The Aftermath

I wake up seeing myself in the infirmary and with Ocha,and my mom next to me sleeping as I chuckled knowing they were going to be worried.

I then decided to get up and I woke up Ocha and my mom.

Gine/Ochaco - GOKHAN!!

They hugged me tight as I felt pain in my left side of my back.


Both of them let go and they begin scolding me and I realized that I haven't told anyone I proposed Ocha.

Gokhan - Sorry about that I just felt really angry and when All Might said he was gonna kill everyone I loved and Ocha it reminded me of the villains and how they attacked everyone even the hero killer. I was powerless and late to stop them from injuring someone the rage went to the limit and I exploded with power I felt myself go to the next level of Super Saiyan.

Gine - Yes your father did mention you transforming into a Super Saiyan 2 but the best thing you can do is try to call it by command or mastering the form.

I agreed as we watch the Sunrise from Recovery girls office and I went to take a shower in the locker room and I changed into my uniform and waited for everyone.

Gokhan - So do you wanna tell them?

Ochaco - Yeah I want to see their faces.

Aizawa - Well color me surprise.

Gokhan/Ochaco - MR.AIZAWA!!!

Aizawa - I always knew you both were gonna be together.

Gokhan - He he thanks. We appreciate the support.

He went to his sleeping bag and went for his nap again as I started meditating feeling the power course through me and knowing I have to become stronger but I felt a strange energy it was like it was calling me but it was gone in an instant.

Ochaco - Gokhan are you okay?

Gokhan - Yeah don't worry about it.

In moments later everyone in the class showed up and I decided to go to the front and tell everyone about us.

Aizawa - Alright then before we begin class Gokhan has an announcement.

Gokhan - Thanks Aizawa. I would like to call Ocha to the front and we can tell you.

She walked to the front of the class and she was giggling as I tried to keep my cool failing miserably.

Momo - Whats going on?

Ojiro - Yeah what do you both wanna tell us?

In that moment Ochaco pulled her hand up and showed the ring as Shoto gasped and ran to us and hugged me hard. Everyone than realized and started congratulating us as I was talking to Shoto and Shima.

Shoto - And here I thought I was gonna be the first. You beat me to it.

Kirishima - Nice man real manly of you to propose.

After a few moments of talking I hear Mina say that we should hang out tonight and should go to the mall and hangout and to mostly buy stuff for the training camp.

Tsu - Wait but you and Kaminari failed how will you guys go?

Aizawa - Actually the ones who failed were Kaminari,Sato,Mina and Sero but you all will still be going to camp but you'll be taking extra course classes

Everyone cheered as they were able to go to the camp and everyone except Bakugo and Aoyama and Shoto.

Aizawa - Make sure you don't take this lightly and you are also not allowed to take long vacations since the training camp will begin in 1 weeks so you make sure you have everything prepared.

After he announced everything he left and everyone was talking about the camp.

Mina - Man this sucks we can't go anywhere for the whole week.

Hagakure - Hey why don't we just go to the school pool tomorrow.

Mina - Yeah that's cool.

We decided to talk for a while and during that Bakugo pulled me from aside and started talking to me.

Bakugo - I want you to know that I respect your strength now and that I want you to train me so basically we are gonna fight the whole summer camp we have.

Gokhan - Bakugo you got strong on your own the person you need to ask is All Might because if I train it won't help you but I think its time I tell you the truth. We'll talk another time during the camp.

The whole school day went the same as again I felt the strange energy but this time I saw something like someone but like the energy it was gone as it came like a small wave.

Shoto - Hey what's going on with you? You've been looking like you sensed a bad energy.

Gokhan - I don't know what it is but I sense something wrong like a energy going out of control but then gains control in another moment and I just saw something or someone he looked familiar.

Ochaco - So that's what you felt in the morning.

Gokhan - Yeah but I feel like it's nothing so we shouldn't worry about it.

After lunch we had a half day and so we went to the mall while I went to the food court to eat some more because you can never have enough food.

Momo - Gokhan your eating already?

I nodded and she sat down next to me and I offered her some food and we started talking about each other, but it all ended when some jackass decided to try to talk to her.

Guy - Hey baby why don't you leave this loser and come with a real man.

Momo - Not interested.

Gokhan - You heard her buddy get the hell out of here.

He pulled out a knife and I just gave him a dumb look since it was really a bad idea.

Gokhan - You are going to regret this so I am going to give you one chance or this will get ugly.

He tried to cut me but I just grabbed his knife and broke it and I used my Ikari form for intimidation. 

Guy - You're a monster...

Gokhan - Leave.

He ran away and Momo hugged me as she kissed my cheek and said to not take so much into it as she sees me like a big brother.

Gokhan - Don't worry I know you and Shoto are full on together and plus I see you as a sister as well.

She hugged me and we kept on talking until she left when she saw a good dress. I sat down in the fountain and I grabbed his hand and created a small energy blade cut the index finger and hold him in place.

Gokhan - I knew you were here Shigaraki.

Shigaraki - Let me go.

Gokhan - No you will be going to prison once and for all now before we go why don't you tell me exactly why you are here. For me or because you needed me to talk about the Hero Killer?

Shigaraki - You saw through me huh? Fine the reason i'm here is because the Hero Killer. When you beat him everyone was talking on how terrifying he was but nobody started talking about my Nomu's. Why?

Gokhan - Simple because your cause is just destruction to everything you don't like but Stain's causes were a little noble. He wanted to create a better society but was blinded of the heroes who only wanted to become a hero for money and fame but he too was too blinded because he convinced himself that almost every hero instead of my parents, myself and All Might were real heroes.


Aizawa - You think your causes are noble but you do it because it's fun and you do it for shits and giggles.

Shigaraki - You figured me out.

(Flashback ends)

Shigaraki - So it was All Might's fault huh? So I wasn't wrong he was the cause of this. My plan still works as ever.

Gokhan - Forget it Tomura you will be forgotten from the world nobody will fear you as long as All Might and my family and myself are still alive and breathing even if I die someone will take my place and you'll lose. 

In that moment I saw him push me away as Kurogiri warp gate showed up and they were gone as I saw my friends and realized that they saw everything with Shigaraki and Ocha hugged me and so we left home and I decided to take in some last minute training.

Gokhan - What should I be more focused on? Izuku? All for One? Super Saiyan 2? Shigaraki and his league of villains? or One for All and this weird energy wave.

I was frustrated and transformed into a Super Saiyan 2.

Gokhan - Looks like I can transform on my own so it's not that hard to control it's just like Super 

I went back to dorms and took a shower and kissed Ocha and went to my room and decided to sleep but what happened next is what I couldn't understand.

I wake up in a room but it was all All Might themed so I thought it must be a different room.

Gokhan - Huh?  Strange who's room is this?

In a moment someone walked in but I couldn't believe it. It was him Izuku how?

Gokhan/Izuku - WHAT THE HELL?!!!

Everyone then showed up and I was relieved that everyone was still here.

Gokhan  - Guys what's going on?!! Why is Izuku here?!!

Todoroki -  Who the hell are you?!

Gokhan - Shoto what do you mean it's me Gokhan?

Mina - We need to call Gogeta.

In that moment I was hit with what seemed as a tranq dart and I was knocked out.

What the hell happened? Why does nobody remember me?

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