#Chapter 19 : Finally..... Safe haven
Anusha was lying down on her new nursing care bed as usual. Nowadays, bed is the space she spent most of her time. Her life was stuck in between hospital bed and wheel chair but it is better now that she is back to her home, her room. It has been seven weeks since Anusha got into the accident and after a long hospital stay of six weeks, finally doctors let her go home, last week. Her ribs were almost healed but her arm and leg were still in cast and braces that made her feel almost like a rag doll, she has no power of herself, she became dependent on others for her smallest needs. Akki had hired a full time help for her,a skilled person to give her the nursing care she needed and give her company whenever needed. Rashi wanted to take care of her all by herself, but with Ninnu who needed her full attention, it was difficult. Akki and Alvin had a hard time pursuing her to hire a caretaker for Anusha. They had changed her room arrangements before she came home, now it almost looked like a hospital room, but it smelled home and Anusha was relieved by the fact at least she could stay in home and near to her friends and family.
Ansa had visited her in hospital and stayed with her for a week and her dad was coming soon too. It felt like a complete circle now. The years of painful relationship with her family was changing now and Anusha knew that dad never held her as a reason for her mom's death. It was a great relief for her, the burden and greif was finally up from her shoulder.
Sometimes, she wanted to complain and cry about the pain, about her difficulties but then she remember she should be thankful for being alive and being taken care so well by her friends and family. 'You are being loved by everyone around you..' she smiled at that thought.
Arlene visited her on weekends , sometimes Yasmine accompanied her and they will chat for hours and Arlene called her every day and updated her every tiny details of her day in office.
And then there was Alvin. Alvin...he had stayed with her all the time , she didn't know how grateful she felt towards him. The emotions she felt for him was so overwhelming that she didn't know how to express them. There wasn't any secrets between them, and she has stopped running away from him, so they were at ease and she was happy about it.
He had extended his visa for one more month,so that he could stay with her but that extended time was coming to an end, and sooner or later he needs to go. Anusha was thinking about it for the past few days, she wanted to talk to him about it but the dread feeling held her back from saying anything.
'Hey... good morning Anusha. What are you thinking so deeply? ' Alvin asked her snapping her out of her thought bubble.
'Nothing...just this and that. ' she smiled tilting her head towards him.
'Where is Rita?' he asked her looking around for her caretaker. Rita was in her late thirties and a healthy and confident and strong woman with a good knowledge in health care. Anusha really liked her caretaker.
'She went outside for something. She will be back soon. Sit..' she said while trying to sit comfortably.
'Rita is another OCD case.. I guess' he said scanning her room which was spotless as before and Anusha laughed.
'Yes she is. But she is so obsessed that she won't let me have a loose bun hair. See..'
she said trying to touch her neat bun with good arm, but she stopped herself thinking she might hurt herself.
'Yeah... I can see that. You are perfectly dolled up as a patient' he replied and they both laughed.
'So you are enjoying being a patient?' he asked studying her.
'Kind of.... But I hate being dependent for everything.' She said ruefully.
'But I think there is another reason that is worrying you..' he asked looking at her closely.
'Mm..how do you know' she raised her eyebrows
'Oh.. don't you know. I am studying you closely for the past few months. So I passed my bachelor's degree on you with flying colours and I am doing masters now' he replied with a grin and Anusha looked at him in horror.
'What? I am your study material?? Unbelievable...' she said but smiled briefly.
'So Mr. P.G student, tell me one thing... am I that obvious?? She asked pointing to her own face.
' What? Is this my oral exam or what??' he chuckled Anusha gave him an annoyed look.
'No..think of this as an entrance question.'
'I think I passed the entrance exam the day I met you' he replied and flashed her a perfect smile.
'We are not going to discuss that now. Answer me...am I that obvious?' She insisted and bit her lip.
'Ok..not that obvious, but they are not hidden either. I can almost read your thoughts. You smile brightly when you are happy and you fake a smile when you want to make others believe that you are okay. You bit your lip when you are confused, you make a fist when you don't want to cry and you frown and look away when you want to talk about something and hesitate... like you are doing now. '
'Uh...that was a detailed explanation, but embarrassing too. I don't want you to read all my thoughts..' she replied coyly.
'Okay...then tell me why were you frowning? What is bothering you?'
Anusha took a deep breath and looked at him
'Can I get a hug? ' she asked him finally.
'I really want to hug you, but with my cast and braces , I am at a loss. Can you hug me for a second?'
She chewed her lip in uncertainty and looked at him with a flicker of hope in her eyes.
'Oh... that's why you were frowning? ' he asked with a bit of amusement.
'That too..' she looked away.
'Then come here..' he sat close to her and gently pulled her into his arms and wrapped her in his arms gently. He was too worried to hug her tightly.
Anusha rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes.
'This is the awkwardest hug in the world... but it really feels good' she said after a second.
'Am I hurting you?' he asked her trying to put no pressure on her.
'No..not at all.. I missed your arms around me. So let's stay like this for a second ' she said softly.
They remained in their awkward position for a few minutes and he gently stroked her back.
'When are you leaving?' she asked finally.
'Once your dad comes to you, I will go. I can't extent my visa further..so I need to go. You are worried about that Anusha??'
'May be..' she replied with out raising her head.
'You know Alvin, do you know what doctors said yesterday? They told me that I could start physiotherapy soon, if everything goes smoothly, I will be okay. So you don't have to worry about me..okay? Once I am all well, I will come and find you. Will you wait for me? '
She tried to put her thoughts into words. She knew he had stayed for her, and she was too thankful to ask more from him. He has been nothing but loving and caring towards her and it's time she send him back to his life and she want to reassure him and herself there is a future for them,and that was very important to her.
'Oh..so you are giving me a farewell. I am sure you will get better soon. But let's do it together, we are better together don't you think?
Obviously I need to go, but I will be back as soon as possible. I need to do some formalities in Canada and I could see my family and my sister is due soon, I will go and see my niece or nephew, but I will be back to you. So don't worry about that.'
'Really ? ' Anusha raised her head slightly and met his eyes.
'But your job.. your family.. everything is there. You don't have to do this Alvin, I will be okay' she said with a bit of smile on her lips.
'Ah... I am doing this for myself because I will go crazy over there without you. And mom know about us. So all is going to be okay.'
'What? You told her about us??' Anusha looked at him with a baffled expression.
'I didn't have to tell her, she knew it already. She loves you Anusha, mom is happy about us.' he said reassuringly.
'Then..it's okay ...'
she said with a smile and and rested her head on his chest.
'You know.. I saw Nevin.. may be it was a dream or a delusion I don't know. But I remember seeing him when I was in and out of consciousness.'
Oh.. what did he say? He asked curiously.
'He told me to stop being miserable and think about how many people love me and count my blessings.. 'she said.
'Nice... I really love this guy you know... Then.. did you understand what he said?' He tapped her head lightly and Anusha giggled.
'Oh...yes, can't you see I am being positive about my whole patient thing and I even asked you to hug me.' She tried to point out her changes and they both laughed.
'Then what about me? Am I included in your blessings??' Alvin asked her while rubbing her shoulder lightly.
'Of course, you are my biggest blessing..the best thing happened to me after a long time.' She replied and raised her head and their eyes met and they both smiled.
Suddenly the door opened and Riya and Ahaan entered the room.
'Anu Dii..we have a good news for you'
Riya chirped in but stopped in mid sentence seeing both of them and a big grin spread on her face.
'Did we disturb you? Shall we come back later brother? you can continue whatever you were doing' She asked Alvin and shared a knowing glance with Ahaan.
Alvin got up and Anusha sat back slowly and stifled a laugh seeing Alvin getting all conscious Infront of Riya.
'Gee..no thanks sister, since you are already here, no need to go back.' he replied curtly and Riya laughed.
'Yes Riya, come and tell me what is this good news is all about??' Anusha said winking at her.
'Mukund uncle has got a friend in Grand Regal hotel.' Riya said and smiled at Anusha and Alvin who give her a confused look.
'Uncle got a friend there, how is that a good news for Anusha?' Alvin asked eyeing Ahaan.
'Hear me out big brother. Be patient..' Riya crossed her arms on her chest.
'The thing is that, this friend is the event coordinator of the Bollywood lounge there. Our dear uncle had shown them your performance on Ninnu's bday and he really liked it. So he has a proposal for both of you. They would like you to perform on their Thursday evening Bollywood melodies. Anu dii...you and Ahaan can sing there and I can party all night.. ' Riya clapped her hands in excitement.
Anusha was surprised and wasn't sure what to say. It was a good news, but since she is not well, she couldn't immediately join them and she wanted to know the details too.
' Is that true Ahaan??' she asked Ahaan , who was sitting on her couch.
'Yes dii.. dad told me yesterday but I thought he was joking. But it's true, his friend called me today morning and he want to meet us in person. I told him about your accident and all, and they are willing to wait until you are better. Dii.. if you like the proposal, we could give it a try. What do you think?? ' Ahaan smiled at her.
Anusha was confused but she was happy too. She raised her eyebrows to Alvin who was still looked a bit annoyed.
'Why are you looking at me Anusha? Of course you should do it. I think it's a really good opportunity and you both will rock the stage,
also it will be a nice distraction for you. I will ask uncle about the event and let's meet this guy if needed. '
'Okay' Anusha smiled and she could not hide her happiness.
She was excited and nervous at the same time. Everything happens for a reason...she heard a voice saying it in her heart. She was sure it was Nevin, who was her angel now. She smiled and looked around, watching the happy faces of Ahaan,Riya and Alvin.
'God... I am so blessed to have them in my life...'
Time really flies... Anusha thought while looking through the glass window , outside her therapy room. Summer heat was burning the city as usual. One can't even find a slight remnant of the winter, which disappeared leaving the grilling sun above them. Temperature was rising quickly and it's going to hit high soon, and the high humidity made life impossible without air-conditioning system.
Anusha was doing the physiotherapy for the past two months. She was free from her cast and braces, at least she could move her hands, that was a huge relief for her. Her therapy was going well and she has sensation on her legs now. She visited her therapist three times a week and continued her excercise in home too. Her therapist was hopeful, that she could walk soon . Learning to walk again..., she felt like a child now, anticipating and excited about the day when she could walk on her own again.
Rita turned out to be a great help during the time. She really took care of Anusha like a mom and Rashi and Akki were her strong pillers. Alvin left for Canada after her dad came to her side. For Anusha's likeness, her dad and Alvin had met and they immediately hit it off. They talked about everything and they bonded. Anusha looked at Alvin with an awe in her eyes. Within two days they met, Alvin and Dad had talked more than she did in her twenty seven years of life.
Anusha had trouble to talk to her dad at first , they were practically strangers now and it took some time and effort to broke the ice between them.
'I am worried Alvin, me and dad may hurt each other again' she had said to him the day he left and he had held her hand tightly.
'Give it some time Anusha. He really loves you and want to make up for the lost time with you. You might hurt each other again, then you can apologize again and start over, but I am sure nothing like that will happen again..so just relax and wait for me' he had eased her mind that day.
Now, after two months , Anusha was still waiting for him to come back and missing him like crazy.
Anusha sighed herself. Long distance relationship sucks... really ...she thought gloomily.
Alvin has completed his visa formalities in Canada and had accepted a job in Qatar which Akki had arranged in his company. Now they were waiting for the visa processing and Anusha was losing her patience little by little.
Anusha sighed again and tangled and twisted her fingers together in her lap.
'You are going to break your fingers Anusha..' someone told her.
'Alvin..is that you?' she asked jerking her head up.
It was him... really him.. standing there, tall and handsome, looking at her with those black intriguing eyes.
'Am I hallucinating now?' she asked herself and frowned making him smile.
'No dear..he is back. ' Rita patted her shoulder, as she came out of the therapy room.
'Welcome back Alvin. I will get her medicines and confirm her next appointment, come to the lobby by then.. take your time, we are in no hurry' Rita smiled at him and left.
Anusha punched him playfully on his arm as he sat down on a chair near her.
'Why didn't you tell me moron.. I was going crazy here...' Anusha said as she pulled a face of anger.
'If I had told you earlier, then I would have missed the chance to see this angry bird reaction. Your reaction was worth my efforts, so no worries'. He smiled and Anusha smiled back.
'See...my arms are fine now...so I could punch you really hard.' she said while showing off her skills.
'Oh... I can see that and I think Rita gave up on you.' He said touching her loose curls and tucked a few strands behind her ear.
'Yeah... finally she gave up on me I am free to follow my messy hair styles' she replied and they both laughed.
'How is your mom and sisters and how is your cute little nephew?' Anusha enquired.
'My mom and sisters are doing great and they sends you lots of love and hugs.' He said and half hugged her.
'And my cute little nephew is all good and sends you lots of kisses' he said as he leaned in and kissed her cheek so much for Anusha's surprise.
'What are you doing Alvin.. There are people watching us...' she complained.
She could feel the heat rising in her cheek.
'I must be looking like a tomato now' she said and glared at him touching her cheek.
'Yeah... exactly.. tomato...but this one is cute...' he chuckled and Anusha rolled her eyes.
'One trip to Canada and you lost your mind.. I can't believe this..' she said looking around to make sure that they were alone, but they weren't.
Obviously , they were in the hospital and there were nurses and staffs
walking through the corridor and they were smiling at them. Anusha turned beet red in embarrassment.
'Don't worry Anusha.. they are all happy' Alvin said as he smiled back at the staff's direction.
'And I could do even better you know...' he chuckled.
' I will kill you Alvin... before you lost your mind completely, let's go..' she turned her wheelchair towards the lift and Alvin laughed and this time she joined him.
Few months later.......
Alvin was running late and he was stuck in the traffic jam for the past half an hour. He checked his watch again it's past six fifteen, and Anusha was waiting for him.
It was an important day for her, today Anusha and Ahaan were performing for the first time in Grand Regal hotel. They were practicing for months now and they were doing great.
But Anusha was nervous , he knew it and he wanted to be there for her. For the past few weeks, he was busy at work because of a new project, he couldn't accompany her on her hospital visits. She never complained about it , she was just happy that they could meet every day but he wanted to spend more time with her... especially today.
Another twenty minutes , finally he reached the hotel. He pulled up the car into the parking lot.
As he got out of the car, he called Anusha but she didn't took the call. He tried Arlene's number and she took the call on second ring.
'Hey...have you reached here? Anusha was waiting for you.' Arlene said quickly as she took the call.
' Yeah... I am in the parking lot. Where is Anusha? She didn't took my call. ' he asked as he walked towards the hotel lobby.
'Anusha is there in the back side of the hotel. They have a beach front restaurant at the back side of the hotel. I came back to the lounge to take something. Go there, she is waiting for you. I will go there in a bit. See you soon Alvin, bye' Arlene cut the call quickly.
'Typical Arlene..' he sighed himself.
But she sounded more excited than Anusha actually. He wondered what is going on.
He asked the receptionist guy for the location and crossed the lobby area as he directed.
The restaurant was quite and was dimly lighted. Local arts covered the peach coloured walls and unicorns were placed here and there. Grand pictures of the hotel and rulers of Qatar also placed on the wall, but for his amusement the area was quiet. The tables were empty and the serving counter was deserted, except for the light music the entire area was void and quiet. Alvin looked around in confusion
'Am I in the wrong place?' he wondered.
He almost turned around , when he saw her. Anusha was sitting near the big glass window facing outside. Her hair was in a messy high bun, the way they both liked it.
'Hey .. Anusha.. I thought I am at the wrong place. What are you doing here alone ..' he asked her as he walked towards her and she turned her head and smiled at him.
'No you are at the right place. I was waiting for you and watching this beautiful sunset' she pointed outside.
Anusha was right, it was beautiful outside. The sky was painted in orange and pink hues, and the sun burned like cinder which glowed brightly turning everything golden in colour as the rays touched it.
The warm luminescence, in the sky reflected on her face making it glow brightly.
She was wearing an off white net gown with golden work covering the neck line and body. The colour matched her pale skin tone and she looked evey bit beautiful that Alvin had a hard time to concentrate on what Anusha was saying.
'Isn't it beautiful?' she beamed at him.
'Yes..it is. But you look gorgeous today. I would prefer to watch you than the sun set' he said and she blushed.
'Stop teasing me. Will you? ' she smiled at him.
'Oh.. I was just saying... But why are you here? This area is awfully quiet..what happened?
' Nothing.. this restaurant opens after eight and I wanted to relax so uncle's friend arranged this. ' she replied and bit her lip.
'Oh..okay. Anyway.. it's beautiful here.. romantic even..' he winked at her and Anusha smiled nervously.
' Are you nervous Anusha. You look a bit pale..' he asked with worry in his voice.
'I am nervous Alvin.. I am going to do something very important , life changing even... I want it to be perfect' she said looking away.
' What do you mean Anusha... You were preparing for months now and you will be great. Don't worry about it and just relax.'
They sat in silence for a few minutes, looking outside.
'Are you listening the song? ' she asked him.
'Yeah..but I don't know this song. Are you going to perform this today. ? He asked her who was looking at him with wide eyes.
'Yes.. I am going to sing this song. Now here me along with the original.'
She cleared her throat and started singing the song along with the original.
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
From this moment, I have been blessed
I live only, for your happiness
And for your love, I give my last breath
From this moment on
I give my hand to you with all my heart
I can't wait to live my life with you I can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment, as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing, I wouldn't give
From this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment, as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing, I wouldn't give
From this moment, I will love you
As long as I live from this moment on...
She finished the song and looked at him who was watching her intently.
'Did you like the song? She asked him.
He nodded in response. His heart was racing that he could barely say anything.
'This song is about us Alvin. That's how I feel about you. It's too difficult to put it in words and say, so I chose this song for you.
Now give me your hand '. She asked with a smile.
'What is going on Anusha?? He asked her, his voice cracked a bit and she smiled a little more. He stood up before her and held his hand out. She took his arm and slowly raised herself from the wheel chair and stood up on her feet and faced him who was looking at her in shock.
'I am not a great person...you know that and I can be stubborn as hell at times and can be superstitious and stupid and irrational. It is going to be difficult but still I want to be with you for the rest of my life. If my legs were a bit more better, I would have bend down on one knee but I am not that better yet and I don't want to wait anymore.'
Anusha took a deep breath to calm herself
'So Alvin..will you marry me? She asked finally.
Alvin was too stunned to respond. What shocked him more..Anusha standing on her own feet or proposing him.. actually both shocked him. He wasn't expecting this. He never thought that he would cry on such a moment ,but he never thought she will propose him in the first place. She was standing on her feet, she got better in these past weeks and she hid it well from him. Tears welled up in his eyes. He looked at her in awe, trying to process everything while Anusha looked at him nervously.
'You can stand on your own Anusha, you didn't tell me ' he said squeezing her hand.
'That's not the main point here...you are making me nervous...' Anusha replied anxiously. She was anticipating this for a week now, and she was having a nervous breakdown now... without getting a clear response she felt at a loss
He didn't say a word for a few seconds and her heart sank.
'It's okay.. Alvin. I think I ruined this.' Anusha said looking everywhere except his face.
He took her small face in his hand , and leaned in and kissed her on lips.
Butterflies kicked in her stomach and her mind went blank.
When they pulled apart they smiled sheepishly.
'So that's a yes..I guess' Anusha smiled.
'Of course it is. I am dying to live with you' he replied back and Anusha laughed.
'Then don't die, live with me forever...' she said and hugged him.
Arlene and Yasmine appeared beside them literally out of blue.
Sorry... Anusha told us to leave you people alone here, but I couldn't stop myself from coming and If you people dragged it a bit long , I would have died due to stiff muscles. Anyway, congratulations both of you... I am so happy for you' Arlene said grinning on both of them and hugged Anusha. Yasmine congratulated both of them and they smiled gleefully.
'The program is about to start, and your en tire family and friends are waiting outside. Let's go then...' Arlene and Yasmine walked ahead giving them a moment of privacy.
Anusha and Alvin looked at each other. Both of them had tears in there eyes.
'Thank you for being my safe haven... Alvin..I love you.' Anusha said as he helped her to sit down on her wheelchair.
'I love you too Anusha... forever you are mine... ' he planted a kiss on her forehead and Anusha closed her eyes.
They had found their safe haven in each other...as the night grew older , the stars in the sky glimmered brightly that was her mom and Nevin, who were looking out for Anusha and for once they were happy for her.
Live and love fullest girl... because I got your back. Anusha heard the voice in her heart and she smiled looking at Alvin.
Yes... I am in love... I am living it to the fullest...she thought.
For once, she wasn't worried about anything and she intended to keep it that way for the rest of her life.
Yes...we are at the end of the story.
If you want to here the song, click on the top slide. Thank you 😊
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