Prologue: a surprise for the two Scouts

A/n: hey guys thanks for the support you guys give me on my stories now there are things I want to know the first one is that I'm going to need help on names for the chapters for this story so if you guys have any name idea please let me know now the second one is should I add a female tuxedo mask in the harem please let me know and what should the female version of the name be please let me know in the comments if you want to know the looks here

one of my commenters asked me if I should add her but I want to know what you guys think now enough of me let's get this chapter started

Haruka's pov

it was another normal day in Tokyo me, Michiru and the other girls were hanging out in our house it was one of our most peaceful days were there was no attacks happening from Queen Nehelenia as we talked and crack jokes every so once in awhile then I turn to a picture of me, Michiru and most importantly my twin brother Y/n the picture was from when we were kids I then get memories of when we had fun with each other then I felt a tap on my shoulder as I see it was Michiru

Michiru: Haruka you alright

Haruka: yeah I'm find just thinking about Y/n is all

Michiru: *sad smiles as she remembers the fun memories* oh yeah I can see why it's been a long while since we seen him

Usagi: um is something wrong? why do you look sad

Haruka: oh it's nothing serious we were just thinking about my Twin brother Y/n whose also Michiru's cousin 

Makoto: oh is he alright? nothing bad has happen to him?

Michiru: oh no it not that something has happen to him you see he is in America as a writer when he was younger he is also very athletic like Haruka he likes to read as well then proceeded to become a writer he even read various books and novels for inspiration

Ami: wow that's amazing is there anymore happy memories like that

Haruka: *giggles* oh there is one that Michiru found one of Y/n's books that she didn't really like

-flashback 3rd pov-

in a mansion a younger Michiru was walking towards Y/n's room as she see it wide open she looks in and see that her cousins weren't in it

Michiru: huh they must be outside

as she was about to leave the room she sees what looks like a book sticking out of a pillow as she cautiously looks around then proceeds to take the book out of the pillow and sees the cover of the book

A/n: I don't own this and plus best picture size I could find sorry

Michiru: Ninjas of love? *starts reading the pages as her eyes widen* oh my!


as a you7ng Y/n entered his room sometime after Michiru left Y/n went to his bed and put his hand under the pillow as his eyes widen feeling nothing under it

Y/n: what the *looks frantically under his bed and book shelf* where is it, where is it, where is it-

????: ahem!

Y/n looks behind him to see both his cousin and twin sister Michiru has a some what upset pouty face while a younger Haruka was trying to suppress herself from laughing at whats about to happen as Y/n looks to see Michiru holding holding his book making his eyes widen like dinner plates then get a nervous look on his face

Y/n: uhh Michiru is that my book?

Michiru: this is filth, FILTH!

she then smack him in the face with the book knocking him down to the ground making his eyes swirl while Haruka busted up laughing at what happen

Y/n: c can I have my book back?

Michiru: later!

-end of flashback back to Haruka's pov-

as I finished the little story the other girls along with me started laughing while Michiru had a cute pout on her face

Rei: wow I never thought your brother would read a book like that *laughs*

Haruka: well he did read it for story but Michiru on the other hand

Michiru: *pouts* I wasn't convince because it was filth!

Ami: well I read it before and I thought it was a good story

Haruka: well it was one of my most fondest memories

then as I was about to tell another memory I heard a call coming from my laptop as it got not only my but the others as well so I curiously grabbed my laptop and accepted the call as my camera turns on same with the caller's camera

Haruka: hello?

????: ah it's good to hear you again sis

as we heard the voice mine and Michiru's eyes widen as the video feed reveal the one person we haven't seen since he went to America

Haruka/Michiru: y, y/, y/n?

Y/n: *smiles* yup that's me my dear twin sister and cousin your loveable brother and cousin!

Haruka: *giggles* it's good to see and hear from you how have you been?

Y/n: I've been good how about you two?

Michiru: we've been good too we like to introduce you to some friends of ours

Y/n: sure I would love to meet them

Haruka: well first up is *motions to Usagi as the girls get into the camera's view* Usagi Tsukino

Usagi: hiya! nice to meet you Y/n!

Y/n: nice to meet you too Usagi

Michiru: here is Ami Mizumo

Ami: hi Y/n it a pleasure to meet you

Y/n: likewise Ami

Haruka: and this is Rei Hino

Rei: hello Y/n it's good to meet you 

Y/n: nice to meet you to Rei

Michiru: and this is Makoto Kino

Makoto: hey nice to meet you Y/n *thoughts* 'man me may have similar hair style to Haruka but his h/c just makes him so handsome'

Y/n: nice to meet you too Makoto

Haruka: and this is Setsuna Meiou

Setsuna: greetings Y/n

Y/n: hello

Michiru: and finally these two are Hotaru and Chibiusa

Hotaru: hello Y/n

Chibiusa: *shyly* h hi Y/n

Y/n: hello girls and it's nice to meet my twin sister's and cousin's friends

Haruka: anyway Y/n why is it your calling us

Y/n: *smiles* well I got some exciting news actually

Michiru: and that is?

Y/n: *excited tone* I get to come back home to see you guys again!

as I heard those words come right out of his mouth not only I was excited but Michiru is also just as I was

Haruka/Michiru: really!

Y/n: *playful two finger salute* yup! I'll be coming to see you tomorrow I'll be taking a plane 

Haruka: that's good I guess well be seeing you tomorrow 

Y/n: yup well wish I could stay on and chat but I still have some last remaining packing to do but I'll tell you what we can chat more when I get ther

Haruka: yeah that will be good well see you then

he nods then the call ends then we check the time to see it was getting late so the girls either went home or went for a little stroll before heading home as I was getting ready for bed I see Michiru staring at the window into the night sky with a smile to which I walk to her and looked at the night sky with her

Michiru: tomorrow is going to be a special day for us

Haruka: yeah for now lets rest so we can be prepared for tomorrow

she nods to me as we head off to bed as we slept my mind goes off into a dream of all the happiest memories of when we were kids making me smile

Y/n's pov

as I was finishing up packing the last bit of my belongings I stretch and let out a yawn I then look at the clock to see it's getting late

Y/n: well time to get some rest can't be tired when I get to see my twin sister and cousin 

I then grab some sleep wear and took a quick shower once I got into my sleep wear I then get into the bed as I sleep I keep getting the same recurring dream ever since my time in America


in the dream I was in a some kind of city or kingdom that was being attacked by some weird monster but then i look at myself to see that I'm wearing some kind of armor while also have an odd sword in my hand

then I see a monster coming at me attacking me with it's claws to which I blocked then easily parried and struck down the monster with a quick slash I then look to see two familiar faces being surrounded by monsters  as I saw it was my twin sister and cousin in some type of sailor outfit

I then rush to them to help them while taking down any monster that would try to get in my way after taking out another monster I then jumped up and flipped over the group of monster and land in between my twin sister and cousin I then pointed my sword in the air

Y/n: thundaza!

then powerful lightning shot from the sky crashing down on the monsters then everything does to a flash of white

-end dream-

I shot up from my bed quickly gasping for air then after a moment I managed to calm myself down

Y/n: *sighs* again with that dream why am I always getting it what does it mean * lightly shakes his head* I'm probably just tired I need to rest

I laid back down and slowly let sleep come to me as I got comfortable I began to dream of the time I was a kid with Haruka and Michiru

To Be Continued

A/n: and prologue is done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now I want to know if I should add a female tuxedo mask and the amazoness quartet into the harem please let me know on your answer and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter 

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