10. Busted
Ten minutes after everyone had left, Draco returned with the necklace and Harry was very glad, because he could feel Johnny stirring behind the shields.
"How the hell did you end up here?" Draco asked, passing him the necklace.
"I told you," Harry replied, checking the clasp to make sure it hadn't been broken; "I regressed myself to eleven and then went and played Muggle."
"But figure skating?" Draco sounded incredulous.
It was kind of a strange thing to have ended up doing.
"Have you ever skated?" he asked, confident that the necklace was in one piece and its enchantments were still active.
Draco shook his head.
"It's as thrilling as flying," he said and knew he probably looked distant as he thought about it, "and sometimes you actually do fly. I love every minute on the ice; I wouldn't be here otherwise."
For a moment Draco looked impressed.
"I'll talk to you later," he said, feeling Johnny stir again, "right now I have to make sure Johnny is okay. If an irate vampire comes charging out of there," he pointed at the bedroom door, "in a few minutes, stupefy him for me will you?"
At that Draco smiled, but did nod.
"And don't even think about climbing out the window," the Slytherin said and Harry found himself smiling as well.
He put his fingers to his temple and made a face.
"Okay," he said with mock seriousness, "that's off the list."
Draco appeared genuinely amused at that; it was an expression Harry barely recognised on the other wizard. Draco had changed, grown up a lot since Harry had last seen him. Where he was a gangly twenty-year-old, Draco was a full bodied thirty-year-old and he looked like he was in shape. Harry found himself vaguely interested, but he stopped that thought in its tracks; Draco was probably happily married and continuing the Malfoy line by now.
"See you in a little while," he said, bending down to the small fridge to grab the bottle and straw he knew Johnny kept there, before ducking into Johnny's bedroom to avoid doing something stupid.
Johnny moaned quietly just after he shut the door and he moved over to beside his friend's bed, placing the necklace and blood on the bedside table. He waited and eventually Johnny's eyes fluttered open.
"Ow?" Johnny said as soon as he saw him, and the vampire seemed confused.
Harry gave his friend a smile.
"How do you feel?" he asked, since Johnny looked pale.
"Like something hit me hard," Johnny replied and went to sit up. "What happened?"
Stupefy hexes could be very like a blow to the head and mess with the short-term memory for a little while, so Harry wasn't really surprised that Johnny didn't remember much.
"You lost the necklace," he said, helping Johnny into a sitting position. "You saved my life and in doing so the necklace came off and I had to Stupefy you."
Johnny looked aghast.
"What did I do?" the smaller man all but demanded.
"Nothing hideous," Harry promised, hoping to calm Johnny down a bit; "you didn't get to him," they both knew who 'him' was, "but you almost did. Two of your other teammates saw everything: Ohno and Celski, but it turns out Ohno is a wizard. Did you know that?"
Johnny shook his head; that seemed to be as much a shock to him as it was to Harry.
"He kept that quiet," Johnny said, still looking dazed.
"Yeah, well all three of them know who I really am now as well," Harry continued; "Draco managed to give that away and is currently in your living room. I thought about killing him, but it might be hard to get rid of the body with all the press running around."
The way Johnny just stared at him for that comment showed quite how out of it Johnny was; there wasn't even a flicker of a smile.
"What are they going to do?" Johnny asked.
"Nothing," Harry replied and patted his friend on the arm; "but they're probably going to want an explanation. I told Evan you'd talk to him when you're feeling better."
"I'd rather just get on a plane," Johnny said, looking a little terrified.
Harry picked up the bottle of blood and handed it to his friend with the matching straw.
"Unlike me," he said with a sympathetic smile, "you have never run from anything."
Johnny looked down at the bottle and then up at him, seeming pensive before giving a huge sigh.
"So much for breaking it to him gently," Johnny said and flicked open the bottle and put in the straw; "he could be a complete tool about this you realise? It has been known."
He took a long suck as if he was drinking Coke.
"And you've been known to be a complete bitch," Harry replied with a small smile; "but I don't think he will be, he was worried about you."
"Really?" Johnny asked, letting the straw drop out of his mouth and brightening considerably. "How worried?"
It was typical Johnny; up and down at a moment's notice.
"How should I know?" Harry replied and rolled his eyes. "He was concerned, that's all I can say. He knows this has something to do with him and he didn't seem to like the fact that he's causing you bother. Anything else you're going to have to find out for yourself."
Johnny didn't look overly pleased with the answer, but went back to sucking up the blood.
"So," Johnny finally began talking to him again, "Draco Malfoy; cute like the movies or pointy like the books?"
Harry found himself laughing despite the enormity of the situation.
"In school, pointy," he replied, dropping into his best impression of overtly gay, "right now; I'd do him in a heartbeat."
Johnny grinned and then brightened again.
"Right," were his next words, "give me five minutes to freshen up, then I'm coming out and you can introduce me to this hot example of man flesh."
There was no arguing when Johnny said something in that tone, so Harry nodded and stood up.
"Okay," he said and picked up the necklace from the table and handed it to Johnny; "you have five minutes."
Johnny put it back on, fading to his human state instantly, but still smiling, which was good, so Harry bent down, gave his friend a peck on the cheek and then sashayed out, making Johnny laugh.
When he turned, having entered the living room and closed the bedroom door, he found Draco watching him.
"Potter, are you gay?" Draco asked, sounding perplexed.
Clearly his sashaying had been noticed.
"Not exclusively," he replied, throwing caution to the wind, "why, interested?"
It turned out Malfoy's could blush.
"You haven't improved," was Draco's less than stellar comeback.
Harry just smiled; he liked having one up on his old rival.
"Shouldn't you be off worrying about your father or the Aurors or something?" he asked, since now he didn't have Johnny to worry about it actually occurred to him who had attacked him.
"He's on his way back to St Mungo's with the Aurors," Draco said in an offhand manner; "we've had him locked up there since the spell first manifested four years ago. They've made a little headway and if some idiot hadn't shown him a Muggle newspaper so he saw you he never would have gone off on one. At the moment I'm more worried about you pressing charges. The Aurors will want to speak to you about the whole thing."
Harry hadn't actually thought about that; he had been so used to Voldemort taking pot shots at him when he had been in the Wizarding world that it hadn't occurred to him what someone might do under more normal circumstances.
"If he's under a spell I'm not going to try and have the book thrown at him, Draco," he said, understanding a little of Draco's waspishness now. "I'd rather the whole thing just go away quietly actually; I really don't want everyone to know where I am. I left the Wizarding world to get away from Harry bloody Potter and I'd rather he stayed where I left him and let James Black continue as if nothing had happened."
"I would love to help," Draco replied and it actually sounded genuine, "but I think it's already too late. My father was raving before some idiot let him escape and this was this morning's headline at home."
Draco pulled a small folded something from his pocket and resized it back to its former state, at which point Harry could tell it was the Prophet. There on the front page was a picture of him from just after the war and a Muggle one of James Black from what he assumed was a paper back home. The headline proclaimed: "Harry Potter and James Black, Same Person?"
"Fuck," he said very loudly.
"If you had chosen a less obvious name, we might have been able to spin something," Draco said and handed him the paper, "but I think it's more than obvious what the truth is."
Harry just glared at his onetime rival for that; he had thought about his name very carefully and he was proud of it. It stood for two of the most important people in his life even though he barely remembered one and had known the other for such a short time. Names defined people and he liked the one he had chosen for himself.
"Well I'm not going back," Harry said firmly; "this life is mine."
"Good for you," Draco said and Harry was very surprised to find that it looked as if Draco meant it, "just be prepared to mix them a little. The moment you set foot in Britain the people who cared about you are going to start showing up and the Ministry will undoubtedly want an explanation."
"The Ministry can suck my cock," was Harry's response to that; "all they ever did was make my life hell. If they set foot near me the first thing I will do is sue them for every penny they have for letting me have an abused childhood and allowing a Dark Lord to get anywhere near me."
Draco actually looked interested at that, almost impressed.
"Now that part might actually work," was the grudging acknowledgement.
"Yes, well I have had nearly ten years to come up with a backup plan," Harry told his companion. "I may be a Gryffindor, but I'm not stupid. My legal representatives have had the paperwork ready for six years, just in case."
Now Draco really did look impressed.
"Who'd have thought that you actually have a brain," was the backhanded compliment.
That made Harry smile just a little, but then he looked back down at the paper again. His simple life was over.
"Do excuse me for being late," Johnny's voice broke him out of his thoughts and he turned to see his friend exiting the bedroom; "you must be Draco Malfoy, pleased to meet you."
Draco shook the offered hand.
"Glad to see you're feeling better," Draco returned politely.
"Much, thank you," Johnny replied, the epitome of gentile politeness even though he did give Draco a once up and down; "I think I'm beginning to remember some things from this afternoon, but you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little vague."
"A double stupefy will do that to anyone," Draco replied with a nod.
"Double?" Johnny looked to Harry for clarification.
"Ohno and I both got to our wands," he explained apologetically, "and he's a surprisingly good shot."
Johnny just shrugged.
"Better that than me getting to Evan," was the practical response. "Is that you I see on the front page?"
Harry nodded and passed it over.
"It's the main Wizarding newspaper from home," he said with a sigh, "seems I'm busted."
Johnny scanned the article.
"No publicity is bad publicity, Jimmy," Johnny said, giving him back the paper and patting him on the shoulder gently; "you just have to know how to spin it. This could be good for your career, get you some Wizarding sponsorship as well as Muggle. Imagine how much money you could make selling the story of your reinvention, and we all know how expensive new skates are these days."
That rather made Harry stop and he blinked at his friend; he hadn't considered it that way. He was so used to compartmentalising the different halves of his life that possible pluses of mixing the two had never occurred to him. It was going to be a nightmare when he got home to begin with, but in the long run it could actually help him.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you," he said and grinned at Johnny, who, of course, basked in the praise.
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