0 1 3 " Handbag size "
"I am not dating him!" I groaned in frustration. After Stefan had so kindly driven me home and walked me up yesterday, Talia hadn't stopped throwing me knowing looks and goofy grins.
"You don't have to date him to be hooking up," Talia smirked.
"We didn't....ugh, whatever. It's pointless trying to convince you otherwise, anyway. Can I borrow your motorbike?"
"Where're you going?"
"Creative tour," I said.
"I want the tank full and my baby back without a scratch!" Talia poked me in the chest using her index finger.
"When have I ever let any damage come to it?"
"You nearly killed yourself that time you drove drunk. Creative trip, not vodka trip, promise?"
"I promise." I rolled my eyes and went to grab my camera. Talia was leaning against the counter, keys dangling from her finger. I wanted to grab it but she pulled back.
"No drunk drives,"
"No drunk drives," I agreed. She threw me the keys and flipped her dark hair back over her shoulder.
"Have fun," She smirked.
"Will try," I grinned and high fived her before running down the stairs.
The shabby and rusty pastel yellow scooter that Talia had purchased third handed from a friend's friend some time ago was shining in the clear air of the winter morning.
I swung my leg over it and put the key in the engine. I turned it slowly and felt the familiar rumble under me.
Nothing could stop me (apart from street lights) as I cruised the island up and down.
I stopped here and there to take pictures, once for a girl with shining red boots and once for a rainbow striped car.
"Fucking hell. I have no patience for this," I mumbled as I tried to get the perfect angle on a shabby old shop for car spare parts.
/ / / / /
I ended up at some high class restaurant at around eleven and ordered a bourbon. Don't blame me, a bunch of killer vampires are coming after me cause they think an emotionless bastard has a weakness for me.
Great life.
"What would give such a lovely woman a reason to drink at this hour?"
My head shot up and I took in the appearance of the bartender. Dressed in black, matching the interior of the fancy restaurant, and with golden hair that shone under the lights hanging low off the ceiling. His dark eyes sparkled mischeviously and his british accent almost made me swoon. He had class.
"Life's a bitch." I took another sip of my drink.
"That is true," He smirked and went back to polishing a cocktail glass. His smirk had something very troublesome and that drew me in.
"Why would an attractive young man like you work as a bartender?"
"You get free drinks,"
"Good point,"
"The company is awful, though. Except for today," He flashed me another dazzling smile.
"You're a charmer," I said approvingly.
"Afraid so," He smiled. "I'm getting off at eleven tonight. If you're here, we could go somewhere after,"
"I'd love to," I said without hesitation. Something about him was rather intruiging.
"Eleven, then," He smirked.
"Eleven," I confirmed, taking out my wallet to pay.
He flashed me another smile. "It's on the house,"
"Why, thank you," I returned his smile with a smirk and got up. I did a small curtsey before leaving, causing him to chuckle behind me.
/ / / / /
I was a bit late when I arrived since I got side tracked. It was only about ten minutes, but my mystery bartender was already leaning against the wall next to the brightly lit restaurant, still in nothing but his black turtle neck pullover and jeans. He had a cigarette in between his lips.
"There you are," He said, took the cigarette out of his mouth and smiled.
"You don't seem anxious that I wouldn't show up,"
"I knew you would,"
"Well, aren't we arrogant,"
"I prefer confident,"
"Of course you do," I chuckled. "So where is it that you're taking me? My mother always warned me not to go with strangers, especially men with pretty smiles and cigarettes,"
"Nope. She only ever cared about my brother, so I was out of the picture most of the time,"
"Well, my name is Niklaus but I prefer to be called Nick. What's your name?"
"Persephone, but please call me Perse,"
"Such an extravagant name, Persephone," He smiled. Gosh, I loved the way he said my name. Just imagine this super hot british guy practically having your name roll off his tongue. Dreamy, I tell you. "See, now we aren't strangers anymore. As to where we are going, you will have to wait,"
"Lovely," I said and he chuckled.
"Shall we?" He held out his arm and I took it with a light nod.
We passed a few empty streets and they became more and more like back alleys from some horror movie. "Isn't this the part where you murder me?" I asked with a light laugh.
"If I wanted to murder you, I certainly would not do it here. I have style, my lovely,"
"How reassuring," I retorted.
"Here we are." He stopped in front of a slightly rusty metal door covered over and over in flyers and posters. He knocked on the door thrice in a creative rythm and it opened seemingly out of nowhere.
Not gonna lie, it was kind of scary.
If I get killed it's my fault. Who the fuck follows a stranger to the dark side of New York?
I walked in first and my nerves were settled when I saw an asian looking man standing next to the door. His face lit up when he spotted Nick.
"Sir! It has been long!" His accent was strong and I couldn't help but smile. "Table for two?"
"Yes, please." His voice was honestly like liquid honey. Sweet, smooth and easy to get stuck in.
Follow me!" He said, a wide smile on his face as he lead us up the stairs of the apartment building.
A tiny little voice in the back of my head kept screaming murder.
"It is a bit busy tonight, but I am sure that we can arrange something. Certainly there will be privacy somewhere, yes?"
"Certainly," Nick smiled.
We went up a lot of stairs but when we finally reached the top it was totally worth it.
It was a small rooftop terrace, lit by red lanterns. On almost every table there were people sitting, mainly couples. The view was pretty good too, at least for someone whose bedroom window revealed the beautiful brick wall of the neighbouring house. There was music playing quietly in the background, adding onto the exotic atmosphere.
The man lead us to a small table by the railing from where you got a good look onto the brightly lit street.
"This is the best japanese food in the whole of New York," Nick promised after we'd sat down and the waiter had taken our drinks.
"It's beautiful," I said. The small red lantern that stood on the table in between us illuminated his features, making his cheek bones more prominent but leaving his sparkling eyes in the dark.
"Much more so today." He smiled at me.
"Naturally," I grinned.
"So, Persephone." Gosh. "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a photographer,"
"I didn't take you for an artist," He said. "No offence,"
"None taken. I was surprised myself when I decided to major in it," I admitted. "But what about you? Do you do anything besides bartending?"
"Yes, I occasionally write. But it's more of a hobby, really,"
"Not really. I don't have the stamina for that," He smiled. "I prefer poetry or short articles,"
"Articles on what?"
"Anything that I feel the need to voice out my opinion on. I am friends with an editor of a quite popular newspaper who receives my letters regularly,"
"Wow," I said impressedly. "How do you know him?"
"We met in University,"
"I should have known," I chuckled. "Were you born there?"
"I spent a lot of time there. And you? Where were you born?"
"I was born and raised in Chicago,"
"Chicago?" He cocked an eyebrow and there was something about him that reminded me of Damon. But then again, I imagined a lot of guys having qualities that match Damon's....who always end up not having them. "Beautiful city. Great parties,"
"I never really went to any back then, not unless you call boring dinners with your father's business partners parties." I scoffed slightly at the memory.
"I haven't been there in a long time, of course. But back in my days it was truly amazing,"
"You talk about yourself as if you're sixty. You can't possibly be that old,"
He just smiled and there was a short pause. "So, your parents are wealthy?"
"Too wealthy for their own good." I rolled my eyes.
"Do you have siblings?"
"A brother,"
"The perfect, loved sibling, I assume."
I nodded. "And you? Got any siblings?"
"Tons." He rolled his eyes as well.
My eyes shot up at a movement next to our table. It was another asian, this time female, dressed in a beautiful chinese/ japanese (if only I knew the difference) dress. It was so pretty, I couldn't help but stare. She also had a small type of scarf wrapped around her neck which complimented the look further.
"What can I get ya?" She asked and I was a bit surprised when I heard her strong southern accent.
"For the drinks, I take a glass of port wine. Perse?"
"Port wine it is," I smiled.
"And food?" She asked, chewing obnoxiously on her bubble gum. I kinda liked her, for some reason. She was such an anti-stereotype with the attitude of a Jersey girl and the looks of some asian Disney princess.
Nick looked at me expectantly. "I'm not really familiar with asian food. What are you getting?"
"I have a special dish that I always order here. It's simply." He licked his lips. "Delicious,"
"Then I would like that as well." I smiled at the waitress.
He ordered something I could barely pronounce and flashed her his dazzling smile but she only not-so-subtly rolled her eyes.
"That dress is so cool," I schwärmen as she walked away.
"You like it?" He asked.
"I probably wouldn't be able to pull it off, but it looks really good on her,"
"You'd wear something like that?"
"Probably not." We laughed.
The food came and it was really tasty. "This isn't all that bad,"
"I told you," He smirked.
We spent the rest of the night with good wine and easy going conversation and I somehow managed to forget the little issue regarding a bunch of blood thirsty vampires.
/ / / / /
"You went out. With a stranger?!" Nia stared at me in disbelief.
"Geez, his name is Nick and he is actually....really nice." I rolled onto my stomach and looked at both of my roommates.
"He took you to a japanese restaurant? And he paid?!" Nia continued.
"He's either a fucking psychopath or a keeper," Talia shrugged.
"I'd go for psychopath," Nia said.
"Possibly. But, hey, at least I returned your scooter without driving it to pieces," I grinned at Talia.
"I'm proud of ya," She joked.
"You should be,"
"What's that supposed to mean?!" She exclaimed in playful disbelied at my cocky tone.
I just grinned which caused her to throw a pillow at me.
"Hey! Those are my pillows!" Nia grabbed one herself and whacked Talia in the head with it.
I couldn't help but burst out into laughter and soon the two of them did too.
"Perse?" Talia asked after a while. She dragged out the 'e' so I knew she wanted something.
"Talia?" I said in the same tone.
"There is this new makeup thing I'm dying to find out...."
"What is it?" I sighed.
"It's this really dark makeup and it looks so cool. Can I use you?"
"Sure," I shrugged. It's not like I had better things to do. I was still waiting to be hired for a new shot or something.
She gave me a cheshire cat like grin and pulled me into her room where she pushed me onto the stool that stood in front of her movie-makeup mirror.
With brightly shining light bulbs and all. I was pretty convinced that Whitney Houston had sat in front of it at least once.
Talia skipped to her stereo and turned it on. To the rythm of 80s disco music she began brushing stuff on my cheeks and eyelids.
"What do my shoulders have to do with my face?" I asked when I felt something brush over my skin.
"So much to learn!" She exclaimed. "It makes the look so much better, my very young apprentice,"
"You did not just quote Star Wars on me!"
"Hell yeah, I did! Now stop talking. I'm almost finished...."
"Ha!" She yelled, startling me. "Done. Open your eyes!"
I did and what I saw somehow scared me. I wasn't the type to use makeup so what already seemed a lot to others was usually extreme to me.
My eyelids were coloured a dark red, slowly fading into black as you went further out. My lips were the same shade of red as my eyes and my cheeks and collar bone were made prominent with dark blush, or whatever you call it. I looked more ready for halloween than ever with my hollow cheeks and pale skin.
"Damn." Nia eyed me up and down. "Vampire much?"
I tried not to look all too smug. If Stefan could see me now....
"I did pretty well, if I do say so myself." Talia on the other hand did look smug. She was unbelievably good at this.
"You're really talented," Nia voiced out my thoughts.
"Really, really talented," I agreed.
"It all comes with practice," She shrugged but she was smiling proudly.
"Your phone is ringing," Nia said suddenly and I got up to answer it.
"Hey, Perse. It's Stefan. I was wondering if you were up for a little preparation?"
"It's best to be prepared,"
"Come down. I'm almost there,"
I hung up and grabbed my phone together with a bit of money and my keys. "Stefan's picking me up. He wanted to show me something,"
"Uhm, Perse?"
I heard her but I was already out of the door.
Honestly, at this point I don't even wonder how he got my number anymore. Vampires, I tell you.
/ / / / /
"Looking good," He said with raised eyebrows. I let myself drop onto the leather seats of the black car and shut the door.
"Thanks." Then realisation hit me. "Oh shit! Please tell me I don't still look dead...."
"You look very much alive to me, in one way. In another way, though, you look like a blood thirsty vampire,"
"It's Talia!" I threw my hands up in annoyance. This wasn't even the first time. There was once when I was on my way to a job interview when I went out looking like a fairy.
"Who's Talia?" He asked.
"My roommate. She's a stylist and usually uses me as her personal makeup doll,"
"I think it really suits you," He said. "You're living up to the whole queen of the underworld thing,"
"Never again," I sighed and leaned back in my seat. I watched as we passed tall buildings and busy people, constantly moving closer to the core of the city.
"We're going to the central park,"
"Haven't been there,"
"What?" He stared at me in disbelief. "You aren't trying to tell me that you've lived in New York for what, six years, and have never been to the central park?"
"I'm not trying to say anything. I said it,"
"How?" He was still staring at me.
"Eyes on the road, buddy," I said quickly. "I guess I've been pretty busy,"
"Then we're taking a nice long walk today," He decided.
"Alright." I didn't bother telling him that it was fucking cold outside. As if that would have stopped him, anyway.
"How's Nia doing?"
"She's fine. Trying to make her way as an artist,"
"She really picked up painting?"
"Yep. But she's mostly jobless in that department since no gallery wants her. So she works in a café near us,"
"And you?"
"I'm a photographer,"
"That doesn't seem like a very Perse thing to do."
I chuckled. "It isn't,"
"Wow. You seem...," He tried to find the right word.
"Speechless?" I smirked and he chuckled lightly. "Did you continue medicine?"
"Nope. I have decided that University and I don't go well together," He said. "Too many people, too close,"
"I see," I nodded. He hummed in response and it was quiet after that. We cruised around looking for a parking space for at least ten minutes.
When he finally found one, I sighed in happiness. I opened the door when I felt an impact. Stefan had vamp-sped to open my door, no doubt.
"You should have warned me," I scolded.
"Yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking," He said sarcastically, rubbing the place where the door had hit him. "It doesn't hurt, don't worry,"
"I'm not worried," I laughed and got out of the killer car. We started walking.
"At least fake the concern, Perse," He said. "Might make you more popular with humans,"
"I think I'm good," I said with an eye roll.
" 'Course you are," He said and rolled his eyes as well.
"Shut up," I grinned and nudged him gently. Of course he didn't move. That damn super strength really could get annoying.
We walked in an awkward silence until we reached a wooden bench a bit off the usual tracks under a huge tree and he sat down slowly. I did, too.
I only noticed the bag slung over his shoulder when he took it and placed it on his lap. He opened it, taking out something too tiny for me to see.
He opened his fist and revealed a couple of bracelets and a bit of a familiar plant laying in his palm. "Vervain jewelery and extra vervain. Helps against compulsion,"
"You act like I wouldn't know," I rolled my eyes. "And they're ugly. Couldn't you have gotten something nicer?"
"It's hippie chic!" He exclaimed.
"Maybe last century!"
"Geez, just take them. Give the others to people you feel the need to protect,"
"Alright." I grabbed the stuff quickly.
"And this," He said, pulling out three wooden stakes about the length of my foot.
"They come in handbag size now," I acknowledged.
"Thank you," I added softly and took them from his palm. My fingers brushed against his hands and he flinched, causing me to pull back as quickly as I could.
He turned away and from me and I could hear him breath heavily.
"If you need to feed, it's fine. I'll find my way back," I promised.
"No. I'll...I'll drive you," He insisted.
"I don't think so, tiger," I said and got up from the bench. I pushed the stakes into my huge pocket. "Call me, yeah? You got my number, although I have no idea how you managed that....yeah I'm gonna go. Try hiding the body, yeah? Might draw less attention to you."
I turned around only to see that he was gone. Fucking vampires. Oh well.
I walked back slowly, looking at the leafless trees and wishing I had my camera with me. I was lost in thoughts when suddenly I heard a swish and I stopped dead in my tracks. Only thanks to my amazing reflexes, I didn't run into the broad chest in front of me.
"Done already?" I asked, noticing that it was Stefan's shirt in front of my face. But when I looked up my breathing stopped.
His eyes were surrounded by dark veins and this time it was him who looked like Talia had dropped him in a bucket full of black eyeshadow instead of me. His lips were parted and his eyes half closed as he inhaled. My scent, no doubt.
"Stefan," I said, my voice shakily determined. "You don't want to do this,"
"That's where you're wrong." His voice sounded strained. "I've been wanting to for so long...."
"I'm carrying vervain, remember? I also had a nice cup of tea this morning, just for your information. I don't think I'll be all that delicious today,"
"I can see past all that," He growled.
"I can't," I snapped. "Go feed on someone else. I am not your next meal. I have lived far too long with the knowledge of vampires existing to die just like this,"
"You wouldn't die. I would only take a bit...."
"No you wouldn't. You wouldn't be able to stop. Don't try any games with me, Stefan. I know how you play, you should always remember that."
And then he was gone. I think I heard a faint scream as I was walking towards the exit as quickly as I could, my hand in my pocket slowly crumbling the vervain.
I could forget that Stefan was a vampire for a while when he joked with me, but today once again reminded me to never let my guard down.
It wasn't his fault that he wasn't human. He was an animal, a predator. A hunter. And I was his prey.
Never forget.
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