Three: Here Comes The Bride.

11x03 | Til Death Do Us Part.


         The team had gathered at the round table once they got word that there was a new case. Hotch walks into the room with Garcia and Morgan as they all settle in around the table.

        "Let's get started." Hotch tells and Garcia stands in front of the team with the remote in her hand.

       "Okay, Savannah, Georgia, known for its charm and southern hospitality, though not so much for Brandy Green of Dover, Delaware, because three months ago, she came to town for a bachelor party, and after a night of bar hopping with her bridesmaids, ended up in a dumpster in a back alley." Garcia explained as the team looks down at their files and the screen.

"Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head." Morgan reads from the file and Julia squints her eyes as she looks up at the screen. "What's that wrapped around her face?" She asks.

"That would be a sash she was wearing all night that says 'Bride-To-Be' embroidered on it." Garcia tells and Julia raises her brows in shock. "I know, you get used to it." Garcia says and Julia gives the woman a sympathies smile as Reid continues.

"The wrapping could be ritualistic, like a shroud of some sort." Reid told and Tara nodded, "Or a sign of the killer's remorse."

        "But this happened three months ago. Why are we getting this now?" Morgan wondered. "Because two days ago, the body of Ashley Wilcox of Dayton, Ohio, was also found in an alley dumpster in Savannah." Hotch responds.

        "And she also had blunt force trauma, but she was strangled to death with her 'Bride-To-Be' sash." Garcia tells.

        "It's unlikely the work of the same jilted lover, since the two women lived in different states hundreds of miles apart." Rossi told. "They could be surrogates." Tara suggested.

        "Any sign of sеxual assault?" Tara asks Garcia and she shakes her head. "None on Brandy. We don't know about Ashley yet."

        "What's interesting is the unsub doesn't care about hiding the bodies very well." Reid points out. "Well, he'd have to be physically fit to lift the bodies into the dumpsters." Julia tells as she looks through the crime scene photos.

Rossi nods, "He could be sending a message that to him women are trash, disposable."

"No, this is about marriage." Tara tells. "He's taking these brides on the eve of what should be the happiest day of their lives. He wants to crush that. Their weddings have become their wakes."

Julia looks ahead at the screen as Hotch tells the team wheels up and they head off to the jet for their new case.

As soon as they debriefed about the case, Reid began to throw out fun facts about Savannah, Georgia to help with the case. "Established in 1733, Savannah is the oldest city in Georgia and one of the South's most popular wedding destinations." He explained.

"Brandy and Ashley are both low-risk lifestyle victims, but their behavior the nights they were murdered was anything but." Morgan stated.

"Bar hopping, being intoxicated in public, getting separated from their friends, all of that would have raised their risk levels, making them easy prey. But I am not victim blaming here. It's entirely understandable that both women would have wanted to enjoy themselves during their last nights as single women." Tara explained and Julia nods along at the woman.

"And from the unsub's point of view, the bars are target rich environments." Hotch told.
"But why pick only brides-to-be? Why not choose women a little less high-profile?" Rossi stated.

"Wearing a bride-to-be sash must be like waving a red cape at a bull." Morgan commented and Reid had interjected with, "Actually, bulls are colorblind. So it doesn't really matter what color cape a matador waves, it's the cape's movement that elicits. an aggressive charge response."

Everyone goes silent and Julia smirks over at Reid as he looks around sheepishly. "But Morgan's metaphor still applies here."

"And what cape would I have to wave around to attract you, pretty boy?" Julia asks with a smirk on her face and Reid's eyes go wide and his face goes beet red.

Reid clears his throat as Rossi and Morgan both throw smirks towards the man and the interaction.

"This is probably a man who had his own engagement broken off," Tara continues. "So, living in Savannah, surrounded by weddings and happy brides, it must be driving him crazy."

Suddenly, Garcia pops up on the monitors as she delivers news to the team. "Sir, we just got a report that a third bride-to-be went missing. Madison Mills, 25, from Tampa, Florida, was celebrating at a bar with her bridesmaids last night, when she disappeared. She's supposed to get married next Sunday."

"The first victim was 3 months ago, the second two days ago, and now Madison." Reid told as he settled on the pattern and Julia nodded, "He's accelerating."

"He may be a townie trolling bars to meet women." Rossi tells.

"What if he interacted with them and they turned down his advances?" Tara suggests. "It probably would've triggered his rage." Julia told.

"I'll see if there's any connection between the brides-to-be." Garcia tells. "And, Garcia, look for men living in the area with violent criminal records." Morgan chimes in before she leaves the call. "Also any men who were recently engaged and any who've had the engagements broken off." Hotch also adds.

"Check for cold feet. Got it." With that, Garcia leaves the call, leaving the team alone as they finish up the debrief.

"So how do we know Madison didn't hook up with a guy at a bar? I mean, she could still be sleeping it off and just doesn't want to face her friends." Morgan told.
"We should check into that. In the meantime, Morgan, you and Lewis retrace the victim's last steps." Hotch orders. "Reid, Cortez, go to the M.E.," Reid and Julia exchange a small look of acknowledgment and Hotch finishes, "And Dave and I will go to the P.D. and talk to the families."

Julia smirks at Reid as she stands up. "Looks like you're stuck with me, handsome." She teases and Reid hides his smile as Julia chuckles and goes to get some more coffee.

Morgan gives the man a playful nudge with a small smile on his face. And Reid can't help but turn red again.

Once they landed, everyone went their separate ways. Julia had joined Reid to go to the ME and they'd arrived to see the bodies of Ashley Wilcox and Brandy Green.

"Ashley Wilcox, cause of death, asphyxiation caused by strangulation. Her head was wrapped postmortem." The examiner told and Julia crossed her arms and looks down at the body. "Were you able to get anything out of the sash?" Reid asks. The woman nods, "Some trace DNA."

"You running it through CODIS?" Julia asks, knowing how the medical examining works, of course, being one in the past. "As we speak."

"The ligature marks show hesitation on the part of the killer." Reid leans down as he looks at the body. "He pulled the sash tight across her neck and then released it several times before she died." The ME told.

"It could be the unsub's way of torturing his victims." Julia suggests. "Or he's reluctant to kill." Reid adds. He then brings his attention towards her wound on her head. "This looks like it was caused by some sort of heavy object. I'm thinking a flashlight or a lead pipe, perhaps."

"That's what I was thinking." The woman tells. "Any sign of sеxual assault?" Julia wonders and the woman shakes her head, "No. The first victim, Brandy Green, died instantly from the blow to her head, but the killer took more time with Ashley."

"The unsub could be impotent, and choking his victims is how he satiates his urges." Reid tells and his attention is then brought down to Ashley's hands.

Julia sees what he notices. Half of the woman's press-on nails are bitten off. "The press-on nails on that hand are missing, probably ripped off in the struggle." The ME responds as she sees the agents looking down at them.

"The nails look bitten off." Julia tells, as Reid examines the nails.

"Maybe Ashley bit her nails before she was tortured? Nail-biting's an unsanitary habit, but pretty common." The ME assumes to the agents and Julia nods, "Trust me, I'm trying to cut back myself."

Reid shrugs, "True, but it's still considered an impulse control disorder. It's often associated with other body focus repetitive behaviors such as skin picking, skin biting, and trichotillomania. But, in this case, I think there's more to it than that, because the nails haven't been bitten underneath the press-on nails. Are you testing the saliva?"

"What are you thinking?" Julia asks and Reid looks at the woman and concludes, "I'm thinking the unsub bit Ashley's nails."

Okay, seriously... what the hell have I signed up for? Julia thinks in her head as she raises a brow in concern. "You're—you're serious?" She deadpans but Reid unfortunately nods.

"I've seen some freaky stuff in my day, but never this." The ME commented. "Me, neither." Julia adds, her face dropping at the thought of that.

"He most likely has some sort of mental disorder." Reid tells.
"'Most likely'?" Julia questions. "I think he definitely does."


        The unsub had unfortunately accelerated once more and now, Tara, Morgan, Reid and Julia were now heading to the latest crime scene where Madison Mills' body was found. As they guided through the woods, Morgan had called Garcia. "Baby girl, you there?"

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." Garcia spoke on the phone. "Listen, Reid thinks that our unsub may have a mental illness. Run that against your list of local men with records. Domestic disputes, peeping, public intoxication." Morgan listed.

"And check to see if any have been released from public or private mental health institutions within the area." Reid added.

"Bingo, five names. Sending them now." Garcia answered and with that knowledge, Morgan hung up so they could put their focus on the crime scene.

"A man walking his dog found her." Captain Hallendale informed as the team approached the body, still in the position and wrapped sash around her head.

        Tara and Julia both examine the woman's body. "Why change dump sites now?" Tara wondered. "The unsub could have figured a dumpster downtown was too risky." Reid figures.

       "She's got a gash on the side of her head like the others." Tara points out and Julia squints her eyes as she carefully moves Madison's bangs to see the word written on Madison's forehead, in big letters, the word — SLUT.

       "And look at this." Julia pointed, averting everyone's attention to the word. "Is that lipstick?" Captain Hallendale questions.

       "By wrapping and marking Madison's face, the unsub's taking away her beauty." Morgan told. "And by choosing the word 'slut', the unsub's commenting on Madison's virtue. Virtue and beauty are traditionally celebrated attributes in women." Reid explained. Morgan nodded, "That's especially true for a bride or a bride-to-be."

        Julia had then come to the realization of this unsub. The word is typically made by women towards women. If it were a man, it could've been possible that it would've been a different word. And instead of lipstick, they would've carved it into her forehead. She'd seen enough of this in her day to know better. And perhaps her mother's intuition just rubbed off on her — who knows?

       "Cortez?" Morgan asks, seeing Julia as she froze in thought. Julia turns to Morgan and then declares — "The unsub is a female."

"How do you figure that?" Captain Hallendale asked.
"Three fema—"
"Well, for—"

Both Julia and Reid had interrupted each other and Reid timidly stood back and then gave a grimace to the woman. "Oh, sorry." He stated.
Julia shakes her head as she smiles, "Take it away, pretty boy." She tells, causing Morgan to silently chuckle to himself and Tara to throw an amused look at the two.

"Uh, th-three female victims, no sign of sеxual assault, and the victims were all strangled, but not manually." Reid explained.
"And the word 'slut' written here in lipstick, is linguistically a word choice typically made by females." Tara added.

"Now it's time to deliver the profile." Morgan decided and with that, the team had what they needed and they headed back to the PD to do just that.

         After that, the team gathered up in a room to discuss what Garcia had found in her research. "What can you tell us, Garcia?" Rossi began as soon as she answered the phone.

        "That the stress and pressure of planning the perfect wedding is enough to drive anyone bonkers." Garcia answered. "Garcia, you find any connection between the wedding vendors and the 3 victims?" Morgan asked.

        "Oh, yeah. Brandy, Ashley, and Madison all went to the same thirty vendors, one of which does a horse-drawn pumpkin carriage. I mean, come on. I need that in my life." Garcia comments, throwing a small smirk on Julia's face at that.

        A horse-drawn pumpkin carriage would be any girl's dream, really. Well, at least for girls like Julia and Penelope.

"Anyway, I talked to all the vendors and none of them remember a large, strong non-threatening woman who was recently dumped by her fiancé so she had to cancel all of her plans. They said they'd definitely remember a customer like that." Garcia explained.

"But what if the unsub didn't visit one of the vendors? What if she is one of the vendors?" Hotch suggested. "That's a more statistically probable way that the unsub could come in contact with all the victims." Reid shrugged at the possibility.

Tara's cell phone ring as Rossi continues, "If she had a relationship that ended badly, dealing with happy brides every day could fuel her anger." Tara declined her call. Julia noticed it and shrugged but Morgan also seemed to notice it.

"Garcia, see if any of the vendors fit the profile and if any have been recently divorced." Hotch orders and Garcia answers, "Asketh and you shall receiveth."

The call ended and Morgan added, "If she's attacking brides-to-be because she was in a bad relationship or one didn't go as she hoped, then she's most likely depressed."

"Yeah, but in my experience, depressed women don't display this level of violence towards others." Tara stated. "Even if the depression's so severe, it leads to psychosis?" Julia questioned. "There's a chance for that." Tara stated.

Julia nodded, "We should tell Garcia to add that in her parameters for her searching."


The next morning, the rest of the team showed up at the office for the case. For the remainder of the night, a pairing had taken shifts. Morgan and Tara had stayed behind for the beginning of the night, following with Hotch and Rossi for the middle of the night and Reid and Julia towards the following of the morning.

Julia re-made the coffee since it seemed too cold for anyone's liking and had especially remembered how Reid took his coffee — more sugar than coffee. She didn't blame him though, she liked her coffee to have more creamer and to taste sweet rather than bitter.

         They'd barely spoken a couple of words in the following morning, Julia wondered if maybe the flirting was a bit much considering she'd just joined the team and she'd be weirded out if some strange man she hardly knew was flirting with her.

         It seemed like something was on his mind and of course, she hadn't known him that well yet to talk to him about it. She figured he'd talk to someone like Morgan or Garcia eventually so she'd left it alone.

        Tara had joined them when the rest of the team arrived at the PD and they began to run down their theories about the unsub and what they've uncovered so far.

       "Okay, let's add it up. We may have a wedding vendor who is in love with someone who doesn't love her back or who might be engaged." Tara stated and Reid nodded along. "And she's probably severely depressed because of her physical and emotional state. The only way for her to get some kind of pent up anger out is through murder." Julia added.

       "Assuming she's under a doctor's care, she might be off her meds." Reid tells. His cell phone rings and he goes to fish it out of his pocket. "Nail-biting can be a symptom of that." He answers the phone and puts it on speaker. "What's up, Garcia?"

       "I found several female vendors who went through a divorce, but none in the past six months." Garcia informed.

       "Do any of them have a history of depression?" Reid asked. "Nuh. Zilch. Sorry." Garcia told.
       "How about women whose family members or loved ones recently got engaged? Trace back to when the murders first started to as late as last night." Julia tells.

       "My sweet angel, you must be a psychic in disguise because here's something: a local woman, Nicole Seavers, who, according to social media, just got engaged last night. Here's her Instagram post." Garcia sends the info over. "She owns a flower shop, Blossoms, and her new fiancé happens to be a wedding photographer named Ryan Becker, working out of said shop."

Julia pulls up the Instagram post on her tablet and puts it on the table so Reid and Tara can get a good look at the woman.

"She doesn't have the physicality to be the unsub." Tara pointed out. "But the unsub could be someone close to Nicole. Garcia, we need to look at people in Nicole's immediate circle of family and friends." Reid informs.

As soon as Garcia had found what she had, Reid had gotten Rossi, Hotch and Morgan in the room to inform them of what Garcia had found.

"You guys, you guys, Nicole Seavers inherited the flower shop from her mother, who died a year ago. Her older sister, Dana Seavers also works there." Garcia told.

"So the mom left the shop only to one daughter?" Rossi questions. "Dana must've felt hurt by that." Julia tells.

"Is the father in the picture?" Hotch wondered. "No. He left when they were little." Garcia stated. "This is the part of the story that is disturbing and sad at the same time. So, you know how Nicole and Ryan got engaged last night? Well, three months ago, Dana set up a wedding registry."

"She must have known in advance about her sister getting engaged. Maybe the boyfriend enlisted her help." Reid told. "No, the wedding registry isn't for Nicole and Ryan, it's for Dana and Ryan, and according to Dana's credit cards, she's been buying stuff off the wedding registry and sending them to herself." Garcia informed.

Julia turns over to Reid, whose eyebrows are raised in concern. "Well, you were right about that being disturbing and sad." Julia comments.

        "Okay, so she must be suffering from psychosis, confusing what is real with her own little fantasy world." Morgan told. "This isn't just psychosis. This is a psychotic delusion based on Ryan Becker." Reid stated. "And then when another woman threatens that delusion, she suffers a psychotic break." Tara added.

       "Dana's sister Nicole got engaged to Ryan, which means Nicole is Dana's next victim." Rossi uncovers and Julia looks at the man. "But she couldn't go as far as killing her own sister, would she?" She questions. "There's a chance she may too deep in her psychosis to realize what she's even doing." Reid told.

       "Garcia, we need addresses for the floral shop and for both sisters." Hotch orders. "Dana and Nicole both live above the flower shop. Sending now." Garcia tells.

        Hotch thanks the woman as she hangs up and with that, they head to the flower shop in vests and guns in hand.

        They'd arrived and found that no one was in the store and had cleared each nook and cranny of the store. Rossi and Hotch had taken the downstairs basement of the shop and Reid, Tara and Julia had taken the upstairs of Dana's room.

        Julia finished putting her gloves on as Tara looks around. "Look at this place." She tells. "Clutter or the constant presence of a messy room is often a sign of depression." Reid stated.

       "We shouldn't judge her for it, then. Sometimes, it's hard to get out of that dark hole." Julia tells as she looks around the apartment now. Reid looks at the woman and Julia can't see it but it's almost as if he's concerned about that.

        Her eyes are drawn to a diary on the bed and she skims through it, Tara behind her as Julia reads it out loud. "'Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Becker', 'Mrs. Dana Becker', 'Dana and Ryan Becker'." Julia reads out of the diary. "This is a whole new level of delusion."

        Julia hands the diary to Tara as she also looks it over. "She created a checklist with her life together with Ryan. Farmhouse, a chocolate lab, and two kids named Megan and Jake." She stated and Julia frowns, "It's upsetting that she seemed to have some type of future planned and he might not even know about it."

         "If the psychosis hadn't taken over, she'd probably just been a sad girl who wanted a future with a boy she couldn't have." Tara told. "Now, that hurt me." Julia commented.

"Look at this, bupropion." Reid spoke as he looked towards the prescription bottle on Dana's side of the bed. "It's an antidepressant. This was dispensed six months ago, but the bottle's sill full." He goes over the other bottles on the table. "Trinessa. Metformin. Spironolactone?"

"That's an interesting combination of meds. Those are typically used to treat a hormone imbalance." Tara stated.

"It sounds to me like Dana has poly-cystic ovaries syndrome. It can cause obesity, excess hair growth, acne, and depression." Reid explains.

"PCOS is fairly common in teen girls and young women." Tara told. "It sadly affects one in 10 women of reproductive age." Reid nods.

Julia softly scoffs, "Me included." Reid and Tara turn to the woman. "You have PCOS?" Reid asks. Julia looks at the man, "Yeah, I was diagnosed with it at 20. Lost my right ovary at 12, I've kinda always had an issue with my ovaries. My brother thinks it's because of all the coffee I drink but — it's treatable. It didn't turn Dana into a killer." Julia explained.

Reid shakes his head almost immediately, also not wanting to offend Julia. "I'm not saying that. I'm just saying it might have contributed to her becoming depressed."

"PCOS does come with its' negative affects." Julia nods. "There's always those feelings of hopelessness, loss of appetite, like you said — depression. She might've turned to this delusion of Ryan Becker as a saving grace."

As Tara nods at the two and leaves the room to inform the team of their findings, Reid and Julia follow behind.

"How do you deal with the PCOS?" Reid wondered out of curiosity. "Medications usually always help. I actually haven't had a cyst in a while so the medication's doing something. But for a couple of years, I had to deal with cysts and well, they're painful." Julia explained.

Reid frowns, "That's awful." He tells.
Julia shrugged at that, "It's girlhood for ya."

They had joined Morgan and Tara with Rossi and Hotch at the front of the store. "Anything upstairs to tell us where she might have taken Nicole?" Hotch questioned.

"Nothing," Morgan told. "But if Nicole is engaged to Dana's true love, Dana could go over the edge. We don't have a lot of time."

"African violets, Chinese hibiscus, roses, lilies, and orchids." Reid lists as he looks around. "What are you thinking, kid?" Rossi asks, nudging his head at Reid.

"They're all fresh flowers, but in order for all these varieties to thrive in this climate, they'd need a controlled environment." Reid told and Julia had quickly concluding, "Which means they have a greenhouse."

"Dave, you, Julia and Reid stay here in case they come back." Hotch orders as he, Tara and Morgan head on out to the greenhouse.


         In the end, the team had taken Dana Seavers into custody and Julia hoped that she'd get the help she needed. The team had rejoiced on the jet in the aftermath.

         Morgan had just seated himself next to Hotch, Rossi seated next to Tara, Reid was on the couch, reading a book and Julia was just filling up her cup with more coffee —  and more creamer.

        Hot damn, she loved this jet.

       "Wow, so that's where the sun went." Rossi said and Julia turns to see that he's speaking towards Tara. "Nice rock."
       "Thank you." Tara smiled.

Julia spins her spoon in her mug as Rossi notices Tara twiddling with her ring on her finger. "Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?" Rossi asks, prying in.

"Uh, no. I love him. I really do. It's just, um... this job makes things..." Tara trails off and Morgan finishes, "Complicated?"

Reid turns up from his book. "What's complicated?" He asks. "Relationships," Rossi answers and Reid nods in understanding. "You're not the only one, Tara."

Julia smiles to herself as she leans against the wall of the corridor. "So, Morgan, when are you and Savannah walking down the aisle?" Rossi asks, turning his attention towards the man in front of him.

"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Baby steps. Baby steps. What are we doing?" Morgan takes a step back and Julia chuckles to herself at how defensive he got.

"When Derek Morgan says 'I do', it'll be a national day of mourning for single women everywhere." Reid told and Morgan scoffs at that.

Rossi then points a threatening finger towards Morgan. "Just don't elope."
"Wow. Sounds like there's a story there." Tara comments.
"Oh, there is." Hotch speaks up with a small smile on his face that Julia seemed to rarely ever see until now.

"Do tell." Julia smirks as she takes a spot on the couch next to Reid with her coffee in her hand and leaning towards like an eager child.

"I married the third ex-Mrs. Rossi at a drive-in wedding chapel in Las Vegas." Rossi started. "I had an Elvis impersonator perform the ceremony."
"You're kidding." Tara chuckles.
"Wait for it." Hotch comments.

Rossi seems to be into the story, looking in between Julia and Tara — even Reid had stopped reading to listen — as he continues, "I'm playing twenty-one. I've got a streak going, I can't lose even if I try. Krystall's the dealer. One thing leads to another... I should have known it wouldn't last. Krystall spelled her name with a 'K' and two Ls." Everyone softly chuckles at that.

"We sobered up the next morning, the divorce was just as quick. I will never make that mistake again." Rossi explained.

"So, you married your dealer, must've won big." Julia told as she takes a sip from her coffee mug once more.

"'Never make that mistake again'," Morgan says under his breath. "What, get married, or have the King of Rock 'n' Roll as your justice of the peace?" He asks.

"Both," Rossi tells. "Thank you very much." He says in an 'Elvis' voice and the rest of the group laughs at that.

Julia looks down at her mug and Morgan then nudges his head towards the woman on the couch. "And what about you, Cortez?" Julia perks up at Morgan saying her names. "Any boyfriends? Complicated relationships?"

Julia shrugs as she thinks about it, "I only had two real relationships ever in my life. One in high school and one in college."
"High school was Thomas Beauregard. Captain of the football team, got a scholarship to Stanford."

"And what happened?" Tara wondered.

"Well, we both knew we couldn't handle the distance since I was going to Dartmouth, so we broke things off. Never saw him again after we graduated." She explained.

"And in college? Who was he?" Morgan asked.

"Uh, he was a she," Julia begs as she stood up from her seat on the couch. "And her name was Ellie. Botanist major and uh, it might've been a little bit more serious to her, if we're being honest."

Morgan's eyebrows raise in surprise as do Tara's. Rossi continues sipping his drink and Hotch continues reading the book in front of him and Reid seems to have forgotten his book altogether at that. At least until Julia looks at the man and he quickly goes back to reading like he isn't listening.

"Okay, I see you play both sides, little miss sunshine." Morgan smirks.
"You haven't thought of pursuing another relationship after that?" Rossi wondered.

"No," Julia said. "Not until recently." She turns towards Reid and looks at the man as she says that and Reid didn't look up, only concentrating on his book and the rest of the team chuckles at this.

Reid looks up from his book, confused on what's so funny. "What's up?" He asks.
The team laughs at the man's cluelessness as Julia goes back to the coffee machine to put her mug away.

"What?" Reid asks.

Julia knows she probably shouldn't keep teasing the man but when you see someone — as cute as Dr. Spencer Reid — you just can't help yourself. She thought he was cute but she knows she can't form any relationship with him, of course, it had to have been forbidden within the workplace. That's why she created that rule to not fall for him. And with how he was acting and based on how clueless he was — maybe that rule was for the best. Still, it didn't mean she should stop flirting with him. This was better than the alternative, at least to her.

       And she just kept telling herself that.

guys i have the ship name now!
#spulia <333
i hope you guys enjoyed this!

i also wanted julia to have pcos because for
1) i feel like ocs don't ever have like real problems that seem authentic and real and i wanted to showcase at least something (if that makes any sense)
2) i myself have issues with my ovaries (as y'all may remember from my message board convos) and i do believe i have pcos although i have not been tested/diagnosed for it unfortunately and i wanted something to start with this subject because it truly does fascinate me

also i don't feel like i'm pushing the flirting between julia and spencer but am i?? i mean it's not too much and i feel like spencer's real reaction would just be embarrassment

julia: 🤭😏
spencer: 😳🏃‍♂️

i do hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this :)
i love you all
-mya <333

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