Chapter 3: rise of the dark knight
A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story. Now with out further ado, let the chapter begin.
Artemis' pov
I was rushing towards the meet up point that the Sailor Scouts and Luna are meeting at Rei's home, with the reveal that Y/n is indeed the keyblade knight of Uranus. But the fact that the Amazon Quartet have him, things could go very bad.
Artemis: [If the Amazon Quartet was after Y/n, then it could mean that Queen Nehelenia is planning something.]
3rd pov
As the Sailor Scouts have gathered, with Luna sitting on top of Ami's lap as Haruka and Michiru were curious on how this meeting involves Y/n.
Haruka: Okay, Luna explain. How does this meeting involve Y/n?
Luna: Well, back in the time of golden age of the moon kingdom. In your previous lives, Haruka as Uranus Y/n also has a previous live. But in that time He was referred as the Keyblade master, not only that he also gained the title Blade of Uranus.
This gets the Sailor Scouts gained a shock expressions, the fact that Y/n also had a previous live like them, but that he was also a skilled warrior with a title to back it up. But this brings up a question, that Michiru wanted to know.
Michiru: Luna if Y/n is this Keyblade Master, does he know about it?
Luna: No, it's possible that his memories of the spells he uses with the Keyblade are locked.
Rei: But wouldn't that also make Y/n a prince or something?
Luna: Maybe, but in his previous life he was very private about himself.
????: Girls!!!!
Luna and the Sailor scouts turn to see Artemis running to them, once he reaches them he catches his breath while the girls see that he is in distress.
Minako: Artemis? What happen?
Artemis: Bad news... *pants* Y/n's been kidnapped, by the Queen Nehelenia's Amazon Quartet.
Girls: What?!
Haruka: Artemis, tell us exactly what happened. Every detail can help.
Artemis: Well, everything was going as any other normal day. That was until this fog appeared, luckily I was able to in it and unnoticed. There I was able to see Y/n hold his own against the grunt forces of Queen Nehelenia's forces, He was able to beat them and one was about to get a ambush him. He had awaken his weapon.
Luna: Already?! But he hasn't even regained his memories of his past life.
Usagi: Then how has he able to summon his Keyblade?
Rei: Probably instinct, when that grunt tried to attack him. His keyblade it resonated with his flight or fight response.
Michiru: Guys, we can discuss this further later. But right now...
Haruka: We need to find Y/n!
Artemis: That's the thing, the Amazon girls took him. Who knows where they went.
Luna: We also lack the means to even get to their hide out or even know its exact location.
Haruka: Then what can we do?
Ami: Well, if the Amazon Quartet took him. they could be try to use him as bait to lure us into a trap.
Makoto: She's got a point, if they targeted Y/n they must have known that Y/n possessed the keyblade.
Luna I have no doubt, which is very troubling to know about.
Minako: I get the feeling, that the keyblade has a unique power?
Artemis: Yes. You see the keyblade has the power to unlock doors and break seals, with that in mind the Amazons could use him to break Queen Nehelenia's seal.
Luna: True, but if he just awaken his Keyblade. Then it's possible he hasn't fully recovered all of his power. Which means we have time until he is fully restored in terms of his magic power, as the seal is very powerful that a recent awakening of a Keyblade wielder is too much to break.
Haruka: *sighs* Well, if it gives us time for us to make a plan and get Y/n back I'm in.
Michiru: Same here.
3rd pov
-Queen Nehelenia's dead moon circus-
The Amazon Quartet have return to the dead moon circus and in front of the mirror that has the queen of the dark moon kindgom is sealed inside of, two of the Amazon girls that were holding on to Y/n's unconscious body and gently placed him down in front of the mirror.
????: I see your mission was successful?
The Amazon girls turn to see the sage that safe guards the mirror, she wore a long purple robe and holding a slightly curved staff with wings attacked to the orb. This was Zirconia, she looks down at Y/n seeing how young the male is and the amount of magic that has just awaken within the young man.
Zirconia: Hmm, even though his power has just awaken... It won't be enough to break the seal of Queen Nehelenia.
Just then Queen Nehelenia makes her appearance in the mirror, which shows her as a young and beautiful woman with long ark hair, followed with a black dress and light blue eyes to complete her beauty.
A/n: Not mine.
Nehelenia looks down at Y/n's form and found herself mesmerized by the young man, that a soft blush forms on her face, that she feels her heart skip a beat. Which she forms a plan for the young man.
Nehelenia: His power will grow, but for now we must put him under my control.
Zirconia: Of course my Queen, but what do you have in mind?
Nehelenia: With him under my control, not only will he a powerful ally. But he will also be my king once I'm free and have the Dark Moon Kingdom fully established. Zirconia, work your magic on him.
Zirconia: As you wish.
The mage then uses her magic as Nehelenia and the Amazon girls watch as the magic flowed around y/n's body, then gave a sudden zap to Y/n's body and made it twitch in reaction. Then in a bright flash that makes the Amazon girls, Zirconia and the sealed Queen shield their eyes from the bright flash. Then what followed was a shock wave that knocked the Amazon girls and Zirconia back a bit, then when the light dies down all the ladies in the room look to see Y/n now standing on his.
But instead of the clothes he was wearing when the amazon girls captured him, he's now wearing a dark armor with purple highlights. He is also without a helmet and wielding not his keyblade, but a sword that takes the shape of a wing with an eye in the center.
A/n: Like this, just without the helmet for now.
Nehelenia: Interesting... Who do you serve?
Y/n: I serve Queen Nehelenia.
Nehelenia: Good, for now I need you to rest and save your energy.
Y/n: As you wish, my Queen.
Zirconia: Girls, I want to you stage a "hostage" situation.
VesVes: Why is that? We have him on our side.
Nehelenia: For the plan to work, he must be undercover and right under those of the Moon Kingdom noses.
CereCere: I see... *pouts and mutters* Though I wouldn't mind to have some fun with Y/n.
Zirconia: Now Y/n, you know your role. Until our Queen is ready, that is when you reveal yourself.
Y/n: Yes, lady Zirconia. *eyes flash purple*
To be continued
A/n: And done, I hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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