THE DAYS PASSED WITHOUT her seeing Lena. Jasmina was sure the girl had called in sick, if only to avoid a confrontation until the day of the party. Not like she minded, as long as Lena thought she had bought her fake transfer, the girl thought she was safe from her wrath for the time being.

How horribly wrong she was.

As Thursday arrived and she walked to her locker, she was glad that only Victor and Gio were by her side. The other sins were all loud and absolutely chaotic, but at least these two enjoyed quiet. It gave her some time to further develop the plan in her mind, the amicable silence between them soothing. It was Gio's first day at school, seeing as how he had decided sleep was more important during his whole stay here. That was until the devil had sent him a letter made out of flames that he had to accompany her or get punished, causing him to stick to her like glue all day.

The same counted for Victor. Even though he was more used to the school now than Gio, he still disliked humans getting close to him with a passion, causing him to practically hiss at anyone talking to him. It didn't take him long to find out that staying by her side made people too scared to approach without her approval and now here he was, using her as a human shield.

As long as they didn't bother her she didn't care, so she had accepted it quickly. It just felt like her youth all over again, when bodyguards followed her everywhere.

She blinked when they neared her locker, a guy leaning against it as he seemed to be waiting for her. Gio remained as apathic as ever as he just yawned, but Victor tensed, venom green eyes focussed on the guy. Jasmina gestured with a hand for him to calm down though when she came closer and recognized who it was, a faint curiosity in her eyes.

"Isaac," she said," what's the ocassion?"

"Jasmina," he said as he pushed himself off the locker, the charming smirk on his lips faltering a bit when he saw the two guys beside her. He stepped towards her, blond hair in a tousled mess, brown eyes a mix of coffee and brief crushes. "Can we talk alone?"

"No," Victor said without skipping a beat.

Jasmina turned her head towards him, raising her eyebrows. "Since when do you make my decisions for me?"

"The devil told us not to let you out of our sight," he whispered.

"You're a sin," she said as she patted him amicably on his shoulder," loosen up a bit, break some rules. The others are off doing God knows what as well."

Isaac stared at them, a puzzled expression on his face as Victor hissed back in a hushed voice, but she just ignored the sin as she nodded at Isaac.

"Sure, let's talk."

And then Gio placed his arms around her and rested his chin on her head.

"Gio," she said slowly, patience running thin," let me go."

"Orders," he simply said, blinking his drowsiness away as he held her tighter.

"I will -" she began, the threat already tumbling down her lips, when Isaac stepped forward.

"Can't you hear?" he said," she doesn't like it. Let her go, man."

"You think I like it?" Gio yawned, before adding as he pressed his cheek against her head and closed his eyes," actually, you know what, you have the softest hair, I can fall asleep like this..."

"I'll push you out of the window if you do," she said, her voice sugary sweet, before adding when she saw Isaac's surprised expression," just kidding."

"Come on," Isaac said," let her go or I'll make you."

"Are you threatening him?" Victor said as he stepped forward as well, eyes blazing green.

"Not unless he listens," Isaac said.

They were shoulder to shoulder now, both not giving an inch. She had to give it to Isaac, Victor was all lean muscles and easily had inches on him, even though Isaac seemed 6'2 at the least.

And then Gio waved his hand and Isaac dropped down.

"Too tiresome," he said, before closing his eyes and resting face-down on her head.

"Did you kill him?" Jasmina said as she looked at Isaac, who was sprawled out on the floor now.

"No," Gio murmured," he's asleep."

"I don't know why you've gotten more attached and comfortable," she said," but let me go, Gio, or I'll evaporate your clouds the next time you sleep."

"How are you going to do that?" Gio said, voice muffled.

"I'm going to set them on fire."

He immediately let her go then, stepping back as she walked towards Isaac. She waved a hand at Gio, to which he sighed and tapped his foot on the floor. Blue ripples spread, until they reached Isaac and he opened his eyes, misty blue draining from his irisses.

"What happened?" he groaned as he pushed himself up, completely desoriented.

"Victor pushed you down," she said," he's quite the violent one, excuse him."

"What?" Victor protested," I didn't even -"

"Apologize yourself?" Jasmina finished his sentence," it's okay, Victor, he forgives you." She smiled then as she looked at them both. "I'm going to have a private conversation with Isaac now, so I'll see you two later."

"Jasmina, I complied, so -" Gio began.

"Don't worry," she said," I won't set anything on fire." She looked into Isaac's widened eyes then, before adding. "Metaphorically."

A relieved smile tugged at Gio's lips as he and Victor turned around and walked away. She leaned against her locker, folding her arms over each other as she looked at Isaac, who got to his feet.

"So," she said," what did you want to talk about?"

"To be honest," Isaac said as he rubbed the sore spot on his head where he had fallen," I hadn't expected you to give me the time of day."

"Don't let me repeat myself," she said.

As he blinked, before quickly parting his lips to keep her attention, a relaxed smirk played on her lips. Lucy was right though, the guy had paid attention to her too much, knew her too well. And even though it wasn't something she said often, he was right, she normally wouldn't have given him the time of the day at all.

Had it not been for the fact that she needed him for her plan.

And here he was, just as expected. When Lucy had told her he had a crush on her and she had walked around with the sins crowding to her all the time, single for the first time in years and possibly heartbroken by a messy break-up, she knew it would only be a matter of time before he approached her.

He sure had taken his time though - she almost had taken matters into her own hands. But here he was and as he spoke, she couldn't help her smile.

"I know it's late," he said," but will you go to the party with me tonight?"

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, her face giving nothing away as she replied. "What makes you think I'll say yes?"

"Because I think we'll be a great fit together, Jasmina," he said," Alan didn't deserve you, hell, no one does. But I sure can try."

"I must say you're smooth with your words," she drawled.

"And you've gotten calmer," he said," I'm pleased."

She blinked, unsure if she heard him right.


"When you just got out of the hospital," he said," you seemed furious. You were smiling sure, but there was none of your usual amusement in it. You seemed more tense than usual, but I didn't want to intrude by approaching you."

"Furious?" she said.

"Yeah," he said," and then this week you've been tapping your pen against your lips so much in thought that I'm pretty sure you left a permanent lipstick stain on it. I'm not sure what you thought up, but it's seeming to relax you more, so I'm glad."

Sure, she had been angry, more than furious even. She had wanted to kill Alan and Lena when she was resurrected, but that anger had slowly faded into her revenge and was probably going to disappear to the back of her mind when she ruined them. Still, no one ever had been able to read her. It had been something she had prided herself on, her acting on the same level as her mother's, and the fact that he could disturbed her.

"I'm not stalking you or anything," he hastily added, his charming demeanor vanishing into red cheeks and youthful embarassment.

"You wouldn't be my first stalker," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand," so don't worry, I know the signs. Still -" She trailed off as she stared at him, biting her lip as she looked him in the eye, her voice soft. " - You're that enthralled by me, huh?"

"I - oh God, uhm -"

"It's fine," she chuckled as she walked towards him, hands on his shoulder as she looked up at him," more than fine, actually."

"Does that mean -" he began, his voice faltering as he didn't dare to finish his sentence.

"Pick me up at eleven," she said, before pressing a feathery kiss on his cheek, pleased with the goosebumps he had when her words ran over his skin. "Don't be late."

She turned around then without waiting for his answer and walked away. And then, before she turned the corner, right on cue, he called after her.

"I won't!" he said," I definitely won't! See you at eleven, Jasmina."

She smiled.

Everything was going according to plan.

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