Chapter 52: Capture the Fugitive Prince
(Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1998; 3 months ago)
"The Portal Opened in an Alleyway, Saori falls to the ground, she looks up and gets up, she finds that she's wearing a white dress with gold sandals and she feels younger than usual but the dress was also dirty from the fall as it seemed to have rained the night before."
"Where am I?, said Saori."
Saori looks over and sees Princess Kakyuu laying on a pile of trash bags, she had the small wound from Choas Serenity on her chest, even if it was small it hurt a lot."
"Kakyuu!, Said Saori, as she came over to Princess Kakyuu."
Athena..... Said Princess Kakyuu in a low voice."
Princess Kakyuu uses what magic she could to Summon an Increase Burner which was hers."
"I need you to hold onto this Burner.... I'll be inside it, I have to rest inside to heal my injuries, I can trust you to hold on to it right?, Thought Princess Kakyuu."
Yes, I promise, said Saori in a desperate agreement, she was worried for Princess Kakyuu."
Kakyuu disappears and goes into the Increase Burner which Saori now holds."
Saori gets up and looks at her surroundings, she did not know where Saga, Aiolia, Aldebaran, Dohko, Shaka and Shion ended up even though she knew Mu was still in Elysium."
"Where did the Gold Saints end up?, Why are they not with me and Kakyuu?, Although I don't know where I am?, But I feel different?, Thought Saori."
Saori walked out of the Alleyway, she came to see a busy group of people minding their own businesses walking by, it was a busy city but Saori couldn't recognize where she was, she got into the crowd and walked around, she overheard some conversations a lot of people seemed to be talking in English some Spanish she did heard, she looked at a Street Sign and was in English."
"Highland Ave?, that appears to be the street I'm on?, Said Saori."
"Saori walked across the street and went down the street which said "Cambridge" on it, she suddenly came back with a shop where she could look and see her reflection in the window like a mirror, and saw her face."
"Wait is that me?!, Why do I look so young..... I'm a kid again?!, Said Saori."
"No wonder that I felt so strange, could Kakyuu see that?, I wouldn't want to wake her up she needs rest?, But this isn't good, if my age changed and I can't find either of the Gold Saints with me and Kakyuu, I'm in a lot more trouble in this age if I don't have an adult soon, thought Saori."
"Hey excuse me, Little girl?".
"Saori frozed for a moment, but she slowly turned around and looked up to see a Police officer."
Hello There Officer?, Said Saori."
"Hello to you, are you lost?, Said Police officer."
"Saori was nervous, and did not know what to say."
Um, well, no not really?, Said Saori, looked around for anyone who she could just go too and claim to be her sibling or parent just to get away, even though the Officer was just trying to help her."
Then where is your parents or guardian, got an older sibling with you?, You know a child around your age shouldn't really be without an adult, especially in a public place like this, said the Police Officer."
Um well..., Said Saori, as she continues to look around and holds the Incense burner close to her."
"Come here, I'll take you to the station and we'll contact Child Services to bring you home ok, said the Police Officer, as he reached for Saori's hand."
That's when Saori spots him....He was walking while reading a book, but she knew who it was; Mamoru Chiba."
"Mamoru Chiba, Thought Saori."
Saori then rushes over to go over to Mamoru Chiba."
Hey girl wait!, Said The Police Officer."
"Huh?, Said Mamoru."
He sees Saori come up to him and grab his leg and become confused."
"This is my Brother, I found him now sir, but thanks for the help, said Saori."
"Uh, but-?, Said Mamoru."
"Is what she says is correct?, Said The Police Officer."
Mamoru saw she was holding the Incense burner recognizing it, he cleared his throat."
"Uh yes this is Usagi, it means Rabbit in Japanese, I was wondering where she wandered off, Usagi you shouldn't have run away from mom, say thank you to the officer, said Mamoru."
Thank you again Officer, said Saori."
Mamoru then takes Saori away until they are far away from the Police Officer."
"Ok who are you and why did you make me pretend to be your brother said Mamoru."
"Well you did help me back there so that means you Trust me, said Saori."
Mamoru looked at the Incense burner and back at Saori."
Uh yeah I guess you're right, said Mamoru."
"Look my name is Saori Kito, but I'm also the Goddess Athena, and I need your help because Usagi and the Sailor Guardians of the Solar system are in danger if we don't hurry, said Saori."
The Moment Mamoru mentioned Usagi, he knew Saori knows something was happening and he felt that he could trust her especially since she held onto what looked to be Princess Kakyuu's Incense burner."
(Boston Airport, Boston Massachusetts; Present Time)
"They had to use an airplane to get to the United States, luckily they were able to use a Graad Foundation Private Jet, everyone was fine except for Makoto, who desperately held tight to Shiryu like a kid getting a Piggyback ride."
"She was whimpering and her teeth were chattering, Shiryu was trying not to collapse with her weight over him."
"Makoto we're off.......and out of the Airport, you can get off of, said Shiryu."
"Makoto Nodded and quickly got off the lay on the ground."
Ah the sweet ground!, Why did you guys trick me like that!, couldn't we just use Chibi Chibi's Powers to teleport us here anyway!, Said Makoto, as she annoyed."
"Because I have to save my energy-Chibi, said Chibi Chibi."
I don't understand, so you're this all powerful Sailor Guardians of the Cosmos from a Distant Future yet you decide to take a Form of a Toddler when you're with us, said Deathmask."
"I'm actually breaking the flow of time a little just to be here, but that's all I can explain retaining this form is recognizable and not suspicious, and if I say a lot, your head might expose-Chibi, said Chibi Chibi."
Deathmask looked back away from Chibi Chibi."
"Hm, well I'm supposed to be dead actually so who cares, said Deathmask."
"Guys we need to focus on finding Mamoru, said Rei."
"Hey does anyone have the gems of Endymion's Knights, said Minako."
I have them, they've been asleep still, said Camus holding the box they were in."
"Oh that's good we didn't forget about them, said Chibi-Usa."
Chibi-Usa was holding Pegasus in an item called the Stallion Rêve, to carry him around."
"Seiya looked around."
Ok first since we're in Boston, we need to take the train to get to Cambridge, The best way to get there is by the North Station, which is only 58 minutes away if we walk, 13 minutes if we get a ride by car, 23 minutes by bike and 31 minutes via Subway, said Ami, as she typed this into the Super Computer."
Judging by those Minutes either way is gonna take a long time if they didn't move either too, but they don't even know if they are running out of time, they just know by the letter Mamoru would be in Danger and that he's in Cambridge, Massachusetts studying at one of the most important colleges; Harvard University."
"Ok then how are we gonna get there, by what you're saying it looks like it's gonna take a lot of minutes to get there, especially since some of us are tired from the ride here and from Japan.... mostly because of Makoto's complaints, said Seiya as he pointed at her."
HEY!, YOU KNOW I HAVE FEAR OF AIRPLANES DON'T POINT ME OUT!, Yelled Makoto, even if she made a pouting face while doing it."
"I got it-Chibi, said Chibi Chibi."
Chibi Chibi Summon her Staff and immediately teleported everyone right into Cambridge Main Street."
Oh now you use Teleportation to get us here, said Makoto."
Makoto stop pouting.... that's more of Usagi's...... Thing?, said Rei."
Rei stopped at the moment they got into Cambridge, she felt something was wrong the City that was so busy like most Cities was awfully quiet."
It was like sitting in an abandoned town with fog covering everything, like in a horror video game or Movie of some kind."
"Uh what is going on here?, Said Seiya, as he looked around."
Wow.....this really looks like something that came out of Persona, said Minako, making a freaky tone in her voice."
"Persona?, Don't you mean "Person"? Said Shuna."
No, no it's just a video game, I heard people talking about that's all, said Minako, as she waved it off."
Guys now is not the time to be talking about Video games, we have to stay focused on the now..... although I may agree a little even if I don't want that it's sort of like that game's setting, said Rei, as she muttered the last part."
"They walked around in the fog-like streets of the city, looking for any sign of anyone, it was odd, why was Cambridge, like this Compre to the other cities or like Boston where they had taken a plane to get to the United States."
"Ami was mostly typing on her computer to look for the location of the University and the area that surrounds it."
"I don't know if we're going to find him in the dorms we could look at the Campus of the University, but judging the state around us something is off, and I can't even find any Readings to why everything around us is like the way it is, said Ami."
"Then Judging by that, it might be a good idea to pull on Cloths and transform, who knows what could be hiding in this fog that may or may not be sent by Persephone or the Specters my Cosmo is starting to pick up this was not naturally made, said Hyoga."
"Everyone understood and called upon the Cloths, The Sailor Guardians Transformed to as well."
Seiya looked at the Pegasus Pendant which Kou gave back to him, he looked nervous as he felt something odd was going to happen but he couldn't think about it as he had to focus on the message Saori was able to give them."
"Pegasus!, Said Seiya."
"Andromeda!, Said Shun."
"Dragon!, Said Shiryu."
"Cygnus!, Said Hyoga."
"Phoenix!, Said Ikki."
"Chameleon!, Said June
"Unicorn!, Said Jabu."
The Bronze Saints called upon their cloths, then it was time for the Gold Saints and Silver Saints."
"Eagle!, Said Marin."
"Crane!, Said Yuzuriha."
"Owl!, Said Partita."
Scorpio!, Said Milo."
Pisces!, Said Aphrodite."
Aquarius!, Said Camus."
Capricorn!, Said Shuna."
"Aries!, Said Kiki."
"Fighter Star Power!, Said Kou."
"Maker Star Power!, Said Taiki."
"Healer Star Power!, Said Yaten."
"Make-up!, Said The Starlights."
"Power of Ceres!, Said CereCere."
"Power of Juno!, Said JunJun."
"Power of Vesta!, Said VesVes."
"Power of Pallas!, Said PallaPalla."
"Mercury Eternal Power!, Said Ami."
"Mars Eternal Power!, Said Rei."
"Jupiter Eternal Power!, Said Makoto."
"Venus Eternal Power!, Said Minako."
"Uranus Eternal Power!, Said Haruka."
"Neptune Eternal Power!, Said Michiru."
"Saturn Eternal Power!, Said Hotaru."
"Pluto Eternal Power!, Said Setsuna."
"Pink Moon Crystal Power!, Said Chibi-Usa."
"Chibi Chibi Crystal Power!, Said Chibi Chibi."
Once everyone transformed they went to look for the University in the Thick Fog."
Within the University auditorium; Memorial Hall, thick vines seem to have grown over the entire Hall and campus."
Persephone sits beside Choas Serenity, when she feels the presence of everyone's transformation."
"They have arrived.....I can feel them, the Guardians and Saints, said Choas Serenity."
"Bennu Kagaho returned."
Have you found Mamoru Chiba yet?, Or Athena?, Said Persephone."
"No there's not trance of them from what I can find perhaps there not on this School's Grounds?, Said Bennu Kagaho."
"I doubt it, the Golden Crystal is nearby, so is Athena's Cosmo, you're not just not looking good enough..... what's the problem do you know trust my orders rather than Persephone?, Said Choas Serenity."
"No.... it's just, said Bennu Kagaho."
"Bennu, listen to Choas Serenity clearly and do not doubt her claims again, we have guests showing up from the Guardians and Saints finally coming here, perhaps dealing with them will change your mind and lead you to find Athena and Mamoru Chiba along with the Kinmoku Princess, said Persephone."
"Alright My Goddess, said Bennu Kagaho, and then he left again."
Choas Serenity got up from where she was sitting."
I believe my prince wants me to find him, that's why he's making it tricky for Bennu, Athena and Endymion are around here, and we'll look for them but I also want to look upon one of the Saints....Pegasus has something that belongs to me, said Choas Serenity."
Persephone nodded."
"Very well, let's bring them here, and for the others may they not escape the labyrinth of That is this school, said Persephone."
"They Came to the main campus of the school, and we're surprised by the state it was in...well a little were With the vines that overgrown and the fog was thicker along with the Silence of the Place."
"This is starting to get scary?, Said Mila."
"Maybe it would have been a good idea to leave you back in Japan or at least the Sanctuary then here, said Aries Kiki."
Mila then shook her head."
"No I'm fine, I want to do this, besides if anything goes wrong I'm with my mom and dad and Jabu, said Mila."
Sailor Pluto and Scorpio Milo had a moment where their face got a little red with embarrassment or a little shy as getting used to their daughter calling them by "Mom" and "Dad" now would take some time after all these years and not knowing them well as parents."
"Let's be careful, although I'm starting to sense something familiar from within here, like a person, I can't tell if it's Mamoru but it's something?...and it's very important, said Sailor Venus."
Ok I understand, said Pegasus Seiya."
Everyone went into the campus of the school, Sailor Chibi Moon had a bit of tiredness come over her."
Ugh?, Said Sailor Chibi Moon."
"Chibi Moon are you alright?, Said Sailor Vesta."
"Yes I'm fine, just tried I guess but it's ok, said Chibi Moon."
Well now's not the time to relax, kid, said Cancer Deathmask."
"Good sense of Words from one of the Weakest Gold Saints....Cancer."
Cancer Deathmask didn't like that voice calling him "Weak", when they looked up at the entrance to the main building, Bennu Kagaho came out of the Shadows."
"Bennu!, Said Chibi Moon."
"Well we meet again little princess, along with the rest of the Princesses, have you decided to come and relinquish your crystals?, Said Bennu Kagaho."
Yeah not happening!, Said Sailor Mars."
"I should have guessed.... I'll give you a warning you should turn back now while you still can, or you'll have a face of problems when entering this place, Perhaps you may understand Yōma? said Bennu Kagaho."
"Oh so your pointing the finger at me?, Nice Act to confused everyone, said Yōma."
"Bennu Kagaho smiled a bit."
Well I don't care...I know you've sensed it before and a bunch might sense the heavyweight of this place, just thought I should give you a little caution in the nightmares you're about to face, said Bennu Kagaho."
Bennu Kagaho then jumped up into the air, as the ground shook like an earthquake."
"An earthquake?!, But this state isn't on a tectonic plate!, Said Sailor Mercury."
"Then I bet this Quake is more Supernatural than Scientific!, Said Cygnus Hyoga."
"The Vines that were around, grew larger and blocked the Entrance, Mila held Tightly to Unicorn Jabu's Leg as he stayed by her, a black Portal Opened up finally and everyone fell into its darkness."
"Everyone!, Said Pegasus Seiya, and then everything went black."
"Seiya woke up a little bit later."
Seiya-Chibi!, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
"Agh?, Chibi Chibi?, Said Pegasus Seiya, as he got up and looked over to her."
Sailor Chibi Moon was with them too along with Pegasus out of the Stallion Rêve in smaller form to fit in the school they were in almost like a little fairy."
"Helios, Chibi Moon you're here too?, Where are we?, said Pegasus Seiya."
"We woke up before you, with all of us here, I don't know what happened but it seems we're somewhere inside the school, said Chibi Moon."
"If I'm correct this may be one of the hallways to the main building or to be able to look like one, but there's an unsteady feeling about it of course....this could be a labyrinth, and one made of Darkness, said Pegasus."
"A Labyrinth made of Darkness, so it looks like we did wander in a trap!, Said Pegasus Seiya, a little annoyed."
"Let's not say that and find the others-Chibi, said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
"Chibi Chibi has a Point, said Chibi Moon."
"Everyone decided to go down the hallway and check some windows too, but all seemed to be blocked by Vines and hard to enter, that's when they heard running and then a slam of a closet door."
Agh?!, What was that!, Said Chibi Moon."
"Pegasus Seiya felt something and went a little bit deeper, he came to a closet and opened it up."
But nothing was inside except for an old mannequin skeleton, which suddenly knocked over and fell upon Seiya causing him to scream a little and fell down."
"Seiya?!, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi and Chibi Moon."
"I'm ok, just a prop skeleton I didn't notice until-, Huh?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
Pegasus Seiya looked at his chest and saw a little girl with purple hair laying on his chest out of breath."
It's a little girl?, Said Chibi Moon."
"That's no normal girl....Athena!, Said Pegasus."
"Pegasus?, Said Saori."
She looked up and noticed Seiya."
"Seiya!, Said Saori, and then she hugged him, Seiya was confused as to why Saori looked like a little girl when she should be around in her 20s by now in 1998."
"S-saori?, Is that really you?, How did you become so young?, Did you do this with your Cosmo or something?, said Pegasus Seiya."
"Saori shook her head like an innocent child would do."
No I didn't I've been like this for about 3 months when I came here from Elysium with Kakyuu, said Saori."
Kakyuu?, Ah!, Wait she's the Kinmoku Princess that Sailor Star Fighter and the Starlights talk about and protect you were with her after all!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"And you were with the Starlights.....I suppose you got the letter I gave Minerva; Partita's Owl, said Saori."
The others looked a bit sad when Minerva was brought again."
"Um yeah Minerva, said Chibi Moon."
"Saori looked at them confused, why were they looking sad."
What's wrong?, Said Saori."
"Minerva was hit by your Half-Sister; Artemis's Arrow at her Sanctuary when she tried to kill me, and then they passed away but we were able to give us the letter so we could come here, said Pegasus Seiya."
Oh I see... I hope they'll be at peace, said Saori, looking sad."
It's ok, Minerva fought the arrow all they could until they could die peacefully in Partita's arms, said Pegasus Seiya."
"In the letter you said that Mamoru was in Danger?, What did you mean by that and how did you become a kid?, You look around my age now, said Chibi Moon."
"Saori looked a bit sad."
Yes I sent that because Mamoru was going to get into trouble and he has, because Choas Serenity wants him and he's going to confront her now even though I warned him not to and to try and wait for you guys even after all the power he used to connect with you guys through the planets; he can't fight her!, Said Saori."
Choas Serenity?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Saori explained what happened, they had used Saga's Another Dimension to get here and it was possible that the effects of the technique and one attack from Choas Serenity which like a ripple effect hit Saori, Saori ended up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with Princess Kakyuu still wounded so she had to go inside her incense burner to heal, they found Mamoru Chiba and explained what happened but they did not know yet they were sent 3 months before everything was able to happen until later on."
They thought they had lost Aldebaran, Dohko Saga, Shaka, Aiolia and Shion, the moment Seiya heard those names he was surprised to hear they were alive but Saori Shook her head."
"Not barely alive only a Shade, they are ghosts of the Underworld, but due to Persephone being unfit to rule the Underworld completely and delaying her Duties it has been weak because of her goals to resurrect Hades by using the Holy Grail, said Saori."
We know all that now and what a shade is...we met Dione on Saturn-Chibi, said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
I see, but Choas Serenity, it's Usagi she was taken over by Choas!, and now has become a Princess and Guardian of Pure Evil!, We must free her from the Darkness and destroy that evil!, Said Saori."
"Usagi has become an Enemy?!, Said Chibi Moon."
This is terrible, how wasn't I able to see this coming?, We shouldn't have left her?, Said Pegasus."
"Look I know this sounds bad, but we should still have time before there's nothing left, quickly we have to go find Mamoru!, Said Saori."
"I understand but what happened to Kakyuu and everyone else?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"There probably lost as we are within this school, but Athena is right we have no time to waste we have to save Princess Serenity, said Pegasus."
Chibi Moon looked nervous."
"Could what be happening to Usagi being controlled by Choas, is why I'm fading?, If she kills Mamo, I won't Exist but if both of them died now I'll definitely not exist either...only Shun knows what's going on with me right now and I want to try and keep the others from finding out, thought Chibi Moon."
"AHHHHH!, Yelled Chibi Moon, as she felt a Surge of Pain."
"Chibi-Usa!, What's wrong!, Said Pegasus Seiya, as he came over to her in a panic."
Chibi Moon tried to brush off that she was alright."
It's ok I'm fine, I'll be ok, said Chibi Moon."
But she wasn't as he body looked a bit faded as though she was a ghost."
"NO!, You're not alright, just tell me what's going on!, said Pegasus Seiya."
" this happening to you because of Usagi and Mamoru?, Your parents?, Said Saori."
"Chibi Moon had a sad and weak expression on her face."
It Does, if one or both of Chibi Moon's Parents die as of right now.... Princess Small Lady Serenity will cease to exist...she would not have been born-Chibi!, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
"Chibi Moon is this true!, Said Pegasus Seiya, as looked at her with worry."
Yes....I didn't say anything because I don't want you to worry....I thought I could hide it but it's getting worse, ah?!, said Chibi Moon."
Chibi Moon fell and Pegasus Seiya held her in his arms."
Fair maiden!, Said Pegasus."
"It's getting bad!, We have to go find them and stop this, how much time do we have left before Chibi Moon completely disappears?, Where can we find Mamoru and Usagi in this place!, said Pegasus Seiya."
"Memorial Hall-Chibi!, I can feel Sailor Moon There!, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
Memorial Hall?, Said Pegasus Seiya, confused since he didn't know that location."
"Memorial Hall is the auditorium of Harvard University, plays and events can be held there, it could be a place where they are, but that's a building all on itself it's not part of the main building where we are trapped in!, Said Saori."
"Chibi Chibi can you try and use your teleportation powers to get us there?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
I'll try-Chibi, said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
Sailor Chibi Chibi raised her Heart-shaped Staff to do exactly that but unfortunately as she tried to use the power to teleport it wouldn't work, and she became sad."
"I can't?....there must be something about this place preventing any sort of Power-Chibi?, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
"Damnit!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Pegasus Seiya suddenly felt something, and Queen Serenity suddenly appeared to him in a voice inside his mind, only he could see her."
"It's ok, Seiya, there is a way, you have the Silver Crystal within you, use it's power as aid to connect you with Serenity and then you'll find her but be careful you may need to conceive your energy for a great battle may come when you encounter her."
Sailor Chibi Moon had touched Pegasus Seiya's chest where the Silver Crystal lay near his Heart, she could feel the power of the Silver Crystal from inside him connecting to her Pink Moon Crystal."
"The Silver Crystal?, Said Chibi Moon."
"That's it, if I use it's power to find Usagi, we may be able to find a way to get to Memorial Hall, from where we are, said Pegasus Seiya, getting the idea."
Yes that may work, let's go quickly but Fair maiden please try and rest a little but not too much, said Pegasus."
Yes I understand.... Helios, said Chibi Moon."
"Pegasus Seiya closed her eyes and concrete on the location of Choas Serenity, feeling the Goodness of Usagi from within, she was still there and now Seiya could know where they needed to go to get to Choas Serenity."
"So you're looking for me?, Clever so then come find me, said Choas Serenity."
Choas Serenity lowered some vines down which Held Tuxedo Mask by his arms."
"It looks like I'll get the Silver Crystal as it comes to me, and you for all that you have done may be speared on your cheats, Fugitive Prince who hid from my sight but who I love so much, said Choas Serenity."
"I can't love....a Dark entity.... especially one who has taken the body of the true person I love....they will defeat you, said Tuxedo Mask, he was a big weak and his outfit had some wear and tire in it, his Mask half broken."
"Choas Serenity didn't like that coming from Tuxedo Mask so she electrocuted him with her powers."
AHHHHH!!!!, Yelled Tuxedo Mask."
"You can say all that you want, but I have you now since you foolishly came to try and confront me, The Deaths of Everyone you care for along with the Heros who are the Saints, vengeance is upon them!, For a fair battle to come!, Said Choas Serenity."
"Star Serious Laser!, Said Star Fighter."
"Star Gentle Uterus!, Said Star Maker."
"Star Sensitive Inferno!, Said Star Healer."
"They use there power to find Shadow like Enemies attacking them, they were in another hallway of the Main building, it's corridors for unusually longer."
"Just more of these guys keep coming!, Said Star Healer."
Fighter, look out!, Said Star Maker."
"Another Shadow attack Star Fighter but its attack was blocked and the Shadow destroyed."
"Crystal Wall!"
"Lighting Pantasma!"
"Aries Shion and Leo Aiolia appeared before the Starlights."
Who are you-?, Wait-?, Said Star Healer."
"Your Gold Saints?, Said Star Maker."
"And you must be the Starlights?, Said Aries Shion, he held the Incense Burner of Princess Kakyuu who came out of it when sensing their energy."
"Fighter, Maker, Healer!, Said Princess Kakyuu."
"Princess?!, Said The Starlights, they came over to her."
What are you doing here?!, Said Star Fighter."
"It's a long story....I can't explain much, but I'm glad to see you're alright, said Princess Kakyuu, with a smile."
"The reunion has to be short as we need to find the others, Princess Serenity is being Controlled by an Evil Entity we must free her from it, said Leo Aiolia."
Star Fighter looked at Leo Aiolia for a moment, seeing how he looked similar to Sagittarius Aiolos."
"You look like Aiolos?, Said Star Fighter."
"Wait?, How did you know my brother?!, Said Leo Aiolia."
"Uh well... said Star Fighter, a little bit."
"Aiolia it's not Time to question this, I'll be explained later, said Aries Shion."
"Where is Usagi and why do you guys say she's being Controlled by an Evil Entity!, Said Star Maker."
"It's Chaos!, She's taken over Sailor Moon's Body, we know where she is in Memorial Hall, but we got Separated from the other gold saints we were with, but I don't think we'll be able to do anything there but I have an idea I wish to put into action and I need all three of your Voices to do it as the Three Lights, said Princess Kakyuu."
"When Princess Kakyuu mentioned the Starlights Role as the Idol Group; Three Lights, they knew what she meant and thought of the song to sing in order to get through the Darkness and Awaken Usagi from within that Darkness."
"Yes Princess!, Said The Starlights."
"Pegasus Seiya and who he was with were able to make it to Memorial Hall, the Auditorium of the University."
This is Memorial Hall, said Saori."
Pegasus Seiya placed Chibi Moon down by the steps."
Saori, can you watch over Chibi Moon, I'm gonna go inside and face her, said Pegasus Seiya."
But Chibi Moon tugged on him not wanting to be let go."
"No!, Can't let you go in alone I want to save Mamo and Usagi!, Said Chibi Moon."
"I understand Chibi Moon but in your condition, I really don't want you to be in the same room watching this battle go down, said Pegasus Seiya."
"Don't worry I trust Seiya will make sure to keep both of them safe especially for your sake, I'll stay and watch over Chibi Moon as promised, since while I'm in this state I cannot fight either, said Saori."
"Pegasus Seiya got up and Opened the doors to Memorial Hall, Sailor Chibi Chibi stood by his side instead as they entered."
There they saw Chaos Serenity, sitting on a throne made of vines."
And Persephone was by her side it was a surprise to Pegasus Seiya.
"Persephone?!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Greetings to you Pegasus, looks to be you haven't died yet, what a shame, said Persephone."
"Persephone has told me of how much of a nonsense you have been the most out of all the Saints of Athena, but I know the real reason for all this is because the Silver Crystal which belongs to me protects you...I suggest you hand it over right now!, said Choas Serenity."
"Not a chance!, You're not Usagi or Serenity, but darkness and so I won't hand this crystal to you, so leave Usagi's body now!, Said Pegasus Seiya, as he put his hand to chest."
Choas Serenity laughed at him a little."
"No can do!, But funny?, You sound just like Tuxedo Mask, aren't I right my darling?, Said Choas Serenity."
Chibi Chibi?!, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
Ah?!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
They saw Tuxedo Mask hanging from the Ceiling by the vines."
"Mamoru?!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"This is the first time you guys get to see each other in Person right?, What terrible timing it had to turn out like this, said Choas Serenity."
"Persephone looked at Pegasus Seiya, she seemed a bit annoyed, by Choas Serenity but she faced her annoyance at Pegasus Seiya."
"Persephone you can't be serious!, Are you going to just stand there, why aren't you the mastermind Behind this, why let her have control over you!, said Pegasus Seiya
"She doesn't have much control....I just prefer to stay on the side where power lies, it's too late now, but it won't be too late to awaken Hades, said Persephone."
Persephone then threw some to the ground that slid over to Pegasus Seiya, it was the Sword of the Silver Crystal."
"The Silver Crystal Sword?, But that was-?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"You left it at Magellan Castle, but I picked it up, if you want to have Usagi back how about a duel would be sufficed.... don't worry I'll make sure Bennu doesn't make a mess if things go wrong..... hopefully, he's an untamed bird but I don't care when he goes on the rampage, said Persephone."
"Seiya what are you going to do-Chibi?, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
Pegasus Seiya stood still, he didn't want to fight Choas Serenity after all it was using Usagi's body, and if one of Chibi Moon's Parents died now, she would fade away."
"No I can't fight you!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Very all.... Serenity had no time left with the Curse that belonged to you Inside her, she's only still alive because I'm using her body, but her consciousness soon will fade and finally her body will be mine, if you don't want that then let me stab you the chest with the Cursed Sword of Death!, Said Choas Serenity."
"Choas Serenity got up from her Vine made throne and elegant walk down from it, she placed her hand on her chest where a hilt of a sword formed and then she pulled it out, the Sword of Hades in her hands."
Pegasus Seiya was shocked by this seeing the Wicked Princess Serenity holding the Sword to the God of Death, which should have killed him; 9 years ago."
"9 years.... perhaps you didn't die and the Curse lived on because this fateful day will come...when you die in front of Royalty, said Choas Serenity."
Choas Serenity changed form to take on an Eternal Sailor Moon Form, but it was a dark version of her outfit, she then charged at Pegasus Seiya."
Chibi!, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi, as she used her powers to make a Shield around Pegasus Seiya to protect him."
"Tuxedo Mask opened his eyes to see Choas Serenity and Pegasus Seiya fighting."
"Usako?..... Pegasus Saint?, said Tuxedo Mask, he slowly tried to make power to charge through him just to do something."
"take up the Sword-Chibi!, Said Sailor Chibi Chibi."
Choas Serenity was trying to hack through angrily at Chibi Chibi's Shield."
"What are you waiting for Pegasus Seiya?, Do it?, Said Persephone."
"I don't want to do this, Saints can't use Weapons!, But!, Thought Pegasus Seiya."
"Pegasus Seiya picked up the Sword of the Silver Crystal, and when Sailor Chibi Chibi let go of the shield, Pegasus Seiya dodged a blow from Choas Serenity."
They Clash swords at each other, clicking and clinking went the metal of the sword."
"Persephone!, Listen to me!, Is all of this really going to get what you want to revive Hades!, implanting Choas into Usagi!, Why do you think this will work?!, said Pegasus Seiya."
"What do you know?, I've planned every possible outcome thanks to Choas along with it, I'm close enough and it has to be done this way with the death of you perhaps, do you know what lies in Serenity's body, when you free the princesses of the Solar system, essences of there Crystals were collected into Serenity's body now if I have the Golden and Silver Crystal together with it, the Holy Grail will be mine to make the wish I desire, I do not care about your death and I don't care about this world if it dies with it!, Said Persephone."
"And how do you know your thoughts and outcomes that you imagine will come true, plans sometimes never go through the way they were brought up in Imagination!, Like this one your just being Manipulated by the Darkness that has Serenity!, Said Pegasus Seiya, as the Sword clashed again with The Sword of Hades."
"You should really keep shut!, She won't listen to you, said Choas Serenity, as she whispered to Pegasus Seiya in his ear when she came closer and backed him against the wall of the Hall."
Ahhh!, Yelled Pegasus Seiya, as he pushed Choas Serenity Back, when Choas Serenity tried to attack again, a Rose was thrown at her and knocked the Sword of Hades from her hands, she turned to see Tuxedo Mask had escaped."
"Usagi please stop!, Get a hold of yourself don't let the Darkness control you!, Said Tuxedo Mask."
Mamo?, Said Usagi."
It seems his words had gotten through to Usagi."
What am I doing?, Said Usagi, as she looked at herself."
Tuxedo Mask came closer to Usagi, but Suddenly the Sword of Hades levitated and was shot at Tuxedo Mask."
"Look out!, Said Pegasus Seiya, as he rushed over he pushed Tuxedo Mask out of the way as the two of them tumbled to the ground, the Sword of Hades returned to Usagi and she smiled and laughed as Choas Serenity was just fooling around."
"Aw, that would have been so easy just to stab you right there, too bad Athena's Pegasus got in the way?, said Choas Serenity."
"Then Try this Pegasus!"
"Pegasus rushed in with Saori on his back with Chibi Moon, Pegasus Kicked with his hing legs at Choas Serenity knocking her to the Ground, but she used dark energy to shoot Pegasus and he fell to the ground with Chibi Moon and Saori."
"Chibi Moon!, Saori!, Helios!, Said Pegasus Seiya, as he called out to them."
Agh!, Said Tuxedo Mask, he felt the pain of Helios."
Mamoru are you alright?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Yeah, it's just me and Helios have a strong connection so I felt his pain for a moment, said Tuxedo Mask."
"What do you think that would do to stop me?, It was a dumb idea!, And I thought Usagi Tsukino was the one who made the Dumb ideas!, Said Choas Serenity."
"Usagi's Ideas aren't Dumb!, They just don't come out the way she dreamed them but that's not bad!, What's bad is those who don't accept they are wrong but then again it's just human nature!, But Gods can have it too!, Said Chibi Moon."
"And what makes you say that Small Lady?, Said Persephone."
Chibi Moon got up even though she was weak and still fading which Tuxedo mask started to see, he wanted to go to his daughter but Pegasus Seiya held him back."
"Because I saw Artemis's memories, she went through a lot of pain and that's why she despises Humanity because they took Princess Serenity away, still Artemis's Goals were understandable when you understand her mind and I understand yours but the way your trying to bring your Husband back is very wrong and even Hades would disagree that what your doing is wrong!, Said Chibi Moon."
"Shut up!, You don't understand anything!, No one is ever going to understand so why continue to Question!, Said Persephone, she attacked Chibi Moon, with her Scythe stabbing through Chibi Moon's chest right in front of everyone."
CHIBI MOON!!!, Yelled Tuxedo Mask, including Pegasus Seiya."
The Scythe came out of Chibi Moon, and she fell to the ground."
"If I could have caught you first then, none of this would have happened!, that was the mistake I made of sparing you then, but your going to die anyway either by my weapon or Time itself!, said Persephone."
"Chibi-Usa, said Saori, her child side started to make her cry but Chibi Moon got up."
"I'm sorry that you have to suffer all the time; Persephone, said Chibi Moon."
Chibi Moon summons her Pink Moon Crystal and throws it Tuxedo mask and Pegasus Seiya, she smiles at them."
"Seiya, Please Save Mommy, said Chibi Moon."
"With that last word, Chibi Moon disappeared into pink dust."
Tuxedo Mask held the Pink Moon Crystal but its colors fade to Gray as it can't exist without Chibi-Usa, it just looks like a rock."
"How could you!, This is beyond everything you've done!, Said Saori."
"Do you want to be next....Athena?, Said Persephone."
Pegasus Seiya then rushed forward but Choas Serenity got in the way and blocked and they continued to attack each other until they came into the Center of the hall, Tuxedo Mask came to pick up Saori and held her back away from Persephone, Sailor Chibi Chibi coming in if Persephone dare to strike at Athena in her State."
"The looks on there face show devastation on Chibi Moon's Death."
Persephone didn't give any emotion and just walked away from them, as she saw them as useless to even strike in the first place, she looked at the Fight between, Pegasus Seiya and Choas Serenity."
Suddenly the Speakers within the Hall suddenly turned on and voices came through to them."
"♪ Search for Your LOVE...Search for Your LOVE ♪..."
"Huh?, What is this song?, Said Pegasus Seiya, he had tears coming out of his eyes just because of what happened earlier, but the song he heard seemed to stop the crying and anguish for a moment."
"♪You were always shining, One smile, a small star ♪, sings Star Fighter."
♪ I cherished it (Eternal Starlight), I couldn't protect that day ♪, sings Star Maker."
♪ I just held back my regretful tears, The pain will remain (I won't forget your sweet heart) ♪, said Star Healer."
"The Starlights were singing "To a Shooting Star", a Song they made as the Boy Idol Group Three Lights."
They were in a studio room where they could see through the Speaker that Princess Kakyuu was operating with the Help of Aries Shion and Leo Aiolia."
Everyone who was trapped in the labyrinth of the University could hear it."
"Who's making those Sounds?, Said Virgo Shaka."
It sounds good?, said Libra Dohko."
"Yeah but it's not good to listen to if we're stuck in this place, we're barely even doing anything?, Said Gemini Saga."
"Even still for some reason this song brings hope, said Taurus Aldebaran."
"♪ Search for Your Love Cosmic Crystal, Search for Your Love Don't come, Search for Your Love I really want to hold you ♪, sings the Starlights."
"Fighter?, Said Usagi."
This time Usagi seemed to have Broken through the Control Choas over her, recognizing the Starlights singing."
"This Song is helping Usagi break Control?, Thought Pegasus Seiya."
"Usagi?, Said Pegasus Seiya, as he got her attention she looked at him."
"What am I doing?, Where am I?, Do you I know you?, Your familiar?, Said Usagi."
"♪ Your scent is forever (I'm looking for it)
Send me my voice (I love you), Where are you now (Moonlight Princess) my princess ♪, sings Star Fighter."
♪ Answer for me now, Answer for me, Answer for me, gently Answer for me ♪, Sings Star Maker."
The night sky runs through, I wish upon a shooting star, Whispering that I want to meet you (Tell me, Starlight), Sings Star healer."
"Well I-?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
AGHHHH?!, Yelled Usagi, as she was pulled back to bring Controlled by Choas."
"I will not let this song distract me!, Said Choas Serenity."
Choas Serenity attacks Pegasus Seiya but she blocks it."
Yes we did meet before, both possibly in a past life and when you were a gave a rose when your little brother was born and you also accidentally hit me in the face with a loose shoe once!, Said Pegasus Seiya, as he tried to say something that will make her remember and break the control."
He knocked Choas Serenity to the ground, put his foot on her chest to pin her down, and aimed the Sword of the Silver Crystal to her neck."
"I remember.....And I know you....Seiya, said Usagi."
"What are you going to do now?, Will you kill her?, Said Persephone."
Pegasus Seiya looked back and saw Tuxedo Mask with Saori, he had Chibi Moon flash through his mind for a moment."
"No..I will not....but I'll take the Darkness you planted into her out, said Pegasus Seiya, as he stepped back and dropped the Crystal Sword, Usagi gets up."
"Seiya?, Said Usagi."
"Everyone.... it's time, I need you to send your power to the Silver Crystal.... please help me save Usagi, Thought Pegasus Seiya, as he Summons the Silver Crystal."
"The Crystal?!, Said Choas Serenity, as she gets back into control."
"It seemed the Sailor Guardians could feel his call and Mila felt it too."
"Mommy?, Said Mila, as she looked at Sailor Pluto."
She was with Pluto, Scorpio Milo, Unicorn Jabu and Crane Yuzuriha."
The Silver Crystal..., Jabu please continue to take Mila for me ok, I love you Milo, said Sailor Pluto as she walks away."
But Scorpio Milo grabs her hand."
"Setsuna what are you doing!, Said Scorpio Milo."
Sailor Pluto looked at him."
"There may be something that I know....that at this moment I may not come back, but knowing that my future self told Chibi-Usa that she'll come to this time and help at this moment, I would only be gone for some time, but please stay safe during those moments, said Sailor Pluto."
"Mila then came over and hugged Sailor Pluto by her leg and Sailor Pluto knelt down to Mila's height."
"It's ok.... I'm Sorry I wasn't a good mother to you, and I hope you can forgive me for abandoning you then, but this has to be done, said Sailor Pluto."
"I know, said Mila."
Crane Yuzuriha pushed Unicorn Jabu to go pick up Mila which he did."
"Pluto Crystal!, Said Sailor Pluto, calling Upon her Crystal she became Princess Pluto."
"It's alright, I'm gonna be fine, but I won't forget about your kindness, Mercury Crystal!, Said Sailor Mercury."
She called Upon her Crystal with Sailor Pallas and Cygnus Hyoga, with her, she became Princess Mercury."
This has to be done, but I only have one thing to ask of you, please protect our princess, Mars Crystal!, Said Sailor Mars, she transformed into Princess Mars, Sailor Vesta and Phoenix Ikki were with her."
We have to stay strong right?, remember that, Jupiter Crystal!, Said Sailor Jupiter, she was with Dragon Shiryu and Sailor Juno as she became Princess Jupiter."
"Shun..... Please don't start crying, June you may want to hold him back, Venus Crystal!, Said Sailor Venus."
Wait Minako what are you doing?, Said Andromeda Shun."
Shun, said Chameleon June, she held him on the Shoulder as Sailor Venus transformed into Princess Venus."
I'm Sorry, Hope to see you again, Uranus Crystal!, Said Sailor Uranus as she transformed into Princess Uranus, Owl Partita, Yōma and Aquarius Camus were with her."
"I know you always told me not to be reckless, yet I'm doing it this time but it was for a good reason, Neptune Crystal!, said Sailor Neptune, as she Transformed into Princess Neptune with Pisces Aphrodite with her."
It looks like you can't save me this time, but it's alright, Saturn Crystal!, Said Sailor Saturn as she transformed into Princess Saturn."
"Mariner!, Castle of Mercury, said Princess Mercury."
Phobos and Deimos!, Castle of Mars, said Princess Mars."
Io!, Castle of Jupiter, said Princess Jupiter."
"Magellan!, Castle of Venus, said Princess Venus."
"They Summoned the power of their castle and so did The Outer Guardians as well."
"Miranda!, Castle of Uranus, said Princess Uranus."
Triton!, Castle of Neptune, said Princess Neptune."
Charon!, Castle of Pluto, said Princess Pluto."
Titan!, Castle of Saturn, said Princess Saturn."
"Pegasus Seiya could feel the power of the Sailor Guardians coming to him and the Silver Crystal."
He heard a Small voice."
"It's ok I'm still here."
Chibi-Usa, Thought Pegasus Seiya."
"Crystal Place of The 30th Century, Give us strength!."
"Give us power!, To Summon the Holy Grail, Send this power from our Princess; Legendary Silver Crystal, to The Saint of Athena: Saint of the Pegasus Constellation!, Said The Sailor Princesses."
Bright lights shot out and went to Memorial Hall, and went to the Silver Crystal and Pegasus Seiya, Persephone was surprised along with the others in the Hall."
The Moon Staff is Summoned and Pegasus Seiya held it in his hands as he raised it in the air he felt words whispered to him that he must say."
Celestial Lights, Bid our protection, Sailor Crystals Power of the Planetary System, Summon in the full power of the Holy Grail, Pegasus Constellation and Silver Moon Crystal Power!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Jupiter Crystal Power!, Said Princess Jupiter."
Venus Crystal Power!, Said Princess Venus."
Mars Crystal Power!, Said Princess Mars."
"Mercury Crystal Power!, Said Princess Mercury."
"Uranus Crystal Power!, Said Princess Uranus."
Neptune Crystal Power!, Said Princess Neptune."
Pluto Crystal Power!, Said Princess Pluto."
"Saturn Crystal Power!, Said Princess Saturn."
"Pink Moon Crystal Power!"
"Gather all of our Powers together, and send them to him!, Said The Sailor Princesses."
"Impossible!, Said Persephone."
Golden Crystal!, Said Tuxedo Mask, he Summon then Golden Crystal which gave it light to Pegasus Seiya."
Endymion, said Persephone, annoyed."
"What?, I'm doing what you want, this is how you can get the Holy Grail....if you can, said Tuxedo Mask."
"That's the Holy Grail, I must have it!, Said Choas Serenity."
"But I was supposed to have that?, Huh?!, Said Persephone, it finally hit her the manipulation finally made it clear to her."
"Do you understand Persephone, you were being tricked by Choas they only wanted to Grail and were certainly never going to give it to you!, Said Saori."
"Then I'm truly the most foolish Goddess, how dare I be tricked!, said Persephone."
"Choas Serenity rushed to attack Pegasus Seiya and get the Holy Grail which had now been finally summoned."
Pegasus Seiya then drops the Moon Staff, and when Choas Serenity comes at him with the Sword of Hades in hand, instead of Dodging he stood where he stand and then Hugged Choas Serenity into an Embrace, even if the Sword of Hades has stabbed him once more."
"Seiya?!, Said Usagi."
"It's ok, Pegasus Starlight Meteor Embrace!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
AHHHHH?!, Yelled Choas Serenity."
Choas came out of Usagi's body and Usagi returned to normal wearing her Princess Dress but it was torn a little."
Both she and Pegasus fell to the ground."
"Seiya!, Said Saori."
Usako!, Said Tuxedo Mask."
"Usagi gets up, her mind is dizzy, and she could see Choas in a Spirit form floating around trying to get back into Usagi but she couldn't anymore."
"Chibi-Usa?, Said Usagi, as she remembered seeing Chibi Moon's death through her eyes under the control of Choas, she cried a little bit but her crying was held back when she looked at Pegasus Seiya."
"Seiya!, Said Usagi, she came over to him and pulled out the Sword of Hades, she put Pegasus Seiya in her arms."
Seiya!, Please wake up!, Oh God what have I done!, Said Usagi."
Agh?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Pegasus Seiya groan, he was holding the Holy Grail and Silver Crystal."
Usagi took them and, she placed the Silver Crystal back inside of Pegasus Seiya."
"Please don't die!, I can't let you die!, Said Usagi."
"That wasn't the only thing that was happening, as the Sailor Princesses used there powers to Summon the Holy Grail they use everything they had to save Usagi costing their lives, they had disappeared."
Scorpio Milo picked up the Garnet Orb and its rod."
Setsuna, said Scorpio Milo."
"Choas shot themselves at Persephone and enveloped her."
Persephone!, Said Saori."
Ahhhhh?!, Said Persephone."
Bennu Kagaho could hear the Scream of his Goddess and was angry but knew he couldn't do anything."
Choas now Possessed Persephone, whose appearance changed, her hair was red and she wore dark armor."
The Darkness mixed with the Divine Cosmo of Persephone was strong and Choas Persephone attacks Usagi who held onto the Holy Grail, but Sailor Chibi Chibi blocks it with a shield."
"Seiya!, Said Usagi."
"Choas Persephone was actually after Pegasus Seiya which she held in her arms, Choas Persephone laughed."
You probably might have made a mistake in putting the Crystal back in him, but if you give me the Holy Grail, I'll trade him to you, and spare you for now, said Choas Persephone."
Don't ..., Said Pegasus Seiya, in weak pain to what he could say."
Usagi held the Holy Grail and obviously refused to give it up."
Very well... I'll come for it later or you'll come and find me, when I throw him into the cauldron, like you did to me.., said Choas Persephone."
"Choas Persephone Turned into a black of smoke and disappeared with Pegasus Seiya."
"Seiya!, Yelled Saori."
"No...why?, Why has it come to this."
*To Be Continued*
The Holy Grail
Harvard University
Memorial Hall (Harvard University)
Saori Kito (Young)
Dark Eternal Sailor Moon
Choas Persephone
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