"Porsche, you need to get serious. I can't save you everytime." Anita scolded Porsche.
You must be wondering why Anita is scolding Porsche? Well, let's take a look.
Anita, Big and Kinn were in Kinn's room, discussing about the party Kinn and some of the bodyguards had to attend.
"Where's Porsche?" Kinn asked.
"I don't know, Khun." Big replied.
"Well, I'm going to look for him." Anita said.
"Wait, nong saao. Let's go together." Kinn said.
Anita nodded and they went to search for Porsche. They saw a crowd of bodyguards near pool. All of them were enjoying something. Anita could hear Tankhun's laughter too. Bodyguards bowed to Kinn and cleared out of his way. Anita burst into laughter at the sight. Porsche was wearing a shell bralette and pink tail. Tankhun made Porsche a mermaid and named him Elizabeth II. Anita laughed harder at the name and leaned on Pete.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Kinn finally asked.
"Well, he killed my Elizabeth and Sebastian. How nice of me that I didn't pee on him. Damn you, newbie." Tankhun cursed at Porsche.
"That's enough. I'll buy you new carps. I think this one isn't good enough to breed." Kinn said.
Anita finally calmed down a little and started feel bad for Porsche but she can't deny that the scene was funny as hell. Tankhun lowered his glasses at Kinn's statement and looked Porsche up and down.
"That's true. My Elizabeth was much cuter than you. Then come and get him." Tankhun said.
"Out of the way." He said to Pete who immediately backed off.
"And don't forget to buy me new carps. Let's go guys! You! Keep swimming." Tankhun ordered and went away.
Kinn sat at the chair which was previously occupied by Tankhun. Anita stood behind him and Big crouched down near Porsche.
"Hey, Porsche. I think this suits you well. Swim, come on. The little mermaid." Big said, making fun of Porsche.
"Nice tail, Porsche." Kinn commented.
Porsche rolled his eyes and looked away. Kinn extended his hand towards Porsche and Porsche grabbed his hand.
"Thanks." Porsche said.
Kinn scoffed and said
"Do you think I'm helping you? You're coming with me to an event tonight. I'm afraid that you'll die before that. Let's go, Big." Kinn got up and went away.
Anita smiled at Porsche before helping him to get out of the pool.
"Aren't you the most helpful friend in the whole word." Porsche said, sarcastically.
"Khotod, Porsche but it was quite funny. Now, tell me you've worn shorts inside the tail?" Anita asked.
Porsche nodded. Anita helped him out of the tail and got rid of the bralette. Porsche thanked her and rushed to wear his trainig tracksuit. Anita chuckled and went to get ready for the event.
Anita wore her uniform and hid several knives and guns in ther suit.
She was standing with Ken waiting for Kinn and Porsche. Kinn came out first and stood near Anita. Porsche came a little later. He was walking towards Anita, Kinn and Ken with confidence. Anita won't deny that Porsche was looking hot. Kinn was also seemed to be mesmerised by him. Then, Porsche tripped and fall down. Kinn smirked but Anita let out a laugh. Ken also smiled a little. Porsche again stood up with confidence.
"Get in the car." Kinn ordered.
Porsche sat on the front seat and Kinn and Anita in the back.
"He tripped." Kinn whispered to Anita.
"I saw." Anita replied.
"He tripped and fall down." Kinn again whispered.
"I saw that too, Hia." Anita said, grinning.
At the Event,
Kinn, Anita, Porsche and Ken were standing together.
"You can leave. I'll call you if I need anything." Kinn said.
Ken, Porsche and Anita were about leave when Kinn grabbed Anita's elbow.
"Not you, nong saao. You stay with me." Kinn said.
Anita nodded and stood with Kinn, who started talking to the guests. A lady offered Kinn some snacks and Kinn thanked her. He gave one stick to Anita and took one for himself. The snack was tasty.
"Khun Kinn, please give an interview over there." A lady requested Kinn.
Kinn went with the lady.
"Ken, Porsche, I'm heading towards the washroom. Keep an eye on Khun Kinn. He's giving an interview okay?" Anita informed Porsche and Ken, through her ear piece.
Anita went towards the washroom. She got to know that she got her periods. Anita groaned. She didn't even had pads with her. She noticed the pad machine in the washroom. She thanked her lucky stars and took one pad. As she was washing her hand she heard someone struggling from men's washroom. Then, she heard Kinn's voice. Anita immediately came into action. She entered men's washroom and saw Porsche fighting the same lady who asked for an interview. The lady kicked Porsche and Kinn. Anita immediately kicked the her. The lady attacked Anita using her baton but Anita caught her hand and flipped her over her shoulder. The lady got up and was about to punch Anita when Anita caught her hand and headbutted her. Anita gripped the lady's hair and banged her head on the washroom door.
"Run, Hia and take Porsche with you." Anita demanded.
"No. I'm not leaving you alone." Kinn said, stubbornly.
"Did you forget who's the bodyguard here?" Anita asked, irritated.
The lady got up and attacked Anita again. Anita pinned her to the ground. She got distracted when Porsche started vomiting. The lady used her baton on Anita's head causing Anita to loosen her grip and the lady ran away.
"Lia!" Kinn shouted and went towards her.
Kinn put Anita's head on his lap. Anita's head was bleeding continously and she lost consciousness. Porsche stood there. He was feeling guilty. Kinn carried Anita out of the washroom and asked Porsche to follow them. Ken opened the door quickly. The second Kinn, Porsche, Ken and an unconscious Anita reached the mansion, Kinn immediately took her to the doctor.
"She's fine. She's got a minor concussion, that's it. Thankfully, blow was not very hard so she didn't lost a lot of blood, even though she was bleeding continously. She'll wake up in few minutes. And when she does, she'll be good to go back to her room." Doctor informed.
P'Chan let out a sigh and nodded. He sent Kinn upstairs a minute ago. He saw Anita opening her eyes.
"Nita, you're feeling okay?" P'Chan asked.
"Yeah. I'm good." Anita sat on the bed.
P'Chan sat on the edge of the bed.
"How many time do I have to tell you to be careful while combating someone?" P'Chan asked.
"Khotod na, P'Chan." Anita apologised.
"Well, go back to your room. Doctor said you're good to go." P'Chan said.
Anita nodded and hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back. Anita went to her room and saw Pete walking in stress.
"Pete, you okay?" Anita asked.
"I should be the one asking you this." Pete replied and hugged Anita.
"You're okay?" Pete asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Anita replied.
Someone knocked on their room's door. Anita and Pete furrowed their eyebrows and looked at each other. Anita opened the door and saw Big and Ken standing with Porsche. Ken handed over her a drunk Porsche.
"Oh yeah. Thanks guys. Handing over a drunk guy to a small and injured girl." Anita said, sarcastically.
"You're nearly 6 foot. How are you small?" Ken asked her and left.
Pete came over and helped Anita. He dropped Porsche on the couch.
"That asshole Ken. I will deal with him later." Anita cursed at Ken.
"I'm sorry, Nita. You got injured because of me." Porsche apologised.
Anita could tell Porsche was feeling guilty. She put her hand on his shoulder and sat beside him.
"It's okay. Porsche. It's my job to protect Hia. You don't need to apologise." Anita reassured him.
"But Porsche, you need to get serious. I can't save you everytime. It's high time now that you take this job seriously." Anita scolded Porsche.
"Yes, mom." Porsche said.
Porsche put his head on her lap, getting comfortable and dozed off. Anita rolled her eyes but smiled fondly. Pete smiled and went to Anita's side and sat beside her, putting his head on her shoulders. Pete and Anita also dozed off.
Next morning, all three of them had pain in their different body parts. Porsche had a headache and back pain, Pete had got a kink in his neck and Anita also had a back pain and a kink in her neck. They all got up to get ready for the day.
"Come on you guys, hurry up. Minor family is visiting today. Pete, I'm going to the meeting room. You and Porsche are needed downstairs, okay?" Anita said.
"Yes, Nita. But shouldn't you rest a little. I mean you're still hurt." Pete said.
"No, it's okay. I'm fine." Anita said and went to the meeting room.
Anita bowed to Khun Korn and smiled at Kinn and started conversing with P'Chan about the security.
Outside the Mansion,
"What happened? Why are we standing in a straight line?" Porsche asked, confused.
"Today, the minor family is having a meeting here." Pete explained.
"Oh, the minor family. I remember them from the presentation. He is Khun Korn's brother, right?" Porsche asked.
"He is Mr. Kan. He joins the meeting here once a month. He is our VIP guest." Pete informed.
"Well that's good. Two families helping each other out." Porsche said.
"Well, I don't know about that." Pete said.
"Why is that?" Porsche asked but got no response from a hesitant Pete.
"When are they coming?" Porsche asked.
"They are now." Pete said.
All the bodyguards stood straight.
"The cars are freaking fanciful." Porsche wishpered and Pete shushed him.
They bowed when Kan came out of his car and went inside.
"That is Khun Kan, the head of the minor family." Pete informed.
A guy passed Pete and Porsche flashing a smirk/smile..
"And this is Khun Vegas, the oldest son positioning same as Khun Kinn." Pete further informed.
"Who did he smiled at?"Porsche asked, confused.
"How would I know?" Pete asked, confused himself.
Porsche's smile turned into a teasing one and said
"I think because you're handsome, he smiled at you."
Pete blushed slightly, before he smirked and brushed some of his hair back.
"Of course." Pete said, looking pleased.
Vegas came back to where bodyguards were standing.
"Where is Anita?" Vegas asked.
"She is in the meeting room, Khun." Pete informed.
Vegas nodded and went inside the mansion.
"Why was he asking for Nita?" Porsche asked.
"All the Theerapanyakul siblings and cousins, excluding Khun Kim, treat Nita as their own sister. Before the division of Major and Minor family, all the Theerapanyakul kids used to be attached at the hips. Nita's father was the bodyguard for Khun Korn then. When her mother died, her father and Nita shifted to the mansion permanently. She was 2 when she came here for the first time. All of the kids loved her and she was everyone's favourite." Pete told Porsche.
"So whom does she loved the most?" Porsche asked.
"Well, she loves Khun Macau, the younger brother of Khun Vegas and Khun Tankhun the most. She loves Khun Kinn and Khun Vegas as well but she is dedicated to Khun Kinn and loves Khun Vegas as brother a bit more. Khun Vegas asked her many times to join him but she refused." Pete informed.
In the Meeting Room,
Kan and Vegas reached the meeting room. P'Chan, Anita and rest of the bodyguards bowed to them. The meeting started. Halfway to the meeting Macau, the youngest Theerapankul kid bursted in the room. He was injured and blood was flowing from his head to his face and behind him Minor family's bodyguard dragged Porsche into the room.
"Papa! This guy hit me, Papa! This shithead hit my head Papa." Macau said clutching his head and complained.
Anita was concerned for Macau. He was quite injured but also concerned for Porsche, as there was a possibility this could all end up with him getting shot in the head.
"I was feeding the fish and he came out of nowhere and pushed me. He also told me he's gonna smack my eyeballs off." Macau said.
Anita frowned at Macau's narration of the incident. There was no way this story is true. Anita and P'Chan looked at each other and then back at Porsche.
"Wow, now that's the whole different story." Porsche defended himself.
"Who told you to speak?" Kan asked, angrily.
"Wait, calm down. Porsche is our new guy." Khun Korn tried to diffuse the tension.
Kan went towards Khun Korn and Vegas looked at his crying brother.
"Bro, why the main family's standard of guard selection has changed?" Kan asked.
"It's since..." He tried to accuse Kinn.
Kinn looked at Kan with a glare and interlocked his fingers and he had a look on his face that screams 'I dare you to finish this sentence, bitch.'
"Let me tell you something. You're not just teaching them how to use guns, but manners as well." Kan said, angrily.
"That's my job. It's my people , and it's no one else's trouble." Khun Korn said.
"Well, I didn't mean to. At first, I thought he was a maid's kid." Porsche defended himself.
Anita's eyes widened at his sentence. 'He's going to die today.' Anita thought. P'Chan subtly patted her shoulder to calm her down.
"Papa! He said I looked like a maid's kid." Macau shouted, enraged.
"Oh, if you don't believe me, I could show you. There was a maid..."
Before Porsche could finish his sentence, minor family's bodyguard pulled their guns on him and their action cause major family's bodyguard to pull their gun on them.
"I swear-" Porsche started again.
"Porsche, stop talking." Anita said, gritting her teeths.
Macau's attention went towards her. He made his way to her and hugged her.
"Look, P'Ani. Look, what he did to me. It's hurts." Macau complained.
Anita hugged Macau back. Her one hand was on his back and one on the backside of his head.
"It's my fault that I can't handle my people." Kinn said.
He stood up and went towards Porsche and slapped him hard. Anita flinched, feeling bad for her friend. Kinn pushed Porsche towards a pillar and choked him, causing him to faint. Kinn casually walk back to his seat.
"Shall we carry on with the projects?" Kinn asked.
The meeting resumed and Vegas and Macau went to get Macau patched up. Macau on his way out kicked an unconcious Porsche. Anita gave Kinn pleading eyes and Kinn dismissed her. She first picked up Porsche and took him to their room. On the way, she saw a panicked Pete who helped Anita to carry Porsche to their room and put him on the couch. Anita then went to the room where Macau was getting patched up. Anita asked the nurse to leave and the nurse gladly ran out. Anita started to clean the blood on Macau's face.
"P'Ani, how are you?" Macau asked.
"I'm good, sweetie. What about you?" Anita asked.
"I'm good too."
"Hmm. That's good. Hia, pass me the cotton." Anita said.
Vegas handed her the cotton and continued to look at the two with a smile.
"Now, tell me. What's happening lately?" Anita asked Macau to distract him from the pain.
"I met a guy in my school. We're both in our last year. He cute but kind of shy, though." Macau said.
"What's the name of the boy?" Anita asked.
Anita straightened and started laughing.
"What? What happened Phi? Why are you laughing?" Macau asked.
"He's the younger brother of Porsche, the bodyguard who hit you and whom you kicked." Anita said.
Macau's eyes widened and he groans. Vegas was also chuckling.
"Looks like your love life ended even before starting." Vegas remarked.
Macau rolled his eyes. Anita patched him up and Macau smiled.
"We look the same, Phi." Macaus said, referring to her injury.
Anita laughed and hugged him. She gave a proper hug to Vegas, who hugged her tighly.
"I missed you." Vegas said.
"I missed you too, Hia."
"Now, tell me. Were you really feeding the fish?" Anita asked.
"Yes, Phi." Macau answered, nervously.
"Be honest, Macau." Vegas said.
"Fine, I was throwing stones in the carp pool." Macau said.
Anita twisted his ears. Macau shouted in pain.
"Ow, Phi. It hurts." Macau whined.
"You are no less than a troublemaker." Anita said, leaving his ears.
Macau rubbed his ears. He smiled and kissed Anita's cheek. Anita smiled and ruffled his hair.
"Ani, we told you many times, we love you and we miss you. Now, please join as our bodyguard. You don't even have to be a bodyguard. Come to the Minor family as our sister." Vegas requested.
"I love you guys and I miss you too. You know my answer, Hia. I can't leave this mansion." Anita said.
"Fine, but anytime there's a war between our family, I'll spare your life." Vegas said, smirking.
"Thank you so much, Hia." Anita said, sarcastically and rolled her eyes.
A bodyguard came in telling them that Kan was leaving. Macau and Vegas gave Anita a hug. Vegas kissed her forehead. They went from there. Anita went to her room and saw Pete smoking and Porsche still unconcious.
"He's still not up." Anita said.
"Yeah, I'm surprised that he is still alive. Khun Kinn asked for you, Nita." Pete said.
As it was outside the time of her duty, she wore a dress and went to the Kinn's room.
"You called for me, Hia?" Kinn asked.
"Yes, Lia. I was just looking for the company. Come and sit with me. Pick any book you like." Kinn said, smiling.
"Why are you reading the book on coffees?" Anita asked, confused.
"Because, I'm feeling fancy." Kinn said, grinning.
Anita rolled her eyes and picked up Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, her favourite and sat beside Kinn and started reading. After sometime, Porsche came in with a cup of coffee on a tray. He put the coffee in front of Kinn and tray a little behind. He stuffed his hand in his pocket.
"I didn't burn your house down this time." Porsche said, getting no reaction from Kinn.
"If you don't dare drink it, I'll show you first." Porsche said and picked up the coffee mug.
Kinn gestured Porsche to bring the coffee cup to him. Anita bookmarked the page she was on and close the novel.
"I'm just wondering about who you are. Are you the real Porsche?" Kinn asked.
"I'm wondering the same thing, if that was really you. Because the real you would've let me killed already." Porsche replied.
"I just don't like that family, that's all." Kinn stated.
Anita nudged Kinn.
"Sorry, Lia. But I don't." Kinn said, apologetically.
Kinn took a sip of the coffee. His face scrunched into a disgusted expression and he put coffee back at the table.
"You can really only make alcoholic drinks." Kinn said, his face still scrunched up due to the bitter taste of the coffee.
"I don't think I have the wrong recipe." Porsche said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Porsche, honey, there's no recipe for coffee until you're a barrista because those guys are some professional. They get creative with it because they know what the're doing and they make it tasty." Anita said.
"It's alright. Keep practicing, one day you'll be good at it." Kinn encouraged Porsche.
Anita saw Tankhun coming into the room with Pete. She got up from the sofa and stood next to Porsche.
"Porsche." Tankhun said, sternly.
He sat next to Kinn, who was back to reading his book.
"Did you bleed Macau's head." Tankhun asked, sternly.
"Well, I didn't mean to-" Porsche started to explain himself but he was cut off.
"That's awesome. I love that. I really love that." Tankhun said to Kinn who was looking at his brother with a blank expression.
"You're like .... wow. You're an amazing guy." Tankhun said, still complemeting Porsche who was quite confused.
Tankhun put his hand on Kinn's shoulder, gaining Kinn's attention.
"Let me have Porsche. And you can take Pete." Tankhun said and stood up.
Kinn was looking the scene with a smile. It was entertaining to him. Anita, however, had a vacant expression on her face. She didn't like how Tankhun was complementing Porsche for injuring Macau. But then Macau would be doing the same thing if someone injured Tankhun. So, she kept quite.
"You, go with him. You always dissatisfied me. I told you to tie Macau up but you didn't do it. So, go with Kinn! Go!" Tankhun ordered.
Pete was very happy from the inside and that happiness reflected on his face. He had a small smile on his face. Tankhun made him sit near Kinn.
"A guy like you wouldn't do me any good. You and Nita both defend that family. Now both of you be Kinn's bodyguard." Tankhun said.
"Are you certain, Khun Tankhun?" Pete asked, smiling.
Tankhun glared at Pete causing Pete to shut his mouth and he looked down, smile never leaving his face.
"Even though he has done nothing good, Papa chose him for me. And I don't like to disobey his order." Kinn said.
Tankhun stomped his feets on ground with a pout.
"Come on."
"But if you really want him, then why not?" Kinn said, wanting Porsche to suffer a bit.
"You said it. Yeah!" Tankhun said and ran to Porsche and hugged a very confused and miserable Porsche.
"Come on. Be with me and it'll be fun, trust me. Let's go." Tankhun pulled Porsche with him.
"And for you." Tankhun continued, referring to Pete.
He swinged his cape at Pete which also hit Kinn on his face and his face morphed into an annoyed expression. Anita laughed at Kinn's face.
"I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys later." Anita said.
Kinn and Pete wished her a good night.
Anita went inside her room and saw her phone ringing. She picked up her phone and saw an incoming call from an unknown number. She picked up the call.
Anita got no response from the other side.
"Who is this?" Anita asked.
The reply made Anita regretting her decision of picking up the call.
"Hey, babydoll. Missed me?"
Anita's heartbeat quickened. She could recognise that voice anywhere, even in the void.
Hello, so this is the second part of the second episode.
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Q: Do you guys want smut in this story?
See you guys.
Peace out✌️
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