Chapter 4

                                                           Chapter 4

Everyone was fed cleaned and dressed ready to go by eight thirty. Cade didn’t like the idea of Jaz spending money on her, but they both needed clothes and shoes. Cord was growing like a weed and he needed shoes especially.

Jaz led them both to the parking area down below the training area where they found Eli waiting for them. He smiled and unlocked the car door for them, Jaz went to get in the back seat but Cade moved and got in before her pulling Cord with her, leaving Jaz to get in the front seat.

The ride to town was quiet and when they parked and made their way into the shopping centre Cord gravitated towards his sister. He was feeling a great deal out of his element as was Cade, but it didn’t take long for them to get into the flow of things.

They started with Cord outfitting him with everything from shorts, jeans tee-shirts a hoodie or two, underwear, socks and pj’s and even a swimming costume. Part way through Jaz steered Cade to the ladies section and did the same for her.

Cade hadn’t been in a store like this since she was very young and although it was full of wonderful things, she felt a little lost. Jaz kept her on track though and made sure they bought what was needed.

Cade liked the sports clothing and bought several pairs of legging as they looked comfortable and would move with her body when she trained. Eli also helped out here as she needed other suitable clothing to train in like pants, shirts and shoes.

By the time they’d finished shopping they were all happy with their purchases even Jaz was happy as she’d talked Cade into getting a few things that didn’t look like training gear as well as a dress that Cade just knew she was never going to wear.

She’d point blank refused to even try a pair of heels on, so they settled for the obligatory boots for training, a pair of sneakers and some slip on’s. They went to a local restaurant for lunch and by the time they got back to the Compound all were full and tired. Eli helped Cord stow his clothes and Jaz helped Cade do the same.

“Thank you Jaz I’ve got no idea when or even how, but I’ll pay you and Eli back for all of this, I promise.” Then she hugged her and was surprised to find herself a little teary.

“It was my pleasure Cade; I’m not sure when or even if I’ll ever find a mate,” she sighed softly, “you and Cord may well be the only children I ever have so please let me enjoy taking care of you both?”

“Okay,” Cade said, “how about I make some coffee or tea, you and Eli could probably use one?”

“That’d be nice Cade, oh and if those cookies are still there you can put them out too.”

 “They are,” Cade grinned, “I hid them from Cord,” then she headed down to the kitchen to put the kettle on.

She passed Eli on the way, “I’m making tea or coffee if you’d rather?”

“Coffee would be good then I should go see if I’m needed elsewhere.” He got mugs out while Cade did the rest, “Did you have nice today?”

She couldn’t help but smile, “Yeah I did, I haven’t gone shopping like that since my mother was alive thank you.”

Eli sensed her sadness at losing her mother but he also sensed a need to take care of herself and her brother. “Cade you’re not alone anymore; you and your brother have people who care about you. I know you’re worried about money but there’s no need. Both Jaz and I have more than enough to take care of you both and if you won’t take our money the Pack can cover any costs you might have.”

He could see her blush and wasn’t sure if she’d accept what he’d said or get angry with him. She surprised him by simply nodding her head in acknowledgement. He took this as a good sign.

“Where did you hide the cookies?” he grinned and she laughed and pointed to the top cupboard door.

By the time Jaz and Cord entered the kitchen they had everything ready including a glass of milk for Cord. They chatted for a while and Cade felt more relaxed than she had in some time. Not too long after there was a knock at the door and Taylor came in looking around the room.

“Hey Cade what you up too?” Cade shrugged, “Leith and I are helping Chrissy with Kyle, she said it was okay if you wanted to come over too?” he saw Cade look at Cord, “both of you that is.”

Jaz spoke up then, “Sorry Cade I need you here,” she looked at the Taylor, “but Cord can go if you promise to look after him?”

The boys looked at Cade and when she nodded Cord gave her a hug and started dragging Taylor out of the room before she changed her mind. Cade turned to Jaz, “So I’m guessing you want to do a full physical now huh?”

She nodded, “Yes, it shouldn’t take too long and I thought Cord might enjoy spending a bit of time with the guys.”

“That’s my cue to leave,” Eli said with a grin on his face, “as much as I’d love to go visit my nephew, I need to see if I’m needed elsewhere. I’ll stop by tomorrow.”

Cade looked at Jaz questioningly after Eli left, “Chrissy is mated to Nicolas, Kyle is their son. She’s pretty much adopted Taylor and Leith as surrogate Uncles along with Nate, Eli and Christian. Now come on we need to get your physical done.”

Jaz had Cade lay on the examination table in her makeshift surgery and poked and prodded, she took more blood and asked a multitude of questions. Thankfully she didn’t have to strip down as she wasn’t ready for anyone to see her body… not yet.

Cade had just gotten off the examination table when Jaz asked her something that threw her, “When was your last period?”

Cade looked at her a little confused, “Umm…”

Jaz looked at her, “An approximation is fine I just need to know if things are working as they should be?”

Cade lowered her head and Jaz could see that she was blushing, “Cade have you ever had a period?”

Cade felt suddenly self-conscious and Jaz pulled her to the seats in front of her desk indicating she should sit down. She waited for a moment giving Cade time to calm herself.

“Cade it’s okay if you haven’t. From what you’ve told me your body would have been borderline malnourished a great deal of the time.”

Cade’s head snapped up to look at her, “I know you sweet heart; you would have made sure Cord was fed before you and you would have gone without to make sure he got what he needed.”

Cade nodded, “Sometimes there was no choice especially towards the end. I was hunting for all three of us and my father took what he wanted first. What was left wasn’t always enough for two. Cord’s a kid I had to…” she suddenly closed up and Jaz realised she was trying to control her emotions not wanting to lose it in front of her.

“Cade you’re in a good place now, your diet is a great deal better and you’re eating on a regular basis. You’ve already put on a little weight and you’ll start to fill out more,” she sighed, “What I’m trying to say is, your body will catch up and you’ll start to menstruate.”

Cade blushed and lowered her head, she felt so embarrassed, “How will I know when umm… when… you know…”

Jaz took Cades hand and gave it a squeeze, “There are signs to look for that will tell you it’s about to happen. You might get a heavy bloated feeling in your stomach, sometimes it can affect your mood and you get irritable, you might also get cramps, especially the first couple of times. If you get any of these signs come straight to me and I’ll get you set up okay?”

Cade shook her head, “Being a girl sucks!”

Jaz laughed, “Yes it does at times, but we can also do something a man can never do.” Cade looked at her curiously, “we can bring new life into the world.”

“Not sure I’m ever going to be prepared for that.” Cade said and Jaz laughed knowing that when the time came Cade would if not prepared, discover she was ready.

When they were done Jaz suggested Cade catch up with the others at Chrissy’s. Cade followed her outside and Jaz gave her directions to Chrissy’s place. It didn’t take long to get there and when she heard voices coming from around back she headed that way.

“Hey,” she said when she saw they guys sitting in the back garden. Leith was holding a baby and she grinned because he looked so cute holding the little guy.

Cade sat down with them and the little guy moved towards her, she was surprised because she’d never seem him before and as she picked him up he clapped his hands. She couldn’t help laughing, he was too cute.

“What’s his name?”

“Kyle!” chorused everyone at the same time and Chrissy stuck her head out the back door to see what was going on.

She stepped outside, “Is everything okay?” she saw Cade and nodded to her.

“Yeah Cade was just asking what Kyle’s name was.”

“Hi Cade, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Chrissy smiled.

“It’s nice to meet you too. Jaz said it would be okay if I came over…”

“I was hoping you’d visit soon. Nicolas told me you were friends with these guys,” she indicated Taylor and Leith.

Kyle pulled away from Cade and tried to crawl over to Cord who was waving a toy at him. Chrissy was heading back to the kitchen then turned back to Cade, “I was just going to get some munchies for everyone, would you like to give me a hand?”

Cade didn’t answer; she got up and followed Chrissy into the kitchen. They put slices of cheese and fruit onto a tray with some crackers for everyone to share. Cade noticed Chrissy sneaking looks at her from the corner of her eye and raised a brow.

Chrissy sighed, “I’m sorry Cade, it’s just I’ve been waiting right along with Eli for you and Cord to arrive.” She saw confusion on Cades face, “I’m the Pack Omega I sometimes know things… sometimes see things. I saw you and Cord almost three months ago; you were on the road headed this way.”

Cade looked at her a little stunned, but remained silent, “I know there’s something special about you Cade, I’m not gonna ask and I won’t mention it to anyone. It’s not my story to tell so don’t worry okay.”

Chrissy opened the fridge and got several bottles of water out before turning back to Cade, “I know your life up until now has been one of obedience, obligation and discipline. Please don’t let what your life has been or what you are destined to be jeopardise what you can have.”

Cade could feel her face flush, she knew Chrissy was talking about Eli but didn’t want to talk about it. Truth be told she was nowhere near ready to even think about it.

“Eli’s a good man and he’s been a good friend to me.” She shook her head and sighed, “I’m not about to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do Cade, but I almost lost my own happy ever after because I was being stubborn about the whole Were mate thing. You’re going to be important to the Pack but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone. He’s been waiting for you far longer than I have. Give it time, but give it a chance okay.” Then she came forward and gave Cade a hug before heading outside with the drinks leaving Cade to follow with the food.

Cade was stunned at what Chrissy had said and even more surprised that she didn’t try telling her what to do. She followed Chrissy back outside and spent the next hour or so getting to know both Chrissy and Kyle.

It was late afternoon and Cade was thinking it was time to go when Nicolas arrived home. She immediately came to her feet and nodded to him in respect. This surprised him somewhat and Taylor and Leith looked at her a little confused.

“Thank you Cade, but there is no need to be so form here.” Nicolas looked at the boys, “you two could learn a few things from our newest recruit!” he looked at them sternly and his face finally cracked a grin when he saw the smile on Cades face.

“Really, I can start training again?”

“Yes Cade and I was thinking as you intend to continue with your brother’s training that you could do so after each of your sessions, that is if you won’t too tired?”

Cade’s entire face lit up as did Cords, “Thank you Nicolas that would be wonderful and no I won’t be tired, I’m used to training long hours.”

“When can she start?” asked Leith.

“In the morning, same time as before. I think Nate will be running that session too.” he grinned and bent down to pick up his son. Cade couldn’t help but notice how he soften or perhaps gentled when he held his son and even more so when he put an arm around Chrissy.

They left soon after, Taylor and Leith walked Cade and Cord home and when Taylor blurted out their news Jaz invited them to stay for dinner to celebrate. Cade noticed an extra place set at the table and rolled her eyes knowing who it was for.

Eli looked excited when he arrived and when he saw Cades smile he raised a brow, “We saw Nicolas earlier and he told us.”

He nodded in acknowledgement, “He asked me if I’d stay close when you did your training session with Cord. If you’ll remember I told you none of the juveniles are allowed in the training centre without an adult.” He was grateful when she didn’t fight him on it.

As they sat down to dinner that evening Cade made sure to sit in between her new friends. She noted that Eli seemed a little miffed but she didn’t want to be too close to him, not yet anyway. After dinner Cade got the boys to help with the dishes then they watched television for a while before they guys had to leave.

Eli left not long after the boys and both Cade and Cord waved a good night to him as they headed up to bed. Jaz watched as they climbed the stairs and called out a good night to them as well. Eli could see plainly how much it meant to her to have both Cade and Cord in her care. He smiled to himself knowing all three worked well together.

When he left the house he fully intended to seek out his own bed, but he was feeling restless, unsettled and he knew sleep wouldn’t come easy. He wandered down to the river and sat on one of the natural benches that had been fashioned from several fallen trees. He took a deep breath and slowly released it.

Eli needed to calm himself, to try and figure out what he was going to do, Cade was his mate he was certain of it but she was so young. Some would still consider her a child and he didn’t want to take her youth away from her. As her mate he wanted only what was best for her.

He closed his eyes for a moment and wasn’t in the least bit surprised to see Nate sitting beside him when he opened them.

Nate didn’t speak, he sat quietly and waited. Eli shook his head and Nate knew he wasn’t ready to talk. “I was thinking of going for a run, maybe do a bit of hunting. You interested?”

“Yeah, I think that might be exactly what I need right now!”

Nate grinned and in no time at all they’d run to the edge of the bush shifted and were running through the bush surrounding the Compound. It had been a while since Eli had been hunting and he found it helped ease the tension that had been building since he’d first caught sight of Cade and her brother.

They ran and they played, they chased a couple of rabbits and Nate scared the crap out of a poor possum chasing it up a tree. When they spotted a big red kangaroo, a buck they froze both checking out the surrounding area. There was a good chance they’d lose their prey, but Eli thought to himself, there’s an even greater chance we’ll bring him down.

The Wolves looked at each other and if a Wolf could smile then that’s exactly what they did. They moved together coming at the buck from either side of him, he put up a fight and they had to chase him down but that was all part of the hunt. They brought down the buck and feasted on his rich tasting flesh and all traces of tension and worry became non-existent.

Several hours later both Eli and Nate fell into their beds exhausted and full, but feeling a lot lighter of heart. Both men slept deeply and Eli woke feeling well rested and ready to begin the day.

He showered and dressed before going to the kitchen in search of coffee. He stuck his head in Nate’s room as he past it but he’d already left. More than anything he wanted to go watch the training session. He wanted to see how Cade did, but didn’t want to push too hard or too fast.

He’d have to content himself with arriving towards the end of the session and keeping watch as Cade worked with her brother. He organised something to eat then feeling edgy went to Jaz’s. He’d fetch Cord and bring him back to the training centre when it was time.

Cord had only just gotten up when Eli arrived, Jaz placed a bowl of cereal in front of Cord then looked to Eli, “Coffee?” he nodded and she poured for both of them.

Eli and Jaz chatted for a while and when Cord had finished eating he went up stairs to brush his teeth and get ready to leave. They left soon after Cord came back down and Eli noted that he seemed excited about being able to train with his sister again.

They reached the training centre just as Nate was finishing up with the group; he was a little disappointed but knew there’d be other opportunities. Nate came over to Eli and Cord raced over to his sister and their new friends.

Eli watched her, saw the colour in her cheeks from all the exercise and how it highlighted her beauty. She tried to hide it beneath male clothing but it was plain to see. When he saw how her smile lit her face up his body reacted in a way it really shouldn’t have, not yet in any case.

Mate or not she was too young for him to be reacting to her this way. He turned to Nate and did his best to ignore the fact that his mate was with a group of young men. That two of them she now called friends didn’t discount the feelings of possessiveness that were slowly beginning to surface.

“Cade’s doing great Eli, she’s far better than most of the others in this group but she’s not showy about it. The boys all seem to be okay with her and Leith keeps asking her to show him how she flattened him!” Nate laughed but stopped when he saw the strain on Eli’s face.

“This has to be difficult for you having to let Cade be with so many males, but they are good boys Eli and all respectful towards her,” he laughed, “I think her putting Leith on his arse sorted that matter out.”

Eli laughed as he remembered what she’d done and knew in his heart she could hold her own as far as this group were concerned, “Your probably right there Nate.” He just wished she didn’t want to train, he wanted to protect her and so long as she trained he couldn’t prevent her getting hurt.

“I’ll stay and watch her with Cord if you like?” offered Nate; he knew Eli wasn’t quite himself where Cade was concerned. Chrissy had warned him months ago that Eli would need his support and he wanted him to know he could count on him.

“No!” he sighed, “no I’m fine Nate, but thanks for the offer. I’m interested in seeing how she’s going to train Cord.”

“Perhaps when she’s settled in more she’ll allow a few of us to watch.”

Eli nodded then turned towards Cade and her brother, Taylor and Leith were still with them and assumed he that they wanted to stay and watch as well. He wasn’t exactly happy about it, but there wasn’t much he could do about it without putting his mate off side. Right now he wanted to stay on her good side so he pulled back his Wolf put a smile on his face and walked over to her.

“How was your training session?” he asked Cade.

She was still smiling which calmed both him and his Wolf, “It was good. Nate didn’t push too hard, I think he was trying to see what level I was at. Taylor and Leith are going to stay and watch me with Cord,” she grinned and mock whispered, “they keep asking me to show them some cool moves, but I told them they’d have to wait.”

Eli found himself grinning at her and nodding, “Good idea if you give in too soon they’ll keep at you wanting you to show them even more. I’ll sit on the sideline to keep an eye on things, but I won’t interfere with what you do. Okay?”

“Okay,” she smiled and turned to the guys, “Taylor, Leith!” she called out, “How about you both sit with Eli?” they nodded and moved to the benches and took a seat, Eli gave her a nod and joined them.

Just before he moved away he turned back to Cade, “Nate and a few of the other Enforcers will want to sit in at some stage, if that’s okay with you?”

Cade nodded, “It’ll be good to get someone one else’s perspective on what I’m doing.” He smiled and she looked at him curiously, “What?”

Eli shook his head, “You’re unlike anyone your age I’ve ever known. Your sense of duty, of what needs to be done is…” he sighed. “Cade you are very mature for your age and as much as I respect who you are, I’m thinking you need to learn how to have fun.” He grinned and moved towards the guys sitting close by.

Cade began the session by talking to Cord explaining what they were going to do and that as a soldier he would need to learn to push himself when training. She also reminded him that he was still a kid and she wouldn’t push him any further than she believed he could go.

Cord was attentive, listening to everything his sister said to him and Eli noted he was eager to begin. “Okay Cord, it’s been a while so we’re going to ease back into things. We’ll start with the stretching exercises I taught you okay, just follow my lead.”

Cord did indeed follow her lead and as they moved Eli realised that because of Cord’s age he was a great deal more flexible than the youth they usually trained. They moved on from the stretching to walking through a series of moves before Cade nodded and Cord came at her as if to put her down. She fended him off not fighting so he could see where he might improve what he was doing and several times he almost got the better of her. They continued this way for about an hour before Cade called a halt.

“Well done squirt! You did better than I thought you would have considering we haven’t sparred for a while.” She ruffled his hair and they walked over to the others.

Eli came to his feet as she approached, “I like your approach Cade, your brother is young and you’ve taken that into account in regards to how you train him. He’s also a great deal more flexible than the older boys we train. He’ll be well prepared when it comes time for him to join one of the groups here.”

He saw the look on her face and backtracked a little, “I know you swore an oath to train your brother Cade and you will, but it would be advantageous if he also had access to the experience of others.” He waited hoping she’d understand that what he was saying was true.

Cade considered Eli’s words for several moments before answering, “Your right, Cord will benefit from others but I’ll be the person to give him the bulk of his training and in the end it will be me who decides what’s best for him.”

Eli nodded conceding that as Cords sibling and considering the blood oat she had every right to call the shots. He looked at the boys then back to Cade, “Let’s go back to Jaz’s; I’m sure after all that exercise you’ll all be hungry.”


For the next week Cade followed the same routine, attending training session then working with Cord. Eli was there every day to watch over them both and was impressed with how well she worked her brother.

Neither Eli nor Jaz liked that she was so focused on training. She was a young woman and they both believed she needed to spend time being just that… a woman. When he spoke to Jaz about it she immediately set about organising a get together of some of the young women at the Compound. Jaz wanted Cade to have female friendships and hoped that this would help.

Cade was to say the least surprised on Saturday morning when Jaz informed her that they were having a few of the young women over so she could get to know them. Jaz looked so excited about it and she didn’t have the heart to tell her she didn’t want any part of it.

Jaz had planned for a luncheon and invited Leith’s twin sisters Marnie and Mina as well as Carly, Kirri, Bree, Freya, Deena, Anna and Cora. All young women were around the same age as Cade and jumped at the chance to meet with and maybe get to know Cade.

Chrissy and Kasey came over early to help with the food and made a fuss trying to convince Cade to dress more like a girl. Cade didn’t want the fuss and she didn’t want anyone trying to change who she was and in the end put her foot down stating that if the girls coming couldn’t accept her as is then she didn’t want to know them.

The women backed off realising they’d pushed a bit too far and Cade dressed in lightweight cargos, a long sleeved tee and boots. She did however consent to wearing her hair out. Cade washed it until it shone like black silk shimmering in the sun; she sat out front brushing it and enjoying the feel of the light breeze as it played through the strands.

Eli had left a meeting with Nicolas and several of the Enforcers where they’d discussed the progress of the juveniles and was on his way to see Cade and take Cord off their hands for a few hours. When he approached the house he saw Cade brushing her hair, it was the first time he’d seen it out and it was a stunning sight. He longed to run his fingers through it, to bunch it in his hands and breathe in its scent.

He stood silently watching her and when she lifted her face to the breeze and smiled his body reacted as any mans would when seeing their mate. His heart sped up and the tightness in the groin area of his jeans almost made him turn and leave. He took in several deep breaths doing his damnedest to gain control then took the final steps towards Cade.

“Good morning Cade, you should wear your hair out more often it’s beautiful.”

Cade could feel herself blush but ignored it, “Eli thanks for taking Cord out he doesn’t deserve to have sit through this as well.

He looked at her a little puzzled and she sighed. “I know Jaz means well and so do Kasey and Chrissy, but I’m perfectly happy the way things are. I don’t need a bunch of girls telling me I need to change what I wear or what I do.”

“Oh,” he began, “Cade I don’t think that’s what this is all about. Jaz wants you to have a full life and for a woman… a girl she believes having females your own age to confide in and I guess hang out with is important.”

She rolled her eyes and he couldn’t help but laugh, “Cords been ready since they started organising things,” she indicated the house with her head. “What are they like… the girls Jaz invited?”

Eli realised this was important to her and wasn’t exactly sure how to answer her, they were girls. He hadn’t had much to do with any of the females; he’d only really known them from a distance and from what he’d heard the juveniles say about them.

“From what I know they are all nice girls, Marnie and Mina are Leith’s sisters and while he jokes a lot about them being a pain he would do anything to keep them safe. They’re all still at school and a couple of them are thinking of going to College or University. That could be a good place to start a conversation; it might even give you a few ideas.”

He could see what he’d said wasn’t what she needed to hear, “Cade they’re all good kids, just be yourself and I’m sure they’ll like you.” He smiled and moved to step around her but was stunned into frozen silence.

“Is that how you see me Eli, as a kid?”

He remained where he was for a moment unsure of what she wanted to hear but knew he wouldn’t lie to her, she was his mate and soon enough he would stake his claim. “You are very different from any of the young women here,” she frowned and he kept talking, “as I’ve already told you Cade, you are mature for your age; you see life a little differently than other girls your age. So although you are the same age as them I don’t see you as a kid, not in the same way I do them.”

He looked at her an almost pleading look in his eyes and she let him off the hook, “Thanks Eli.” Then she smiled and went back to brushing her hair.

When they left Cade could see the grateful look on Cords face and she wished she was going with them. Eli saw it too, “No way! Don’t even think about it, Jaz will kill me if I let you escape.”

For the first time in Cades life she played with a man, she sighed looked up at him with big pleading eyes and pouted. He all but melted and would have given in and taken her with them, but thankfully Jaz came out and put an end to that thought.

Cade watched as Eli and Cord walked away then took a deep breath and turned to Jaz, “Do you need any help?”

“No everything’s organised, we can relax now and wait for everyone to arrive.” She went back inside and Cade followed her dreading what was to come. She had never been a girly girl, hell she’d never been allowed to be a girl and the prospect of spending the afternoon with a bunch of them did not make her feel comfortable at all.

It wasn’t long before the girls started to arrive and while Jaz, Chrissy and Kasey all seemed to be enjoying themselves Cade only felt more out of place than usual. The girls were pleasant enough and she could see that they were all fairly good friends. She could also see that they were trying to befriend her. Cade smiled and did her best to answer any of the questions they had but when they started talking about movies and boys she wanted to crawl under a rock and hide.

“What about you Cade, you’ve spend a good bit of time with the guys do you fancy any of them yet?” Deena smiled and waited for her to answer her question.

Cade noted that they were all waiting for her to answer; she also had a feeling that if she said the wrong thing here it could cause problems. She looked at the women who were sitting in the kitchen and wished he could have asked Jaz what to say but she was no coward so she answered truthfully.

“They all seem okay to me, I’ve gotten to know Taylor and Leith the most though and they like hanging with my brother which is good.” She looked from one to the other before continuing.

“I’m not interested in anything but friendship and they don’t mind doing extra training with me. I’m not looking for anything else, to be honest I don’t have the time I have a brother to take care of and that’s about all the responsibility I intend to have for some time.”

She could almost see the tension in the room ease and it didn’t take long before they were all chatting away again. When lunch was finally over and everyone left Cade made her escape. She told Jaz she was going for a run and headed out the door before she could stop her.

Jaz and Kasey turned to Chrissy hoping she’d been able to get a feel for Cade, “She’s a loner, after all these years it’s gotta be difficult to be suddenly sitting in a room with a bunch of girls and expected to make nice. Give her time and if she doesn’t end up wanting to be part of their click then we should leave it be.” Jaz and Kasey nodded and began clearing up.

Cade could feel the tension leaving as she started her run. She spotted a couple of the boys she trained with Blake and Tomas. Without a word they both fell into step with her and she relaxed even more. This was who she was; this was what she enjoyed doing… what she was good at.

All thoughts of lunch and girly girls left her as she let herself go with the run taking in her surroundings, the scents and animals she knew were hiding in the bushes and trees. She glanced either side of her and saw the both Blake and Tomas were doing the same. She smiled to herself and ran faster pushing herself a little harder and enjoying the feeling.

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