "What?"

Jayden: "Wait — it's our mission to save the entire world. We can't just —"

Mike: "Then you stay behind. Emily's the best of us. She has the sweetest, most caring spirit, and I won't let the nighlok keep it."

Kevin: "Mike, I know how much you care about Emily, we all do, but remember it's our duty to protect and save the many —"

Mike: "What I want to save right now is Emily, and I'll do whatever it takes."

Mia: "We also need to save all those other poor people in the hospital. I'll go with you Mike."

Jayden: "No, we're a team. We'll all go."

Me: "Yeah."

We are about to go through the gap but Antonio stops us from going through the gap.

Antonio: "Wait, stop! Mentor told me you guys were here."

Jayden: "Antonio?"

Antonio: "I think I may be able to draw that nighlok back through the gap."

Mike: "For real? How?"

Antonio: "It will take a lot of symbol power — and the clawzord."

Antonio opens to see the clawzord coming out. Antonio put the claw zord to the ground while the rest of us had our spin swords ready to activate the claw zord. Antonio has his morpher ready.

Antonio: "Let's do this guys!"

All of us: "Symbol Power — Live!"

We all put in the claw zord as it gets bigger.

Antonio: "Again!"

We did it again as it got even more big.

Antonio: "More! We need more symbol power for it to fully activate."

We nodded at him.

Mike: "Live!"

Mia: "Live!"

Kevin: "Live!"

Me: "Live!"

Jayden: "Live!"

We slashed through the claw zord as it got even more bigger. All of us are ready to put more symbol power on the claw zord one last time.

All of us: "Live!"

We did it again to see the claw zord was already activated as the nighlok Splitface came through the gap and the claw zord punched it to the ground to put Splitface in front of us.

Splitface: "What's going on? What — what is that?"

Antonio: "That's my buddy claw zord. And he's new in town."

Splitface: "But I was in the netherworld. How'd you get me here?"

Antonio: "It's simple. When we came in contact, I marked your symbol — the same symbol I've been working with to program the claw zord."

Splitface: "What? You marked me?"

Antonio: "Yeah! And after I finish programming the claw zord, I just needed the other rangers to help me activate him. Once we did that, I knew you'd be drawn out of the netherworld just like a magnet. And it worked like a charm."

Splitface: "This is outrageous. I refuse to believe you can beat me like this. No, no, no."

Mike: "Shut your mouths. You're going to pay for what you did to Emily."

Me: "And all the other people in the city."

Mia: "It's time to end this."

Kevin: "We're going to take back every spirit you've stolen."

Jayden: "Enough talk."

Antonio: "It's time to light you up."

Splitface: "Like this."

He blasted at us as we already morphed.

Antonio: "Barracuda Blade!"

Splitface: "Body Swarm!"

Antonio jumped in to slashed him.

Splitface: "Wait. What's going on? Why can't I do the body swarm?"

Antonio: "Get with the program. You've been marked."

Splitface: "Well, I'm marking all of you for demolition."

Mike: "It's time to pay."

Splitface: "No, it's time. Later."

Splitface tried to get away.

Kevin: "You won't get away this time. Hydro Bow!"

Mia: "Sky Fan!"

Both weapons strike him as he is on the ground. Mike and I ran up to him.

Mike: "Forest Spear!"

Me: "Snow Karma!"

I slashed him as Mike got the grip on him.

Mike: "Alley-oop."

Mike uses the forest spear to put him to the sky.

Splitface: "Alley-oop?"

Jayden: "Fire Smasher!"

Jayden slashed him to destroy him.

Mike: "Yeah! Burst his bubbles."

Antonio: "Golden! We got him."

Splitface: "Think Again!"

Splitface is now a mega monster.

Splitface: "I'm going to delete your programs."

Mike: "Huh?"

Me: "No way."

Mia: "Without Emily, we can't combine into a megazord."

Antonio: "No problemo, Mia. Leave this to me. Claw Zord and I will close this deal."

Antonio went to mega mode and went into the claw zord. The claw zord uses the claw to pinch him and throw him.

Me: "Wow!"

Mike: "Whoo! That lobster really boils."

He summons giant moogers to try to destroy the claw zord and Antonio. It uses the claw spinners to spin some of the moogers down. The claw zord is now turned to the megazord. We see him and the claw zord struggling with the moogers.

Jayden: "Looks like Antonio needs our help. Isabella, Mike, Kevin, come on. I got the plan."

The plan was to blast some of the moogers away while in the Samurai Battlewing to help Antonio.

Me: "We're on it."

Me, Kevin and Mike get our folding zords out as we put our spin swords to the sky.

Me: "Panda Folding Zord."

Kevin: "Dragon Folding Zord."

Mike: "Bear Folding Zord."

Kevin, Mike and me: "Megamode Power! Ha!"

We jumped into the sky to get our mega blades. We get our swordfish zord, tiger zord, and beetle disks out.

Kevin: "Swordfish Zord!"

Me: "Tiger Zord!"

Mike: "Beetle Zord!"

We all get three zords out to combine the samurai battlewing.

Kevin, Mike and me: "Zords combine. Samurai battlewing, we are united."

Antonio: "Huh?"

The samurai battlewing blasts some of the moogers away.

Antonio: "Thanks, Mi Amigos."

Me: "You all clear, Antonio. Now take this battle in a new direction."

Antonio: "You got it!"

Antonoio uses the claw zord south to slash the remaining moogers and to fight Splitface on his own. Antonio finishes Splitface by claw pincher slash to destroy him once and for all. All of the spirits released as it's given back to the people including Emily.

Antonio: "Ooh! That was golden. And just in the nick of time."

Me: "Samurai Rangers, victory is ours."

We went back to the shiba house, demorphed. Mia and I grabbed Emily while the rest of the guys decorated Emily's birthday party.

Mia: "Come on."

Emily: "Mia and Bella, what's up? I'm fine now."

Me: "Emily, I know but you're about to get even better than that."

We went to Emily's birthday party. As Mia and I know, the guys including Mentor Ji are hiding somewhere in the room.

Emily: "What is all this?"

Kevin, Mike, Jayden and Antonio: "Surprise!"

Antonio: "Happy Birthday. Are you surprised?"

Emily: "MM-HMM."

Mike had the yellow envelope in his hands to give to Emily.

Mike: "It's from your sister."

Emily opens it to see it is a card from her sister.

Emily: "Happy birthday, my dearest sister. Miss you heaps. All my love, Serena."

Antonio covers her eyes using his hand to see the cake.

Antonio: "And what's a birthday without a cake?"

All of us see a cake that has Happy Birthday, Emily on it and the clawzord as well. Kevin looks confused.

Kevin: "Claw zord?"

Me: "I'm confused."

Antonio: "It's his birthday, too."

Emily: "You guys are the best."

Jayden: "No, Emily. Mike was right. You're the best. We're just so happy to see that you're okay. Today victory really is ours."

Mia gets the knife out to cut the cake.

Mia: "Who wants cake?"

Emily: "Oh, ah. . . you baked a cake?"

Mia: "No, sorry. We got this cake at Isabella's family bakery."

Emily: "I understand. You were busy. Let's dig in."

Kevin: "Blow out your candles."

Mia: "Make a wish first."

Emily blows out her candles as we celebrate her birthday.

Next Chapter: Double Trouble (Original Chapter)

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