"It's morning, Pete. They are still not back." Anita expressed her concern.

"Quit worrying. I'm sure that they are fine. Now, get your ass inside the bathroom and get ready for the gym session." Pete said, nudging her.

"But Pete-" Anita started.

"No, Nita. Why are you worried, huh? They are adults. They know what's wrong and what's right. They are skilled fighter as well. They can protect each other and themselves and they have bodyguards as well." Pete said, irritated by her constant worrying.

Anita sighed and look at Pete.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll meet you at the gym." Anita said.

"Thank you." Pete said, exasperated.

Anita wore her gym wear and went to gym for some workout.

After some workout and sparring with P'Chan, Pete and Arm, Anita took a shower and got ready for the day.

In The Evening

Anita went towards the main room. She saw Big and Ken at one side Pete, Arm and Pol the other. She went towards her friends.

"Is Khun Kinn back yet?" Anita asked.

"No." Pol shook his head.

"Khun Kim is here." Pete informed, hesitantly.

Anita took a deep breath and sighed.

"Good for him." Anita said and left.

Anita was on her way to Kinn's room when someone pulled her into a room. Anita flipped the person over her shoulder but they landed managed to land perfectly on their feet and twisted Anita's arm and pinned her to the wall.

"Hey, babydoll. Miss me?"

"Kim." Anita whispered angrily.

Kim smiled and let her go. He closed the door and went towards Anita.

"Have you lost your mind. I could've shot you instead of flipping!" Anita exclaimed.

Kim pulled her close by her waist.

"Khotod na. Yesterday, you left without saying anything. I was looking for you." Kim said.

"I had an event to attend and you were already informed about that." Anita said, without any emotion on her face.

Kim chuckled and leaned in. His lips hovered over Anita's lips.

"You have no idea of the effect you have on me. I yearn for you and crave for you but I still can't be near you." Kim said, his eyes holding emotions of pain and longingness.

"And who's fault is that? You can't face your father. You can't tell him the truth. If only you would confess, we can be together. But no. Let me go." Anita said, wiggling out of his grasp.

Kim held her wrist and pulled her towards him again. He kissed her feverishly. He poured all his emotions in that kiss. A tear rolled down his eyes. Oh, how much he missed her and still miss her whenever he was alone. 

Anita couldn't resist her feelings and kissed Kim back with equal intensity. She let out a moan when Kim bit her lower lip. Kim slipped his toungue in and explore every corner of her mouth. He opened top two buttons of her shirt. Anita wrapped her legs around his waist and he pinned her to the wall. Kim started kissing her down the neck. He reached her sweet spot which earned him a sweet and killer moan from Anita. 

Anita felt the immense pleasure when Kim bit her sweet spot. Kim's hand went from her waist to her breast. He pinched her hardend nipples over her shirt causing Anita's hip to jerk forward. Her clothed core met with the boner in the Kim's pants.

Before they could take this any further, the door slammed open and a concerned Pete came in the room. His eyes widened when he saw the position Kim and Anita were in. Anita and Kim straightned their dresses. Pete coughed.

"Uhh.. sorry Khun Kim and Nita but I saw Nita on the cctv being pulled into this room so I thought she was in danger. Also, Khun Kinn and Porsche are home and Khun Kinn is calling you. Both of you." Pete informed and ran out of the door fast.

Anita and Kim look at each other and went towards Kinn's room. Kinn invited them in.

"You guys met already?" Kinn asked.

"Yeah, we met in the hallway and Pete told us you were looking for both of us." Kim lied.

"Yeah. Last time I saw you guys together when you were in a relationship. Are you two back together?" Kinn asked.

"No. We're not back together." Anita said.

"Oh. Anyway, I called you both for different reasons. First, I would like to talk to Kim. Lia, can you give us some privacy?" Kinn asked.

Anita nodded and went outside where she met with Pete.

"You guys are wild." Pete said.

"Shh! Keep your voice down." Anita shushed him.

"Sorry, I thought you were kidnapped. I was looking for you and when I couldn't, I asked Arm to find you at the security camera. When I saw you being pulled in one of the room, I rushed in only to see you and Khun Kim in a very compromising position. Next time, please be more careful." Pete said.

Anita gave him a mischievous smile and shrugged her shoulder. Kim came out if the room and told Anita that Kinn was asking for her. She went in and saw Kinn sitting on the couch.

"I have an confession to make. Porsche and I kinda had sex last night." Kinn confessed.


"Well, he started it." Kinn defended himself.

"You were aware that he was drugged with Aphrodisiac, right? It increases the sexual desire of a person and you do not have a sex with a person who was drugged. It's rape. He/she are not in their senses. They will do anything to have a release. I remember sending you the result of the drug test." Anita told him.

"I did try to hold myself but it just happened, you know." Kinn said

"You raped my bestfriend." Anita whispered in a shock.

"I didn't." Kinn defended.

"You did. He was not in his senses. You should've tried harder to control yourself." Anita shouted at Kinn.

"Keep your voice down. I didn't rape your bestfriend." Kinn said again.

"Did he regret it in the morning? Did he look at you and said that he enjoyed it?" Anita asked.

"Yes. He did regret it and I took him to the doctor and he told me that I was quite rough with him." Kinn explained, embarrassed.

Anita took deep breaths. Her mind wander to 2 years back and the treatment she received. Kinn touched her shoulder but Anita jerked away from him like he just burned her with his touch.

"Stay away from me, Hia. I can't even look at you right now." Anita said, disgust was quite visible on her face.

Anita ran away, leaving a very hurt and guilty Kinn behind. She reached her room and took deep breaths to calm herself down. She noticed Porsche sleeping on the couch. She caressed his head and went to her own room.

Next Morning,

"Nita." Pete called out, nervously.

Anita hummed as she was busy overlooking some files and preparing blueprints for the upcoming events.

"Khun Kinn gave Porsche punishment for being drunk on duty." Pete informed. 

Anita stopped her work and looked at Pete. Pete gulped hard when he noticed her calm expression but her eyes, it held so much anger. The anger which can intimidate men like Khun Korn himself.

"I told him clearly that he was drugged. I gave him the reports as well." Anita said.

"He is receiving the punishment in gym." Pete said.

Anita got up and stomped towards Kinn's room.


Kinn flinched. He knew the information would reach her but he was not ready to face her wrath this soon.

"I had to punish him, Lia. Otherwise, everyone will think that I favour him over everyone else." Kinn explained, desperately.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You took advantage of a guy who was drugged and you raped him and now you'll punish him for being drunk on the duty when I clearly told you that he was drugged." Anita said.

"I didn't rape him." Kinn said, taking a step towards her.

Anita stopped him by showing him her hand palm.

"Don't come near me, I'll get besmirched." Anita said and left his room.

Anita rushed towards her room and saw Pete coming out of the bathroom.

"Is he in there?" Anita asked.

Pete nodded.

Anita went inside the bathroom and saw Porsche sitting on the sink. He raised his heads to find Anita staring at him. Porsche's eyes watered and Anita rushed to hug him. Porsche hugged her tightly and cried like baby in her embrace. A tear rolled down Anita's eyes because Porsche's sobs held agony and betrayal in them. 

"He took advantage of me, Nita." Porsche said.

Porsche started complaining about Kinn like a kid complain to his mother about something and Anita paid attention to everything he said. After 15 minutes, Porsche stopped crying but was still holding on to Anita for his dear life. Anita pushed him back lightly and filled a bowl with water and took a towel to soothe the burning scar on his chest.

"You're a mother figure to me do you know that? Even though, you're younger than me." Porsche said.

Anita smiled and look at him. Porsche noticed her eyes held kindness, love, care and adoration.

"The scar that Kinn gave me, I'll never be able to forget it." Porsche said.

"I understand how you feel." Anita said.

"You don't." Porsche said, sadly.

"I'm going to show you something." Anita said, seriously.

Porsche nodded. Anita removed her jacket and shirt and lastly her tank top. Porsche saw that on her stomach the word 'WHORE' was written and it seems someone used a knife to write it. 

"I was 19 years old. I was returning from the cemetery. I was there to visit my father. On my back, 4 men made a circle around me and started fighting with me. I defeated them but what I didn't realise that another member of their gang was behind me and he knocked me out. I woke up on a bed. My hands were tied and I was half naked. Those men and their bosses wanted revenge from Theerapanyakul family. They raped me. They video called Khun Korn and engraved this word on my stomach. I almost died. I was told by P'Chan that the doctor had no hope that I would survive, but I did. You know why I admire P'Chan so much despite that I flirt with him? Because he was the one who notice that I was gone when I didn't return for 1 hour. He was the one who stayed by my side when I was in the hospital." Anita said.

Porsche looked at the girl who was 2 years younger than her and has gone through worse than him.

"What I'm trying to say is these physical scars eventually fade but the mental trauma that comes with it will never ever fade. You have to live with them eventually." Anita explained.

"Now, get dressed. You still have to report to duty. I want to strangle the shit out of Khun Kinn but I can't." Anita said.

Anita smiled at Porsche and kissed his cheeks and left the washroom. After a while, Porsche came to her and asked if she wanted to go to Yok's bar with the guys. Anita had a lot of work so she refused.

"Are you this busy that you don't even visit me now?" 

Anita raised her head to see P'Chan standing there.

"You made Khun Kinn punish Porsche." Anita said.

"Discipline is important." P'Chan said.

"Yeah. But he was not drunk. He was drugged. I gave you the reports." Anita argued.

"Exactly, he was careless." P'Chan argued back.

"Look at this, hubby. Our first fight." Anita said, smirking.

P'Chan shook his head with a small smile on his face and left the room. Anita smiled and focused back on her work. In the night, Ken came to her.

"Hello, fellow head bodyguard." Ken said, smirking.

"You're not head bodyguard. Porsche is." Anita said, still focused on her work.

"No, Khun Kinn just made me the Head Bodyguard." Ken said.

Anita looked up at Ken and punched him in the throat and left the room.

"Have you finally fucking lost your mind?" Anita asked, vexed.

"Good evening, Lia." Kinn greeted.

"No. I will not share the head bodyguard post with Ken. Why can't Big be the head bodyguard now? He is healed. Anyone but Ken." Anita said, annoyed.

"Big is still not healed. Ken is capable of protecting me." Kinn said.

"And why did you remove Porsche? Because he went against you? Or is it because now he looks at you with disgust?" Anita asked.

"I removed him because he was careless." Kinn said.

Anita rolled her eyes.

"I will not share the head bodyguard role with Ken. He is an asshole. He is a stupid motherfucking asshole. I would rather die than to work with Ken." Anita said.

"Fine. Ken will be my only head bodyguard from now on." Kinn said, smirking.

Anita looked at him with shock. She said nothing though. She just nodded. Kinn realised what he just said. He regretted saying that.

"Maybe, P'Vegas was right. I do let you guys walk all over me. From now on, I don't fucking care if you are injured or in danger or fucking dead. I'll be transferring myself to take care of Khun Tankhun. Good fucking bye, Khun Kinn." Anita said.

Anita left and slammed the door. She directly went to P'Chan's room.

"I'm no longer Khun Kinn's head bodyguard. Transfer me to be Khun Tankhun's bodyguard."

"What? Why? Did you he do something?" P'Chan asked.

P'Chan knew that Kinn and Anita often had fights because of having different point of views but she never barged into his room to tell him that she wanted transfer.

"He just can't handle the truth." Anita said.

"Come with me." 

P'Chan took her to Khun Korn and Anita told him everything.

"Why do you not want to work with Ken?" Khun Korn asked.

"Because he hits on me, Khun. He makes sexist remarks when I reject him. He thinks I'm a bodyguard here because of my father and I have no skills. He thinks he is better than me. My friends have to physically stop me from beating the shit out of him or to kill him." Anita explained.

"I'm going to tell you one thing, Look sao khang chan. I know you have different opinion than Kinn which every brother and sister have. If you want to get transferred to Tankhun, there will be no action. You'll just be taking care of him. And I know you. You want the thrill. Just like your father. You are the one who is youngest here and most qualified. I'll give three days off. Think about it." Khun Korn said, caressing her head.

(Look sao khang chan :- My daughter)

Anita smiled and went away from there. She reached her room and ranted everything to Pete.

"Well, atleast you got three days off. Porsche too wants to get transferred to Khun Tankhun. He will talk about his tomorrow." Pete informed.

"I don't blame him." Anita said, sighing.

Pete and Anita talked for a while and eventually went to their respective rooms to sleep.

Next Morning,

Porsche went to talk to Khun Korn and he gave him a week off to think about his decision.

"So, you're going back to your brother?" Anita asked.

"Yeah. Do you want to come with me?" Porsche asked.

"I would love to." Anita said and smiled.

Anita got ready and went with Porsche. Anita and Porsche were both outside his house and saw Porchay playing guitar on the swings. Anita took a glance at Porsche and saw his eyes were filled with love and adoration. Porsche opened the gate whoch caught his attention and the second he saw his brother, he abandoned the guitar and ran towards him and hugged. He kissed his cheeks and started jumping in his embrace. 

"How are you, Hia?" Porschay asked.

"I missed you so much. You know so much has happened and-" Porchay stopped.

Porchay noticed a girl standing with her brother and he immediately blushed.

"Porchay, meet my fellow co worker, Anita." Porsche introduced her.

"Hello, Porchay. I heard so much about you." Anita said, sweetly.

"Hello, Phi." Porchay said.

Anita forwaded her hand for a shake but the boy had some other ideas. He hugged her the same way he hugged his brother. Anita chuckled and wrapped her arm around the boy. She planted a kiss on the crown of his head. Porsche smiled at their exhange.

"Come inside. I'll show you around." Porchay said and dragged her inside with him.

Porchay gave him a tour of his house and finally took her to his room. She saw Kim's photos there. Anita groaned internally. The guy's everywhere. 

"You're a fan of Wik?" Anita asked.

"You know Wik? I love his songs. He is my idol." Porchay said.

"Yeah. I, very fortunately, know Wik." Anita said sarcastically.

"Really?" Porchay asked not getting her sarcasm.

"Yeah, I worked for him." 

'And fucked him.' Anita thought.

"Really? I also know Wik. He's giving me classes. Music classes. I want to study music in university. He's helping me." Porchay informed her.

"Is he now? He's very helpful." Anita said with a fake smile.

"Come on, Phi. Let's go to kitchen. I'm hungry." Porchay said and dragged her with him again towards the kitchen.

"Sure kid. Let's go." Anita said.

Porsche prepared noodles. He fed Porchay his lunch and Porchay fed him occasionally. Anita smiled at their interaction. She was about to take another bite when she noticed Porsche and Porchay's fork was near her. They both wanted to feed her. She laughed and first ate from Porchay's fork and then from Porsche's. She also offered them a bite. After helping them clean the kitchen, Anita went to Porsche who was sitting on the sofa with Porchay.

"I'll leave now, Porsche." Anita said.

Porsche and Porchay both stood up.

"Spend the night with us, Phi." Porchay said.

"I would but I don't have anything to wear at night, sweetie." Anita said.

"Wear my clothes. Please, stay the night. You can leave tomorrow. I'll not stop you." Porchay pleaded.

Anita sighed and looked at their expectant faces. She nodded and the boys cheered. 

Anita's phone started ringing.

"I'll get it for you, Phi." Porchay said and ran towards the kitchen.

"Thank you for staying the night with us., Nita." Porsche said and hugged her.

Porchay came back and gave her the phone. Kinn was calling her. She cut the call and joined the brothers in their fun.

In the evening, Porchay and Anita were in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

"Have had any relationship?" Porchay asked.

"Yeah, one." Anita said.

"How does it feel to be in one?" Porchay asked.

"I don't really know. It didn't last long." Anita lied.


"Why are you asking? Do you like someone?" Anita asked with a mischievous smile.

"Yes. But don't tell Hia." Porchay said.

"Okay. I won't tell him. What's the name of the person you like?" Anita asked.

"First promise me you won't judge me." Porchay said.

"Yes, sweetie. I won't judge you." Anita promised.

"His name is Macau." Porchay confessed.

"Oh. Is he a good guy?" Anita asked.

Porchay was happy that she didn't judge him but he doesn't know that Anita already was planning his and Macau's wedding in her mind.

Anita spent the night and the next morning with Kittisawasd brothers. In afternoon, she finally said goodbye to brothers.

"Bye, Phi. Visit soon." Porchay said.

Anita hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"See you soon." Anita said to Porsche.

Anita travelled to Pete's house and met his grandmother. She made Anita some spicy food and she finally bid adieu to Pete's grandma at 9 in the night. It took her 2 hours to reach the mansion. 

The minute she reache there, a very concernen and panicked P'Chan came to her and took her to Khun Korn.

"Boss, Khun Kinn's GPS is moving out of Bangkok." P'Chan informed.

"Have you tried calling him?" Khun Korn asked.

"We couldn't reach him." Anita said.

"Take the best men out there, as soon as possible. Anita go with him." Khun Korn ordered.

"Yes, sir." P'Chan and Anita said and rushed out.

Anita, Arm, P'Chan and Anurak (driver) were in the car and Big and Ken were on the bikes.

"Khun Kinn's GPS is in that truck." Arm pointed at the truck in front of them.

"Target confirmed. Big and Ken. Bring him back." P'Chan ordered.

Big and Ken came out of the shadows and started shooting. The kidnappers started shooting as well causing Big and then Ken to fall off their bikes. Anita, Arm and P'Chan from the bikes started shooting at the truck driver and his associate, successfully killing the associate. The back door of the truck opened up and the kidnappers started firing at the car. Kinn and Porsche began fighting with the rest of the kidnappers. Anurak was shot causing the car to swever and crashing into a tree.

In the truck, Kinn and Porsche killed the truck driver and the truck crashed into something.

Anita called for the backup to pick them up and prayed for the safety of Kinn and Porsche.

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