0 2 1 " Bloody Hell "

I woke up feeling refreshed and perfectly happy. I felt like going for a run, so I did. I slipped into my worn out trainers and sweat pants and went out the apartment as quickly and quietly as I could. I think it was pretty early but it was no wonder that I was awake after all the sleep I got yesterday.

I slept like a stone when I did but woke up every few hours. So, my mind was drained but my body was wide awake, flowing over with energy.

New York was already buzzing with energy as well, cars standing in line waiting for the streetlight to go to green and men and women dressed in business attire rushing over the sidewalks, a phone pressed to their ears.

This technological revolution was really fast, it was even a bit scary. There was phones almost everywhere.

While my feet automatically carried me through New York, I let my gaze trail over everything and my mind wander.

I had a very strange feeling that I should get home but I ignored it for a while and only stopped in front of a coffee shop. The most delicous smell came out as the door opened and a customer exited. I held my breath......


But it wasn't him. This man had similar hair, though it was more reddish, but his features were a lot sharper. He cocked an eyebrow at me and I gave him my sweetest smile, waved and turned away to jog back quickly. How awkward.

Stefan had given me the keys to his apartment which really came in handy now that I didn't want to wake him up, if he was still asleep.

He seemed to be an early bird. Disgusting, isn't it? All these people who feel good and happy in the morning.

I entered the apartment only to find Stefan sitting on the kitchen counter, looking at the door expectantly.

"I was only out for a run!" I said before he could go into protective-brother-mode, and raised my hands.
"I assumed as much," He said. "But Damon was supposed to meet me two hours ago to discuss....our next actions,"

"So? It's Damon. He comes and goes as he pleases. He's probably drunk, hooking up with some bimbo," I said and wanted to keep walking to the bathroom to get the sweat off my skin.

"I know he would've wanted to talk about this." He gave me a strange look as if I was some kind of riddle to him.

"Dry tactics and plans? He's more of a jump-right-in kinda guy," I said and was almost at my door.

"I've known him for over a century."

I spun around and gave him an annoyed look. "So, what, you wanna go save him? I thought you hate him. You sure act like you do,"

"He's still my brother,"

"Right," I scoffed and opened my bedroom door to get away from this ridiculousness. Damon was wherever he wanted to be. He didn't orientate himself on other people. He didn't give a flying fuck about appointments, especially not about those with Stefan.

"He could be dying, Perse. I don't think he'd be able to talk himself out of this one."

I sighed deeply. "Fine,"

"Get your stakes, we're going out."

/ / / / /

"What if he isn't there?" I whispered loudly. "What if he's at home, watching tv or reading a book?"

"He isn't," He said sternly. "Now, what's the plan?"

"Shitty?" I replied annoyedly.

"Perse, please," He warned.

"I'm surprised you even wanted me here. Normally you would've made me stay home," I commented. He gave me a meaningful look. "Okay, jeez. You go in first, I don't leave your side, we get Damon and leave,"

"A star, Miss Nox," He joked weakly. I could see that he was tense. "And Perse, if something happens to me, you two leave me behind. I'll be fine by myself, just don't try to save me,"

"What are you talking about? I'm not gonna-"

"Shh," He hushed me and placed his index finger over his lips. He gestured to the back door of the warehouse and began walking to it with me right on his trail.

"Stefan I seriously think-"

In the blink of an eye he had covered my mouth and pulled me around a corner. I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion but when I heard voices, I knew why.

"I'm not sure if that basement is secure enough,"  A male voice spoke. That guy who tried to kill me? Possibly.

"It's not. I don't know why Carlos is making us stay here. We could be in Brazil in a week," A woman replied.

"Relax," The male voice spoke again. "They don't know where we are,"

"Why are all of you so sure about that?" The woman said annoyedly.

"He's a lone wolf, and he hates his brother. He would never have taken him. And if that girl really means so much to him he locked her in a room and won't let her out until we're all dead,"

"Guess she'll famish then," The woman giggled evilly.

"Now, now. Let her come. He can endure a lot of pain, but will he be able to watch us do the same to her?"

I glanced up at Stefan wide eyed. He looked stern and shook his head slightly, eyes fixed on the corner.

Another evil laugh was heard before the steps began to disappear again.

"So, this warehouse has a basement. That's rare," Stefan said quietly.

"Doesn't matter," I said decidedly. "What matters is that Damon actually is down there,"

"Let's go," He said before he began tiptoeing around the corner. He gestured for me to follow him and together we made our way to the stairs. I didn't know how Stefan was so sure about where they were because even I don't remember any stairs being here when Damon and I were here.

It was completely dark but Stefan made his way through old cardboard boxes and wooden pallets safely. Did vampires have super sight as well?

I made sure to follow each of his movements as well as I could but still tripped over the edge of a torn apart persian carpet and some huge metal tin which caused a loud shattering sound to echo through the hall.

"Hurry," He whispered urgently and grabbed my wrist. There was a door leading to the left side and he opened it quietly, pulling me with him into the large room.

It was big, yeah, but the ceiling was extremely low which gave the large room a highly claustrophobic feeling.

It was lit by exactly two white and cheap neon lights which threw only sparse light onto the two metal hooks that were inserted into the ceileing.

From the two hooks hung metal chains and....I gasped and ran to the figure hanging on the chains.

His face was bloody and his head was sunken onto his bare chest, eyes closed. The fact that he was only dressed in a pair of jeans torn into shreads I barely noticed. My gaze was caught by the many cuts and gashes on his chest.

I tried to avoid the sore part of his skin as I put my hands under his jaw and lifted his face up. I tried not to flinch at the sight of his face covered with dried blood.

"Damon!" I said softly. "Hey, look at me. It'll be alright, you'll see. I know it hurts, but I need you to stay with me, okay? Just don't leave me. Everything will be okay,"

I heard a quiet groan escape his lips. As soon as I let go of his face it dropped back onto his chest.

"I'll carry him," Stefan said quietly and stepped next to me to open the shackles. At least it wasn't vervained, since vampires. He broke the metal open and caught Damon before he sunk to the ground.

"Cover my back," He said to me with his usual stern, determined expression on his face. I nodded shortly and he stepped to the door, throwing a glance to each side of the hallway before stepping out, Damon thrown over his shoulder. He groaned in pain.

"Shh," I shushed him and nervously glanced behind me. Stefan was already up the stairs when I felt a tingling at the back of my neck as if someone was watching me.

"Well, well. Trying to get away, are we?" It was a man that looked a bit like Leonardo. He was leaning in the door frame from the door that lead into the large basement. I glared at him and through a very lucky turn of events, a strong breeze caused the door to fall shut loudly. I didn't hesitate to start running, up the stairs and out of the door. I caught up with Stefan quickly.

I had expexted to see the vampire coming out of the warehouse sooner but he only exited the building when Stefan was already driving away.

Damon had been thrown onto the backseat where he now layed with closed eyes, facing the ceiling.

"Hurry," I said. My voice broke.

"I'm doing the best I can," He snapped.

"You're faster running. Get him to the apartment, I'll take your car."

He just looked at me.

"Go!" I said intensely. He pulled over and the two of us got out. I sat on the seat behind the steering wheel and watched him disappear into the dark.

I didn't know where to go, I realised.

I decided to try to find the place where the party had taken place first and then look for the way to Stefan's apartment.

After some time, I actually found it. I parked the car successfully and ran up the stairs to the two brothers.

I stormed inside only to find Damon laying on the couch still unconscious.

"Damon!" I exclaimed and Stefan walked inside the living room, pulling on his hair in frustration.

"I don't have blood! Usually I have an emergency stock, but someone must've finished it and now...."

"Go get some now. I'll stay with him," I shoved him towards the door and gave him the car keys. "Hurry the fuck up," I added.

He nodded and left.

I walked to where Damon's head was draped on the  pillows and dropped down onto my knees. I kneeled next to the couch and my hand wandered to his, entwining our fingers with each other.

"Damon," I spoke quietly and gently raised my wrist to his lips. "You need the blood to heal,"

He coughed and it was visible how much that hurt him. "No," He choked out. "He's getting me some,"

"Maybe he won't be on time," I said, my voice once again breaking.


I gently squeezed his fingers. "Take as much as you want,"


"Shut up, asshole. I know you need it." I smiled weakly. His eyes opened a bit and he looked at me through narrow slits. Then I felt his teeth sink into my skin and I squeezed his hand harder as he drank from me.

When he finished, he sighed and leaned back into the pillows. I gave his fingers one last squeeze before rising to my feet.

"The hell?" Stefan's tone only made me roll my eyes.
"He almost died, don't give me a speech on bloodsharing again,"

"What do you want me to do, then?" He questioned.

"Go hunt or something. It makes you less cranky," I shrugged.

He wanted to disagree, I could see it in his face, but he didn't. Instead he dropped the blood on the kitchen table before leaving once again. I smiled quietly and put the blood into the fridge. I took a towel to stop the bleeding at my wrist and almost laughed out loud at how chill I had gotten.

I went to the cupboard where Stef kept his drinks and opened it. I scanned over the tags on the bottles. I pulled out a specific one and filled some of the brown liquid into a glass.

"I got you something," I said with a smile and squatted down next to him. "Want me to-"

"Yes," He said hoarsely. I looked at him in surprise but overplayed it by putting the glass to his lips.


"I'm fine," He said annoyedly.

"Alright then," I replied, got up and placed the glass on the coffee table. I wanted to go to my room but Damon grabbed my undamaged wrist. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around in slow motion.

"Stay," He mumbled. There was no space next to him on the couch so I sat on the floor and leaned against it.

He never let go of my hand.

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