#Chapter12: A day to remember

              Alvin was getting ready when his mom called. He took the call in second ring and said good morning with a smile on his face.

'Getting ready for the party?' mom asked in her soothing voice.

'Yes mom, how are you and how is my humpty Dumpty sisters??

'They are fine, just waiting for you to come home.'

He fell silent for a moment.

'I will be there soon mom' he said with a sigh.
It has been more than 1 month he came here and it's about time he joined his family. He knew that, but nowadays something is holding him back.

'Did you check your visa status and what about your job interviews?
Your sister says that you aren't interested in all those things lately. How come?'

He could imagine his mom's face now. The way her lips and eyes move and how her brow creases on his silence. Suddenly he missed his mom, he just wanted to see her with that happy smile on her lips, but there was something else that was tearing him inside, holding him back and he was still trying to make sense of this feeling.

'Nothing mom, I checked the visa status, it may take few more days, and about my job interview, I have shortlisted for the interview, they will conduct an online interview first and if it goes well then we will see. Tell my Holly Molly sisters not to worry about me.'

'We are not worried,but mom is'

his sisters replied in unison from background and he chuckled.

'Don't worry mom, everything is going great.. I will call you later. I am already getting late and Akki will kill me' he said as he put on his t shirt.

'Are you really ok son? Is there anything that bothering you?'

Mom emphasized the question.
His mom always knew him like the back of her hand, they are countries apart, but still she could sense the meaning of his silence and sighs.
But Alvin wasn't sure about what was troubling him. That is something he should figure out, then he could tell his mom. He sighed softly.

'Nothing that I can't handle, don't worry ok? I will call you later mom. Bye'
He hung up quickly, before she could ask anything.
He was about to leave when Riya barged in.
'Wow..brother you are looking handsome in that outfit' she looked at him appreciatively.
He was wearing a black round necked t shirt along with black pants and olive green blazer.

'I know that pretty little head. I am just awesome' he said and she stuck her tongue out at him.

'You are full of yourself' she shook her head in disappointment.

'By the way, you are looking beautiful little sister. I should give you that.'

'Thank you' Riya flashed a perfect smile and brightened up.

'Anu dii is waiting outside for you. You people will get the cake from the bakers and head to the party before everyone reach there. Go quickly Akki don't want you to be late.'

'Yes ma'am...then why don't you come with us then. Uncle and aunty will join us there.'

'Ok.. I will come after telling mom and dad. You should go now' she told while running to her parents room.

Alvin grabbed his car keys and phone and went outside.
It was chilly outside and cold wind was blowing and it was getting dark already. He wore his shoes and walked outside. Anusha was talking to someone on her phone.

'It's ok Yasmin, things happen. Yeah I am ok and Arlene is coming. Take care of your baby. See you on Saturday. Bye'

'Looks like someone is going to miss the party. What happened?'
He asked as he approached her.

'Hey you...'she turned towards him and smiled.

'Yeah... Yasmin couldn't make it. Her baby is sick. So it is Arlene and her room mate only.'

She was actually bit disappointed that Yasmin couldn't come. She was looking forward to have some fun with her friends.

Alvin wasn't hearing anything. He was in a trance. Everything blurred except for her beautiful face.

Well...who won't be? She was looking gorgeous today. Her hair was open with soft curls in the end which was falling to her face due to the wind and her purple coloured suit complimented her skin. Everything went still for him for a second. Wow..he could look at her for the entire day if possible.
He was staring at her intently when Riya slapped his shoulder.

'Breath brother.. otherwise you are gonna faint' she said in a soft voice and winked at him.

'Huh..what??' he cleared his throat to compose himself and said.

'Anusha, you are looking gorgeous today.. you literally took my breath away'

'Thank you... So I got promoted from weirdo to gorgeous in one day. Thank you Riya... and you are not looking bad yourself. So everything is perfect.'

Anusha said with a bright smile that filled his heart.

'And your outfit is really nice too. Someone got a good colour sense I must add' he said without looking away from her face.

'Yeah... someone really thought that I will look pretty in this colour' she sighed heavily.

She smiled but it was a sad one. Her eyes were distant and sad for a second then it was gone.
God..what was she hiding?

He would ask her soon,he had waited enough and he is going to leave soon. That thought made him sigh..she could be the reason behind this reluctance that he is feeling now, but he is not sure..

With all these thoughts, he drove to the London bakers to get the cake. Traffic was slow since it was a weekend. It took them more than 20 minutes to reach the bakery. They quickly bought the cake and headed to the restaurant. Anusha was worried that they will get there late but luckily they were on time.

Party was great. Everything was perfect. The entire party hall was decorated with balloons with small podium in the centre.Ninnu was enjoying the special attention she has  got, and was happily playing with other kids.
Ahaan and Riya were inseparable once they met. He was looking dashing in a white button down shirt with black blazer. Anusha noticed that Ahaan was comfortable around Riya now. She wasn't sure about sparks flying in between them but they could make great friends. She felt happy for them.

They had the cake cutting ceremony when everyone gathered. Ninnu cut her first birthday cake along with her happy parents while everyone sang happy birthday for the little angel.

Arlene came along with her roommate Rachel. She was wearing black dress that clinged to her petite figure. She looked beautiful in her simple outfit.  Alvin took them to meet the birthday girl. She gave birthday gift for the baby girl and planted a kiss on her chubby cheek. Rashi had met her before, they talked for a while and took pictures and then she joined Anusha who was getting ready to perform with Ahaan. She was nervous but her friends cheered for her and she felt confident enough to perform without getting a nervous breakdown.

They started with the birthday song and sung a few Hindi songs and ended with Red Robin song by Clark Richard. It was a beautiful song about a father and daughter bonding and she dedicated the song for Akki and Ninnu.

Ahaan and Anusha smiled at the applauding cloud. It was a magical moment, kind of euphoric that made her bit dizzy. Arlene hugged her tightly when she came back to her side.

'Wow Anusha... I didn't know that you were this amazingly talented girl.... I am proud of my girl' Arlene said with a huge grin on her face.

'Thanks dear..' she replied with a smile.
'Then you should thank me first. It was a herculean task to convince her you know...' he said looking at Anusha.

'Is that so? Then a big thanks to you too.
Let's get some food now.. I am starving.' Arlene walked ahead towards the food counter.

They got themselves food and got a corner table. Later, Ahaan and Riya joined them. Akki and Rashi were busy with the guests.
The food was great and Rashi's desserts were huge hit. By the end of the party Rashi was surrounded by the crowd of women who were asking her about the secret recipe.

They played some funny games and danced mindlessly to loud music.
Anusha was happy and enjoying the party without a worry in the world.
Alvin was glancing her way too much that he caught by Arlene. She quickly came to his side and handed him a juice bottle.

'So tell me what's going on here?' Arlene asked with a chuckle.

'Can't you see.. party is going on' he said pointing to the dancing people. Anusha and Riya was laughing about something. He smiled himself looking at them.

'Oh... I can see that... I am asking about you and Anusha. Don't try to avoid the topic.' She said in a firm voice and Alvin shifted towards her to meet her eyes.
He didn't say anything for a few minutes.

'What do you think about anything going on between us?' He asked while looking at Anusha who was moving her hands along with the music.

Arlene sighed and drank her juice before speaking.

'I think you both like each other and both are stupid if you people didn't figure it out by now'

Her reply was crystal clear, she was being honest. He was surprised by her reply, he was still unsure about his feelings but Arlene had a point. He was acting stupid.

'How did you know Arlene? I couldn't bring myself to accept my feelings for her' he asked her again like he needs more confirmation from Arlene about his feelings.

'That is because you can't take your eyes off from her face the whole night' she grinned at him who rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

It is easy for me to know the sparks between you two because I am the third party here. I am not the one dealing with the feeling. So it is pretty easy. And I know her for a while now. She is not someone who makes friends easily, but here you are...on her side all the time...She is happy when you are around and that is not a pretending, she is genuinely happy and I want her to be happy. She had suffered enough in her life and she could be block headed at times.. like now. But I believe there is a future for your relationship if you people gave it a chance.'

Alvin heard her out with a new found respect. He could see why she was Anusha's best friend. This girl was genuine and really loved and cared for her friend.

'Thanks Arlene.' You have just answered a lot of  questions for me. Thanks again.'

'Mm...thank you too for listening me...that girl won't even try to listen me. I hope you will think about it and decide yourself.' She replied with a smile and walked towards Anusha.

'What was that..you people looked so serious' Anusha gave her a questioning look.

'We are pretty close you know... we can talk about anything and everything in the world'
Arlene winked and Anusha got an uneasy feeling on the pit of her stomach from the way she replied without hinting anything.

'He is a nice guy Anusha... and don't be harsh on yourself anymore. Think wisely when the time comes. You don't meet the right person everyday...so be sensible.' Arlene explained.

It took a few seconds for Anusha to understand what her friend was saying but still she couldn't figure out what she was implying.

' What are you saying? I didn't get you.' Anusha grabbed her hand.

'Um... I am just saying that you should listen to your heart not to your stupid brain' she chuckled and waved her hand.
Anusha was more confused now.

'Hey.. I think we should leave now. It is getting late and Rachel has a morning shift tomorrow. '
Arlene didn't wait for her response. She and Rachel walked to Rashi and Akki they said their goodbyes , talked to Alvin and came back to Anusha.

'Great party guys..thank you for inviting us.' Arlene hugged her one more time.
'Oh I almost forgot. I have got something for you too. It is in the bag deposit area. Can you come with me downstairs?'
Anusha nodded in response and they went to the bag deposit area.
Arlene got their bags out and handed one paper bag to her. It was a beautiful red Christmas paper bag and it was a bit heavy.

'What is in it?'

Anusha asked while peeking inside. It was completely covered so she couldn't figure out the contents in the packet.

'Oh...that is a Christmas gift for you. Stop swaying..it might break'

'Hey..what is it? Tell me I am curious now.'

'No..that is a surprise..' she chuckled and waved goodbye to her.

Anusha really wanted to find out the contents but she could wait until she reached home. She put the bag near her bag and went back to the party.
Party was almost ending, families were leaving and Ninnu was already asleep. They waited until everyone left. Akki settled the bill while Anusha and Alvin collected all the gifts for Ninnu from the hall and placed in the car. Riya and Ahaan left along with their families. Anusha collected their bags from the bag deposit area. After thanking the event manager and waiter boys, they left.

Anusha and Alvin rode together. They were silent for most of the drive..both lost in their own world , surrounded by comfortable silence.
Alvin was thinking about what Arlene told him before. He was thinking about it for a while, but Arlene brought a bit more clarity to his thoughts.
Anusha was thinking about the same things but she was confused and her thoughts were jumbled over eachother. And she was curious to open her gift box too.
When they reached home, it was already late. After helping Akki to get the gift boxes out of the car, she bid her good night and went back to her room.


Anusha knew she was tired to her bones as soon as she entered her room. She placed her bags on the table. She quickly washed her face and changed into her thick flannel pajamas.
She couldn't wait anymore so she opened her gift packet. She carefully peeled off the gift wrap and the contents inside was really surprising. It was a red wine bottle along with two wine glasses and a few scented candles.
What in the world made her to buy me something like this she wondered.
There was a card placed along with it.
She opened it with a sigh.

'Hi darling, I could imagine your shocked expression now..lol..
This is really a Christmas gift for you. This wine is special, so I wanted to give this to my special one. Thanks for being there.
Love you lots.

Ps: There is a pair of glasses for you. You can party with the next door guy.
Stop rolling your eyes baby, that is just a suggestion..

Anusha literally rolled her eyes. I am speechless. She said herself while placing the bottle carefully in her refrigerator.
Anusha searched for her phone to send a message to Arlene. It took her a thorough search through her bag to find her phone. When she unlocked her phone, she saw 12 missed calls from Ansa. Her phone was in silent mode and she forgot to check the phone before.
Last call came 10 minutes before. Something felt not right. She quickly made a call to her sister.

               Alvin was sure something was up when he got a message from Anusha.
'Are you asleep? If not, wanna come over?'
he read the message again before knocking on her door. It was past twelve and he wasn't sure why she asked him to come over. The girl he knew would not ask him to come over at this hour. Something was really up and that thought flustered him.
She opened the door on the second knock. She was in her pajamas and her hair was in a messy bun.

'Hey you... I thought you won't come.'
She said coyly and grabbed his hand and literally dragged him inside.

Her room was dark except for the light coming from the verandah.
She lead him to the verandah where candles were burning along with two wine glasses and a red wine bottle. One glass was half filled another one was empty.
Suddenly it hit him..he looked at her with amusement.
She was smiling and her cheeks were red.
Good lord...she was drunk..!!!!!

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