• Chapter Twenty-two •
"Holy fuck," She whispered. "Holy fuck! Guys!"
"What?!" Colby asked, turning slightly in a panic as he looked back at her quickly.
"I found out what was different about these," She said, her jaw dropping in shock. "And I think I found out what the park was hiding."
"Guys she's officially gone insane," Corey said, shaking his head as he looked out of his window. "I'll look up the directions for the nearest psych ward."
"Hey Corey," Andi smirked, looking over at him. "Was that a tall shadow with a top hat that I just saw peeking out from the trees?"
"Don't even joke about that brother," He said, shooting her a glare. "I will put ants in your sleeping bag."
"Okay, are you just not going to tell us what the hell you found on the blueprints?" Sam laughed, trying to bring the conversation back to the previous topic.
"Yeah man, quit edging us," Jake nodded from beside Andi as he pushed his head over her shoulder to try and look at the paper.
"What, you don't like being edged?" Colby chuckled from the driver's seat, though he was waiting curiously just like the others.
"I'm all for dirty talk," Andi joked, shaking her head at Colby as Sam started the camera up and began to film. "But now is not the time."
"She hates me," Colby teased with a grin as he kept his eyes on the road. "It's confirmed, guys."
"Okay stop flirting and show us the damn paper before I die," Corey butted in, making a slight red hue tinge the girl's cheeks.
"Well in that case.." Andi joked with a smirk before Corey reached across Jake and slapped the back of her head.
"Don't hit your mother," Colby playfully scolded as he glanced at them in the rearview mirror.
"GUYS," Sam cut in, shaking his head with a laugh. "What's on the paper?!"
"Oh, right," Andi laughed, leaning forward as Sam sighed in relief, anxious to know what she had figured out. "Okay, so, at first glance, it looks like there's absolutely nothing out of place."
"Right," The blonde boy nodded, looking down at the paper with quizzical eyes, trying and failing to follow what the girl was saying. "I mean, I looked at it earlier and everything looked right."
"Well sorry, Sammy boy," She laughed lightly, pushing the blueprints up to where everyone could see. "But you were wrong. See this here?"
Jake, Corey, and Sam all leaned in closer, looking at where Andi's finger pointed to a small square drawn onto the blueprints.
"The crease?" Jake asked, his eyes focused on the small crease under her finger where the paper had been folded over for ages.
"What?" Andi asked, looking down at the paper as she rolled her eyes and moved her finger slightly to the right. "No you dumbass, the square."
"Someone tell me what's going on," Colby said, his eyes on the road. "Because if I stop to look, this asshole behind us is going to rear-end us."
"She found a square, brother," Corey informed him, raising an eyebrow as he shot the blonde girl a 'you're literally insane' look.
"It's not just a square you dumb fuck," She huffed, looking up at them.
"Brother I still don't know what the hell we're looking at," Jake shook his head, staring hard at the blueprints.
"Yeah, I love you, Andi," Sam started, his brows furrowed as he looked up at her, the camera pointed at them. "And I know you're, like, a genius detective, but I'm not following at all."
"Okay, okay," The blonde girl shook her head, pointing down at the paper again to draw their attention back to her find. "Just humor me for a second. Sam, in the park, there's a dumpster right here, right?"
Sam thought for a moment, going over the mental layout of the park in his head before he nodded. "Yeah, there is. We walked past it earlier."
"Okay but what does a trashcan have to do with anything?" Jake asked, Corey nodding along with him as they both looked up at Andi.
"Nothing. That's the point," She nodded, leaving the boys stumped for a second as they all started to agree with Corey's previous statement about her going insane. "At first that's what I thought. Why would they include a dumpster in their original blueprints of the park? It's not one of the rides, and it's moveable, so why the hell would they include it?"
Sam's mind raced as he silently nodded at her words, his brain starting to catch up. "Wait okay, you may be onto something. That dumpster is a lot newer than everything else in the park, and even if the one here was an older one, it still doesn't make sense why they would draw it into the park plans."
"Exactly," Andi's eyes lit up as Sam started to catch up with her. "It makes no sense. But there's more. Completely pushing aside the oddness of that, the position of the trashcan is still the same as it is in the park. That wasn't what was bothering me. What was bothering me was the size of it on the blueprints."
"Yes, because size matters, kids," Jake laughed from next to her, letting her and Sam work their detective skills so that they could explain it to him later.
"Jake-" Andi started, looking over at him as she tried to hide her laugh.
"GET OFF OF MY ASS YOU DICKHEAD!" Colby shouted, throwing a hand out of his window as the car behind them, despite being on an empty backroad, continued to drive incredibly close to the rear of their vehicle.
The others all looked behind them, chuckling at the blue-haired boy's road rage as the man in the car behind them flipped Colby off. Sam shook his head and gave the man a thumbs down as Jake climbed over the back of the seat, pressing his face against the rear window as Andi double-flipped the man off. Corey stuck his head out of the window and began shaking his head like a disappointed mother, and the man looked at them with a slightly concerned expression before he slowed down significantly.
They all laughed as Colby shook his head and Jake climbed back into his seat, plopping back down next to Andi as his gaze returned to the blueprints.
"Okay, so the size was bothering you?" Sam asked, urging her to continue what she had been saying.
"Oh, yeah," Andi nodded, regaining her train of thought. "Okay, so, the dumpster, from my memory, is pretty big. Like, slightly larger than the average dumpster. But this square? It's a lot smaller than the dumpster would hypothetically be. Even if in the past it was smaller, it wouldn't be this small. The square here is, like, the size of a normal trash can at, like, a gas station."
"Okay so then if it's not the dumpster, then what the fuck is it?" Corey asked, his brows furrowed as he looked down at the blueprints.
"That's the thing, I don't know," She shook her head, looking down at the blueprints. "But get a load of this. Keep your eye on the square for a second."
The three of them nodded and fixed their eyes on the smaller square drawn onto the paper, a series of gasps ringing through the car as the blonde girl lifted the blueprints up to face the warm rays of sunlight streaming in from the windshield.
With the sun shining through the thin papers in her fair hands, a whole new picture was illuminated for the group's curious eyes to rake over. While the original drawings of the park layout were still there, outlined in bright white, now a whole new set of lines lay before their eyes, overlapping the originals like a series of scribbles on a child's drawing.
"Holy shit," Corey gasped, sitting up further to get a better look at the papers in the girl's grip.
"That's, like, some Indiana Jones shit right there, brother," Jake said, squinting against the light as he looked at the blueprints. Colby glanced over quickly, and his eyes widened as he nodded at Jake's words.
"Those look like..." Sam started, pointing the camera up at the sunlit papers.
"Tunnels?" Andi grinned, looking over at him with a nod. "That's exactly what I thought. And it looks like they start and connect to whatever that square is."
"Holy fuck knuckles dude," Sam said, a large smile breaking his previous confused look.
"No way we just found a fucking tunnel system," Corey shook his head with a laugh of disbelief.
"NO way you just Nancy Drew'd that shit," Jake's eyes widened as he pulled Andi in for a side hug, laughing loudly, disbelief in his tone.
Colby smiled as he peeked at her in the rearview mirror. His real smile. The one where his mouth opened and his bright teeth showed. He shook his head and let out a laugh, stepping on the gas a bit. "She's done it again. It's official, Star, you're a detective genius."
"OW JAKE," Andi shouted, yanking her foot up as she hopped around, her face twisted up in pain as the boy scrambled to the ground.
"Hey, don't be mad at me, be mad at Walmart!" Jake winced, kneeling down to pick up the jar of peanut butter that had come crashing down on the girl's foot. "They're the ones with the shitty ass plastic bags."
"Oh Jesus Christ," Sam sighed, stopping from his place up ahead as he watched Andi hop around in pain while Jake scrambled to pick up the groceries that had spilled out of his bag. The five of them had decided to go ahead and carry the snacks and supplies back to the staff quarters so that they could also get the flashlights before they went and checked out the mysterious square from the blueprints. They had split the bag-carrying duties between the five of them, but this was the second time that Jake's bags had broken and spilled out over the compacted dirt path.
"Hey, let's not break any toes please," Colby laughed, walking up ahead with Corey as Andi hopped around in pain, her foot in her hand as she muttered out a string of curses.
Sam rolled his eyes at the scene between the two youngest of the bunch, turning back around to continue his walk toward the staff quarters with Colby and Corey. They walked down the familiar path through the side of the park, the afternoon sun beating down on their shoulders as a slight breeze ruffled through the vibrant green trees. It would have been a nice summer day if not for the fact that they were still scared shitless from the encounter at the fun house earlier, and now were anxious to see what the hell lay under the old dirt earth at their feet.
"Do you guys actually think that there's tunnels under here?" Corey asked as the three of them walked, the sound of the rustling plastic bags interrupting the comfortable silence.
"I wouldn't be surprised," Colby chimed in, shifting his groceries so that the bags weren't digging into the fair skin on his wrists. "A lot of old places usually have creepy shit like that."
"It would make sense," Sam nodded, thinking over the information he had gathered the hour before. "When I interviewed that couple they did say that the park was suspected of hiding something and that they never liked to have the cops search. It would make sense if that's what they were hiding."
Corey nodded, looking down at his phone before he spoke up again. "I still can't believe that Andi fucking figured that out."
"Yeah that was actually a scene straight out of a spy movie," The blonde boy laughed. "I mean, even I looked at the blueprints and didn't see anything out of the ordinary."
"Yeah man, she's always been super smart with that kind of stuff though," Colby smiled, glancing back at the girl who was bickering with Jake as she walked a significant distance behind them. "It's pretty damn cool."
Sam snickered at Colby's words as he looked at his best friend, the boy's mouth subconsciously lifting into a soft smile as he watched Andi. Sam couldn't help but shake his head at him, still not able to believe how oblivious the both of them were to each other's feelings. However, he was also just glad that he had finally gotten Colby to accept his feelings towards the girl. He couldn't ask for too much just yet.
"Close your jaw brother, a bug might fly down your throat," Corey smirked, following Colby's gaze as his eyes landed on Andi and he shook his head.
"Oh shut up, dude," The blue-haired boy huffed, closing his parted lips as he shoved Corey's shoulder, him and Sam laughing.
"If you keep staring at her like a lovesick puppy then she's bound to find out," Sam pointed out with a chuckle. "Even Andi isn't that oblivious."
"I'm not staring," Colby huffed, though the other two didn't miss the slight blush that raised on his cheeks.
"What was that then?" Corey joked, shaking his head as Colby denied his clear actions. "Because I'm pretty sure I saw those crystal blue beauties turn into hearts for a second."
"You've been hanging around Dev too much man," The blue-haired boy shook his head with a roll of his eyes. "You sound like a chick."
Sam watched silently as Corey and Colby quipped back and forth, Corey teasing Colby as Colby denied tenderly watching Andi while she and Jake raised hell behind them. He let out a silent laugh as he shook his head, the scene warmly familiar in his heart. The group's dynamic was something so very special to all of them, and even if the events later in the day promised to be terrifying and possibly dangerous, moments like this were what kept them doing what they did.
"JAKE I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD," Andi yelled, her voice echoing through the empty park as she shoved Jake harshly to the side.
Jake let out a loud laugh, stumbling as his last few intact bags spilled at their feet, the blonde girl haphazardly hopping out of the way as her harsh glare rested on him. Sam turned with a laugh as the snacks rolled every which way, Colby and Corey shaking their heads as everyone moved to help pick up the scattered food, loading it up in Jake's upturned shirt.
"This fucking thing doesn't have wheels on it?!" Jake groaned, inspecting the rusted green dumpster in front of them.
"Well, do you see wheels?" Sam quipped, walking around the back of the dumpster only to be met with the chain link fence that marked the boundaries of the amusement park.
"Careful," Andi piped up. "Your inner Samantha is showing, Sammy boy."
"Do you see anything down there?" Coldy asked from the other side of the dumpster, peeking his head around the corner of it to look down at Andi, who was stomach down on the dirty ground and halfway underneath the dumpster.
"Yeah," She grunted, wiggling further underneath the small space between the trashcan and the dirt floor. "There's definitely some kind of metal plate, but we're gonna have to move the dumpster to get to it."
"Oh yeah, let me turn into Hulk for a second and just do that for you," Jake said, leaning down to peep under the dumpster with a smile.
Andi rolled her eyes and took a breath, trying to ignore the rocks digging into her chest and bare arms as she looked up at Jake's face. "Remind me again why we decided to make the girl in a tank top go under the dumpster."
"You're the smallest, brother," Corey laughed, pointing the camera down at her calves that peeked out from the edge of the green metal. "Sam's head is too damn big."
"He's compensating for something else," Jake snickered.
"Guess the Traphouse Anthem didn't lie," Andi breathed out, looking backward towards her feet. "Okay guys, I'm coming out before this thing crushes me."
The boys stepped back for a moment as she wiggled her way backward and out from underneath the dirty trash can, grunting when the pebbles underneath her pressed into her skin. Eventually, she maneuvered her way out of the small space and Corey pulled her to her feet just as Colby appeared from around the back of the dumpster.
"Okay, so how are we doing this?" The blue-haired boy asked, looking at the obstacle as he bit his lip in thought.
"I say we start with just brute strength," Andi spoke up, wiping the dust and dirt off of her clothes. "I mean, all five of us are strong. If we all get different angles and push at the same time it should at least budge."
The boys all agreed, and soon enough they all were positioned around the old metal dumpster, the camera on the ground a few feet away to record them. Sam and Colby stood on one end, their hands clutching the handle as Jake, Corey, and Andi stood on the other end, all five of them prepared to push the heavy trash can out of the way.
"Alright, push on three," Andi said, planting her feet on the dirt beneath them.
"Push it, push it real good," Sam sang, making Colby let out a small laugh as Andi counted them down.
The girl reached three, and a series of grunts were let out as they all either pushed or pulled the metal dumpster away from the metal square on the ground below. Andi's feet slid across the dirt as she mustered her strength and pushed against the dumpster, and after a few painful seconds, the obstacle began to shift forward, a loud metal screech sounding shattering the air as it slid.
"Lift it," Corey said through a strained voice as they pushed, and Andi and Jake pulled up and lifted the dumpster a bit more so that it could slide easier.
After a few moments of breathless pushing, the five of them managed to move the dumpster over just enough to uncover the metal square buried in the earth below. Andi let her hands fall to her knees as she looked down at the uncovered hatch, taking a breath as she rubbed her sweaty palms off on her jorts.
"Oh my god," Colby laughed, shaking his head as he rested a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You, like, actually weren't kidding. Holy shit that's so fucking cool."
"Let's open this baby up," Jake crouched down as Sam picked the camera up and walked back over to them.
Corey moved down to the other side of the hatch, and the both of them grabbed onto the metal handles and pulled up, letting out grunts as the small heavy door completely lifted out of the ground. Andi's eyes widened in surprise, as she had been expecting it to be connected to some kind of hinges, but the boys lifted it completely off of the dugout hole and set it to the side.
"Holy fuck," Sam gasped, moving over to look down into the dark hole in the ground, pointing the camera down at the opening so that the space below lit up.
"The asshole of doom," Jake whispered as all five of them crowded around to look into the hole.
"Jake.." Colby sighed, squeezing in between Andi and Sam as they swiveled the camera around the dark space.
The opening was a perfect square with a metal rimming, just big enough for one person to go through at a time. It went straight down and opened up into what looked like a hollowed-out space underground that was lined with cement walls and a dirt floor.
"How far do you guys think that drop is?" Sam asked as Andi shined her flashlight down into the hole.
"Shit I don't know," Colby shook his head, thinking for a moment. "Looks like eight, maybe nine feet. Could be ten."
"There's no ladder, we'd have to jump," Andi pointed out, sticking her head down into the hole as she looked around, her hair falling down over her shoulder.
"Damnit, why couldn't there be a pole or something?" Jake whined, flipping his hair to the side in annoyance.
"It's a manhole, Jake," The blonde girl laughed as Colby grabbed onto her upper arm to keep her from falling down the hole. "Not a strip club."
"Hey brother," The red-haired boy shrugged. "If I was a stripper I would eat that shit up. You can call me Mr. Emolicious."
"Your parents would be so proud," Colby chuckled, keeping a tight hold on Andi as he watched her turn her flashlight around.
"When other kids wanted to be a firefighter, my dear little boy dreamed of being a star. A porn star," Corey said to the camera in Sam's hands with a proud smile, patting Jake on the back.
"I think we can do it," Andi said, pulling her head up out of the hole with a nod. "We can jump down and then boost each other back out when we leave."
"Sounds like a plan," Sam agreed, looking up at Colby as they had another one of their silent conversations with their eyes, and then both nodded.
"Hold on, hold on dude," Corey said, narrowing his eyes. "Should we really, like, be going down there? What if the roof falls on us or something?"
"The walls and ceiling are lined with cement," Andi shook her head, looking over at the scared boy. "As long as we don't flit around like a bunch of dumbasses then we'll be fine."
"Well god danggit, that ruins my plans," Sam sighed, shaking his head in mock disappointment.
"Hey we should get this going," Colby interrupted, his head tilted up to look at the blue sky. Andi glanced over at him, her eyes lingering on his neck for a fraction of a second before she quickly looked away. "We've got about an hour before sunset."
"Yeah, my mom wants me home by eight guys," Corey sighed, sucking his lips in with a shrug.
"Alright move over brother, watch how it's done," Jake said, nudging Sam and Andi to the side as he kneeled down by the manhole.
Jake by far had the most upper body strength out of the five of them, so he was able to lower himself down into the hole with ease, jumping the few feet left to the ground as he looked up at them with a cheeky smile and a thumbs up.
"If I sprain my ankle again I'm blaming it on you guys," Corey muttered before he sat down at the edge of the hole, scooting over the edge as he dropped down into the darkness.
"I'm a lot shorter than you guys, that'll be a bigger drop for me than y'all," Andi said, looking down at them in hesitation. She was strong, but not as strong as Jake. She definitely couldn't lift herself down like that, and the fall would be bigger for her because of her smaller stature.
"I'll go and then help you down," Colby nodded, giving her a small smile before he lowered himself into the hole, the muscles in his arms shifting with the movement before he disappeared into the darkness below.
"Alright," The blonde girl sighed, turning to Sam. "I'll go down and then you can hand me the backpack and camera."
Sam nodded and then Andi sat down on the ledge of the opening, looking down into the darkness at Colby, his blue eyes almost glowing in the low lighting as he gazed up at her. The boy held his arms up and nodded that he was ready, and she scooted forward before letting herself drop down into the dark tunnel.
The girl closed her eyes as she braced for impact, a moment later letting out a sigh of relief when a strong pair of hands wrapped around her hips, his slender fingers gently gripping her waist as he lowered her to the ground below them.
Andi opened her eyes as her feet reached the floor, Colby's hands lingering around her hips as she steadied herself. Even though it was an innocent act of help, Andi's skin under his hands tingled, her heart beating harder as she looked up at him with a thankful smile.
"You should have seen your face," Colby chuckled, looking down at her as he held eye contact, his hands firm on her waist as he held her in place. "It was hilarious. You looked like you were preparing for your death."
"Oh shut up," She laughed, though her words were breathy as she looked up into his eyes. Usually, she would throw out some witty comeback about how his face always looked hilarious, but at this moment, with his warm hands on her, his calloused fingers brushing against the skin that just barely showed under the bottom of her tank top, those three words were all that she could muster.
"Okay dude," Sam spoke from above, laughing as his legs dangled above them. "Break it up and grab my stuff."
Colby cleared his throat, dropping his hands from her sides as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Andi willed the blush on her cheeks away as she stepped back, also clearing her throat as she looked up at Sam and held her hands up.
"Alright, throw 'em down," The blonde girl nodded, reaching up as far as she could.
"Don't drop it," Sam warned, pointing down at her. "This camera is expensive as fuck."
"I'm offended," She joked, rolling her eyes. "It's not like I'm Jake or something."
"Rude!" Jake called from behind them as he edged further down the tunnel.
"Shut up butterfingers," Andi called back with a smile.
Sam dropped the camera down to the girl, cringing for a moment before he saw the equipment land safely in her hands. The girl passed the equipment off to Corey so that he could film and then Sam dropped his backpack down to Colby.
"Jesus fuck, bro," The blue-haired boy grunted, setting the pack down on the ground at his feet. "What the hell is in that?"
"Your mother," Sam said matter-of-factly as he started to scoot off of the edge.
"Wait, Sam!" Andi called up to him, holding a hand up to tell him to stop as her fears got the best of her. "Before you jump down, grab a stick or something. I really really don't want to get lost down here."
"Yeah, give me a second," The blonde boy nodded, leaning over to his right as he grabbed a stick and tossed it down to her. She smiled thankfully and moved to the side as he jumped down into the tunnel with them, landing perfectly next to Colby.
"Oh, what," Corey chuckled, pointing the camera at them. "No heroic catch for Sam?"
"He doesn't love me anymore," Sam huffed with a pout.
"Solby is breaking up guys!" Jake shouted as he walked further into the darkness.
"Shit, sorry bro," Colby laughed, walking past Sam as he not-so-discreetly smacked the boy's ass.
"And they say romance is dead," Andi teased with a laugh, following after Colby as the group began to walk down the tunnel ahead.
The tunnel system was actually a bit impressive for how old it was. The openings were wide enough for three people to walk side by side, and the walls and ceiling were curved and completely lined with a thin layer of cement. There were no lights, leaving the group with only their flashlights to navigate the long passageway, and Andi found it odd that the secret tunnels didn't hardly show any sign of use. Why the hell were they here?
After a while of walking forward, the only direction possible, the group stumbled upon the end of the passageway where three doorways lay in front of them, each leading down a different path.
"This feels very movie-like," Colby pointed out, stopping with the others as he eyed the three doorways. "Like if someone was going to get sawed in half it would be right here."
"Bro why the fuck would you say that," Corey groaned, turning to look over his shoulder wearily.
"This is scaryyy," Jake sang lowly, shining his flashlight down each of the passageways, though to no avail as each of them looked the exact same.
"Well, we have to make a decision," Sam said, his eyes flitting from doorway to doorway. "You know what they say, right is always right."
The blonde boy turned, moving to walk through the right-most doorway, but Andi's hand reached out and yanked him back. Sam stumbled back with a baffled expression as he turned to look at her.
"What?" He asked, eyeing the girl's face, which had now gone a few shades paler. "Do you not like that phrase or something?"
"We're not going that way," Andi shook her head, her grasp on the sleeve of his t-shirt firm. "There's a shit ton of negative energy down there, and I can feel a presence that does not want us to fuck with it."
"Oh whoopty-fuckin'-doo-da," Corey said, turning around. "I'm out. I'll meet you guys back at the staff quarters."
"Pussy," Jake taunted with a laugh, though he was also a bit freaked out at the girl's sudden statement.
"Weren't you the one that said we should stay together?" Colby spoke up, standing next to Sam to make sure that his best friend wouldn't try to go down the tunnel anyway.
Corey huffed and hesitantly nodded, turning back to them with the camera in hand. He was pretty scared, his eyes automatically watering with nerves at the medium's words, though he agreed that it would be utterly stupid to split off from the group.
"We should go down the left," Andi spoke up again, looking to the doorway at the far left.
"Are you sure?" Sam asked, looking over at her as she clutched his shirt fabric. "What makes you say that?"
"Brother she can feel it in her nuggets," Jake laughed from behind the girl.
"Yeah exactly," Andi chuckled, pointing down at the dirt ground in front of the door. "But also, that's the only way with footprints, meaning there's something over there."
"Oh, right," Sam laughed, turning to the doorway at the left as Corey passed the camera off to him. "Through the left we go!"
Andi sighed in relief, dropping her hand from the boy's shirt as he took the lead and they all followed behind, walking further into the underground tunnel system. She was glad that he didn't argue with her over the decision as he had at the Fun House, and it occurred to her that all four of them were blindly trusting her. For all they knew she could be leading them down the bad pathway, but they trusted her enough to navigate them through the sketchy underground tunnels.
They trusted her.
It felt nice.
A comfortable silence settled over the group as they ventured through the darkness, the only sound in the air being the low drag of the stick in Andi's hand through the dirt behind them as she marked their pathway. She was terrified of getting lost down here, and being able to draw a trail over their steps set her mind slightly at ease.
With the silence bouncing around the cement slopes surrounding them, Andi was left alone with her thoughts. She noticed that it was becoming increasingly harder, as the trip to the park went on, to close off the line in her mind that tethered her to the spirits of the undead. She couldn't tell if it was because she hadn't been around a place as haunted as this in a long time and her control was weaker or if it was something bigger trying to pry her thoughts open, but it unnerved her.
Her thoughts were cut short though when a sudden chilling sensation ran up her spine, her gut twisting as the little voice in her head nagged at her mind.
Colby. Watch Colby.
Andi's head snapped up as she looked at Colby, who walked at her right, his eyes on Sam as the boy led the group deeper underground. She quickly reached out and wrapped her hand around his wrist, her hold firm as she looked up at him with wide eyes.
"What's wrong?" The blue-haired boy whispered, looking down at her hand before his eyes darted back up to her uneasy face.
"Stay close to me," She whispered back cautiously. "I don't know why, but something is telling me that you're in danger if you don't."
"What?" Colby's eyes widened slightly, his gaze darting warily to the shadows behind them. "What are you talking about, Star?"
"I don't know," She said quietly, his skin soft under her fingers as they walked. "But my gut is telling me that something here does not like you."
"Well fuck, even the ghosts don't like me," He joked, a small smile pulling at his lips as she pulled him forward towards the others, relishing in the feeling of her soft hand wrapped around his wrist. "I must not be as charming as I thought."
"You guys and your habit of trying to seduce spirits," She laughed, appreciating his attempt at lightening the atmosphere.
"Hey, there's a door up here!" Sam called out from ahead, flashing the camera's flashlight up to reveal a metal door closing off the passageway.
Andi's head perked up at his words, and she looked over at Colby with a questioning look before pulling him up ahead to where the three other boys had stopped. Sure enough, there was a door there, cutting them off from going further. Andi peered her head over Sam's shoulder as Jake violently wiggled the doorknob.
"Well damn, it's locked," The red-haired boy huffed, letting go of the silver doorknob.
"Ya think?" Corey laughed in amusement, shaking his head at the boy's antics.
"Move over, Jake," Sam said, gently nudging his friend to the side as he dug around in his backpack with his free hand for the master key that the park owners had given him.
The blonde boy pulled the large clunky key out of his bag and slid it into the lock just below the knob, the others waiting with bated breath as they watched. He moved his hand, trying to slide the key to the right, but it didn't budge.
"What the hell?" Colby asked, watching in confusion as Sam fiddled with the key, but to no avail as the door stayed locked in place.
"It doesn't work," Sam said with a raised brow, pulling the master key out of the lock as he slid it into his back pocket.
"Isn't that supposed to unlock everything in the park?" Corey asked, confusion laced in his words as he looked at the door wearily.
"Yeah, it's the master key," Sam nodded. "It's supposed to work for all of the locks. This one must not be a part of the regular lock system for the park."
"Wait," Jake perked up, turning to Andi as the others could practically see the gears turning in his brain. "Try your key, brother."
"What?" The others all said at the same time, turning to look at her in confusion.
"What's he talking about?" Colby asked, looking down at her.
"Oh shit, yeah, I forgot about that," Andi's face lit up as she propped her stick against the wall and pulled the small silver key out of her jorts pocket.
"Where the hell did that come from?" Corey laughed dryly, looking down at the silver key as the girl moved towards the door.
"I found it at the staff quarters earlier," She informed them, stepping forward as she slid the key into the lock. "It was on the window ledge in the corner where you guys found that creepy ass message. I didn't think anything of it at first but then it unlocked the drawer that I found the blueprints in. Maybe it'll unlock this one too."
"You found a sketchy ass key and didn't think to show us?" Sam asked, looking over at her as he filmed. His words could've been harsh and accusing, but they simply held curiosity at her actions.
"I didn't think anything of it at first," She shrugged, looking back at him. "And then I was too busy going insane over those damn blueprints and forgot."
Sam took a second and then nodded, though Corey shot the girl a wary look. She looked back down to the key and then shifted it to the right. The key slid through the lock like butter, and Andi smirked as she turned it to the left and a soft click echoed off of the cement walls around them, the door unlocking at her hands.
"Did that just unlock?" Corey said, his hands going up to grasp at his hair.
"Holy shit," Colby breathed out, looking down at Andi with a smile.
"I swear to god, you're, like, Sherlock Holmes's great great great granddaughter or something," Jake laughed, patting the girl on the back as Sam chuckled and shook his head.
"Well, shall we?" The blonde girl asked, a smile on her face as she reached up to wrap her hand around the silver knob.
"Fuck it," Colby nodded, looking over at Sam to make sure that the camera was rolling.
Sam nodded back at them, and Andi turned the knob with a click, pushing the metal door open as a wave of chilled air hit them and total darkness lay ahead.
Word count: 6317
Fun fact- in an act of rebellion, Andi died her hair blue as a teenager and the boys all used to call her Smurfette.
A/N: Hey chat, so I know that I promised two chapters tonight but I had a rough and super busy week and the second one wasn't done yet. I hope to get that extra chapter posted either tomorrow or the next day. Love y'all!
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