Alternate Ending

Gokhan - KA....ME....HA.....ME....HAAAAA!!!!!!!

Ize struggles to push the attack back as he was losing his footing but was later then consumed by the blast.

The dust settles as Ize is breathing hard but he powers up and rushes at Gokhan with a fury of blows.

Gokhan - His power increased? Damn I'm gonna have to use it.

One for All 50%!!

Gokhan starts fighting back as he punches away Ize but he recovers quickly as he tries to deliver a punch to Gokhan but he maneuvered by pushing his hand and delivering a hard elbow to his gut and spin kicked to the ground.

As Ize crashes to the ground hard as Gokhan flies higher and prepares a blast.

Gokhan - Gogeta I'm borrowing your move! STARDUST FALL!

In a parallel universe

Gogeta sneezes and he gets very confused and bewildered.

He shoots a giant blast that spreads to hundreds of blast and Ize gets hit with several of the blast while Gokhan keeps pushing the blast as it caused him to fly higher away.

Ize got even more frustrated as he pushed the blast away and he flew to Gokhan and both started trying to land a hit on each other and Gokhan saw that Ize was really serious but Ize landed a blast on Gokhan face and grabbed his leg and slammed him down to the ground.

Gokhan - Gaaah!

Ize backed away as he created a giant blast of energy and shot it at Gokhan but before it could make impact the blast was destroyed by a giant aura of energy.

Ize - What the?!

The smoke cleared as everyone saw someone with a destroyed shirt and ash blonde hair standing there.

Gokhan - Bakugo?

Bakugo - Come on we can beat this guy together.

Gokhan could only smile as this was a first for Bakugo to be telling "him" that they need to work together.

Gokhan - Fine lets do this.

Both rushed at Ize as Bakugo started releasing many explosions, while Gokhan got in close and tried to kick him.

Gokhan - Saint Louis Smash!!!

Ize created a barrier to block the attacks and pushed Gokhan away.

Ize - I can't keep up with their movements.

Bakugo grabs Gokhan's hand and used his explosions to spin around at high speeds as Gokhan prepared another kick.

Bakugo - AXE....CATAPULT!!!!

He shoots Gokhan to Ize as he lands the blow and kicks him away but something was happening to Gokhan he powered down to a normal Super Saiyan.

Bakugo - You used too much energy.

Gokhan - It doesn't matter he's also pretty weakened we can win this.

But their words were cut short as 2 energy beams stabbed them and both were screaming in pain.

Ize - Both of you need to focus more on the battle especially when the opponent is me.

Everyone - Gokhan! Bakugo!

Without a second two giant purple lizards were biting down on Bakugo and Gokhan crushing them as both couldn't stop screaming in pain.

Kirishima - We have to help come on Shoto we don't have much time!

Todoroki and Kirishima ran to both Bakugo and Gokhan but Ize got in their way. Todoroki shot a giant wave of Ice but Ize easily blasted it away. Kirishima tried to attack Ize but was choked by Ize's tail and thrown into another mountain. Ize flew back to the ground under Gokhan and Bakugo and kept crushing them.

Gokhan - Bakugo.....I have an idea.....but you trust me.

Gokhan reached his hand out as Bakugo was shocked he would result to this.

Bakugo - Are you sure?......Don't you have the senzu beans?

Gokhan - No they burned when they were in my pocket so it's no use but please...........K-K-Kacchan!

Bakugo eyes widened as he saw both Gokhan and Izuku.

Gokhan/Izuku - Kacchan!

Bakugo swallowed his pride and reached for his hand.

Bakugo - Kakarot!

Both fingers touch as they kept trying to reach each other and both finally grab each other hand.

But the reaction caused both to destroy the energy lizards as Ize backed away and saw how both were up and ready for the fight.

The power of both warriors caused a ripple in dimensions between Gokhan and Gogeta's Universe as everyone from the dorms went outside and saw the battle happening.

Gogeta - What is going?

Ryoko - Is that Gokhan?

(Back to the fight)

Bakugo - Kakarot you know what this means...your power will deplete.

Gokhan - I know but I don't care we have to beat him if not he will end all life on the planet. I'm gonna be exactly like how Uncle Toshi was with me after he gave me One for All but I'm gonna use everything here and now. You and I always wanted to become the best like Uncle Toshi so if it's you then it's fine. You knew about One for All and kept it to yourself. We both want to become number 1 and remember the type of hero All Might was.

Bakugo and Gokhan got flashbacks of their childhood when Bakugo saw All Might on t.v or when Gokhan saw him in action.

Bakugo - No matter what bad guy is in front of him in the end....HE ALWAY WINS!!!

Gokhan - No matter what obstacle is in his way he always....SAVES EVERYONE WITH A SMILE!!!

Both powered up as Bakugo and Gokhan were using 100% of One for All.

Ize - It's over this planet will become ash!!!

Ize flew high to the sky and created a giant ball of energy similar to the sun.

Ochaco - What is that?!

Ize - Take this and vanish!!!

Gokhan/Bakugo - DETROIT......SMASH!!!!!

The force of the attack pushed the blast back and both of the boys kept pushing even after feeling even more pain from their broken arm.

Gokhan/Bakugo - Grrrrhhh!! HAAAA!!!!!

The giant ball of energy was destroyed as Ize was shocked by the power displayed by both of the boys.

Ize - They cancelled it? What the hell is this power?!!

Both look at him with anger as electricity was flowing through their body.

Ize - I won't lose! Not by mere humans!!

Gokhan - Wrong you will lose by Heroes!

Bakugo - Argh! Damn my arm.

Gokhan  - Kacchan let's go.

Bakugo - Uh huh. I thought I told you not to give me orders!!!

Both sped quickly to Ize as he started shooting many energy blasts at both but Gokhan and Bakugo were dodging each one with Gokhan creating a smoke screen for Bakugo to deliver a deadly explosion to Ize. Gokhan doesn't waste any time and delivers a kick to Ize but sees that Ize grabbed his leg and he slams him to the ground.

Bakugo - Damn it looks like I need it again. KAIOKEN!!!

A giant aura covered Bakugo as his speed increased dramatically and he blasted Ize away from Gokhan and kept the onslaught as he blasted Ize and screamed in pain as his arm was in so much pain.

Gokhan - Come on body don't break more than you already are. KAIOKEN!!

Both kept getting stronger as Ize was struggling to keep up. Gokhan punched him straight in the jaw and Bakugo kicked him and used an explosion to drop him far to the ground but the ground crumbled and both heroes were running up the mountain and falling ready to end the fight.

A giant flame inside Gokhan expands as he knew what was gonna happen next.

Gokhan - Kore ga......Boku no hanastse....saigo no...SAIGO NO SUMASSHU!!!!

Gokhan punches Ize so hard he fly's down to the ground as Bakugo releases another giant wave of explosions and they knew victory was theirs. Ize was on the ground back to his first form and knocked out.

Gokhan and Bakugo were falling from the sky with Gokhan saying the last words.

Gokhan - Sayonara....One for All.....Arigato.

Both crumble to the ground as the flame extinguished and Gokhan and Bakugo were on the ground after winning the battle and saving everyone.

(A few minutes later)

Everyone was up and healed as All Might ran to Gokhan and Bakugo and saw how badly their bodies were destroyed.

All Might - Gokhan,Bakugo you both did very well.

Gokhan - uncle....toshi?

All Might - It's alright you both won.

Gokhan - Is he alright?

All Might - Yeah. Beat up but he'll live.

Gokhan - I'm...sorry. I gave it to him.

All Might - What?

Gokhan - I gave One for All to trusted me with the power and to be your successor.....but I don't regret it. I'm just happy we won........

Gokhan fell back to slumber as All Might smiled and looked at Bakugo and saw something the power of One for All was covering Gokhan body.

All Might - This is.....did the transfer not complete because Bakugo was unconscious? No maybe One for All gave him a temporary transfer. Master thank you for keeping these boys safe.

Everyone found them as Ochaco ran to Gokhan and started crying and kissing him but what she didn't notice was that she was stepping in his broken arm. Gokhan eyes shot up and he started screaming in
pain as out of nowhere a portal opened up and Gogeta walked out and saw how Gokhan was screaming but because Ochaco was stepping on him.

Gogeta - HAHAHA!!! Oh my god I'm gonna make this his contact picture.

Gogeta took pictures as Todoroki grabbed Ochaco off his arm and she realized what she did. Everyone else were laughing at the goofiness.

Gokhan - Why can't I just sleep?

??? - G-Gokhan.

Everyone turned around and saw an injured Ize holding his arm with blood pouring out almost everywhere of his body.

Kirishima - It's Ize!

Gokhan - I-Ize.

Ize created an energy orb and walked closer to Gokhan as he shot the blast at him and everyone was scared that he killed him but Gogeta knew what he did.

A small yellow aura covered Gokhan as he didn't feel as much pain as he did before.

Ize - I gave you some of my energy to move around enough. Now I should be going.

Gokhan - Where?

Ize - Anywhere in the galaxy so I can recover but next time we battle Gokhan I'll win.

Gokhan - I'll beat you alone and with my own power.

He flew to his ship and left the planet as everyone went back to U.A as Bakugo finally woken up.


Bakugo and Gokhan healed up and went outside and saw the sun rising as both looked at each other.

Bakugo - Don't expect us working as a team is gonna be something that is gonna happen whenever you want.

Gokhan - I know I rather fight on my own...Kacchan.

Bakugo - least we can agree on something. Kakarot.

Hey guys I wanted to thank you all for waiting for the chapter and I personally wanted to thank kakarot247  for helping me with this story and also vote in the comments if you want this ending instead of the original.

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