#Chapter 17 : Broken to pieces


                   Anusha was cleaning the living room and was trying to collect all the toys and building blocks scattered around the room. Despite of her best efforts, it turned out to be a tedious job. There were so many things to collect and put away she understood why Rashi always got irritated when Akki brought new toys for Ninnu every time. Ninnu was sleeping in the playpen and Anusha was babysitting her. Finally Anusha finished her cleaning. She was raiding the fridge to decide what to cook for lunch when Alvin came.

'Good morning Anusha ' he said as he entered the room.

'It's already eleven. Way past for good morning..mr.sleepy head.' She replied with a grin and he chuckled sheepishly.

It's funny how just the presence of a person can brighten up your mood in mere seconds. She thought herself and smiled and turned again to the fridge.

'What are you doing inside the fridge? And where is Akki and Rashi? He asked while looking at the playpen.

'They are not here. I send them on a date.' she replied taking out the leftover chicken curry from the fridge.

'Date? Wow...' he smiled at her.

'Tomorrow is Rashi's birthday and I thought it is a nice gift for them to give some time to spend  with eachother. Since Ninnu came along they barely get a chance to relax. So I send them away and I can play with Ninnu the whole day. It's a win win situation.' She smiled.

'Oh.. you are very smart.'

'I know that' she replied  with a chuckle.

'So we are playing home alone, wanna join us?' She asked him raising her eyebrows.

' What? That is not happening. First,  you and and Ninnu makes a pair  so can't say that you are alone and then if I join you that makes me the theif uncle. No thank you , spare me. ' he said as he plopped down to the couch.

Anusha stifled a laugh. 'You are no fun' she turned to the kitchen counter.

'I am going make something for lunch. Do you want to join us?' she asked him while looking for the rice.

'Oh.. so you can cook too??' he said as he walked towards her.

'Don't mock me. I can cook at least three dishes properly so that I don't starve to death if ever Rashi stops feeding me. So tell me if you want some. I am going to make some ghee rice. ' she told him while studying his face .

'Okay. If you are that confident I would like to taste some.
So tell me , how can I help you? '

'Just play with Ninnu when she wakes up. I will cook.' She said with a satisfied smile and started cooking.

Ninnu woke up by that time and Anusha fed her a bottle of milk and left her to play with Alvin.

She cooked the dish with experienced ease. Ghee rice was her speciality, that even Rashi would prefer to eat Anusha's version than her own. So Anusha was totally at ease.

She cooked the rice and started the salad. The whole time she could hear the squeal and giggles from the living room that filled her heart and she was smiling herself when Alvin came to the kitchen with Ninnu in his arms.

  'Look Ninnu your nnu is smiling herself. Can we know what's the occasion? ' he said while placing Ninnu on her  high chair.

'You would make a great father' she said without even thinking and bit her tongue immediately.

She kicked herself for making such a comment and turned towards the oven to avoid his eyes.

'I didn't mean it that way ' she said and cringed herself.
What are you saying Anusha. Pull yourself together. She scolded mentally.

'I didn't took it that way' he replied. Anusha could here the smile in his voice and she sighed herself.

'Before I make a total fool out of myself, shall we eat?' She asked him trying to change the awkward conversation.

' You are funny.. yeah let's eat'
he said and then helped her to set the table. The food was nice and they enjoyed the food. She fed Ninnu some fruit purée while Alvin washed the dishes.
They planned to go out for a walk in the corniche since it was a sunny day. It was cold but sun was shining, so it was giving a warm glow to the entire city.

Anusha called Rashi and told her that they are going out and  they could take their time to come back home. Anusha bundled up Ninnu in jackets and after, all of them got ready they left for their day out. Anusha was wearing an yellow maxi dress along with cropped denim jacket and she looked beautiful in them and Alvin complimented her for the same and she blushed. 

Corniche was the seven kilometre long sea front promenade which stretches for the entire length of the Doha bay. It offers a beautiful view of the city, from the high towers of the central business to the Islamic art museum. It's a vehicle free pedestrian space in the heart of the capital. On a warm day like this, the area was filled with families and kids and people who just want to relax in the picturesque views of the seafront.

Anusha always liked to sit here and see the sunset. Today she was more than happy to sit on the metallic bench with them, when sun was shining above them while onshore breeze  was blowing gently. It was totally calming and she had a dreamy look on her face. Ninnu was sitting on her stroller making happy squeals and chuckles.

' What is with the dreamy look on your face?' Anusha was no idea that she was smiling until Alvin asked her.

'Isn't it beautiful...to sit here, to watch the stunning views..with Ninnu and you here, we almost look like family' she smiled looking at Ninnu.

'Yeah...we are almost family and Ninnu has got your eyes. How is that even possible??' he chuckled.

'yeah... She has got my eyes. After all I am kind of her god mother.' she replied proudly.

'I was there in labor room with Rashi the entire time. Here they won't let men in the labor room, so Akki was waiting outside and I was with Rashi. Rashi was exhausted by the time Ninnu born and I was the one who held her for the first time. This little bundle, looked at me with those little dark brown eyes of her's,  it was love at first sight. I just love her like she is my own. She brighten up my entire world in a second. Rashi says that sometimes we look like a mom daughter duo more than herself.' She said looking at Ninnu adorably.

'You would make a great mom..' he replied with a grin and she stuck her tongue out.

'Stop teasing me..will you?'

'I wasn't teasing.. I was just stating the facts here.' he replied in a matter of fact and Anusha rolled her eyes.

They strolled through the pedestrian area and talked about everything and nothing.

They had skipped the last night entirely but both of them were replying the entire events in their head.

Anusha was sure about her feelings now and she was mustering her courage to accept the feelings and she was preparing herself for telling him about Nevin. It was very important for her to make peace with her past. Nevin was a part of her, she loved him and no-one can replace her love for him. If she couldn't tell Alvin about him ,then that's totally unfair to him. She sighed at that thought. She would give him her reply before he leaves. She thought herself and looked at Alvin who was showing Ninnu the soap bubbles blown by a kid near them.

'Hey.. when are you leaving? After Christmas?' she asked him.

'Oh..mom was asking me to come home before Christmas, but I told her that I will come after Christmas. She is speculating that something is up with me here. It won't take her much time to figure out what it is. I want to tell her before that.' he said expectantly.

She nodded in response. He was asking her about the proposal. She could read it in his eyes.
This time she won't let him down. She smiled herself.

'Do you want some coffee? I will get from there. ' he told her breaking her thoughts. She looked at the direction and saw the cafeteria.
They bought two coffee and a popcorn bucket too. They sat down on one of the nearest  park bench.
Anusha gave Ninnu a few teething biscuits and they started drinking their coffee.

Alvin got a call from his mom and she gave him a knowing look and told him not to tell her that they were together. He smiled and stood up to walk a few steps and took the call.

Anusha loved his mom and she wanted his mom to be happy with their decision to be together. For that she should give him an answer and then they could tell his family. She was scared a little but was happy to an extent that the scary part can be skipped.

Anusha was looking at the families around them and thinking about that someday soon she will be a part of a happy family and that melted her heart. She was so immersed in her thoughts that it took her few minutes to notice that  Ninnu was making a whistling sound and was breathing with difficulty. Anusha had never seen her like this. She called her name, shook the baby but nothing changed. Ninnu was choking on something and Anusha didn't know what to do. Anusha screamed Alvin's name, who ran towards them hearing her cry.
He crouched down near them. He had no idea what was happening and he looked at her helplessly. Anusha started crying and people started gathering around them.

Ninnu's  lips and face started to turn blue and panic rised inside her and her blood turned ice in her veins.
Someone was calling the 999 and Anusha heard a women in abaya asking about what Ninnu was eating then. Anusha couldn't say a word, she stood there frozen in the ground.
The woman in abaya took Ninnu in her hand and  held the baby face-down along her thigh with Ninnu's head lower than her bottom and the women started hitting her firmly on her back between the shoulder blades. After few seconds something came out from Ninnu's mouth. It was a half chewed popcorn piece. Anusha hadn't noticed that Ninnu got a hold of the bucket.  Ninnu started breathing properly and she cried. The woman in abaya handed her to Alvin and patted the baby gently.
Alvin was thanking the woman, Anusha saw all this but she was too stunned even to thank the woman. Until that woman hugged her Anusha didn't know she was shaking like a leaf.

' Your baby is ok dear. Relax now' the woman told her.
The woman suggested to take Ninnu to the emergency clinic just to make sure that everything is fine.

Alvin thanked her again and took Anusha's arm and they walked towards the car.

They reached the emergency clinic for kids in ten minutes. Anusha didn't say a word through out the time the doctor checked Ninnu. When doctor confirmed that Ninnu was fine Anusha sighed in relief.

On their way back to home, Alvin called Akki to tell them about the incident. They were already back in  home and Alvin assured them that Ninnu was perfectly fine and they are heading to home now.

Anusha held Ninnu in her arm and rocked her gently. She couldn't look at Alvin who was trying to make a conversation , she sat there, still thinking what is so wrong with her.

Alvin was worried about Anusha, she was too silent and that made him anxious.
When they reached home Ninnu was already asleep in her arms. Anusha took her to home and gently placed her in Rashi's arms who was already crying.

'I am sorry Rashi .. I really am..' Anusha said choking on her own words.
She hugged Rashi and said sorry to Akki and left the room before Alvin came to the room.

Alvin told them in detail what had happened there, and he reassured them again and again that Ninnu was alright. Rashi and Akki was at ease now despite of the initial shock.

After making sure Ninnu was asleep, Rashi came to Alvin.

'I am worried.' She said to him.

'I told you Rashi.. Ninnu is alright. Stop worrying about her.'  he patted her arm reassuringly.

'I am not worried about Ninnu. I am worried about Anusha. I had never seen her like this. Go to her. Make sure that she is alright.I will talk to her tomorrow' She said touching his arm.

He nodded and left to Anusha's room.


         Anusha was sitting under the shower drenching in the water. The cold water pricked her skin like needles but still it wasn't enough to soak away the pain she felt. She cried till  her eyes hurt. She was hearing the  things her grandmother used to say when she was young.

' Take my word, she is a cursed girl. Born to kill her mom' grandma was saying to her dad. Mom used to close Anusha's ears to protect her from the poisonous words. As she grew up she understood what was grandma implying and that was true too.

When she asked her mom, why did they decided to have her, her mom had hugged her tightly saying that because she loved her child and never ever regretted their decision to have her.
Anusha was consoled at that time but after her mom's death it all came back to her. Dad never said anything but she knew he hated her.

Then Nevin came along and  she was happy. Once gain he was taken away from her. Everything was repeating now.  Arlene's daughter got sick one day suddenly, Kathir died in an accident and something could have happened to Ninnu today and then there was Alvin. 

' The vultures were talking in her head.
You are not supposed to be happy don't you know that by now??. You were born to kill your mom. Nothing good will happen to people you love. Don't entice your cursed fate to take away what you love. You should live low till your death...' it was screaming in her ears. Anusha  covered her ears but the voice laughed at her.'
The vicious sounds had talked to her in the past after Nevins death. It became intolerable day by day and that was when she decided to kill herself. But she was saved and her therapist used to say that the sounds she hear in her head is her own fears , her own self destructive opinions. She had stopped hearing things after that but now the vulture sounds screamed at her making her cry.

'No... I won't let anything happen to Alvin. I will send him away if I can save him. I won't love him... I won't be happy again.. I will live low for the rest of my life..'she screamed to the walls until the sounds in her head ended and then she heard the loud knock on her door.

        Alvin was getting worried by the each passing second. He has been knocking on the door for the past ten minutes and still there was no sign of Anusha. He was seriously considering to break the door when Anusha opened the door. The room was dark except for the light from the washroom. Alvin turned on the lights and gasped at seeing her. Anusha stood their drenched in water, making a pool of water under her feet . Her eyes were red, obviously she was crying and she looked so pale that she could faint at any time.

Alvin took a few steps towards her but Anusha backed away from him. He didn't know what to do, she looked  terrified of him.

'Anusha, go and change, you will catch a cold at this rate.' he said finally to make some sense. She looked at him for a long moment before collecting her things and went back to the washroom.

Alvin stood there rooted to the spot. Anusha was in trouble. He had seen her shaking like a twig when that lady gave first aid to Ninnu. Anusha wasn't taking it lightly now, it was evident from the way she looked at him.
He felt a tug in his heart, she was hurting and he had no idea how to console her,and  that made him angry. He raked his hand through his hair.

It took another fifteen minutes before Anusha came out from the washroom. They both stood there, Alvin was studying her face but Anusha wasn't looking at him. She tried to avoid his eyes. She looked distant and cold, her features immobile. It was obvious that she was terrified and she won't let this go. He felt a wave of helplessness washing through him. What could he say to her to make it alright. The happiness they shared a few hours ago, now felt as a total delusion.

'Anusha, let this go. Don't blame yourself for the accident. Ninnu is fine and Rashi or Akki doesn't hold you responsible for this. Just let this go please ' he said while trying to catch her gaze.

Anusha shook her head but didn't bother to look at him.

'Don't say that,  something could have happened to Ninnu today, because of me, I was so busy in thinking about a future that I just ignored her. Because of me, Rashi might have lost her today. I am responsible, I did this to them.' she replied ,her voice so broke that it felt hollow to her own ears.
She just wanted to end this, if he stayed by her side , something could happen to him , she won't let that happen even if it is going to kill her.

'Things happen Anusha, we can't control or change them. Stop beating yourself up ' he said trying to find a safe ground to talk. He could see that Anusha was closing herself and trying to push him out of her life.

' No, these kind of things only happens around me because I am not good enough. My whole life has been messy... you have seen how Kathir lost his life and today I have did the same with Ninnu .' She rubbed her head that was pounding now.

'Anusha, we have talked about this. Kathir's death has nothing to do with you and today, it was nothing but an accident...' he was losing his patience. Anusha was hurting and she wasn't ready to here  him.

'Accident...that is a lame excuse.. when I am sure that I am responsible.' she waved at him dismissively.

'You are being stupid and superstitious Anusha. Nothing good will come out of it ' he almost snapped at her.

'How dare you to judge me Alvin when you don't know much about me. You don't know what I had been through and you think of me as a stupid superstitious girl. Woww... I didn't know that you think of me as a crazy person ' Anusha said as she crossed her hands over her chest.

Alvin was at a loss then. He didn't mean it that way and Anusha was flaring with anger.

' Then tell me Anusha, what happened to you in the past, so that I can understand you' he said in a soft voice. He already know her past but he wanted to hear it from her now.

They were pushing each others nerves. Anusha was doing it deliberately, so that she could set him free  from her cursed fate. This is the only way she could think of now, and she was crying inside to push him like this.
' No..you don't deserve to know about my past. You judged me already, what change it could make now' she replied  and immediately regretted her choice of words.

Alvin flinched at her words. She doesn't even consider worthy enough to know her life. What was happening..the people he loved find him unworthy. He sighed and tried to calm down but he felt anger rising in him.

Anusha saw the hurt in his eyes. 'God... I am doing this to him... I am hurting him..but this is the only way I could use. Please forgive me.' She prayed herself.

'Don't do this Anusha. I know that you didn't mean what you just said. Please say that you didn't mean it' he asked her with all the pain he felt in his heart.

'I meant what I said Alvin. Please leave. There's nothing we can talk about now' she said looking at him. She could literally feel his pain, but was unable to do anything about it.

'Then what about us Anusha. You are breaking us apart now. Don't do this to yourself and to me ' he looked at her with pleading eyes and held his hand to touch her arm but she took a step back. She was sure if he touched her,she will break down and run into his arms. She clenched her fists, he has a family waiting for him..he will forget her..she told herself and took a deep breath.

'Sadly, there was no 'us' to begin with.. just leave me alone for god's sake.....' Anusha said finally. She sounded more calmer than she felt in her heart.

Alvin looked at her for a long time. He didn't know what to say anymore. They were standing on arm length of distance but it felt there was an eternity between them. He walked slowly towards the door , he felt helpless and defeated. He walked outside and closed the door behind him, the only thing he could see was the darkness outside and that was what he felt inside. The darkness was swallowing him.

Anusha stared at the closed door between them. The door she could never open again, the love she refused to herself. She fell into her knees and swallowed down a lump in her throat.
She did it, she broke his heart , pushed him away so that he will be saved from her...you did well Anusha..you did well. She told herself while the tears formed in her eyes said an entirely different story. 


              Arlene was looking at Anusha who was searching through the old files for some old documents. It was a Wednesday evening, Arlene was working overtime for the past two days because of the new projects handed over to their department. Arlene was too busy to have a long conversation with Anusha, but she was sure that something was up with her. Anusha was working in an autopilot mode for the past few days. She did whatever they asked her to do and was even asking for extra work to keep herself busy. She didn't talk much, when she was not working she was spacing out most of the time.

' What is up with you Anusha?'
Arlene asked her as they wrapped up the work for the day. Anusha was taking cabs for the past few days and Alvin never came to pick her  up from the office and that alarmed Arlene.

' Nothing Arlene, you are  worrying needlessly. My cab will be here in five minutes. ' Anusha replied cautiously.

  She didn't want to tell anything about their rift. What is thereto tell anyway, she had wronged a guy who loved her, broke his heart and was acting like a coward for the past days. She avoided his calls, tried to stay away from home as long as possible, she even skipped meals to avoid him. Rashi was getting suspicious about the whole thing so she was expecting a confrontation with her friend.
She kept herself busy whole day but still the pain didn't fade away.
Anusha used to think she had been hurting for a long time that no pain will match to her past experience but she was wrong, it hurts like hell and there wasn't anyone to blame except herself. She broke his heart to shut him out of her life and in the process she shattered her heart into million pieces, which couldn't be mended, the damage was permanent.

Before Arlene could ask her more questions, Anusha's cab came and she left quickly.
On the way to home, she got a call from Ansa. She took the call thinking that it's going to be another fight but for her surprise, it was her dad.

'Hi dad, how are you..are you feeling okay?' she asked her dad with concern.
'I am good Anu. I know you weren't expecting my call. I should have called you more often. I am sorry..' he said.

Anusha was still wondering why he had called her. It was something she used to expect from him when she was in college but she had outgrown that need. So she felt kind of weird talking to him now.

'It's ok dad. You don't have to apologize. Why did you call me? Where is Ansa?' she asked to change the topic.

'Ansa is here. I know I am making you uncomfortable. But Ansa think we should talk, not the mundane things, but the things that matters to you. ' his voice broke Anusha sighed. She didn't want to have this talk, after all this time when she is broken into pieces.

'I was never a good father to you Anusha. I couldn't protect you from all the mean remarks from my family and I never tried to be there for you' he was saying and tears sprang in her eyes.

' Ansa told me that you believe that you are responsible for your mom's death and that I hate you for that, I needed to call you Anu. I am sorry I didn't realize sooner that how hurt you were all this time. Forgive me my kid..' .
Her dad was crying and Anusha cried along with him. She could not say anything to him for a long time.

'you never told me that you love me dad, I always waited to hear that from you. I thought you hate me , all these years I missed you' she sniffled in between her sobs.

'I am sorry for that Anusha. I was wallowing in my own misery I just ignored my young kid. I entrusted you with Ansa and as you grow detached from me I did not know what to say to you anymore. You are like your mom and I am sorry I was unable to do anything to save your mom. Please forgive me Anu, I am really sorry.'

Anusha took a long moment to comprehend what he had said. The fact that her dad didn't consider her as reason for mom's death, a relief washed over her.

' Will you come home Anusha. It has been two years already. Please come back home and give me a chance to make it up to you. Please Anu..give me a chance' She could here her dad's voice cracking with guilt. She was not sure how a single phone call can wipe out all the heartache of the years. But this was her dad, and the least  thing she could do for him was to forgive him.

'I will think about it dad ' she said finally. As she got near to her home she hung up the call and prayed that she won't see Alvin on her way. She had seen him once after that day, and he was not looking himself. He was taking it hard on himself she knew, but in long term that is for his best. She thanked God for not seeing him on her way and went to Rashi's kitchen. She had dinner quickly while Rashi was putting Ninnu to sleep and avoided a conversation.
And in the end of the day another sleepless night was awaiting her. She tossed and turned for a long time until she fell asleep.


                   Alvin was looking at his laptop and checking his ticket confirmation mail from the travel agency. He was sad and angry the way things ended with Anusha. He never thought that Anusha found him unworthy to tell her past. How they become like this...he wondered. He didn't tell anyone not even to Akki but his mom had suspected that something had happened to him asked him to come home for Christmas . And for once there wasn't a reason to stay so he booked the tickets to Friday night so that he will reach Canada before Christmas. Now the decision has been made he felt a sadness pulling him inside.

He had seen Anusha once, she looked drained that day, she was coming home late and she tried to hide seeing him. He had pretended that he didn't see her but that really stung, after all they were friends and she didn't even want to acknowledge his presence made him realize that there is no future for them. His uncle and aunty even Riya was concerned about him , so he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. He was printing his tickets when he got a call from Arlene.

He took a long breath before taking the call.

'Hey Arlene. What's up? ' he asked nonchalantly.

'Yes Alvin,  that is exactly I wanna ask you. What is up with both of you?'
Arlene asked without wasting a second.

' Nothing  in particular. Why did you ask?' He knew what was she asking but when there's no point in talking about it, he just wanted to end the entire conversation.

'Don't play the dumb card on me Alvin. Anusha was acting weird for the past few days. I was super busy at work I didn't get enough time to make her tell me. Yesterday night Rashi called me and told me about the incident and how you both are acting now. Anusha is not even eating and through herself at work and I think she is not even sleeping properly and I don't think you are doing well either. Now tell me what happened between you two?' she demanded.

Alvin remembered how Anusha looked that day. Pale and lifeless...so much for a break up.

'Anusha made it clear that she did not want me in her life. She didn't want to tell me about her past, she found me as an undeserving person' those words had really hurt his pride. He had gone through a bad breakup before and that girl too said that he doesn't deserve her. He clenched his fist in anger.

'But Rashi told me that you know her past. Why didn't you tell her that then?' Arlene asked again.

'Because she told me when she was drunk and she later made me promise that I won't tell anything about that night to anyone not even to her. So I couldn't tell her ' he replied.

'That's the stupidest reason I have ever heard in my life. I told you before that Anusha could be stubborn as hell at times and she was always  scared to start over. I thought you love her but you just let her go Alvin ' Arlene scoffed at him.

'That's not true. She asked me to leave her alone , there was nothing I could have done to stop her.' he tried to defend himself.

'Please Alvin.... She said and you left her just like that. You did not even try to fight for her. She loves you and I have seen that in her eyes but still you let her go because she hurt your ego?? You just disappointed me Alvin , I thought better of you.'

Arlene was angry  at him and her words hit home. Anusha hurt his pride and his ego didn't let him see through her heart. She had pushed him to an extent that he won't have a choice other than leave her and he did the same. How foolish was that. She was breaking inside and he left her like that. A pain went through his heart. How did he let that happen? He was disappointed in himself now.

'I heard from Rashi you are leaving soon. So I am going to talk to Anusha today and I don't know what you will do or say just fix this mess before you leave and make sure she is happy. Otherwise I am telling you I will hunt you down and will kick your ass' Arlene cut the call even before he could respond.

The last words cracked him up too. That was something Arlene would do, if he messed up this time.
I won't let that happen he said to himself with a smile curling up on his lips after a long time.

    Anusha was sitting on a chair sipping her coffee and anticipating a river of questions from Arlene who was studying her close.

'So tell me Anusha why did you fight with Alvin? ' finally she asked the question.

'How did you know ' Anusha raised her eyebrows.

'Oh.. I have my ways. Rashi called me last night and she was worried about you and she thinks that something happened between you two.'

'I don't deserve him Arlene. I am so messed up with a messy past. He is better off without me.' Anusha said without looking at her. That was a half truth she wasn't sure anybody will  acknowledge her fears of losing him so she kept it to herself.

'Don't say that Anusha, he knew your past and he doesn't care about how messy it is. '

'What?' Anusha was shocked now.
'Who told him?? Rashi?' She asked herself.

'You told him everything when you was drunk that night and he had asked about it to Rashi.' Arlene replied.

Colour drained from Anusha's face. He knew her past and he kept it to himself as per her request. He really cared about her and in return she broke his heart and called him worthless. How can she be so rude to a person who did nothing but cared and loved her. Anusha felt guilty for doing so and there was nothing she could do now. He must have thought that she is pathetic. Anusha sighed heavily.

' Anusha, I don't know your past fully and I don't care about that. I just want to remind you that life doesn't give you second chance always. Think before sending him away otherwise you will suffer for the rest of your life and I really don't want to see you like that and one more thing,  I saw your leave application , stop running away, if that's what you are planning to do. You can't run away always when life becomes difficult. That's not how it works.' Arlene stood up and left the pantry and Anusha stayed there for sometime. She took out her phone and made a call.


                     Anusha stood dead in her track as she saw Alvin waiting outside her office like there's nothing wrong between them. A part of her wanted to run away and another parted wanted to run into his arms and ask for forgiveness.
'Go with him Anusha. For once hear your heart not to your head' Arlene said as she walked towards Alvin. They talked for a few minutes and Yasmine joined them. They said their good byes and Anusha went to him clutching her bags in her hand.

'Hey..Get inside, let us go ' he said casually. Anusha got into the car after a bit reluctance and Alvin started the engine. 

'Why did you come Alvin. I thought we are over' she said without looking at him.

He sighed at her remark.

' No , we are not. You have got twenty four hours to convince me that we are  over and this would not work out. I have a flight to catch tomorrow night Anusha. Take your time up to then and I am planning to stay by your side until then. '

Anusha gasped at that. She won't be able to push him anymore because she felt guilty for doing so in the past. She rubbed her temple involuntarily. Again the sounds were talking in her head.
'You don't deserve him Anusha, send him away and save him.. don't tempt your fate to snatch him away' it screamed in her head.

Tears welled up in her eyes, what am I supposed to do now she asked herself as their car screeched to a halt making Anusha jump from her seat.

'Are you alright Anusha? I will check what happened.' He said to her as he pulled of the car to side and  got out of the car.
They were still on the narrow road that connects to the construction site and they were almost near to the main road.

'I think we have a blown tire here Anusha, I will call someone for help. You wait inside the car.' he said to her after checking the tires.

Alvin called Akki and he got another number  of a repair service centers number. He called them and said the situation and checked the tires again. As he stood up he took a few steps backward for better net reception so that he could send them their location. Suddenly he heard Anusha calling his name frantically and before he could turn to her , she pushed him off the road with such a force that he fell down to the ground.

Anusha was looking outside unsure what to do. She felt trapped and was worried about him. Alvin was making a call, probably to Akki..she thought. Then he was walking backward looking at his phone and he was too careless for Anusha's likeness.
Then she saw a truck approaching them from the opposite side. Alvin wasn't looking at that direction, wind was strong maybe he didn't hear it coming. Panic surged through her.

'Not this time... not him ...' she said as she jumped out of the car and ran towards him calling his name frantically. She was able to push him out of the road but wasn't able save herself. Before she could move from the road the truck hit her hard and she fell down with a sickening thud.
She felt the shock of the hit and shooting pain went down her spine. She felt the metallic taste of her own blood in her mouth and everything went dark. 

Hello...this chapter is long and kind of bittersweet. I know..please bear with me. I will make it up to you in the next chapters. Hope you enjoy the story. Lots of love❤️❤️❤️

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