Art is by me and how I imagine Kaka-minari lol
"But, they're not really gone... Are they?" Sasuke asked, his dark eyes already searching for subtle reactions from the jinchuuriki, his medic teammate, the fifth hokage, and the Yamanaka clan head.
When Sakura knew she had to tell the only Uchiha of your and Kakashi's circumstance, she gathered enough courage and already thought of counter-arguments to face him in case he were to revert back to his path of hatred. She won't let him even a minuscule of a chance to think of revenge for your assailant. Not when she's alive and breathing.
For his sake.
And yours too.
Besides, she would want Sasuke to save her and Naruto the chance to pummel the rogue ninja too—Team 7 style.
The pinkette was rather glad that the Uchiha seemingly took it calmly, but knew that in his mind, thoughts were spurring faster than his already fast reflexes—thinking. Wondering. Worrying.
"No." Tsunade spoke up, somewhat easing the former avenger, as he awaited further explanation to which Ino swiftly provided.
"Their spiritual chakras are out there somewhere. We just need to know how Kakashi-sensei's Mangekyou sharingan works. It's the only possible conclusion we could think of that can perform teleportation that may vary without us fully knowing all possible complications. We were hoping you'd know something—anything that can help us." Right. The reason he was informed of this was because he's the only shinobi in the whole of Konoha that can use the sharingan—having no other candidates to be its master but himself.
"Even I don't know the limitations of his Kamui. The Mangekyou sharingan varies from user to user, and I'm no user of the Kamui dimension." The ravenette explained, before further expounding. "With Kakashi-sensei's unfit chakra storage for the sharingan, there may be more possibilities it can be used for if performed by an actual Uchiha—capabilities that Obito can do but never needed. Maybe (Y/n)-sensei has something to do with it."
This was getting hopeless. They can't search every living being—every plant, animal and human—in the world for your spiritual energies. It would take forever. They'd die before they could even find you.
But an idea already formed within the sharingan-user's mind to not resort to such a desperate plan—one that he hoped his unconscious mentor wouldn't mind that he'd borrow something of his. It seems to be a fair trade, and is only temporary anyway.
But it doesn't change the fact that it was his dear friend's last gift.
"Tsunade-sama, do you think you can perform an eye transplant?"
In the end, Midoriya and Yaoyorozou became the officers in charge. Not that you nor your fellow jounin cared; just acknowledged.
Once the lunch bell rung its sweet anthem of the students' relief and hunger, you and Kakashi did not risk socializing and immediately exited to the school's backyard, under a large tree's cool shades. It's best to avoid confrontations and expected interrogations as much as possible, especially after such a lousy excuse for your tardiness, which you have no one but Kakashi to thank for.
The truth was: you two overexerted yourselves both physically and mentally within those two days. Naturally, you two overslept...
Actually, no, you two can easily wake up early as light sleepers. You just chose to be late.
You never heard the end of it from Mina until you reached the academy. You were wary of the reporters though, hence entering from the back of the facility which made you tardier.
"You're lucky that you at least considered grocery shopping amidst your useless shopping spree," You remarked with amusement, your self-prepared bento on your lap—ready to be consumed.
"Not lucky. I intentionally considered your cooking skills and chose to benefit from that. Also, my shopping is not entirely useless if you can use them," Kakashi responded rather cheerily with his famous eye-smile as he somehow instantly devoured his eggplant miso soup without you even seeing him remove his face mask. Of course, you didn't react, as you're already used to his antics.
Mina, however, can't seem to get over it, even though she already witnessed him eat that way for a few days now.
'... How does he do it?'
It's best not to think about it, You merely replied with amusement. Honestly, you don't know either.
"Tch, am I just a cook to you?" You feigned offense with a small smirk and a raised eyebrow (despite being covered by your sunglasses), as your chopsticks picked up a salmon sashimi, before eating the piece.
"Maah, don't take it like that. You're my partner too, as I am yours," The former silverette chirped even with the monotone delivery, as he waited for you to finish your meal as he's already done with his, to which he didn't waste time on bringing out his book to wait.
'Oh, that reminds me to ask! Are you two married?!'
The sashimi slice didn't last long in your mouth, as it was spat out from your coughing fit—your shades almost falling off.
"Did she tell you something funny?" Kakashi asked, curious enough to look up from his novel.
It took a while, but you recovered—your esophagus still irritated by the soy sauce you dipped your food in.
"Yes, but I'm not telling you." You replied with warm face—the natural pink hue thankfully masking your embarrassment, before you adjusted the tilted sunglasses on your face. The blonde only shrugged before engaging himself back to his perverted novel.
No, marriage is the last thing we have on our minds, It was the truth. A deep and a serious commitment such as the concept of marriage is a nightmare for a shinobi—especially to a pair.
Your minds are beyond scarred—you shouldn't add more scars. Marrying a soldier whose head is worth a large bounty would do just that. Losing a spouse would surely ruin Kakashi after what happened to his old Team 7, and it would surely ruin you after the Uchiha massacre.
The life of a shinobi is unpredictable.
But in a sense, its most predictable nature was the despair it brought.
Don't get yourself wrong though, you considered entering a relationship with Kakashi before. You just never really had the chance to confront him about it, with all the war and fighting going on. Now that it's silent—peaceful—you don't want to stress the male shinobi with emotional commitment, as Kakashi is the most detached person you know of. You want his peace to last, along with yours. Besides...
You're already satisfied with your current relationship with Kakashi.
Although, you're surprised Mina didn't ask such a question sooner.
'Aww, shame! It's just that you guys do a lot of things that a married couple would do; like how you guys argue, how you cook for him, sleep in the same room--' Mina continued on listing things you do that you considered normal with the former silverette, and indeed, out of context, you do sound like you're married to each other.
Well, it's more like you're married to your responsibilities together.
'—And I just thought that you guys don't kiss or hug because it'd be weird since the bodies aren't yours. Man, it'd be weird if people thought that me and Kaminari-kun are dating since we just met, but it's a good thing that we can cross-dream to get to know each other better since Kaminari isn't exactly himself physically—' You forgot how much of a chatterbox the young teen could be. After the shopping incident, her conversations were reduced to a minimum, as she was still traumatized, and understandably so.
But after witnessing your training session with Kakashi, something sparked within her; something that solidified her resolve that were once just mere comfort words.
"I may not be able to save them from death, but I can save them from an early one!"
And like that, she was back to normal.
Another interesting thing that happened within the past two days was that you can dream with Kakashi, Mina, and Kaminari altogether as long as you and your partner are asleep at the same time—a place within the subconscious that resembled the Kamui dimension.
Mina and Kaminari now know what you two actually looked like, and the first things they said were:
"Woah, you're both attractive!"
"Wait, you're both hot?!"
A formal introduction was made, afterwards.
It was a rollercoaster of information, and they then understood why your secrets are not to be shared.
You told them half-truths—twisting your origins to fit the mold similar to their world; to be convincing.
They wouldn't believe you, and lose their trust in you otherwise.
The lie was necessary.
And civilian deception was your expertise.
The two teens think you're both from some kind of hidden province withholding powerful multiquirk-users that people would want to take advantage of. And with the clothes you wore, which was the default jounin uniform (you guessed that's what your subconscious perceives as your second skin), you managed to explain your ranking and skill level. They think you and Kakashi are Japan's last line of defense if the world were in a state of peril or at the brink of war.
They didn't even hesitate to believe you.
Additionally, the two students shared more than their lives' basics and became more personal. While you discourage such sensitive information being given to two strangers who they have vague knowledge about, it was helpful.
Their naivety stupefies you.
But, now you know how Mina was supposed to behave and act.
However, you already thought of an actual legitimate reason why the pinkette acts the way you are now; how Mina and Kaminari were recently out of character that people in this world would buy.
Suddenly, an alarm rang, springing both you and Kakashi on your feet—your hands hovering above the part of your uniforms where you hid your make-shift weapons.
"Security level has been breached. Students, please promptly evacuate."
'An alarm?!' You're quick to assume that this was a first time, as the pinkette was clueless towards the procedure of what you should do next.
"Where do you think should we go? There should be an evacuation area, right?" You asked the former silverette, his eyes already scanning the area for something or someone that could threaten either of you, as you packed your unfinished food back to your lunchbox.
"Well, I mean, we're already outside, sooo..." He's not wrong. "I guess we should wait until we see another student,"
"Let's try to check the front of the school," With your suggestion, the two of you were swift to arrive at the front gates, hiding behind a tree, once you saw... the reporters you avoided earlier this morning..?
"I know this place has lower threat standards because of the lower average of skill and power levels, but this is just ridiculous," Kakashi obviously had enough of this world. While the two of you drastically adjusted to this dimension's standards (which was a lot, mind you), one thing that bothered the two of you the most was how they take almost everything as threats, and the overkill laws to minimize them!
These are reporters— mere civilians!
Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura faced a Hidden Mist assassin at the age of twelve for Kami's sake!
You and your partner were about to call it bullshit, but then when you neared the school's entrance, the two of you were able to detect the most minuscule amount of Killing Intent from a distance.
The more you observed the bypassed entrance gates, the quicker you were to realize that the gates were no longer existent, and in place of it was a pile of ashes.
Someone wanted the public in.
The media practitioners were distractions..!
"Kakashi." You warned, to which your partner was fast to pick up the hint. Nodding to each other, you both ran inside the school, searching for the nearby source of the Killing Intent—of course, the two of you chose to enter the backdoors to avoid the reporters.
"They escaped," Kakashi informed, disturbingly unbothered, as were you. "Possibly a speed quirk."
"Or teleportation." The office where you two last sensed the Killing Intent was empty—void of any presence except for yours. It was clean; untouched.
As if no one broke in, in the first place.
"Do you think we should report this?" You asked your fellow jounin to which he only hummed at before answering.
"Supposedly yes, but we're not exactly sure what the culprit is after. It may just be a personal grudge towards someone, and we shouldn't involve ourselves in this... place more than we need to. Although, there's a chance students can be part of this too. What about you? What do you think?" The blonde looked at you, as your covered eyes still scanned the room for anything out of place. You mulled over the former silverette's reply, finding it rather rational, but quite risky.
"No. At least, not yet. We don't have proof. And we'll risk our cover if we brought more attention to ourselves." It was the most reasonable thought that came into mind. Your goal is nothing more than to return to your bodies, then go back home.
You have no intentions of being this world's hero. Neither does Kakashi.
A one-track mind is of importance.
Call it selfish, but you weren't thinking of yourself; quite the opposite really.
...They must be worried.
"We should leave before we get caught and suspected for something we didn't do." And with that, the two of you left the office, about to head back to your classroom—unaware of the panicked evacuation that happened earlier.
Mina's comments went unheard during your dilemma.
"Where have you guys been?! We were so worried!"
'That's Kirishima,'
"Speak for yourself, shitty hair!"
"Man, people can be so unintentionally violent when panicking."
"With my height, I almost got crushed by the stampede!"
'... And Mineta.'
You didn't expect to run into four of your... interesting classmates on your way back to the classroom. You would've taken the long route otherwise just to avoid socializing with them, however, interacting with the people in Mina's life would be inevitable as long as you're her.
"We ate outside." You briefly replied back, instantly shutting down all means of continuing the conversation.
You were rather envious of Kakashi having a distraction to repel communication—especially given the awkward genre of his book. Then again, he was at the back of the group, only pulling out the novel once their attention was on you.
"Why didn't you guys eat with us?" Kirishima, the crimson haired boy, asked, much to your chagrin.
"We don't like the noise." You merely answered, as Kirishima's eyebrows furrowed. He tried deciphering the emotion on your face but was proven difficult with the shades covering your eyes.
"But... You like noise. You're one of the noisiest people I know, but—um—y'know, in a good way," The red-haired male was confused, your uncharacteristic behavior unsettling him as he knew Mina for years. It made him wonder if he really knew the real her.
"Yeah, aren't you a party kind of girl?" This time, it was Sero who spoke up, his grin forever etched on his plain face, despite the perplexed emotion displayed in his eyes.
"People change." You shrugged, trying to play it off casually for them to drop the subject.
Kirishima hesitated for a moment, before opening his mouth, his sharp teeth catching your subtle attention as it reminded you of Akatsuki's shark member.
"... Is it because of what happened two days ago?" You inwardly smirked at the redhead's inquiry; the reasoning you thought of for your uncharacteristic behavior already at the tip of your tongue from hours of mental practice for smooth deception.
"Wait, what happened two days ago?" Mineta asked cluelessly, as Sero only expressed a sympathetic look on your direction.
"After I've witnessed someone get killed from my incompetence, I decided to take this course seriously. I want to be a hero to protect others and so I have to remain focused." Your tone remained unwavering, but despite the lack of the expressive tone that would've made it more heart-felt, it still did its job.
It may be simple, but in this world, those words are highly valued, as people express great admiration for noble causes for one to be a hero. And with Kirishima's and Sero's awed expressions, you concluded it worked.
"That's honestly so manly, wow! I always knew you were a caring person, Mina-san," Kirishima exclaimed rather excitedly, his fists clenched with passion before pumping them up in the air. "That's such an honorable reason to be hero!"
'Wait, Uchiha-san, you're making me sound cooler than I actually am!'
It's what you told me, wasn't it?, You reassured, taking the pinkette's silence as her wordless agreement.
"Tch, it doesn't matter what your damn reason is to be a hero. But if you get in my way to being the next number one hero, I'll kick your ass!" The ash blonde, Bakugou, threatened, as you raised an eyebrow towards his personality that contradicts his future profession.
Nevertheless, your confusion easily reverted back to your usual stoicism, before huffing out a comment that irritated the explosive blonde.
"Annoying. You call yourself a hero?"
Sero, Kirishima, and Mineta immediately paled at your remark, knowing their certain classmate's temper and how he'd react the moment he heard it.
"What was that?!" The next thing you know, you were lifted from the ground by your blazer, with Bakugou shortly noticing that you're not wearing a tie like you did in the first day. However, his sight went back to your face, specifically your optics hidden by the shades that are now tilted. "Just because you wear sunglasses now, doesn't mean you're worth jack shit!"
The hand by Bakugou's side let out small fireworks, reminding you of another Akatsuki member—the ash blonde actually reminded you of two members: Deidara's enthusiasm for explosions, and Hidan's temper.
"I said," With your eye accessory tilted, one of your amber pupils managed to maintain eye-contact with his crimson ones; your glare intensifying to something the ash blonde can't describe. "Annoying."
For a second, Bakugou's grip faltered as he felt a dash of intimidation rush through him, but immediately recovered; his fist raising.
"Woah, hey, Mina-san doesn't really mean it," Kirishima swiftly stepped in to your defense, pulling you away from the temperamental blonde, effectively separating the two of you, as the redhead gave out a forced smile to ease the tension. "Right, Mina?"
"Hn." Now that you were free from the violent student's grasp, you walked slightly ahead of them; quite ticked that your uniform was now wrinkled.
"C'mon dude, they were part of a villain attack two days ago. Let's be a little more considerate," Kirishima pleaded, as Bakugou only glared at your direction.
"Fuck off!"
"Woah, really?! How did they survive?!" Mineta asked, rather perplexed at the idea of Kaminari and Ashido holding out and surviving a villain attack.
"There was no CCTV, right?" Sero inquired, to which Kirishima replied to.
"Yeah, the villains disabled them. But according to the police's interview, Kaminari got a public quirk-usage reprimand, so I'm guessing Kaminari defeated them."
"Maah, we just witnessed a person get murdered in cold blood," The four students were surprised to hear a muffled voice, realizing that it was Kaminari who was behind them the whole time, finally deciding to join in the conversation, only to exit it as quickly as he entered. "Give her a break. We're both still coping, so she can be a bit snappy." And with that, the electric blonde walked beside you. The moment you knew Kakashi was right next to you, with perfect sync, you two walked away, leaving the four behind within their slower pace.
It didn't take long before the two of you disappeared from a corner.
Bakugou's glare lingered at the direction you two headed off to (no doubt, their classroom).
He can't help but feel like something was off, despite knowing the two idiots within only two days.
Ironic, that despite the purpose of your mute footsteps was to be unnoticed, it seemed to be the oddity that captured the ash blonde's attention the most.
There's something about you two that made you both... intimidating.
Seemingly more experienced.
But then, that train of thought was lost when Mineta spoke up within the still silence.
"Is no one gonna talk about how Kaminari is openly reading porn?"
Sorry for the long wait!! but whoever invented the trimester curriculum can have their asses kicked because asdfhhjkkl what the fuck
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