Chapter 1

        John WInchester just finishes packing up his bag and heads out the door on a hunt. Sam and Dean stay behind in the motel and do some more research before they join up on the hunt with their father. After a few hours of getting information, John calls Dean and tells him and Sam to just stay behind that he has found the thing and can and will handle it all on his own.

Dean comes back with some food and he and Sam eats their dinner then head to bed. In the middle of the night Sam begins to toss and turn in his sleep. He clunches the sheets of the bed really tight and begins to kick with his legs. Dean is fast and sound asleep in the bed next to Sam.
Sam turns his head and begins to whisper in his sleep.

Sam- "No,"

Sam turns over onto his side and he continues to have a bad dream.
In Sam's dream he is seeing a sliver blade and he watches it over and over stab a man in the gut. Sam sees the blade pull slowly out and watched the blood drip from it. He gets these flashes over and over and then the knife coming down over him. He sits up in bed with a jolt and he is in a cold sweat. As he jumps up he screams.

Sam- "Nooo!!"

Dean in the bed next to him seats up quickly, hand on a small blade that was stashed under his pillow.

Dean- "What?! What is it?!"

Sam is dazed for a few minutes. He can't fully focus his eyes on the motel room. He turns his head to face the door and he sees the man get stabed again. He reached up and grabed his head.
Dean throws the sheets off of himself and makes his way over towards Sam. As he grabes Sam's shoulder, Sam jumps at his touch and he sees his big brother's face.

Dean- "Hey, easy there. What's with you?"

Sam- "Nothing."

Dean- "Seemed more than nothin'. You what to talk about it?"

Sam- "It?"

Dean- "Yeah, whatever the hell that was. You were screaming in your sleep pal."

Sam- "It was just a bad dream, I swear. Nothin' more."

Dean- "You sure?"

Sam- "Yeah I'm fine. Go back to sleep."

Dean- "Alright."

        Dean looks back over at Sam. He watches his brother's movements. He reaches up for his head as if it is hurting him but slowly turns to look over at Dean who is watching him.

Sam- "I'm fine Dean."

Dean- "Okay, just get some rest, alright."

Sam- "Yeah."

Dean looks at Sammy as he lays down slowly. Dean slides the blade back under his pillow and lays back down and falls back to sleep, while Sam just stares at the wall.

        Hours pasted and Sam sat up with another jolt in bed from having the same nightmare. He throws the sheets off him and gets on his labtop and tries anything to get his mind off what he has been dreaming. Dean rolls over and sees Sam's bed empty. He sits up and his eyes meet Sammy sitting at the table, eyes glued on the computer screen.

Dean- "Hey."
Dean clears his throat and he scares Sam who jumps hearing his voice. Dean raises his eye brows at this.

Dean- "Whoo, you okay?"

Sam clears his throat and nodds his head and continues to look at his computer.

Dean- "So, did dad call?"

Sam- "No, nothin' yet, why, you worried?"

Dean- "Nah."

Dean walks over and looks at what his little brother is looking at. He sees photos from newspaper articles of different stabed victims. Dean looks questionally at his little brother.

Dean- "What the hell are you looking at that for?"

Dean's words breaks Sammy out of his focus and looks up at Dean in question.

Sam- "What?"

Dean points to the screen and gives Sam a look. Sam understands what Dean asked and rolls his eyes and closes his labtop.

Sam- "Nothin', Might be a case."

Dean walks away from Sam and grabs a soda and pops it open and sits down on the edge of his bed.

Dean- "A case?'re looking for a case? We haven't even rapped this one up yet and you are already looing for another one. What gives?"

Sam- "Nothing it's just..."

At that moment Dean's phone rings and he quickly grabs it. He holds the phone towards Sam, letting him know that it is their father.

Dean- "Dad, where are you?"

Sam watches and waits for an answer and watches his brother mentally turn on a switch in his brain from big brother to obendent soilder son.

Dean- "Yes sir. Yeah I understand, okay bye."

Sam- "Well what did he want?"

Dean tossed the phone on the bed and got up. He began to throw some clothes on and he headed towards the motel door.

Sam- "Dean?!"

Dean didn't answer Sam or even look over at him. He continued towards the door. Sam stood up suddently to head after Dean but he got a sharp pain in his head and lost his balance. He blinked a few times and he was light-headed and the floor under his feet started spinning. He gasped in pain which got Dean's attention right away. He tried to straighten himself up but doubled over, sending panic in Dean.

Dean- "Sam!?"

Dean raced over towards his little brother who was now on the ground. He held his head tight and his eyes closed tightly. Dean kneeled down next to him, hand on shoulder.

Dean- "Sam! Sam talk to me!"

Sam- "Dean-"
Sam gasped, he was still laying on the ground. He opened his eyes to only close them back. The room was spinning soo quickly around him and he continued to get a very sharp pain in his head.

Dean- "Sammy?!"

Sam's breathing had gone fast and shallow; he was so dizzy and weak that he couldn't lift himself up.
Sam- "I...can't.."
Sam gasped and reached his hand out and meet Dean's.

Dean- "Sam, Sam what is it?!"

Sam opened his eyes and looked up at his big brother. He gripped his head tightly and Dean nodded. Dean gripped his brother's shoulders tightly and pulled him off the ground. As soon as Sam was up right his knee buckled under him and his body would have hit the floor if Dean wasn't holding onto him .He closed his eyes again for the room was spinning faster once more. Dean lead Sam over to the bed and sat him down. Sam sat down on the edge and bent over, holding his head in his hands. He began to sway back and force. Dean who was sitting right nexts to him reached over and laid his hand on his baby brother's back.

Dean- "Hey-hey-hey, Sammy? Sam?"

Sam exhaled and opened his eyes and leaned back to face his brother. When Sam did this he could see that he had lost all color in his face.

Dean- "What's wrong?"

Sam justed closed his eyes and Dean reached up to his brother's forehead.
Sam could feel Dean's hand on his forehead and he inhaled sharply. Sammy squeezed his eyes and swallowed and he felt Dean's arm lower.

Sam could feel sweat rolling down his neck and knew that Dean must have felt his temperature was high.

Dean- "Damnit Sam, you're burning up."

Sam gave a small nodd and laid back on the bed. He felt the weight of the bed shift as Dean moved around.

Dean- "Are you shaking 'cause your cold? Or what?"

Sam brought his arms up to his chest and kept his eyes close. The air around him was tight and he felt this weight of tiredness fall upon him. Sam remained still and focused on trying to not think about getting sick. He felt sick to his stomach and the last thing he wanted to do right now was get sick. A moment later he felt a sheet fall over his body. He felt soo weak that he couldn't open his eyes or speak to Dean.

Dean- "Okay, just relax Sammy. Everything will be alright, okay."

Dean stayed quite after that and then sat nexts to Sam on the bed. Sam moved his head over and opened his eyes just a crack to see his big brother. Dean gave him a small smile when he saw Sammy's eyes. He reached over and patted him on the shoulder. Sam turned his head back over and closed his eyes as his headache got worst.

Sam soon fell asleep and Dean just sat by in silence and kept a very close eye on his little brother. Dean then wiped Sam's hair back from his face.

Dean- "Your gonna be okay Sammy."

Dean whispered and watched Sam's chest fall and rise slowly. He nodded his head and ran his hand over his face and watched his brother. Sam was very pale and and his eyes were pinkish color. Sam's body gave a small jolt and his legs kicked out and Dean watched his brother's boy shake a few more mintues before he settled down. He contined to sleep and Dean felt his head.

His body temperature felt like it had gotten warmer and Dean lean down next to Sammy and brushed his hair.

Dean- "I'm here. You're fine Sammy, just fine. Relax lil brother, relax Sammy."

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