#Chapter 16: Three precious little words.

                       Anusha was sitting in her office chair, with the reports on the accident in her hand. She wanted to read it but couldn't muster the courage to do so. She was comforted by Alvin's words, that she has nothing to do with Kathir's death and she tried to believe that wholeheartedly. She might have not caused his death, but still she can't hide from the moral side, she had send him there with the safety guy. Weather he was intended to go back to the site or was going to skip the work, she never knew.
She sighed at that thought, why things like this keep happening around her. The mere thought was so devastating she want to through the file in her hand.

Anusha took the file in her hand and walked towards Yasmin's cabin not wanting to keep it in her hand any more.

'Hey Anusha, how are you feeling today?' Yasmin asked her while collecting the file from her hand.

'I am good Yasmin. What about the expat of Kathir? How many days it will take for the procedure?' Anusha asked her avoiding the heaviness in her chest.

'Oh..Anusha.. Did you read the file?'

'No..' she shook her head.

'Okay.. as you know the expat of decesed is a lengthy process. We are doing our best but still it will take few more days to complete the procedure.'

'What about the other guys?' she asked again.

'They are doing well now. Both were shifted to room last night. Don't worry about it. They will be fine.'
Yasmin patted on her arm reassuringly.

'One more thing Anusha, since it is thursday, our manager decided to send you home early today.'
Yasmin smiled at her.

'What?' Anusha asked skeptically.

'He thinks you can use more rest you know. Since the site is not opened fully yet there is less work in the office and Manager and I will be leaving for head office after lunch. You should go home.' she said with a grin.

'Oh..then why does it feel like someone has a hand in his decision making process?'  Anusha asked raising her eyebrows.

'Not exactly. He was concerned about you. So I just played along with it and asked him to send you home..simple.' Yasmin said with a broad smile.

'Okay okay.. thank you'  Anusha replied with a smile and left her cabin.
Arlene came to check on her twice in one hour that Anusha had literally drag her back to her office.

'I will go home by noon. Don't show up again' Anusha warned her while walking her to her office.
Actually she felt thankful to have them in her life. To know that someone really care about you is a great feeling.. she thought and naturally that lead to Alvin. She remembered the kiss and the awkward silence that had followed afterwards. She was totally taken aback by his actions that she was left with lots of confusion and possibilities.

They hung out together the past two days and she often caught him looking at her with those dark eyes with such an intensity that could literally drew her into him. She felt ambivalent about it. Part of her anticipated a new beginning and part of her held back. She need to let go the past to start something but it was difficult.
She liked him and may be they could figure out something more in their relationship but she didn't know how to handle the situation. She felt like walking through a thin line between friendship and love. His friendship was easy and about love she had no idea.

        During lunch break she left with Akki to home. They had lunch together with Rashi and Ninnu. Christmas was just around the corner and Rashi was already thinking about the Christmas cake and Christmas feast. Anusha smiled at her friend who loved everything that related to food. After lunch she went back to her room thinking that she could either watch a movie or read something or take a nap. She changed her clothes and plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. She slipped through the channels but nothing got her attention. So she turned it off and got a book from the shelf and curled in the couch to read. She was getting into the story line when someone knocked on her door. She groaned and closed her book and opened the door.

'Oh it was you Alvin..' she said groaning inwardly.

'Yeah.. it's me. Were you expecting someone else?' he asked with a chuckle.

'No..how did you know that I am home?' she was bit annoyed that she couldn't read the book and she has to remain composed around him, which was quite impossible these days.

'Akki told me you came together and what is with your expression?' he asked with amusement.

'Nothing..and what is in that bag?' she asked pointing at the brown paper he carried.

'Oh.. I forgot. This is for you' he gave the paper bag in her hand. Which was bit heavy.

'What is this?' she asked and opened the bag. It had some indoor pot plants inside.

She remembered about his suggestion to grow some more plants on her patio. He remembered that and bought her some plants himself and here she was thinking about kick him out for intruding her reading. She felt small somehow embarrassed even. She was touched by the gesture and give him a smile.

'Thank you. Where did you get them?' she asked him while letting him inside the room.

'I went to pick Rani aunty from work and on our way back I saw this place. Aunty bought some plants and I thought about your mint plant. So here it is.' he said while taking her book from the couch.

'Oh... you were reading. I interrupted your reading, that is why you looked annoyed' he told studying  her.

'I was...but not anymore. Come.. show me what you have got here?'  She smiled and walked towards her veranda.

They sat down together and opened the bag. It had four small plant pots. Except geranium, she couldn't identify the plants. They together placed them on her veranda. He pointed the plants out by its name as the gardener had told him earlier. The names were like tongue twisters and Anusha burst out laughing while trying to pronounce them correctly. The plants were perfect for her place. They don't need direct sunlight and lots of water and it made her mint plant less lonely as he had told before.

         Anusha stared at the plants for sometime and smiled.
'Mom used to like gardening. We had a cute garden back in home. Me and Ansa used to help her to plant them and dad usually got her new seeds and plants whenever he saw something beautiful. After mom gone, Ansa took care of the garden like everything else , it is still there but I never went there again. It's too painful.' she gave him a smile which was sad.

He didn't say anything and kept looking at her. He had caught her staring at him many times for the past few days. Every time he got her, she smiled awkwardly and averted her eyes. He could see the confusion and fear in her eyes, she was thinking about him and the underlying significance of their relationships, he knew it. What's going on the pretty little head of her's. He could only wonder. He hoped and prayed she will show some faith in him and herself and the possibility of them together.
             Anusha shifted uneasily under his gaze. She was worried that he could see through her fears and excuses and he might be able to see the real feelings under her facade.

'Have you seen my mom's pictures?' she asked  him to avoid his eyes.

'Uh..no' he said and frowned.

'Wait here, I will get the album.'
She said and ran inside and showed up with an  old album within seconds.

She  opened the leather bound album and showed some photos of her and Ansa in school uniforms. There were pictures of her college band and even pictures with Nevin in college uniforms. They looked happy and in love. She looked at those pictures a moment long but didn't bother to tell him anything. He was bit disappointed but refrained himself from feeling bad about it by thinking how hard she cried that day. He didn't want to see her cry anymore, he had seen a lot of tears by now, he just wanted her to be happy.

Anusha turned the pages and showed him their family photo. It had taken when Anusha was a baby who was toothless and grinning at the camera in her mom's arm. Ansa and dad was smiling and her mom was smiling at Anusha with such a love in her eyes that hurt him.

'Isn't she beautiful?' she asked without looking at him.

'Yes she is ' he replied without taking his eyes from the picture.

Then she turned the page and took out a tattered paper.
It was a portrait of her mom. She was looking breath takingly beautiful. She was sitting in a chair with a sweet smile on her face.

'This one is my favourite. She looks so lively here. It is like I can see her Infront of me, beautiful.' she said while outlining her mom's face. She had did the same in the past whenever she missed her mom.

'Dad's friend made this portrait of her when she was pregnant with me. In a way it is a picture of me and mom together.' she smiled again.

'She is beautiful Anusha. Just like you.'
He said looking at her and her mom's picture.

'Uh..so you are complimenting me?' she smiled.

'Oh.. yes..you are spitting image of your mom. You got her eyes and features and I know you. You are beautiful both inside and out. So I am sure your mom was a lovely person.'  He said and Anusha blushed.

'Ah... someone is blushing now' he chuckled.

'No I am not' she replied and blushed profusely.

'Oh.. I can see that' he laughed and Anusha covered her cheeks.

'This is embarrassing' she said.

'No..it is cute' he replied and Anusha shook her head in order to pull herself together.

Then she looked across at him and her mom's portrait and smiled.

'Do you have time today?' she asked with a glint in her eyes.

'I am always available you know ' he replied trying to figure out what she was intending to do.

'Then get ready. We are going somewhere. See you in 30 minutes.' she grinned and dragged him out without further explanation.


     'Where are we going Anusha?' he asked again as they entered the corniche road.

'You will see ' she gave him the same answer again with a smug smile.

It was a beautiful evening as the sun was setting and golden rays painted the sky like a marvelous painting in shimmering gold and silver. It was getting cold outside and Anusha kept looking outside wishing to capture beauty of the  evening in her soul.

When they turned to souq street, she pointed to the parking lot.

'Let's park here ' she said patting his arm.
'What? You want to go to souq waqif?? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I know this place.' he frowned.

'I know that you know this place. Can't you be a bit more patient?? She asked as they pulled into the parking lot.

They got out of the car quickly and she lead him to the market area. Anusha was wearing a white  striped ruffle hem tee dress  with long sleeves and her hair was down which fell on her face as the wind flew.

Souq waqif is the Qatari capitals oldest souq and major tourist destination in Doha. As they walked down the labyrinth bazaar the smell of spices and food filled their senses.
 Dozens of tiny stores showcasing their wares piled high along the market's mud coated stone walls.

The narrow passage ways one could find everything from garments to spices, perfumes to diamonds, scented oils to falcons and souvenirs and what not.
Alvin was still wondering what they were doing there. As they strolled through the shisha lounges and antique shops Anusha took his hand led him to a narrow hallway to art gallery and Alvin looked around. She lead him to a side room with coloured lights and lamps. Paintings and portraits of different sizes covered the colour drenched walls. Everything looked beautiful and exquisite.

     Alvin was about to ask her again what they were doing there a guy with striking blue eyes came to them. Anusha beamed at him and they half hugged.

'You are on time Anusha ' he said in his heavily accented English. 

Anusha laughed seeing Alvin's baffled expression and introduced them to each other.

His name was Zach Stensen.  Apparently the guy was a friend of Yasmin and an illustrator and he was one handsome young man much to Alvin's dislike.

'Don't look  so miffed. He is a friend of Yasmine and we have met before and he is going to do a portrait of us' she smiled and he looked at her with a mischievous grin.

' Come this way ' Zach lead them to another room. This one was much similar to the other room minus the portraits. There was a canvas in the corner and a couch in the opposite side.

They sat down on the couch as Zach suggested and tried to relax and Zach tried to set up the things.
'How much time we are going to sit like this to get a portrait? ' he asked her.
'8 to 10 hours may be' she replied studying his shocked expression.

'Don't worry Zach won't take that much time and I asked him to do a much smaller version' . She grinned again and looped her arm through his and slightly leaned her head to his shoulder and smiled.

'If this is how we are going to sit for eight hours,  I don't really mind... you know' he said to her and she punched his arm playfully.

Rest of the time Zach draw them on the canvas. After 4 hours, they were  ready to leave Zach's studio with stiff arms and neck and full of smiles.
Zach promised her to send the portrait after finishing and framing to her.

'Why didn't you even let me see the picture?' He asked her as they walked outside of the studio.

'That is a surprise for you. My farewell gift. Congratulations on your new job.' she said.

The words stopped him in his tracks.

'How did you know?' he asked trying to hold her hand.

'I called your mom in the morning. Why didn't you tell me? I thought we are friends.' she said in a soft voice.

'I think we are more than that Anusha. That's why I couldn't tell you. I am sorry. But why did you want a portrait ? We could have taken photos and saved the money.' He said trying to change the topic.

Anusha turned towards him. She was still bit angry about it but she let it go.

'We take a lot of pictures that it lost it's significance. I wanted to capture a livid moment that will stay alive for a long time. Simply put I don't want you to forget me anytime soon. You did the same..the pot plants were a thoughtful gift for me to keep me company when you leave..your parting gift for me. Isn't it?' she looked at him with her dark brown eyes.

'Do you think I will forget you anytime soon?'

'Will you?' She looked at him unsurely.

He sighed before giving her an answer.

'I can't forget you because I started loving you. I am going to miss you because I really really love you' he said and looked at her who was looking at him with wide eyes before she could respond to him, he took both of her hands in his and turned her to face him.

'I don't want to push you or anything, l know you will take your time to give me an answer. I just want you to know what I feel about you. My parting gift for you is myself.
Will you think about it?
Will you think about 'us' Anusha?'

He asked her again who was still in shock.

'You don't know much about me Alvin. There is a past that you don't know' she said finally.

'Then you can tell me when you are ready. But I don't think a past can change you the way I feel about you. Just think that I love you and I really mean it with my whole heart. Remember your happiness matters to me.'

Anusha was too overwhelmed with her emotions that she couldn't find the right words to say so she nodded in response. Her fingers shook with all the emotions she felt, the fear and gratitude that she felt at the same time was so powerful that she could barely breath.

Maybe,  just maybe I could stop worrying about the past and think about a future. Anusha thought and she half smiled at him. There were tears in her eyes which was ready to flow, she blinked and leaned towards him and kissed his cheek to much of his surprise.

'Thank you for telling me.. I will think about it' she said with a smile.

Now you are the one who is blushing. She giggled.

'Oh.. I love to blush for you' he said with a smile curling up on his lips.  They were standing so close that he could smell the shampoo in her hair. If he leaned in a bit he could kiss her.  He was thinking about the possible kiss, and how he could kiss away the  worries lining her lovely face  when Zach came to them.

'Am I interrupting something?' Zach looked both of them with an amusement in his voice.

'No we were just leaving'. Anusha waved him off and they walked back to the market area quickly. The night was still young, there were lots of people in the alleyways. They wandered around the shops which sells fabrics spices perfumes garden equipments to pets.
   Anusha keep looking at the shops and he kept looking at her until she suddenly stopped Infront of a souvenir shop.

'Do you want a souvenir from here?' She asked him while walking inside.

'No I think I have got enough souvenirs for the day' while touching his cheek.

She laughed and took his arm. 'Come l will get you something from here.'

The shop had many souvenirs items like traditional coffee pots, abaya, decorated shishas, shawls and pushminas and antique boxes. Anusha showed him all things one by one but he didn't show any interest in them.

Suddenly she pulled him to a crochet  shop. They were made locally and they had variety of things made by wools and yarns.

'Uh.. look. He looks like Edward Tulane.' Anusha gasped at looking a crochet rabbit doll.

Anusha beamed like a little girl in candy shop.

'Oh god. Who is this Edward Tulane and how do you know the doll is a he???' He asked her in a mocking tone.

'Can't you see, he is wearing a blue pant.' she pointed. 

'Oh..universal colour code for men but I really don't like blue you know.' He replied to annoy her.

'That is not the point here.' She replied taking the doll in her arms.

'Then tell me who is this Edward Tulane?
Your ex?' He mocked her.

'No dumbo.. she laughed.
He is the main protagonist of a young adult novel. And I loved the book. He kinda look like him..cute.' She smiled again.

'Then tell me what is this book is about.'

'Um... It is a great book. It deals with
loss and recovery, kindness and compassion, and the journey to self-discovery. But the main theme can be summarized by a quote from the book: "If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole journey is pointless.' She said and he gave her a thoughtful look.

Since he knew her past, he understood why she liked the book. She was like Edward Tulane. She was still struggling with a lot of things but she wants to move on.

He gazed at her for a long moment and she bit her lip.
'I am trying you know...but it is not easy' her eyes were sad when she looked up at him.

' Keep trying..you will find a way. ' he patted her arm reassuringly.

'So ..tell me do you want to take him with you?' she showed the doll Infront of his face.

'Not exactly..don't you think that I am too old to play with doll..?' he made a face and she laughed.

'Ah.. I know that your sisters will pull your legs for the rest of your life if you take him with you. Don't worry we will find something else. '

She scanned through the items and got a cute couple bunny keychain for them. Pink for her and blue for him, he groaned at the blue colour and she laughed some more.

She paid and they walked out of the market area to an open boutique restaurant under the balcony.

When they sat down, she ordered Arabic menu for them and stared at the clear sky admiring the beauty of the night.

'You are spending money like there is no tomorrow, what has gotten into you?' he asked studying her evenly.

'You are leaving soon. And I might not get an evening like this again. So I wanted to make it worth remembering.' she replied sheepishly.

She looked at him for a moment too long and sighed.

'Oh I am going to miss him. She thought.  she accepted the fact, what  she was feeling from the moment when his mom told her about the job. She was dreading the moment of his departure and how hollow that will make her, that she wanted to cry. She wanted to pretend that it's ok and she is alright without him. But the evening turned out to be more meaningful and memorable by the fact that he said what he felt about her.
The three little precious words that he said to her, made her cry and smile at the same time.
She has been a coward for the past two years of her life. But the time they spend together suddenly felt more amicable. The rush of feeling in her heart made her wonder whether she fell in love with him already. Maybe she did fell for him, she did not know. Maybe she should let go the past and held her hand out for a future with this guy who loved her who is looking at her with such a genuine smile on his handsome face.

'What is going on that pretty little head of yours?' he asked touching her forehead.

' Oh Alvin.. I think I am gonna miss you. I think I am already missing while you're still here. What am I going to do now?' she said without trying to blink away the tears in her eyes.

'Shh... I am here now.. we will find a way.. won't we?' he said to himself.
His heart was beating so fast that he could literally hear the sound.
She looked so vulnerable at that moment he wanted to kiss her so badly. If they were not out in public, he might have done that. But they were out in public and any kind of PDA might land them in a tough position. So he sat their and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

'We will definitely find a way Anusha.' He said again.
And she looked at him with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

The moment was so intense and beautiful they lost in their bubble of happiness that they did not notice the night already coming to an end. They left the restaurant with a dizzy feeling of happiness and contentment unaware of the changes that tomorrow will bring to their life.

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