0 0 5 " Bait "

I opened my eyes, but my mind wasn't really awake. I just layed there for a while, trying to calm myself after the terrible dream, when I saw something move at the speed of sound or something. Not light, cause I could still see the movement a little.

Stefan stopped at his bed for a split second before he made his bed. In less than a second the blanket was neatly tugged in at the sides and the pillow was wrinkleless.

I blamed it on my sleepy head, then.

/ / / / /

"No classes today?" Stefan asked as he flipped something in the pan.

"Nope. You're cooking?" I peeked over his bare shoulder to look at the golden pancakes and inhaled the delicious scent, accidentally inhaling Stefan's too. He smelled faintly of leather but mostly like a pretty strong cologne. I always found it hard to describe the smell of colognes, most of them just smelled like alcohol.

"Apple pancakes." His back muscles flexed as he shook the pan rapidly to stop the dough from sticking to it.

Wasn't this every girl's dream? A sexy, muscular dude with sharp jawline and a super kind personality making you breakfast?

"Morning, family!" Damon exclaimed cheerfully. "Are those pancakes I smell?"

Shamelessly he grabbed one from the plate of already cooked ones and stuffed it into his mouth before dissapearing into the bathroom.

"He took the bad ones," Stefan revealed and threw me a mischevious look over his shoulder. "It took me a while to get them right. I haven't done this in quite a while,"

"They smell lovely. Can I help you with anything?"

"You could put on some tea. Something healthy to go with this junk food,"

"Junk food? You haven't lived in an actual dorm, have you? All you ever eat is pizza or chinese take-out or something,"

"That sounds disgusting."

I nodded. It was, at times.

Stefan told me where the pot was and I heated some water.

"I could get used to this." Damon walked out of the shower, a cloud of steam exiting with him.

"Over my dead body," I muttered.

He clicked his tongue in disapproval.

"Not at breakfast, please," Stefan sighed, setting down the plate with pancakes on the small dining table.

"Looks like we're one chair short." Damon grinned at the two chairs. "You're gonna have to..."

"I'll stand," Stefan offered with a glare at his brother.

"Nah, I can sit on the table if you guys don't mind," I shrugged.

"Mother would behead us if she found out that we let a girl stand,"

"Why don't you stand then, huh?" I shot Damon a glare. "And I won't be standing. I'm sitting on the table. Now, end of discussion. I'm hungry."

The brothers sat on the chairs while I jumped up on the table, each of us a plate in front of us. I put three on an extra one for Nia, for when she woke up.

"So, Perse. What are you doing in NYU?" Stefan tried to make small talk.

"I got a scholarship. I don't know what I wanna do yet. Maybe something with sciences. Or math, or linguistics. I don't know,"

"You seem indecisive." Damon took a sip of the freshly brewed black tea.

"Well, at least both me and your brother are studying something. What did you do with your life?"

"Did? I'm not that old," He said. "Do I look old to you?"

"I never said so. But what kind of guy lives with his brother in a secret hidden dorm and doesn't even study in the same Uni?"

"For your information- not that it's even your business- I have a perfectly fine life, but I don't live in New York. My brother called me because he noticed this ghost thing going on, and he knew he needed the fabulous me for help,"

"You're insufferable," I scoffed.

"Anyway," Stefan gave both of us a sharp look. "I think we need to find out more about this ghost."

"And how do you suggest we do that?" I raised my eyebrow.

"We go back in."

"What do you mean?" I was startled. Go back in that haunted University? Nah, I'm good.

"I mean that you and Nia both spend another night in there. The same way you've always done. You go to sleep in your dorms, wake up in the middle of the night and walk around the halls. We'll be just outside of the building, since our presence might make it suspicious,"

"Are you mad?" I stared at him wide eyed. And I'd thought that he was the reasonable brother. He probably still was, but maybe they were both crazy. "Do you remember what it did to Nia?"

I took a second to calm my breathing. Relax.

"I am shocked," The other brother said dramatically. "You want to set them up as bait?"

"It's the only way. We need to find out what it is. We can assume that it's either haunting you or Nia. Nia is more likely, since she seems to be the one to have the most encounters with it,"

"First of all, it's a 'he'," I started. "And second of all, why can't we try just using me as bait first? If it doesn't work, we can still send Nia into that hell house another night. I'd like to prevent Nia from having to see that thing ever again unless it's necessary,"

"And you think your weak little soul can handle it? That's arrogant and stupid."

"Maybe you've never cared for a person," I fired back. "But I care for Nia. She's like the little sister I never had. I love her, and I don't want her to get killed or something. When you love someone as much as I do, you'd die for them. That's why mothers throw themselves in front of their children in times of danger,"

"I'm going out," Damon abrubtly stood up and rushed out of the dorm.

"Sorry," I sighed to Stefan and got up to put the dished in the sink.

"Don't apologize. That's my brother; most of the times I wanna kill him. It's just that your words really got to him, you know? Some wounds just never heal." For a second I could have sworn that I saw pain in Stefan's eyes but it was gone as quick as it'd come.

"Brother rivalry," I thought out loud. "A girl?"

"Oh, she was no girl," Stefan let out a bitter laugh. "She was a monster. She ripped out my brother's heart. He was a good guy...once."

"But he wasn't the only one who got hurt." I'd meant to make it sound like a question but it came out as more of a statement.

"He never forgave me." He was seemingly staring into nothing, but I was pretty sure that he was reliving painful memories.

I put my hand onto his in an attempt to make him feel better. His pale skin was cool against my usually high body temperature and I hoped I'd be somehow calming.

He looked up with a reassuring fake smile and held my gaze steadily.

"Don't fake smile," I mumbled still not breaking eye contact.

"I thought fake smiles are the backbone of our civilization," He spoke lowly in his calming voice.

"Maybe of our civilization, but not of trust,"

We heard a crash in the living room and I thought he'd pull his hand away, instead he turned it around so that our hands were palm against palm and interwined his fingers with mine.

"Sorry!" We heard Nia's voice call out. "Knocked off the lamp. Nothing's broken though."

She toddled inside the room, wearing only her sports bra and her long pyjama pants.

I salute Stefan. He kept his eyes fixed on her face the whole time while asking if she wanted breakfast and giving her the plate.

"I guess I'm gonna eat in my bed. It's kinda cold. You don't mind, do you?"

"Nope. Go on." Stefan flashed her a warm smile. "Oh, and don't forget your tea!"

She took the mug from the table and I'm sure she didn't notice us holding hands, or she would have at least given me a look.

After she left it got kind of awkward. He kept looking at me, but I broke eye contact and picked up a few crumbs from the surface of the table.

"So, tonight. Do I have to sleep in my old room?" I asked, not daring to move my hand by even a millimetre.

"You don't have to do this," He looked like he regretted his plan. "It is a stupid idea. Putting you in danger like that. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you or Nia...."

"Relax. I agreed to this. Nia won't get hurt. I think she'll be fine, even staying here by herself. I hope...."

"The thing can't leave the halls. I don't think it can come here,"

"It's a 'he'," I sighed.

"How do you know?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I....I don't. It's just that feeling. I trust my instincts," I shrugged.

"So he can't come here, that means Nia is safe. You....less."

"You'll be there the whole time?"

"Right out of the door. If anything happens, I'll get you out of there," He promised.

"Do I have to stay by myself?"

"You don't want to put Nia into danger and Damon or I's presence could stop the ghost. So, yes. I'm afraid so,"

I took a deep breath. "You have no need to worry. I'll manage,"

"I bet you will." He stood up and walked up in front of me, wrapping his arms around me in a reassuring hug. I let myself glide down from the table gently so that I could stand. I pressed my forehead against the space between his collar bone and his neck.

He let his head rest on top of mine. "We're gonna manage. Damon and I will get rid of him..."

Of course, Nia walked in. Only years and years of practice helped me to keep a straight face and to prevent my blush-smile to creep onto my face. You see, I blush almost unnoticably, but I start to grin so much it's almost freaky.

Stefan let go of me and looked at Nia questionably.

"Your pancakes were great. Thanks. I'm gonna go shower." Nia smiled warmly before walking into the bathroom.

Stefan walked out of the kitchen. "I have to go do grocery shopping. You'll be alright here by yourself?" He grabbed a t shirt out of a small wardrobe and pulled it over his messy haired head.

"Of course we will. We might be haunted by a ghost, but we are still capable adults...more or less."

He chuckled. "Good. I'll be back before lunch."

"See you then."

After he left I decided to use the time to study. It was finally quiet and I really needed to look into my books again.

I got tired really quickly though. "Nia?"

"What?" She looked up from her sketchpad.

"Can I use your laptop?" Yes, a poor Uni student like her owned a laptop. Rich parents, I tell you.

"Of course. You brought it?"

"Yep." I went to her bed, took the laptop out of her bag and went back to my bed where I placed it on my lap.

I opened it and connected it with the University's internet.

I typed in "ghosts" and waited for the results. There were a few articles and I quickly scanned through.

People were haunted by ghosts when they did something to infuriate them, or even killed them. But what had Nia and I to do with that ghost? I certainly didn't remember killing anyone. Maybe Nia...? I almost burst out into laughter. Sweet, innocent Nia killing someone?

But for some reason a shiver ran down my spine. None of this was natural. It was supernatural.

I looked for supernatural things happening in NYU but there was nothing except for something a insomaniac students in exam week must have written. Apparently their teacher had grown three more eyes.

None of the articles helped much. Until I remembered the New York University students' archives. Any student could write anything, and most of the old books from the library were already digitalised.

I searched for supernatural and found the usual. Werewolves, vampires, witches. I sighed at the lack of useful and reliable information but then I thought, if ghosts exist, who says that there can't be other mystical creatures?

I read that vampires and werewolves both were a kind of demon and thought that maybe our ghost was actually a kind of demon.

But vampires and werwolves had a solid form, not like our ghost made of fire and smoke.

I guess the ghost had been pretty fast, and apparently super speed was an ability of vampires. Blood thirst? It wasn't entirely impossible. I guess I'd have to buy a little garlic, steal a bit of holy water....

For the fun of it, I searched for ways to repel a vampire. Yep, garlic and holy water were on top. But a stick through the heart and some herb called verbena were quite useful as well.

Verbena, also known as vervain or the enchanter's plant, could weaken any vampire and hurt them, burning their skin just like the sun was supposed to. According to a website in herbs and their ancient beliefs, probably run by an old grandma, vervain was the most effective way to keep a vampire off your back.

I was distracted from my research when Damon walked in behind a short brunette with dazzling green eyes and a great body.

She giggled at something he must have said and Perse couldn't help but roll her eyes. Even Damon had, though only behind the girl's back.

He wasn't even trying.

I shut my laptop and grinned, getting up from the bed. "Oh, hello! You must be Samantha!"

She wrinkled her face at me in confusion. "No, my name's Tanya..."

"Oh! So this is not...?" I trailed off, a look of suprise on my face as I looked at Damon. Hehe, acting skills. I should have went to pursue my theatre career and follow my ninth grade dream.

"He brings home too many, sometimes I get a little confused."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, dear. Anyway." I smiled widely. "What can I get you?"

"Oh, nothing! Thank you. I'd like to use the bathroom, though,"

"Sure! No problem! It's just straight and then the first door behind the fridge! I hope there is still toilet paper, you never know living with these two guys!"

She walked on her high heels over the floor, carefully stepping over the empty boxes of...things. I had a feeling that Stefan didn't like the mess very much, but with Damon here it was probably different. At least I knew that there was some brotherly bond, because if Damon really hated Stefan as much as he made it seem he wouldn't have come.

"She's pretty. Not the smartest, though," I commented with a look at Damon.

"But she's got a degree in human morphology." He put on his signature smirk.

"So you do remember what they say?" I dramatically let my jaw drop in fake surprise. I loved testing the boundaries, convinced that even Damon had them somewhere.

The girl returned, evidently having done her makeup in the short time. Damn, I can't even do my eyeliner in half an hour.

My eyes trailed down to have a closer look at her outfit when I noticed a red mark on her wrist. I sharply inhaled. Was that blood?

"What's that?" I tried my best to sound casual.

"Oh, that was just a silly accident. Wasn't it, darling?" Damon made eye contact with his fling and she nodded.

"I think it needs to be taken care of. We don't want it to get infected, do we?"

"I don't think...."

"You know, she can sue you if you had anything to do with that accident, right?" I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Would be a stain on your, oh so beautiful reputation, wouldn't it?"

"Believe me." He grinned conceitedly. "She won't remember that after tonight."

"Ew, gross," I scrunched my nose in disgust. "No dirty details, please. We're just gonna clean this."

I gently took her by her hand and lead her into the kitchen where I told her to sit down. I got a bit of alcohol (no, not originally intended for medical purposes) and cleaned the bloody cut.

Without all the blood it almost looked like a bite...

Damon a vampire? I guess he did have that mysterious aura but I always thought vampires had a lot of money and lived in dark, victorian mansions....I shook my head at myself. All that research on vampires must have been getting to me.

I snapped out of it and went to look for a plaster. Stefan of course had some in the bathroom, in the cupboard hidden behind the mirror. Smart.

"All set!" I announced proudly and let her go back to Damon who examined my work.

"It's sloppy," He commented.

"At least I bothered." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Damon. Let's go!" She yanked at his arm slightly.

"Have fun you two! And be careful!" I winked at Damon before he walked out of the door after her.

/ / / / /

"You'll be alright," Stefan promised me, his eyes sparkling in the light of the street lamps in front of the entrance to NYU.

"I know. No worries. I'm just going to stand in front of a psychotic vampire ghost, hoping he doesn't try to murder me...."

Stefan let out a deep chuckle. "Exactly."

He'd returned from grocery shopping shortly after Damon had left without any groceries. He claimed that he'd met someone and got side tracked.

Suddenly his eyebrows knitted together. "Wait, vampire?"

"I don't even know. It moved so fast, I could only see the flames surrounding it,"

"What makes you think vampires exist?"

"If ghosts do, can't vampires, werwolves and witches be more than old tales as well?"

He looked like he didn't belive me. "You were ready to believe in ghosts for a reason I'm not gonna question. So why aren't you ready to believe in vampires as well? It would be an explanation."

Instead of replying he pulled me into a hug and planted a light kiss on my forehead.

"What I believe doesn't matter. But let's not waste anymore time. I'm sorry you have to do this,"

"Don't be." I softly nudged him away from me and took a deep breath.

"Don't leave, you hear?" My voice was eerily calm and steady.


/ / / / /

I tried to distract myself by reading a book but I couldn't focus, so I was actually pretty happy when it was finally twelve o'clock. I was also happy about the fact that I'd made Nia go to a motel for tonight. She didn't argue, I suppose she really never wanted to see that vampire/ ghost again.

Lucky me.

I walked outside, my steps echoing through the halls.

My heart was racing and I suppose the waiting was worse than the actual encounter.

It appeared in front of me, once again in the entrance/ main hall of the Uni just like it had last time. So it was me being haunted and not Nia. Somehow that stopped me from running.

The flames burned around the dark shadow figure and it was blindingly bright in the darkness.

I was paralysed from fear. I had thought that I could handle it. Maybe Damon had been right when he said that that was stupid.

"What are you?" I screeched. The thing hissed loudly, like the sound of water falling onto a hot stone and evaporating.

I didn't get a reply so I decided to try another way. "Why are you haunting me?"

"Revenge." Its voice was beautiful, almost seductive. But it was too beautiful. You know those extremely colourful frogs that are actually the most poisonous? Yep. That.

It let out an ear piercing scream but I ran to the door, my eyes barely noticing my surroundings.

I had only one word on my mind.


I ran right into Stefan and even though I knew that it couldn't leave the building, I kept running.

Only he stopped me in the middle of the empty parking lot. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around. I stumbled into his chest and didn't bother taking a step back. I pressed my nose against the collar of his shirt and inhaled his strangely familiar scent.

"Shh," He mumbled. I used his heartbeat to calm myself down.

Heartbeat, inhale.

Heartbeat, exhale.

My knees were too weak, so when he asked if I wanted to go home, I shook my head, not looking him in the eye.

Without hesitation he swept me off my feet and carried me bridal style.

"I'm too heavy," I weakly complained.

He scoffed quietly. "You...."

"Speechless?" My voice was muffled by his shirt and I grinned softly.

"You seem to have an effect on me, Miss Persephone!"

"Don't." I sighed dramatically. "Just call me by my last name, if you have to,"

"What is your last name?"


"Well, Miss Nox. We're home." He gently dropped my legs and I leaned against the wall while he opened the door. He took my arm and helped me inside.

"She's dead asleep." Stefan commented with a look at Nia.

"That makes one of us." My head was replaying the ghost scenario over and over again and I closed my eyes in hope of finding refuge. But it only made it worse.

Stefan's strong arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer. His thumb pushed my chin up so that I had to look him in the eye.

"You don't have to see him again. I promise," He mumbled.

He didn't break eye contact as his thumb pulled my face closer to his and he closed the distance between us, planting his soft lips on mine.

The kiss was sweet and short, and unbelievably comforting. It calmed my nerves and salved my scarred soul.

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