Let me introduce myself.....

We have been on the move watching from the shadows seeing if we can find anything to tell us where we are. But we found nothing no clue on how we came from our hideout to an abandoned one.

Black - Nothing on the east block.

Karai - Negative on the South.

Deku - Stain, Garou and Dabi you 3 are the only ones who can find some clues.

Login 231 we have been in this strange new world for 2 days and we have found nothing on why or how we got here. I have send my men to find some answers and inspect the city.

Deku - Who brought us here?

Toga - Hon I think I found something.

She showed me the news as they were talking about the criminal named Owari as he escaped Tartarus. The last scene he was known to be was an abandoned building but a giant explosion was caused and no one found the body nor the cause of explosions.

Deku - Go to that building and see if you find any clues. Also everyone look at the picture I just sent you. Go with Toga and make sure you have your disguises.

All - Copy.

I tried to find more as I pulled out my notebook but something fell of my pockets and I forgot it was the gauntlets that I took from Armagon. I put them on as I felt a small strain in my arms. But I could also feel my power increasing dramatically.

Deku - I could get used to this.

(Black POV)

We tried to make it to the area in silence as Dabi put on a suit and glasses and had Toga holding his arm as she had a red and black dress with her hair down. While Garou and myself had on leather jackets and ripped black jeans. Karai and Stain took the shadows to get there. After walking for 15 minutes we finally made it to the building but there was something wrong. There wasn't a building but a giant crater and everything that was close to it was destroyed.

Karai - Great now what?

Toga - Let me call the boss.

Black - Wait....I feel an energy here let me try something.

I knelt down as I touched the floor and I concentrated so I could feel and locate the energy.

Dabi - What's he doing?

Garou - It looks like he can track the presence of whoever caused this.

After a while Black's eyes opened up as he started signaling his comrades to follow him as he started walking to the direction and Toga called Deku to meet them once they got the location ready as she quickly changed into a normal clothes as she put her hair in a bun.

Stain - So how far?

Black - By seeing how this crater was only a day old the scent and energy signal of the one who escaped he should be close.

We kept on moving as I had a small bad feeling if we did find this person.

(While with Deku)

Deku - Come on. Let me see it one more time. I need to see those futures again.

Deku tried to see the futures his father showed him but it was hopeless, he knew he couldn't see them but he wasn't gonna give up. Deku was focused on the future as he wanted to see a future where he can succeed but also where his organization is still strong and free.

Deku - If only I could use it again! Wait a minute.....we are in a different universe. Oh yeah let's see how the news will go when they find the League of Villains dead. Yes and maybe they can tell me their secret plan.

(Back with the others)

Black - I think that's him over there?

The others looked as they saw a man in an alley way as he turned to the left.

All of them went on top of the buildings as Karai and Stain jumped to the roof of the building that the man was turning too. But they saw nothing no sign of him.

Gokhan Black flew to his comrades as he also saw that no one was there.

Black - Impossible. No he couldn't easily leave and his energy signal is the same strengths he was right here.

Toga - Maybe there is a secret passage way from down there. That's how he disappeared, he must have a base here.

Everyone took her advice as Karai was searching the walls until Stain found it. Stain pressed the wall and the walls were in camouflage mode since they separated quickly and the lights were off.

Garou - We made it now we should call Deku.

Toga - Already on it. Black get ready to use instant transmission.

Black located Deku as he quickly left and returned just as fast. Deku smiled as he was proud of his comrades.

Deku - Shall we?

All of them walked through and Black created an energy sphere so they could see from the darkness.

Black - I feel many energy signatures from underground so we have found whoever created that crater base.

Stain - Let's hope he has the answer on why we arrived here.

Out of nowhere a few men noticed them as they started shooting and Black caught all of the bullets and threw them back at the men. They made it to an elevator as they pressed to the bottom floor.

Deku - So......how are y'all liking the organization?

Stain - I like it.

Garou - Yeah it's amazing.

Toga - Boss is super handsome.

Karai - Yeah I met the love of my life in this job so I'm great.

Black - Same said for me.

Dabi - Needs a food bar.

Deku - Ooh that does sound good a food bar maybe we should find the original League of Villains and take their bar maybe have Kurogiri work for us?

After a few more agreements the elevator reached its destination as the doors opened and everyone saw the whole base.

Black - Heh whatever our base is still better.

Deku - No sorry I love my base but this is advanced.

Before even taking a step a giant group of men blocked their path. Black and Garou looked at each other as they smiled and got in their fighting stances but Deku stopped them as he looked at the men.

Deku - Where is the man in charge?

Men#1 - Why should we tell you?

Deku - We have an offer.

Men#5 - Get out of here while you can!

??? - Now what do we have here. Come now men you don't have to be so hostile. After all we have guests.

A man walked out from the shadows as Deku was analyzing him. He was a man with black curly hair, red eyes. Early 30s, a slim built, 6'0 ft and scars covering his arms with a small scar going from his ear to the base of his throat.

??? - Hello there my name is Owari. Hajime Owari. Please excuse my men they are idiots who don't have proper manner and fools for not noticing a good business deal when they see it.

Deku - I understand. Oh forgive me of my rudeness. Let me introduce myself. My name is Deku and these are my organization members.

Owari - Come on in, would you all fancy any tea, something to eat perhaps? After all you are guests.

Deku - Thank you Mr.Owari....

Owari - Oh please don't be so formal. Owari it's fine, now you want to talk business? Then let's talk business.

That phrase brought a smile to Deku's face.

Deku - Lets Mr.Owari.

(While with Gokhan)

Gokhan was still sleeping as he started moving around but in his dream he saw something or someone as he couldn't tell who it was as the whole area was covered by a giant blue aura it felt intense but calming at the same time. But he also saw the predecessor of One for All he was confused why but only one turned and spoke. It was the master of All Might. Nana Shimura.

Nana - Hey kid we have a lot to talk about.

Hey guys it's back also Nana Shimura will be a big part of the story take it like a ghost only Gokhan can see also I want you all to follow zukodeservedbetter because of her, we brought this crossover to life and I want you to give her the same love so please follow her. She is a big help with most of the dialogue.

Also comment who you think the covered figure is.

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