Chapter 4

        Dean slowly opened his eyes. He had fallen asleep in the cahir next to Sammy's bed side. Dean blinked and yawn and sat up to see a nurse looking at Sam's monitors. Dean rubbed the sleep out if his eyes and sat straight up.

Dean- " is he?"

Nurse- "Nothing has changed in his status. I'm sorry."

Dean watched him turned and leave the room. Dean sat forward and grabbed Sammy's hand. Dean could feel that Sam's temperature has went down since the last time he touched him. Dean watched Sammy sleeping silently and his chest rising and falling.

Dean stood up and pulled his phone out of his pocket and punched in his dad's number. The phone ranged and went straight to voice mail.

John voicemail- "This is John WInchester...."

Dean closed the phone and shoved it back in his pocket and paced around the room before he sat back down. He then pulled the phone back out and decided to give his father one more call. The phone ranged and went back to his dad's voicemail but Dean left him a message this time.

Dean- "Dad, it's Dean. I've left you messages about Sam. He is really sick dad, and we need you here...I need you. I can't...So when you get this...get here alright we are at the St. Josph hospital on West avenue and..."


Dean closed his eyes and shut the phone. He held the phone in his hand and tapped it against his forehead. He looked up and watched Sam lay in the hospital bed. Sam was pale and thin and looked soo tiny in the bed. His chest rose and fell slowly. Dean leaned back and just wished Sammy would be alright. He knew that he couldn't do this without Sam, he couldn't and he wouldn't.

Suddently some alarms began to go off and Sam's body began to shake. Dean jumped up onto his feet and rushed out of the room looking for all and any help for his brother.

Dean- "Help! Help me! Please!! I need someone's help in here! Help!!!"

Soon nurses and doctors flooded the room and Dean got shoved towards the back of the room. He watched them work all over Sam. All the nosies and voices in the room went into a blur as Dean total focus was on his lillte baby brother Sammy. Sam's body began to twist and shake. Sam's legs were kicking out and his hands gripped tightly to the sheets on the bed,

Dean- "What's happening?"

A doctor- "Get him out of here!"

A nurse moved closer towards Dean and tried to pushed him out of the door. Dean shoved back but eventually allowed himself to be shoved outside into the hallway cause even though he didn't want to leave his brother's side but he also knew that they had to do their work and needed him out of the way.

Dean paced the hallway and worried a lot about Sam. As he left the room he got a last glimps of Sammy' shaking and clearly in a lot of pain and there wasn't anything that he could do to help his little brother. Suddently Dean's phone buzzed in his pocket. He reached down quickly for it but had trouble getting it out of his pocket cause his hands were shaking soo badly with all the fear that he held up inside himself. He pulled the phone and saw that he had a text mesage from his father. It was coordiants.

"He...was...on" Dean thought. Dean was soo pissed at his dad. "How could his dad just skip town and go on a new hunt after all the messages he had left him about Sammy?!"

Dean finally stopped paceing the halls and leaned against the wall and slid down it to the ground. He brought his knees to his chest and barried his head. Tears formed in his eyes but before they could escape his eyes the door to Sam's room opened up and the nurses and Doctors came out. Dean pushed himself up off the ground and placed his shaking hands into his pocket. Dean then saw the doctor he talk to earlier about Sammy.

Dean- ''Doc? How is he??"

Doctor Stone- "Well we have him stable at the moment but we will not know how he will be until he wakes up."

Dean- "And when do you think that'll be doc?"

Doctor Stone- "It's hard to say. All we can do now is wait for Sam to wake up. Exscuse me, I need to make my rounds."

Dean- "Yeah...okay."

Dean lowered his head and the doctor walked away from him. Dean exhaled right before he entered Sammy's hospital room. Sam looked worst than he did before. He looked paler which Dean had no idea how that was even possible. Dean sat down next to Sam and grabbed his hand and held it tight. As soon as Dean's hand touched Sam's skin he felt how warm he was. His fever had returned. Dean laid his hand on top of Sammy's head and closed his eyes. He ran his hand through his brother's hair and then went over and sat back down. He closed his eyes he only wanted was Sammy to be alright and all of this felt like a horrible nightmare that he just wanted to wake you from. First Sammy and now his dad and he felt like he was going to lose his mind. So he pulled out his phone and called the only person he knew would answer him. The phone ranged and he held his breath waiting, He exhaled when he heard the other man's voice on the other line of the phone.

Bobby- "Dean? You alright son?"

Dean- "Yeah."

Bobby- "I senes a but."

Dean- "It's Sam Bobby. He's in the hospital in a coma and..."

Bobby- "Where's John?"

Dean- "He's on a case."

Bobby- "Does he know about Sam, Dean? Dean?''

        Dean had stop listening for a moment and closed his eyes. He was soo freaked out about Sammy. Bobby's voice broke Dean out of his thoughts.

Dean- "Yeah? I umm..left him a few messages but nothin'. Bobby, I...I'm worried about Sammy. He's not...not doin' so well and I..."

Bobby- "It's alright son. I'll be right there, just...just stay calm and stay with Sammy. Alright boy?"

Dean- "Okay Bobby."

        Their call ended and Dean sat back down and awaited for Bobby to show up at the hospital. Dean looked up at Sam and shock his head,

Dean- "It's okay Sammy. It's all gonna be okay...I promise you."

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