Scars and Tattoos Pt. 1
A/n: I got this story idea from another fan fiction writer who did not continue the story as much as wanted it to be. So I decided to make my own version with a little more spice to it.
Third Person POV
Hera: "Well that went well."
The ghost crew had just returned from a supply run and they had a run in with the empire on the way.
Zeb: "How late is it getting to be?"
The team of Rebels onboard the ship, the Ghost, were feeling tired after a milk run of supplies to another world that needed relief effort because it was starving. Zeb sounded like the one who was most eager to go to bed then everyone else.
Kanan: "Yeah, I think it is time for us all to get some sleep,"
They all immediately agreed with him, they were pretty tired from today's supply run, except for a certain mandalorian.
Kanan: "On Lothal, it's nearly bedtime just about now."
Hera: "Seeing as I'm the pilot and captain of this ship, I'll take the first watch up here in the cockpit."
Kanan "Fine with me,"
Zeb: "Agreed."
Kanan: "And I'll take the second shift at 0100 hours sharp. The rest of you, get some sleep. You'll need your strength for our next run-in with the Empire."
Zeb: "Gladly, I could use a little snooze just about now. Besides, anything's better than staying up all night with Chopper."
Chopper squawked derisively at him. He sounded very offended from what Zeb just said about him.
Zeb: "Now what did he say?"
The Lasat didn't understand what the droid even said but Sabine did know.
Sabine: "He said that you're no day at the beach either, Zeb,"
She interpreted Zeb with a smile.
Zeb squinted. "Well that's hardly surprising, seeing as any droids rarely go to the beach, unless they're battle droids in a battle, of course."
Chopper beeped a raspberry at him. He knew just how to piss him off and it was working.
Zeb: "Oh, shut up, Chopper!" The Lasat yells.
Chopper laughed. So did Ezra and Sabine. Alongside Hera and Kanan.
Ezra: "Looks like he really doesn't like you at all." The teen remarked.
Hera: "He doesn't really like any of us," said Hera, "Although he's still loyal to us and our cause. Now come on. Get yourselves to bed. I can handle this myself."
Kanan: "She's right, guys, get to bed. You all need some rest after today."
Sabine: "If it's all right, I might stay up for a short time,"
Hera: "Why?"
Sabine: "I'm not quite that tired yet, and I wanted to catch up with some of my art in my room."
Hera: "Sure, it's all right, Sabine, just don't take too long in finishing it. You need your sleep too, you know."
Sabine: "Alright,"
Then Hera settled in for her watch in the cockpit, while Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine retired to their cabins, and Chopper just plugged himself into the wall for recharging and shut himself down for the night.
Zeb was tired indeed, and drifted off a short time after settling down in his bunk. Kanan was also tired, and gently allowed himself to slip into a Force dream as he dozed off. Ezra, however, found it rather difficult to sleep, and was curiously restless, tossing and turning as quietly as he could, so as not to wake up Zeb or the others. He was thinking about Sabine. So far, she had been ignoring every attempt he had made to make a pass at her. The boy tried everything but nothing worked. He wondered if he was just unpopular with the ladies, or if she just didn't find him attractive enough to have a crush on. But more importantly, he wondered what had happened to her to cause her to lose her family and build up such a hatred for the Empire.
He remembered that Sabine was still up and about, leading him to believe that maybe she would be willing to have a personal conversation with him, so he silently crawled out of his bunk above Zeb's, taking extra special care not to wake the Lasat. He tiptoed out of the quarters and down the hall. He noticed the refresher (bathroom) that was near the cabins, and heard water running from inside it. In fact, he had come out in time to hear the water get turned off.
Ezra's curiosity got the better of him. He opened the door a crack with the Force and peered inside.
Sabine had just come out of the shower. She was still dripping wet, and she was drying herself off with a towel. She eventually dropped the towel and stood there in the complete nude, looking in a small mirror to check out something on her face. Her hair underneath all the purple and orange paint was brown, he noticed. But what he noticed even more, though, was her body, and most of all, the markings on it.
As a boy who had been through puberty, Ezra was as attracted as almost any man would be to Sabine's lean, muscular arms, her sinewy legs, her perky breasts, and her tight abdomen and rear. And at first, his eyes were wide as he stared at every sexy inch of her, front and back. But then, it was the markings on her body that really caught his attention.
First of all, she had a small scar above her left breast that looked like someone had cut her there. She also had a tiny scar near her belly that looked like a blaster bolt wound. And on her back, she had a tattoo, a tattoo of the blue Rebel phoenix, plus another tattoo on the front-side of her right thigh that said in Aurebesh language, "For Mandalore!" next to the Mando alien skull symbol in black.
And it was next to the Mando alien skull symbol in black.
Ezra sensed then that as lovely as Sabine was, she was hiding some sort of pain behind those marks. Her body had a lot more scars then he had ever seen on any person he has ever met. Maybe she had gained those scars from some run-in with the Empire, or when she had lost her family. And the tattoos must mean something too, in addition to Sabine's love for art, that is.
Suddenly, she wrapped the towel around herself again and began to walk towards the door. Ezra quickly and discreetly closed it and slipped into a nearby hiding place as Sabine left the 'fresher and headed for her quarters. After she went inside and closed the door, Ezra tiptoed over and opened it a crack again with the Force to see what she was going to do.
Sabine dropped the towel to the floor again and pulled up a mirror. She combed her hair, and then carefully sprayed purple and orange paint on her hair again, exactly the same way as it was before, and used a hair dryer to quicken the paint drying. Ezra was transfixed by the way her muscles moved when she did...almost anything. By the Force, she was the loveliest, sexiest thing he had ever seen, and not just because of her female figure. Something about those scars and tattoos told him that she had suffered under the Empire, prevailed, and decided to leave something to remember it by, although he wasn't entirely sure why.
He continued to watch as she put her tight pants and boots back on, but before she could put her shirt and armor back on too, she suddenly picked up one of her blasters and walked to some spot out of the range of Ezra's vision. The Force seemed to be telling him that she was disturbed about something.
Then, without warning, the door slid open all the way, and a beautiful hand reached out from the other side of it and quickly pulled him inside the room. Once he was fully inside, the door closes, and Ezra was forcefully turned around to see something unexpected. There was Sabine, staring straight down at him, most of her glory still exposed to his sight. But he almost couldn't pay attention to any of that, because Sabine held one of her blasters to his head, and she had a furious look on her face.
Sabine:"All right, you little pervert! How much did you see?!"
She said through her clenched teeth, her voice was deep enough to sound like
Ezra choked. "Um, what do you mean, Sabine?" he said with a weak grin.
She put the blaster right to his forehead and said, "How much did you see...of me!?" she ground out, at a loss for words for once.
Ezra: "Um, basically, all of you,"
The boy quickly said, blushing fiercely, his face hot with embarrassment. He looks away from her, feeling the heat building up, and tries to not make it look too obvious. But that didn't go unnoticed from the Mandalorian.
Sabine: "Oh, no, don't tell me you're now embarrassed! You're the one who was spying on me!"
Ezra "Look I'm sorry, Sabine!"
He said, pleading with her, trying think of a way to fix things.
Ezra: "I didn't mean to see you like that. I just..."
Sabine: "Just what?" The girl asked impatiently.
Ezra:"I just wanted to talk for a little while," he said, "Because I couldn't sleep, and I knew that you were staying up a little longer than the rest of us."
Sabine stared at him. She blushed for a moment. Then she released him, or at least she released him from her death-hold grip. But then, she put her blaster aside, closed and locked the door, and proceeded to strip Ezra of everything he was wearing.
Ezra: "Hey! What are you doing?"
He was blushing up a storm but didn't even try to stop her. It's not that he didn't want her to stop but of what would happen if he did.
Sabine: "This is your punishment for spying on me while I was naked,"
She still sounded pretty angry but he knew why.
Sabine: "You saw me nude, so I get to see you nude!"
Ezra wasn't a weakling, but he was one to submit easily to someone he cared about, and he could see how upset she was, so he stopped resisting and let her take every article of clothing from him, and she threw it in a crumpled heap into a corner of the room.
To Ezra's greater surprise, though, she didn't make a move to cover herself or put on her shirt or chest armor. She just stood there with her chest showing , just for him to see but he didn't make it look like he was staring, and just focus on trying to make it up to her.
Ezra: "Uh, why aren't you finishing getting dressed?" he curiously asked, glancing at her perfect breasts and belly again.
Sabine: "You saw me this way just now," she said, her voice still had anger in it, as she turned back to face him.
Sabine: "And I don't see any reason on hiding something you've already seen."
She was still visibly upset, but Ezra felt like he detected a note of amusement on her face as she glanced in turn at his crotch. He moved his hands to cover it, then thought that she was finally interested in him personally.
It must have showed on his blushing face, because she frowned immediately at him before saying.
Sabine: "Don't even think about taking me to bed with you. I'm not making love to anyone at my age, especially not you."
Ezra nodded, he knew he had messed up big time, and now he needs to face the consequences of his actions.
Ezra: "Couldn't we at least talk? I'm a little lonely right now, and I'd like to talk to someone who isn't a father, mother, or uncle figure to me, someone whose age is close to mine. And you're the only person on this ship who's like that."
Sabine looked at him and sighed. "Oh, all right, but just for a short time,"
The boy nods in response.
Sabine: "What do you want to talk about?"
The mandalorian girl stands in front of the teen half naked, who has been trying hard not to stare at her chest.
Ezra blushed again. "Well, I wanted to know, what sort of life did you live before the Empire ruined it? If that isn't too personal, that is?"
Sabine was surprised to hear him asked that question. She never told anyone about her past back on Mandalor. In fact she hasn't even told anyone in the crew about her past back on her home world. This was completely new to her especially coming from Ezra who has been flirting with
Sabine: "I was a child growing up on Mandalore. As a very little girl, I grew up in one of the Mandalorian academies where Duchess Satine Kryze taught her students about how to run Mandalore as pacifists with self-defense skills."
Ezra sits there and listens, as Sabine begins to tell her backstory, and he respectfully listens to her without interrupting.
Sabine: "But I was still very young when the Death Watch and some people who called themselves the Shadow Collective came and took over the planet. Satine was murdered, and some dark warriors took control, but Satine's sister, Bo-Katan, of the Death Watch's Nite Owls, fought to protect Mandalore from its enemies with help from her son, Korkie, and his friends from the academy, Amis, Lagos, and Soniee. But then, an unknown trespasser sneaks into Mandalore and destroyed the Shadow Collective, and took over Mandalore for himself. Nobody really knows for sure who did it, but I suspect that the Emperor, or his favorite toy soldier, Darth Vader, had something to do with it."
Ezra: "Where are Bo-Katan, Korkie, and the others now?" asked Ezra, "Are they dead?"
Sabine looked sad. She slowly turns her head to the side, to where she wasn't facing him now. Ezra was now confused and worried for her.
Sabine: "Not all of them are accounted for, but I suspect they are. Amis and Soniee definitely died, and so did Bo-Katan, but I grew up under their wings when they taught me how to fight, wear and use Mandalorian gear, and stand up against the threat of the Empire."
Now after hearing her finished explain her story, Ezra can now see why Sabine is the way she is the way is, but there was still something he needed to ask her, and maybe he can learn something about her.
Ezra: "How did you get those scars? Was it when you lost your family?"
Sabine blushed once more, and almost cried, but she calmed herself and turned back to face him, and Ezra can see how red her face was.
Sabine: "I was cut across the chest by a vibroblade from an Imperial officer before his stormtroopers executed my parents and sisters. It hurt like hell, but even after it healed, I've never forgotten how painful it was. And I was also hit by a blaster bolt when I tried to stop troopers from killing Korkie and his friends. Korkie and Lagos got away, but the others died. I was knocked out cold by the blast, and I guess the troopers left me for dead."
Ezra: "And the tattoos?" Ezra asked, "Are they a sign of your artistic talent?"
Sabine: "Partly, yes," she said.
Ezra was beginning to notice that Sabine didn't seem to be nearly as bothered by Ezra's intrusion as before. He wondered why.
Sabine: "The phoenix symbol is, of course, the symbol of our cause against the Empire. And the Aurebesh tattoo says, 'For Mandalore!' and stands for my home and my desire to make my planet free again."
Ezra: "Oh," he said. He now fully understands everything about her now.
Ezra: "Look, Sabine, I'm really sorry I intruded on your privacy. And I'm sorry about what happened to both your real family and your surrogate family on Mandalore. I don't just think about my own problems anymore."
Unexpectedly, Sabine smiled a kind smile. But then, she suddenly pulled down her pants and boots, until she was completely nude as he was again. Ezra suddenly felt like he was getting hard, as he gazed at her willingly expose herself to him. Sabine reached out and hugged him, kissing him hard on the mouth. He could feel her breasts and tight nipples push on his chest.
Sabine guided his hands over her scars and tattoos. He gently kissed each scar, feeling that it made her feel not only loved, but like her past pains were eased by the tender act. She turned around and let him kiss her phoenix tattoo, and she guided his head down to take a close look at the other tattoo. He was about to start exploring the open spot between her legs, but she stopped him before he could get any further.
She brought his head to her chest, burying his face in her breasts, and hugged him again. Ezra found himself looking at the most beautiful things he had ever seen, and they belonged to Sabine. She put her mouth to his ear and said,
Sabine: "You are really something else, Ezra."
Ezra looked up at her, his blue eyes stared into her beautiful brown eyes, he was now confused on what she meant by that, and Ezra wanted to know what she meant.
Ezra: "What does that mean?"
Sabine replied, "It means that you can see a lot more than just a sexy body in a woman, or girl, who you fall in love with. And while I can't say just yet if I love you back or not, I'm grateful that we have an understanding of each other here."
A sound came from a cabin nearby. Apparently, Zeb was talking in his sleep, and that ruined their moment.
Sabine: "We'd better get dressed," said Sabine, breaking her hold on Ezra.
Sabine: "There's no telling if someone will come down here and catch us in the act, and I don't want to think about what Kanan or Hera would have to say."
Ezra "Yeah, you're right, Sabine," said Ezra.
As they put their clothes back on, Ezra still kept talking, as they were putting their clothes on.
Ezra: "I thought you were going to say that I really was something other than else."
Sabine blinked. "Why?"
Ezra: "Because I thought you didn't like me," he said. As he puts the rest of his clothes on while still talking to the artist.
Sabine laughed quietly. "Of course I like you, Ezra. I'm just not ready to commit to something yet. Anyway, see you in the morning. And Ezra?"
Ezra: "Yes, Sabine?"
Sabine: "What happened tonight stays strictly between you and me. This goes no further, right?"
Ezra: "Right."
Ezra winked at Sabine before slowly leaving her room, and he returned silently to his quarters.
Zeb was still awake as he entered. He looks over at the young teen with confusion.
Zeb: "Where have you been?" he asks the teen who quietly enters their share room.
The Lasat greeted him when Ezra quietly closed the door behind him.
Ezra: "Uh, just in the bathroom. It took me longer than I thought to get it all out of my system."
Zeb just stare at him, not sure if was telling the truth or not, but he just nods in response.
Ezra: "Must've been a small case of constipation, or something."
He got into his bunk and soon fell sound asleep without trying to sound to suspicious.
Zeb: "Uh huh, or something else."
The lasat knew he was lying but was to tired to even care and so he lays back in his bunk
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________That's it for now. I hope you all enjoyed! I'll see you all next time!
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