A brother moment

Back at the bunker, Dean and Cas layed Sammy down in his room. They both kept close and waited for Sam to wake up. Dean was swimming in soo much guilt and Cas wanted to help but Dean had walked away from Cas' words, leaving the angel outside his brother's room while he left the bunker and sat on the hood of his car with a bottle of whiskey in his hands.

"I'm so soo sorry Sammy" , was the only thoughts running through Dean's head. "I am soo sorry."

Sam began to open his eyes slowly. Once his eyes focussed he reconginzed his bedroom. He turned his head towards the door and spotted Cas sitting. Cas had his head dropped in his hands and Sam put all the pieces together. He was dying and Dean called Cas for help. Sam looked back up at the ceiling and gave a big exhaile. Cas jumped to his feet and went straight to Sam's side.

Cas- "Sam?"

Sam at first didn't want to respond to Cas but his voice seem to be filled with panic and consured and Sam knew he should look at the thing that brought him back, the creature that stopped him from completing the single thing he has truly been after since Dean was ripped to pieces by Hellhounds. Sam looked over at the angel, his friend Castiel.

Sam- "Hey Castiel."
Sam's throat ached and he felt tired and still very weak. He looked down at his arms to see no marks, Cas clearly healed him all up and Sam knew by doing this it had drained Cas of his powers making him sick and weak, causing another member of his family pain. Sam closed his eyes at all the thoughts of this.

Cas- "Sam, how are you doing?''

Sam- "I'm good Cas."

Cas- "Sure you are. Sam?"

Sam- "Yeah Cas?"

Cas- " I believe I understand where you are coming from. Humans are the only ones that feel such profound pain but, Sam they also feel happiness and love and joy in the simple things in life and what you have here with your brother, with Dean it's something special right?"

Sam- "Yeah Cas it is."

Cas- "So why would you willing to give up everthing you two have built?"

Sam- "Cas it's not that easy, it's..."

Cas- "Complicated."

Sam- "Yeah. Yeah it is, a lot. "

Cas- "Sam, when I got out of purgatory, I was full of guilt and pain like you and at a point in my life when I thought of going back up to Heaven and seeing what it had become, what I made of it, that I might kill myself."
Sam raised his eye brows, he didn't know of this and was very shocked to hear this. Sam didn't know how to truly respond to this.

Sam- "Cas..."

Cas- " So I do know what you have been through and what you are suffering and you are my friend Sam and I want to help in anyway possible."

Sam- "Thanks Cas, But I think you've helped enough."
Sam reached down and rubbed his wrist, then looked back up at Cas.

Cas- "Yes of course. I should probably tell Dean that you have woken."

Sam- "You know Cas, that would be nice but I would like a moment alone if you don't mind, then you can get Dean."

Cas-" Are you sure that's wise? Sam I..."

Sam- "Please Cas just a minute, just one minute man."

Cas- "Sure."

Cas left the room and stood out Sam's room for a second then went off to locate Dean. Cas finally found him outside and could tell that Dean had been beating himself up about this.

Cas- "Dean, Sam has awoken."

Dean- "Thanks Cas."
Dean got up and began to walk away from Cas when Cas grabed his arm. Dean stopped and turned to face his friend. For the first few seconds they just stood there not saying a word. Dean's eyes didn't meet Cas' right away.

Cas- "Dean."

Dean- "Yeah?"

Cas- "Sam, he's umm..."

Dean- "A mess."

Cas- "Yes but it is understandable what he has been through."

Dean- "Understandable? He did this to himself!"

Cas- "Yes but Dean..."

Dean- "There is no buts Cas! This is serious and he almost went through with it when I... I just having a hard time forgetting this mess of a situation. And now what? What do I do? What do I say that could make this whole thing better? Cas what is the right answer?"

Cas-"I don't think there is one Dean. I think you need to be pactient with Sam and listen to his words. Try to understand where he is coming from and..."

Dean-"Where he is coming from?! What about me!?! How do you think I feel about this?"

Cas-"Probably how most would. Confussed, hurt, mad, sad and maybe guilty, but Dean this isn't your fault, just as it wasn't the angels fault when I destroyed Heaven. It is a matter of will Dean. Now go, go speak with your brother."

Dean- "Thanks Cas.''

Cas-"Don't mention it, just think of Sam."

Dean- "Yeah. I'm still pissed and owe him a serious beatdown but yeah we'll be fine Cas, just take care of yourself, alright Cas?"

Cas-"Yes. Bye Dean."

Cas left and Dean went back inside the bunker. He slowly walked to Sam's room. He knocked on the door but he didn't need Sam's permission to enter cause he would have entered even if Sam said go away. Dean pushed the door open and found Sam sitting on his bed with his head down. Sam didn't even move an inch from where he was. Dean closed the door behind him and looked at his brother for a moment.

Dean- "Sam."

Sam- "Yes."

Dean-"We need to talk."

Sam- "I know."

Dean walked over to the bed and sat beside Sam. Dean had all this hate and anger inside him but he also had fear and panic for Sammy too. He tried to remember what Cas said to him, to be calm and pactient, so Dean exhilaed and tried to keep his voice in a low tone and try don't to upset Sam more than he already was.

Dean- "What happened tonight..."

Sam-"It shouldn't have happen."

Dean sighed with relief, maybe Sammy just wasn't thinking clearly and was upset about their conversation earlier and just got drunk and wasn't thinking clearly, well this is what Dean wished for anyways. Dean didn't know when this all really started. How much Sammy was struggling. What went wrong?
Sammy was always struggling and fighting and this was his way to fight no longer. Dean looked at his brother and wished he saw the boy he used to see, soo young and innocent and knew nothing evil in this world. There wasn't nothing he didn't believe he couldn't do and Dean feared that, that little boy, his tiny little brother might be gone for good and all of his smiles and happiness changed and made this new person in front of him, that just a few hours ago was soo done with his life, that he thought killing himself was the only answer. Dean looked into Sam's eye and to his surprised he saw his tiny brother barried in the darkness where he couldn't see the light.

Dean- "Talk to me."

Sam-" I, I was ready to die Dean."

Dean- "Yeah I got that. Why?"

Sam- "It's complicated man."

Dean- "Well tough! I need you to be safe Sam!"

Sam turned and looked at Dean. Sam shocked his head at his big brother.


Sam-"When are we ever safe Dean? Our whole lives we were never safe and our lives were complicated and very dangerous and I just felt there wasn't anything to do about changing that and I was just done with it all, okay?"

Dean- "You told me you see a way out, you see a light at the end of this ugly ass tunnel,"

Sam-"Yeah I did, Dean and you've always directed me from that, that dream of mine to live a normal life. You saved my life over and over again, scarificing everything for me. Your my big brother so please try to understand why..."

Dean- "Why?! Are you kidding me!? Sam, I have only ever done is protect you and this..."

Sam- "This, This I was doing for you, Dean."

Dean looked confussed at Sam, how was killing himself going to benefit Dean in anyway.

Dean- "Oh come on Sam! For me? How could any of this be for me? Having you dead is the worst thing I could ever dream of!!"

Sam- "Dean..."

Dean- "No! Sam no!"

Sam- "Something is broken here Dean, I'm not fixable and never going to be okay and this, this was just"

Dean- "What?! What was this!?! No seriously Sam please tell me!"

Dean looked at his brother. He could tell that Sam was hurting and was beginning to get more upset, to possibly the point of sheading a tear and Dean realized he didn't listen to a single word Cas had said to him. He was yelling at a broken Sam and it wasn't helping no one by this.

Sam- "You. You think your my savior, my big strong brother the hero who is never wrong about anything. All this, everything: the pain, the guilt and the suffering, I was trying to protect you. I am past saving Dean and everything that I have ever done, its always been a mistake and I was just..."

Dean- "Hold on hold on! Sam, listen we are family, and the pain comes with this job, our family its a lot sometimes but we both need to be here. We can't fight this fight alone and I can't...I can't do this on my own. Sammy, your my brother and it's my responsiblity to protect you no matter what and this was me protecting you from yourself. So...we are going to stick together and fight this thing through cause that...that was not your out, you can't leave like that!"

Sam- "Dean."

Dean- "No wait. We have been through a lot of crap our whole lives and I promised you I would always be by your side and watch over you."

Sam- "And that's the problem Dean. You are always there second guessing me, keeping a super close eye on me and every time I do. Something you disagree with, you give me hell over it and our relationship suffers from it, cause of me. All I have ever done was be your little brother! I would do anything for you and this was just one of those things!"

Dean- "No Sam, it wasn't. Sammy you gotta understand that..."

Sam- "That what Dean? That I'm a screw up!"

Dean- "Sam wait!"

Sam- "That I have let you down soo many times that I am not trustworthy of you!
A tear ran down Sam's check and Dean felt soo bad for Sammy.

Sam- "That you always watch out for me, waiting for me to screw up and for you to save the day. I'm tired Dean. And you want me to follow you and do what you believe is right and trust that you will always make the right decisions but this, this was my decision, mine! I have never fit in, anywhere and I've always been there for you, I never gave up after the accient with dad, I believed in you and stuck by your side. I tried everything to save you from Hell, I searched for months to save you, I found that faith healer to save you cause your my big brother and I love ya and I would do anything for you. Dean I went to Hell for you, to protect and save you from me, and you view every single thing I do as a mistake."

Dean- "No I don't!!"

Sam- "Yes! Yes you do. Cause you think your the best and the one who is always right but your not and I've been broken Dean for a long time and it takes something like this for you to actually see how broken I am and most of it leads back to you."

Dean- "Sammy we have been through soo much and I need you to see me now, see me by your side and willing to do anything for you, cause I love you soo much. I love you more than life itself and I would burn down this whole world if it meant that you were safe and alive. Man I'm sorry."

Sam- "It's okay Dean."

Dean- "No it's not Sammy. Not in the slitest. I mean what would I have done if you died, or if I didn't wake up when I did. I would be out of my freaking mind. Sam your my brother and no matter what happens around or between us that is never going to change...ever and I you to see that and understand."

Sam- "I do. And I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for ever thinking that you would be better off without me. Your my big brother and you have always been there for me and I should have known this time it wouldn't be any different. So for that I'm sorry. Can you forgive Dean?"

Dean- "Sam. You don't need forgiveness. You were hurt and lost and I should have been there to see it."

Sam- "Dean.''

Dean moved closer to Sammy and gives him a hug. Sam raises his arms up and around Dean and hugs him back. The brothers stay that way for minutes. Tears well up in both of their eyes as they share each other's pain in this hug. After they break the just sit together in silence and finally Sammy get tired and falls asleep and Dean quitely watches him all night, making sure his little brother was alright.

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