Cross my heart

 Y/n"s POV

After that dinner well, I had a question for my husband
"Yea doofus?" Sam mumbled
" I had a question for you"
"Go head ?" Sam spoke
The first time I never ask this before to be honest I feel little bit scare but I still love him
"Well promise me you won't be mad or shock"
"Alright I promise" Sam nodded
"Sam do you will ever protect me?"
"Doofus you know what my answer, Of course I alway protect."Sam responded
"Please repeat me I cross my heart it meaning you promise from me"
"I cross my heart"Sam smiled
"Well good however I know you have work tomorrow"
"Hmm yea maybe I take my day off?" Sam
"No no no i don't want you get fired from chief"
"I know,well alright it get late" Sam struggled
Sam grabbed my hand and taking me to the bedroom
As I laying down on the bedroom
"*groan* hmmm " Sam growled
I decide sit up and look at him
".....I swear someone targeting you"Sam blurted
"Sam..... don't worry we will figure out"
But... I'm worry if someone trying kill you"
"Remember you will protect me right"
"Yeah,I know..."
"Hey listen I will protect you too sam I still love you, no matter what"
Sam have long silence
"*sigh*well.... I mean your right but we had tell them first.."Sam quaked
" alright then we will discuss later however I'm super tired also it get late too...."
I had force myself get change my clothes and went to bed.
"Goodnight sam..."
"Good night doofus " sam smiled
As I lay down on sam's chest. I just need some warmth from him.


I woke up I checked on my side but sam wasn't in here at all.I'm guessing He went to work or he had meet up with someone> Someone door opened it was sam
"Sam ? were you suppose be working ?
"Well yea but I decide spend with you so yea but I want to protect you as you say something to me. I was think about also I had spoke to the chief I'm taking a day off"Sam explained

"Alright then we can discuss today or later if you want talk about it"
"Well I was planning that about how about later I know you want hangout with one which i don't mind at all"

"Hmm we should visit Matthew and noryn, I think they don't mind see us but I make quick call and let her know we are visit her house"
"Yeah sure" Sam agreed
I grabbed my phone from top drawer, I make my ring for noryn


"hey Y/n, what up?" Noryn asked
"I was think Sam and I should come over your house and we want spend time with you guys and your baby too"
"Sure! I love to spend you two,however baby duty is huge job for me and matthew too hahahaha it been kick my butt lately even Matthew too"
"Hehehe I know taking care a child is hard but I think you two got this "
"awww thank you! Well Matthew and I are super tired our child kept waking up on middle night"
"Well you guys some more sleep later but hey we gonna get for today and visit you oh okay"
"alright then we will you there at my house "Noryn cheered
I hung up the call
"Let's get ready Sam"
"Sure doofus" Sam nodded
We just get ready our today.I'm wearing casual clothing as my usual days
"Are you ready y/n?"Sam asked
"Yes I'm ready"
As I walk out from my bathroom
"Come on doofus"
I grab sam's hand as we walk out outside and enter the car
Sam started the engine and driving alway there to Matthew and Noryn's house


Sam and I look the house well I was excited to see the baby again. I still remember the my wedding Noryn and Matthew's child came to our wedding however she look soo cute with nice dress on her. I'm just super duper excited looking forward to her grow up.Sam and I get out the car and walk up to door. Sam press the doorbell


"Hi welcome" Matthew cheered
"Come in" Noryn smiled
"Yes however where is your daughter?"
"Well she is sleep right now hehehe" Matthew chuckled
"okay well is she taking a nap?"
"Mmhmm yea she is I had camera with me soo I can keep eye if she wake up"Noryn explained
"Oh come on in"Matthew smiled
Sam and I enter their home
"Oh please make yourself home" Matthew told
I decide sit on the couch well Sam lean his back on the wall
"Do you want any drink you really want? Beside wine and alcohol we don't wanna drunk too soon hahaha maybe later" Noryn sly smiled
"Well I want water please'' Sam spoke
"No thank im good for now"
"Alright" Noryn smiled
Noryn walkway from the living
"Sam it been long dude!"Matthew grinned
"Oh shut up pipsqueak"Sam spoked
"Sam you can't say that in house"Matthew shouted
"Soo what I can do anything what I want"Sam growled
Sam pull up his frist at Matthew. He was ready to fight with Matthew
I was shocked sam and matthew gonna start argue
"Grrr you still call me pipsqueak I thought you have change!"Matthew yelled
"Do I look like I have change?! NO!"
"SAM! Stop! No more "
"....i'm ....sorry y/n"Sam jabbered
I putted my down head not even look at Sam or Matthew. Being Sam's wife can be hard and risky....but I know sam still love me
"I'm back! woah....what happen" Noryn asked
"Sam need calm down, you're gonna wake up the baby"
"yea...."Sam sighed
"Alright then ? here your water Sam"Noryn Said
"Thank..."Sam struggled
"I'm guessing you two had argument?"Noryn quaked
"Noryn I think you should not worry about that"Matthew told
"Oh okay.."Noryn said
"Uh excuse me"
I stand up from the couch and went to bathroom also I did lock the door in bathroom
I decide sit down on floor, curl up and crying.
Trying not be loud in middle of crying
Suddenly I start hear....Diana
I was shock. I am hearing diana again.
I force my body stand up
"Huh diana....."
"Why are you crying?"Diana asked
"um...Matthew and my husband start arguing well it scared me"
"There nothing be scared of that my normal to happen have a argument"Diana told me
"'re right"
"However I believe your husband and Matthew will apologize each other and it gonna be normal soon y/n"
"Alright.oh by the way from yesterday I saw version of me cover with blood plus I had knife on my hand."
"That must be illusion my dear"diana guessed
"Well I don't think might be real it can probably someone plot on me, my husband or someone"
"Listen... dear"diana spoke up
"Yes Diana?"
"May not someone who is trying get you,your husband or his siblings it can be serious dangerous situation. I recommend you should tell someone who you trust in your life"
"yea I know Sam and I are thinking who we trust someone"
"that good for you for now you should go back there my dear"Diana said
I nodded as soon I walk away from the bathroom. My heart tell me it's gonna be fine.
"Heya what I miss?"
"Hmm Nothing much but we got special guest!" Matthew cheered
"There she is. What you been waiting for this"Noryn smiled
"*gasp* hi there"
"I'm curious does she have a name?"Sam asked
"well er we hasn't give her a name at all"Noryn explained
"Oh....okay"Sam mumbled
"don't worry we will figure it out and announcement for the baby alright"Matthew explained
"Well I can't not believe it you guys started having family."
"Same to here I will be good uncle ...."Sam mumbled
"Aww thanks guys"noryn smiled
As we chat about random topic after that I noticed what time it
"Oh look that time we should be going"
"Okay thanks so much! Coming to us"noryn cheered
"It's no problem, Sam come"
Sam and I walk out the door and entered our car.
"Y/n?" Sam spoke
"yes Sam"
"I'm sorry about that Matthew and I started arguing with that"sam said
"that fine but Sam you should apologize to Matthew"
"I know but we need cool down then I will apologize to Matthew"
"Well alright then if you say so.."
Sam drove to the our house
"We here"sam sighed
"Well let's get going.."
As we got out the car and went our home
I felt something very strange with me
"Yeah?"Sam nodded
"I'm feeling diz....dizzy"
"Huh?" Sam confused
I slowly pass out on sam his arm. I didn't know why I suddenly I got dizzy so soon.when I woke up on the my bed well i saw sam on other side too
"Oh good you're wake" sam smiled
"What time is it?"
"7:30 well I was worry about you"Sam spoke
" already night time"
"Yea but I still worry about you"
"Sam, im fine right now"
"I know....why always happening to you" Sam mumbled
"I'm pretty sure it was very long day"


Hey guy
It been long time however I was having writing blocker on this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the this story tho UwU so ye ye
Bai Bai kin UwU

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