0 0 7 " He always wins "

Over dinner, we decided that we would go back into the University after one more day and two nights break. During that time Stefan would collect weapons and we would prepare ourselves. I had yet to find a way to make Nia stay home.

"I was thinking that we should teach you a bit of self defense, how to punch," Stefan said while he dried off the dishes on the next day.

"Why are you doing this?"

"It would help you to defend yourself, it's good to be prepared,"

"First, I didn't mean the training. Second, if he's a ghost, will it even help if I punch him in the face?"

"It would make me feel like you're a bit safer on your own," He admitted. "And what did you mean, then?"

"I meant this whole thing. Why are you helping us? Or more specifically, me? This isn't your problem. My ancestor killed him,"

"You could have gotten killed. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself."

But would it be the first time he's killed someone? Probably not.

"I see." It was still hard to believe that Stefan and Damon were vampires. I hadn't gotten actual proof, but there were some more than strange hints....

"So, are you up for punching someone in the face?"

"Can we use Damon?" I said and caused him to laugh.

"Gladly," He chuckled.

"It's not nice talking behind someone's back!" Damon yelled.

"You heard us, so it wasn't really behind your back," Stefan said.

"Plus, if we wanted to talk about something you aren't supposed to hear, we wouldn't do it here where we're practically in the same room,"

"Obviously. Even you can't be that stupid," I could almost see him roll his eyes.

"Idiot," I muttered.

"Heard that!" He pointed out proudly.

"You were supposed to." Me and Stefan laughed.



"I agree with her,"

"Stay out of it, Stef,"


"Nia!" We all yelled back in unision.

"That was gold!" She giggled.

"Back to self-defense lessons, are you up for it now?"

"Sure! I'll go get changed. Wouldn't wanna ruin my pj's,"

"Of course we wouldn't want that," Damon said sarcastically.

"Shut it. Are you gonna wash my clothes?"

"What am I, your maid?"

"Are you coming with us, Nia?" Stefan stuck his head through the door to look at my best friend, successfully ignoring us.

"I'd rather stay here and draw a bit, if that's alright,"

"Of course, honey," Damon said and rolled his eyes.

She glared at him. "Shut up."

"Oh, original,"

"Damon," Stefan sighed.

"Right. Let's go! We're gonna train Perse to kick some vampire ass!"

"That means I can kick yours as well." I realised that I might have just revealed that I knew about them but had to keep on my poker face.

"Oh, please!" He scoffed.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. To cover my relief, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the tanktop and shorts from my bag and went to change.

"Ready!" I exclaimed.

"Uh, damn girl!" Nia smiled. I looked down at myself and noticed that I was showing a little more skin than usual. I shrugged.

"So, where're we going?"

"The Uni's gymnasium, of course. It's only used on Thursdays to Saturdays and never past seven o' clock." Stefan held the door open and I walked past, muttering a 'thank you'.

"And we are allowed to be in there?"

"Well...." Stefan grinned sheepishly.

"Oh, the good brother gone bad?" Damon said in disbelief.

"So we're breaking in," I stated, ignoring the older Salvatore.

"We are sneaking in. Technically it's the University's property and we are the University's students...."

"Right. Not illegal at all," I chuckled.

"I can't believe that I used to think you're fun,"

"You know what they say; good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught. And I don't intend on changing that tonight,"

/ / / / /

"In a fight, the most important thing is defense," Stefan explained.

"That's where you're wrong, brother. Obviously, the most important part is the attack,"

"With a weak defense you won't even be able to attack," Stefan argued.

"But you won't win a fight without attacking!"

"I'm pretty sure that any fight Perse is going to get in with our vampire ghost, the most important part is to stay alive. So winning should really not be her priority,"

"Okay, okay!" I cut them off. "You need both attack and defense to win a fight, got it. Just teach me both."

"There's a thought," Damon smirked.

"We'll start with defense."

Stefan walked and stood in front of me. The gymnasium was huge but it was empty and we stood by the side while Damon leaned against the wall.

"Someone attacks you. What do you do?" The younger brother questions me.

"Is it a vampire?"


"I stand near a wall or something. Super speed, wouldn't want my back to be unprotected." I did what I said and stood a few metres away from Damon against the wall.

"Not bad."

I walked back to Stefan. I placed my feet further away from each other and lifted my fists to cover the lower half of my face.

"Bend your knees, lift your fists higher." I did as he said. He walked closer to me and gently threw a slow-motion punch at me. I doged it at the same pace.

"If you doge like that, you lose balance. Do it like this," He said and showed me.

"Great! My turn," Damon exclaimed and shoved Stefan aside.

"First of all you need to know how to punch. Never keep your thumb inside your fist, it increases the risk of breaking it. It's important to watch your opponent. You'll know that if my muscles tense, I'm about to strike. Like this." I watched closely and noticed that his shoulders and legs tensed.

I got into the defense position, or whatever it's called.

"I promise to go easy on you," He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "You think I can't take you,"

"Yes, very much so,"

"Let's see then,"

"Am I allowed to hurt him?" I asked the nicer Salvatore.

"Yes, but please no permanent damage," Stefan said with a small smile.

"I'll try," I promised.

"For now, I'll only do defense. Wouldn't wanna hurt you," Damon smirked.

"Right," I rolled my eyes once again.

"Your job for today is simply to get through my defense,"

"Sounds easy enough,"

"Well, it won't be."

I rolled my eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there," Damon chuckled.

"Nice one. Can we start?"

"Avec plaisir,"

"French." I was impressed.

"Just fight already. I want to go home," Stefan groaned.

"Quit whining, Stef,"

"Yeah, quit whining, little bro,"

"I liked you guys better when you hated each other,"

"I still don't like him," I clarified.

"Enough talking!" Damon exclaimed and got into position.

I lifted my arms to cover my face as well. Even though he said he'd only do defense, I didn't trust his promises.

"Come on, don't be shy," He said.

His conceited smirk helped me overcome my hesitation and I launged a hit. But my fist only came into contact with his lower arm.

I hit him again and again but the only thing getting hurt was my hand. While repeatedly hitting him in a pattern I thought of a different approach.

As quickly as I could I locked my leg around his and pulled him down. And it actually worked. He fell onto his back and a look of surprise replaced his smirk. I kneeled on him so that my knees were placed next to each side of his hip.

"Not so invincible now, are we?" I asked with a smirk. But before I could react, the tables had turned. Literally. Damon was now sitting on top of me, more specifically on my stomach and he leaned in so that our faces were only millimetres apart. His hot breath hit my face and my heart beat would have increased if it hadn't already been racing.

"I always win," He whispered and for a second I could have sworn that his eyes flickered to my lips. Not gonna lie, I was inspecting his pretty mouth as well. But I was more captured by his eyes. That ice blue though...

"Only in your dreams, pretty boy." And my knee made contact with his...you know what I'm talking about.

I nudged him off me and got up, smirking down at a stunned Damon.

"Hope it's not permanent. Wouldn't wanna break my promise to Stefan," I said with a look at the other Salvatore, who wasn't even trying to hide his laughter.

In an attempt to be a good winner, I held out my hand to pull Damon up. He glared at me but then his expression changed and he looked mischevious.

I was too late to pull back and he had already grabbed my hand and pulled me down on top of him.

"You possibly ruined my chance of ever having kids!" Damon muttered in fake fear.

"Good! One Damon in this world is enough!" I tried to escape his grip but he was too strong.

"Uhm, guys? I think we should get back, we'll continue tomorrow...." Stefan said awkwardly.

"Tell him to let me go!"

"Tell her to apologise!"

"Just let her go, Damon," Stefan snapped in annoyance.

"Exactly, Damon," I mimicked the way Stefan spat out his name.

"What if I won't?" Damon teased.

"I'll make you," Stefan growled.

"Please," He scoffed. "We all know I'm stronger than you! It's all about the proper diet, remember?"

"I could take you any time!"

"Don't lie to yourself, little brother!"

"Why are you like this?"

"Because it's fun!"

With every second Damon's grip around my wrist tightened and it was starting to hurt a lot. He was scaring me as well. It seemed that this little arguement could turn into something a lot more serious if it wasn't stopped.

"Please let me go," I whispered. He immediately loosened his grip and I exhaled a raspy breath.

"I'm sorry." He looked shocked. So did Stefan, not at Damon's actions but at his apology.

"It's fine. Nobody got hurt." I tried to hide my wrist and succeeded.

"You're sure?" Stefan asked and I showed him my other wrist.

"All good!" I said happily. "Can we go now? I'm dying to take a shower,"

"Me too," Damon muttered.

We walked back and found Nia to be asleep.

"Does she do anything besides eat, sleep and draw?"

I shrugged and went to grab my towel quietly. Stefan was next to shower and I caught Damon stealing from his brother's supply.

"Just a sip," He smirked when he noticed me.

"Do I get one?"

"Have mine," He said and handed me the glass. I downed the bourbon without removing the glass from my lips once.


"Thanks," I said, put the glass on the table and went to my bed. I read until both Damon and Stefan were in bed as well (both shirtless) which was when I switched off the light.

"Thank you. Both of you," I whispered into the darkness.

"You're welcome," They replied in unision.

"Goodnight," I pretended to yawn and turned to face the wall.

"Sleep well," Stefan said. Damon kept quiet.

I couldn't sleep, though. I was scared that the dreams would come back, not that I believed that they'd ever stop, and my wrist was hurting like hell.

I stared at the ceiling as long as I managed to stay still before I internally sighed and got out from under the duvet. I prayed that they were all asleep.

As quietly as I could I made my way into the kitchen. I shut the door and switched on the light before setting up a bit of hot water.

I forgot the vervain so I tiptoed back into the living/ bed room and got it.

I spiked my vervain tea with a bit of Stefan's vodka. I couldn't resist.

But the alcohol wasn't enough to settle my nerves so I just took the whole bottle and downed at least half of it. The burning feeling it left in my throat was soon replaced by a familiar numbness. The rest I'd keep for later, I decided.

I washed off my mug (didn't want the vamps to know I ingested vervain) and put it back in the cupboard before switching off the light and sneaking back into bed and carefully hiding the bottle under it.

/ / / / /

I slept perfectly fine, the numbness of the vodka sucessfully keeping the dreams away. I woke up with a headache, but it was still better than waking up in your own sweat in the middle of the night with the feeling of someone watching at you.

"You got some food? I'm starving." I stuck my head through the door into the kitchen only to find all of my 'roommates' already eating.

"Did you at least save me some?" I asked, annoyed.

Nia smiles sheepishly. "You were dead asleep...."

"Literally. Stefan thought you were dead," Damon chimed in.

"How kind. I'm gonna get some food myself, then," I said and walked into the bathroom where I changed and brushed my teeth. I kept a bit of vervain in my bra, just in case.

"Someone should go with her. She seems like a threat to human kind," Damon said.

"I heard that," I growled before walking out by myself. The cold air helped get rid off my headache a bit, but it increased the pounding in my wrist.

I passed by the pharmacy and bought a cream against the pain before continuing my way to my favourite café.

Fuck. Forgot my money. Oh well, I'll talk Marcus into allowing me to pay later. Nia said he's always had a soft spot for me.

"Perse! I haven't seen you in what feels like centuries!" I was greeted by the one and only himself.

"Marcus! How's life? Got your novel published yet?"

"I haven't even finished it," He laughed and hugged me. "What can I get you?"

"Well, I may or may not have left my money. So I can't really buy anything..." I trailed off, feeling a tang of guilt. He was a nice guy. I didn't want to use him. But food? At least I had my priorities solved.

"Always so forgetful. No problem, though. You're practically our main source of income. It's on the house,"

"I was gonna offer to pay it next time, but..." I shrugged sheepishly.

"Even better! So, what can I get ya?"

"Your Chocolate Chunk Pancakes and a cup of coffee, please," I said with a smile.

"Coming right up. Take a seat," He smiled.

"He's all rainbows and sunshine, isn't he? What a pain in the ass,"

"Damon, get out. I'm trying to have breakfast in peace,"

"You had a face like you were gonna murder someone when you left. We didn't want that stain on your, oh so beautiful reputation now, did we?"

"Please, I'm not you," I scoffed which got him to shut up.

"Is he bothering you, Perse?" Marcus asked as he set down my tea and my pancakes.

"Yes, yes he is,"

"She's lying. She loves my company,"

"Who is he?" Marcus asked, eyeing the Salvatore up and down.

"Just a friend's brother who I'm babysitting," I replied casually.

"Well, if he tries anything on you, I'll be there, yeah?"

"No you won't," Damon stared him dead in the eye.

I assume he must have been scared because he turned super pale and just turned around.

"You know, it doesn't hurt to be nice sometimes, right?" I asked in annoyance.

"There's no point,"

"Yes there is. For one, people might actually like you if you quit being a dick,"

"Please, people love me. Especially the women," He smirked. I just kept eating my pancakes, doing my best not to get chocolate all over my face.

"Name one." I held up my index finger. "Friend,"

"Who needs friends?"

"Every sane person!"

"I don't,"

"Cause you're not normal!"

"Why are you so focused on trying to fix me? I'm happy the way I am,"

"Right," I scoffed.

"What do you want, Perse?"

"I want you to shut up so I can eat in silence," I snapped at his attitude.

He cocked an eyebrow but kept his mouth shut.

I enjoyed the taste of New York's best pancakes, savouring every bit of it.

When I was done I leaned back and sighed happily.

"Do you know each other?" I asked, noticing that Marcus kept glancing at Damon.

"So now you wanna talk?"

"Just answer the damn question." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know him," He replied.

"Then why does he keep staring?"

"Cause he knows he doesn't stand a chance against me? I'm quite intimidating,"

"Please. A bunny is scarier than you," I lied.

In the blink of an eye the seat in front of me was empty and Damon sat next to me. He looked at me insensely and leaned closer, our noses touching. He smirked and I knew he was well aware of how quick my heart was beating.

"You." He moved closer, brushing his lips over mine. His hot, sweet breath hit my face and I parted my lips in surprise. "Underestimate." I furrowed my eyebrows at his behaviour. What was he playing at? I lifted my head to get a better look at him. "My abilities,"

He got up quickly, though at human speed, and sat down on his original seat opposite from me.

"Can I get you anything else?" Marcus appeared out of nowhere.

"No, I'm just on my way out," I said without giving Damon another look. I got up and wrapped Marcus in a tight hug.

"Thank you for letting me pay next time," I murmured into his ear.

"Oh, it's cool. Uhm, so you know, I heard there's this movie coming out. A new adaption of the Three Musketeers, you said you liked the book, right? Do you, maybe, want to watch it together some time?"

"I'd love to!" I smiled and waved him goodbye.

"His happiness disgusts me," Damon scrunched his nose in distaste as soon as we'd exited the café.

"What's your problem?" I stopped walking and spun around to face him. "He's a great guy! He's sweet and kind and a good listener! I've dated enough jerks like you to know a catch when I see one. I deserve a nice guy,"

"No woman wants a nice guy. Secretly, they all want the bad one. They want passion and a tad of danger. And so do you. Nice is boring."

I ignored his statement and instead walked faster.

"Silent treatment? I thought you were better than that."

I kept my gaze focused on the sidewalk in front of me.

"Come on, Perse. You deserve better than him,"

"Then who do I deserve, huh? You?" I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "I didn't think so,"

"Don't be like that,"

"Like what?"

"Like a bitch!"

"I guess that's what I am, though," I laughed bitterly. "A haunted bitch,"

"You're making a scene!" He rolled his eyes.

"You're causing it!"

I was glad he kept quiet for the rest of the way.

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