A girl was seen running around the Theerapanyakul Mansion. She just heard that her boss was sabotaged on his way home back and her friend was shot in the arm. She first ran into the room where her friend was being treated.
"Big, are you okay?" The girl asked.
Big raised his head, looking at the tan skinned girl. Big chuckled and nodded his head.
"Yes, Anita. I'm fine." Big assured Anita.
"Where is Khun Kinn?"
"He's in his room."
Anita marched towards the room of her boss. She was quite angry and glared at everyone that came in her way. Bodyguards hurriedly gave her way to Khun Kinn's room. Kinn's room was opened up with a bang. He immediately stood up with his gun in his hand for protection.
Kinn visibly flinched. He looked at the beauty standing in front of him. Her browns eyes held anger in them, which was directed towards him. Kinn was not afraid of anything or anyone but she was an exception.
"Lia, calm down. Nothing happened. I'm fine. Big's fine. Everyone is okay so just calm down." Kinn tried to reassure.
"Don't ask me to calm down! You could've been hurt. Something else could've happened. Why are you so careless?" Anita continued scolding Kinn.
Kinn just stood there, getting scolded. A small smile made way on his face. Growing up together, he always saw Anita as his little sister. They were trained together with P'Chan. He sometimes forget that she's his head bodyguard.
"Calm down, nong saao. Khothod na. I will not pull this type of stunt again. Okay?" Kinn said holding Anita's shoulders.
"You said that last time as well, Hia. I'm sick of your fake promises. From now on, I'll not have any vacations or a day off. I'll go with you everywhere you go." Anita said.
Kinn frowned at the sister figure standing in front of him. She was not feeling okay so he gave her a day off.
"No, sis. I gave you a day off because I saw how you can't even stand properly due to weakness. You should take care of yourself. You work so hard for me. I can do at least this much for you. Now go back to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow." Kinn ordered Anita.
Anita was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Kinn asked the person to come in. The door opened and Ken came inside.
"Khun Kinn, Khun Korn asked for you and Anita." Ken informed them.
Kinn and Anita looked at each other and went to meet Khun Korn. Khun Korn was sitting on the chair and was drinking and P'Chan was standing behind him.
"What happened to your way back?" Khun Korn asked Kinn.
"Big and I were sabotaged by a bunch of bikers. But we made it. A person named 'Jom' saved me. He took my watch as payment." Kinn explained.
"How did he saved you?" Khun Korn asked.
"Well I was running and entered the backside of Hum Bar. I asked him to help me. He was good at martial arts so he beat them up and dropped me at the petrol pump." Kinn explained.
"Provide me the security camera footage of the backside of Hum Bar right now." Khun Korn ordered.
Anita nodded and was about to go when Khun Korn stopped her.
"Not you, look saao. I need to talk to you." Khun Korn said and nodded at P'Chan to get the footage. P'Chan went from there.
"Why were you not with Kinn when you knew he had an important meeting with the Italians?" Khun Korn asked.
Anita took a shuddering breath. Even though Theerapanyakul head treats her like his own daughter, she still was intimidated by him.
"Khun, I was not feeling well. Khun Kinn gave me the day off." Anita said, bowing her head.
"Pa, she couldn't even stand due to weakness. She never asked for any holidays. She needed the rest that's why I gave her the day off." Kinn said.
Khun Korn hummed and looked at Anita.
"Your father went with me in every important meeting no matter how sick he was. He trained you the same way. After he died, I always saw a part of him in you and I also expect you to protect Kinn during every important meeting he's going to attend, just like your father did to me. I hope you'll not repeat this mistake again."
Anita nodded.
"Pa, she didn't made any mistake. I was the one who gave her the day off. Why are you scolding her?" Kinn defended Anita.
Khun Korn just looked at Kinn and didn't gave him any reply. Kinn scoffed and rolled his eyes. P'Chan came with the security footage. All of them watched the footage. Anita had to hold her laughter when she saw the guy peed in the bottle.
"Find this 'Jom' person. He will be one of your bodyguards. His skills are quite impressive." Khun Korn said and dismissed Kinn and Anita.
"Don't mind Pa's word. Have a good night sleep okay, nong saao?" Kinn asked, caressing her head.
Anita nodded and smiled at Kinn. Kinn kissed her forehead and then they both went towards their room.
Anita reached her room which she shares with a guy. Anita sat down on the couch and sighed. After sometime her roommate came in the room and sat beside her.
"Tough day, Pete?" Anita asked.
"Yeah. You?" Pete asked back.
"No. Not really. It was my day off. But I got scolded by Khun Korn that I took the day off when Kinn had an important meeting."
"Oh. But I'm sure Khun Kinn supported you. After all you never took a day off before and you were sick. Plus you're like his little sister. All the Theerapanyakul siblings and cousins see you as their sister." Pete said, sweetly.
Anita looked at him and smiled. She hugged him tightly and ruffled his hair.
"You're too sweet and innocent for this world, Pete. Don't ever change."
"How am I innocent?" Pete asked.
"What happened today that made your day tough?" Anita asked, changing the topic.
"Everyday is a tough day when you're the bodyguard of Khun Noo. He made us watch the same series again and again and again." Pete complained.
"But put yourself in his shoes. He was kidnapped several times. Every time he was rescued I was there. I saw how he started having panic attacks. I saw how he shut himself in his room for several days. He started getting paranoid. I saw how he stopped trusting people. Only trusting the family and the bodyguards. I saw how he confined himself only to this four walls. I know he is annoying at times but there is a big reason behind it." Anita told Pete.
"I know." Pete said and put his head on Anita's shoulder.
Anita smiled and put her head above Pete's.
Anita stayed with Kinn all day. She tried to meet Big but the doctor didn't allow her. In the evening Anita and Kinn were again called by Khun Korn. When they went to Khun Korn, he was doing pottery. P'Chan came up to them and said
"Sir. Big's wound is more serious than we thought. He might need to rest for months."
"So? Are you happy now? It's fortunate they didn't kill you. Or else you wouldn't be standing here. You're too hot tempered. In this business, you need to know your place. When I started, I had to greet them with respects, along with gifts." Khun Korn said.
"It's my fault. I did send some gifts to them to apologize this morning. They should be satisfied, I guess." Kinn said to his father, smirking.
Anita knew what gift he sent to the Italians and Kinn told his father as well.
"Right look at you guys and what you've done." Khun Korn stood up laughing and sighing and went away from there.
"Have we found Jom yet?" Kinn asked P'Chan.
"We're still looking for him, sir." P'Chan replied.
Kinn nodded and looked at the security footage again.
"No matter who he is, find him quickly." Kinn ordered.
"Yes, sir." P'Chan said.
"Don't put so much stress on him, Hia. His handsome face will get wrinkled. Not that he's not gonna look hot when he is wrinkled but I care about his health." Anita said, looking at P'Chan and gave him a flirty smile.
P'Chan's lips turned up a little bit.
"I'm almost 20 years older than you." P'Chan said.
"I'm not under 18. It's not illegal to be in a relationship with me." Anita said, sending him a seductive look.
Kinn was enjoying the scene. Almost every time Anita and P'Chan are in the same room, she flirts with him. She restricts herself when his father or guests are around.
"I'm like your daddy." P'Chan tried again but chose the wrong word for father.
"Oohh, kinky. I like that." Anita said.
At this statement Kinn lost it. He doubled over, laughing. P'Chan shook his head and went away from there. Anita finally laughed with Kinn.
"Why do you trouble him like that?" Kinn asked after calming down.
"Revenge, Hia. Revenge for all those punishment I didn't even deserved while training. I can't beat him up. Hence, this flirting thing." Kinn shook his head.
"You couldn't find any other method?" Kinn asked.
Kinn, Anita and few of Kinn's bodyguard were sitting in Hum Bar. They found out that Jom (who was actually not Jom) worked in this bar. Kinn was talking to Yok, the owner of Hum Bar. Anita found the lady weird but adorable. As Kinn was talking, a man rushed into the bar. Kinn, Anita and all of the bodyguards turned towards him. Kinn smirked and continued talking to Yok.
"Thank you so much for being wanting to be my bar's partner." Yok said.
"The pleasure is mine." Kinn replied.
"Wow you're so cute." Yok said, laughing.
"So are you."
"Thank you. Hey, Porsche. This is Khun Kinn. He is interested in becoming our bar's partner. But I'm thinking about convincing him to be another kind of partner." Yok flirted with Kinn.
Kinn laughed and then asked
"The name is Porsche?"
"Yes, Porsche. He's on the top of our list."
"I thought it was something else."
"The customers wants him. If it were not for the customers, I would have him all for myself. But that's not right." Yok said, laughing.
"May we have a word with the Bar's favorite guy?" Anita asked.
"Of course. Take good care of Khun Kinn and Khun Anita. Excuse me." Yok said, and went from there.
Kinn gestured Porsche to come near him. Porsche hesitantly went to him.
"What? You're scared that I might hurt the people around you? You think I'm a low class mafia?" Kinn asked.
"You want your watch back, right?" Porsche asked.
Kinn smirked and pulled his sleeve up, revealing the watch.
"Nope. I think you've been fooled." Kinn said.
"This watch, at least, should be worth around 2 million baht." Anita said and her and Kinn took a sip from their drink.
"So what exactly do you want?" Porsche asked.
"Calm down. We're here to relax. Yok told me you're a great bartender. Make me and my sister a drink." Kinn ordered.
Porsche reluctantly made his way to the bar and made Kinn and Anita a drink. Porsche gave Anita a Strawberry Rose Lychee Mojito and made Kinn a special drink.
"Sugar, bitter, liqour and fragnant oil of an orange peel. Wow. Bitter with sweet after taste. This is nice." Kinn complimented Porsche.
"What the hell do you want? You got your watch back." Porsche said, coming direct to the point.
Kinn slowly put his drink down and stared at Porsche intensely.
"I think it's loud here. Let's find a private spot to talk." Kinn said.
Porsche looked around leaned on the counter and said
"I'm not going."
Kinn let out an amused smile and Anita rolled her eyes. 'The guy is digging his own grave.' Anita thought.
"Well that's a shame. The pretty bar might get messy. Don't you think?" Kinn threatened Porsche.
Kinn and Anita stood up along with the rest of the bodyguards. Porsche reluctantly follow them. As soon as Porsche came out of the bar, the bodyguards put a black cloth on his face and kidnapped him.
Porsche was brought to the ship of the Theerapanyakul. Anita and Kinn were in Kinn's cabin in the ship. Kinn asked Anita to change into her casual clothes. Don't ask why. Kinn's head works in a different way.
"You really think kidnapping him is the best way to ask him to be your bodyguard?" Anita asked.
"Yes. He has no where to run and we'll offer him money and he will accept the offer." Kinn answered.
"He doesn't seem like the guy who'll easily agree to anything." Anita said.
"Money is everything, Lia. Even the purest of heart can be corrupted using money." Kinn said.
Ken entered in the room and said
"He is awake, sir."
Kinn nodded and got up. Anita and him were going out of the door when Ken winked at Anita. She gave him a fake smile and showed him her middle finger. They reached the room where Porsche was kept.
"Take it off. Why did you bring me here? Hey, do you hear me? Hey! Can you hear me, shitheads?" Porsche continued shouting and he kept bouncing his right leg.
Ken removed the cloth covering his face and he saw some of the bodyguards there. He saw Kinn and Anita standing in front of him. Kinn walked up to Porsche.
"Porsche Pachara, 23 years old. Former National Taekwando Champion. Also, an orphan who has full responsibility of his brother. His main job is a top list bartender, shaking fast, treating people nicely. Another job, an underground boxer, known as The Pheonix."
Porsche looked up to Kinn with a smile and asked
"Are you done? Are you a psycho? You kidnapped me just to narrate my story to me? Are you crazy, you asshole?"
Kinn just looked at him with a straight face.
"Let go of me! Untie me!" Porsche demanded.
"Be my bodyguard." Kinn said, more like ordered, Porsche.
Porsche let out a laugh.
"Be your bodyguard? And hold my balls like a wallpaper like these maniacs?"
Anita snickered at Porsche's statement. Porsche winked at her.
"Watch it." Ken said, and advanced towards Porsche.
Porsche quickly kicked Ken and when Ken again advanced towards him, Porsche stopped him with his foot.
"Cut it out." Porsche said.
"I know you don't like it. But this job will make a fortune for your brother and your family." Kinn said and leaned towards Porsche.
Porsche spit at Kinn and Kinn leaned back, closing his eyes and controlling his anger. Anita clenched her fists and was about to hit Porsche when Kinn hold her arms and pulled her behind him.
"You think you pennies could buy me and my family? I would do terrible things for you, kidnap good people tie them up and dig into their background. Your friends here would act all cool walking in. I know your kind very well." Porsche said.
Porsche got up and threw the chair to stop one bodyguard and kicked another. Before he could do anything else, Anita kicked him and he staggered behind and was caught by Ken.
"I liked you." Porsche said to Anita, who shrugged her shoulder and smirked.
Kinn raised his finger, ordering to release Porsche for an one on one. Porsche was released and looked at Kinn increadously.
"For real?"
Kinn and Porsche began fighting. Anita was thoroughly impressed by Porsche's fighting skills but she knew Kinn was going to win. Porsche was fighting better than most of the bodyguards but he was fighting with Kinn who was trained since he was 4 or 5. Anita winced when Porsche grabbed Kinn's balls hardly and when Porsche bit Kinn's neck. He pushed Kinn and two bodyguards and escaped to the deck.
Anita pulled out her gun and followed the guy to the deck. Kinn and rest of the bodyguards also came from behind her. Kinn fired his gun in the air. Porsche stopped running.
"You, be my bodyguard or be the fish's food. I'm going to count to three. One." Kinn fired his gun to the left of Porsche.Porsche covered himself. "Sorry. I'm a bit hasty. Two." Kinn counted.
"Hoi! Me being your bodyguard? I'd rather die." Porsche said and yeeted himself off the ship, into the sea.
Anita and Kinn were suprised that he just jumped off the ship. They all went towards the railing to see any sign of Porsche.. There were none.
"Let him go." Kinn ordered.
"What does shaking fast mean in Porsche's background?" Anita asked.
Kinn rolled his eyes and dragged her down to his cabin with him. Kinn didn't talk at all on the way to the mansion. Just muttered how Porsche was an idiot. Kinn dragged Anita to Khun Korn's room. Khun Korn and P'Chan were sitting on the bar stools playing chess. Kinn frustatingly grabbed two glasses and kept it on the table with force.
"How come you're back empty handed?" Khun Korn asked.
"I told you, a guy like him would not work for us. If you want someone good, there are lot of guys who are better than him." Kinn said, made a drink for himself and Anita.
"Yes, there are. You just need to buy them with lot of money and they'll follow you. But even after offering him a lot of money, he still doesn't want to work for us. Don't you think this person is interesting?" Khun Korn asked.
"He might be just a fool." Kinn argued.
"How many of our people, were bought by other gangs, or even the smaller families? He might be whom you've been looking for afterall. And don't you think Anita needs rest sometimes?" Khun Korn asked.
Khun Korn won the chess match. Kinn put his glass on table catching the attention of the rest.
Kinn and Anita left the room. Anita was walking behind Kinn. Anita didn't want the rest of the bodyguards to think that she has some priveledge over them. She does have the priveledge but still. Kinn noticed her walking behind him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed Anita's hand and dragged her to his side.
"You don't need to walk behind me. Yes, you are my headbodyguard but you're my sister as well. Now, I'm going to my room to rest for a while, you should take rest too." Kinn said. He hugged Anita and went to his room.
Anita went to the room where her friends normally spend their time with. She entered the room and she noticed that the room was very silent. Anita furrowed her eyebrows and went inside and saw her friends and Tankhun watching a horror series.
"Hia." Anita called. Tankhun didn't heard her and neither does her friends.
"HIA!" Anita shouted and clapped once to gain their attention.
All the men present in the room jumped and screamed. Tankhun was ready to shout at the intruder when he saw Anita standing with her hands on her waist.
"Nita! It's been a while." Tankhun said and hugged her tightly.
"Hia, you saw me yesterday only." Anita deadpanned.
"You look stressed. Come and sit with us and watch the series." Tankhun said and dragged her with him to the sofa.
Anita sat beside Tankhun and on the left of Arm. She hugged Arm who gladly returned it. She hugged Pol as well. Her friends absolutely loved receiving hugs from her. They have told her many times that her hugs feels like home.
After sometime Tankhun was feeling sleepy. He went to sleep in his room but not before giving Anita a hug and asking her to visit him often. Anita and Pete said their goodbyes to Arm and Pol and they went towards their room.
"You always visit Khun Tankhun when you're free. Is there a particular reason behind it or you can't resist my charm?" Pete asked, jokingly.
"Yes, Pete. It is certainly your charm I can't resist." Anita said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.
Pete laughed and asked her to give him a proper answer.
"Well, whenever I'm stressed or bored, I always visit you guys. As you guys are my friend and Hia is like my older brother. Plus, being Kinn's bodyguard is like continously working. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not. You, Arm and Pol are my besties. Big is my friend but most of the time he's busy working and Ken is just an asshole." Anita explained.
"Aww, I'm your bestie." Pete said, hugging Anita.
"Now, I certainly regret telling you that." Anita sighed but hugged him back.
Anita was in the training room when Big came to her.
"Anita, Khun Kinn asked for you."
Anita nodded and went with him.
"How's your arm now?" Anita asked.
"It's fine, Anita."
"I wish you speedy recovery."
"Thank you."
Big and Anita reached Kinn's room.
"You asked for me, Hia?" Anita asked.
Porsche noticed that she was in black tank top which was tucked in her cargo pants and her hair was in a ponytail.
"Take a photo. It'll last longer." Anita said to Porsche who was staring at her.
Porsche cleared his throat and he looked down, embarrassed.
"Sorry, Khun Anita. I didn't mean to." Porsche answered.
Anita chuckled and threw her hand around his neck.
"I was kidding, dude. Take a chill pill. There's no need to call me Khun. Call me Anita or Nita. I'm Hia's head bodyguard and I can tell we're going to get along very well." Anita said and smiled at Porsche.
Porsche, for the first time since coming to the mansion, smiled genuinely. P'Chan entered Kinn's room and said
" Porsche, the boss is calling for you and you guys too."
"Okay, hubby. Let's go." Anita said and wrapped her hands around his bicep.
Kinn smiled at Anita's antic. Big and Ken were used to this scene but still they looked very amused. Porsche was shocked. He wanted to ask her but refrained from doing so. P'Chan just shook his head and went with her.
As they were reaching where Khun Korn stood, Anita left P'Chan's hand. Anita came in her professional attitude. Anita, Big and Ken bowed to Khun Korn.
"I heard that you didn't want to work here? But I'd love you to be here and be happy" Khun Korn said.
"To hell with happiness." Porsche mumbled loudly.
Khun Korn smiled and said
"And don't worry about your brother. I'll take care of him as promised."
"If you really want me to be a bodyguard here, then I must be in charge of these two." Porsche demanded, referring to Big and Ken.
Kinn chuckled looking at Porsche up and down, amused that he asked for an impossible thing and Khun Korn chuckled. Big and Ken looked at each other in panic but Anita and P'Chan remained stoic. They just looked at one another. They knew that Khun Korn will give into Porsche's wishes. Afterall, the man tried so hard to convince Kinn to convince or more like force Porsche to join as bodyguard. Porsche winked at Big and Ken.
"Good. You got the guts. Alright. Because Big now is not in the condition and you'll be sharing the head bodyguard place with Anita. She'll also guide you." Khun Korn agreed. Kinn's smile faltered.
"But sir-" Big spoke up.
"Big." Anita warned him, sternly.
Khun Korn also looked at him sternly and Big back off and bow down, embarrassed. Anita felt bad for him but she can't do anything about it.
"Well, consider it done. You'll stay with Anita and her roommate, Pete. You all may leave. I'll rest now." Khun Korn said.
P'Chan, Porsche, Big and Ken left the place.
"Papa. Why did you make him the incharge?" Kinn asked.
"Well, you said it yourself, Anita needs rest sometimes." Khun Korn said.
Anita knew Khun Korn was using her to manipulate Kinn but she remained silent. Kinn and Anita also exit the place.
Anita knew that entry of the Porsche would bring chaos to the mansion but she was ready for the chaos and also she just wished that this chaos wouldn't create a mess in their lives.
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