Sabine Revenge(2 of 5)
(No one pov)
Sabine stared at the image of Wedge on screen "Wedge?that pilot who tries to hit on you during your time in the rebellion? Rose asks "yes that's him! Sabine said "our spies have been feeding us Intel on location where he is going so far he somewhere on the planet Nevarro in the outer rim Kanan said Rose type on the pad bringing up the image of Nirvana "Nevarro a popular place it was a old town but after it was free from imperials and it now a popular trading post Rose said "I been there before Jacob said "you have?Kanan asks "yes I was delivering a cargo to a buyer that place it beautiful Jacob said "from what reports we got from the New Republic there the High Magister Greef Karga is the leader there he rebuilt Nevarro himself Kanan said "it a really nice place to trade it pretty much got what you needed Jacob said "yes but it also guarded Kanan said which made everyone else look confuse "guarded?by who?Rose asks "by Mandalorians Kanan said which shocks both Sabine and Ketsu "impossible! Every Clan but mine were wiped out during the Purge Sabine said "these Mandalorian are different they seem to close themselves off from the world Kanan said Sabine look down at the table "hey, at least we know there more of our Ketsu said "anyway! The New Republic are willing to trade you this information on Wedge exchange you help us take out his partner Kanan said "what kind of partners?Rose asked "we got information from Moff Gideon that Wedge is his top agent we take him down and the rest will soon follow Kanan said "isn't Moff Gideon dead?I thought the New Republic handled it Ketsu asks "yes he is but this Mandalorian group transport and personal handle Moff Gideon after he murdered a few of their members Kanan said as he shut off the holo table "The New Republic have put a kill or capture on him payments is good but it be worth more if you Return Wedge to us alive Kanan said Sabine stood up and cross her arms together "I prefer not Sabine said Kanan nod his head "well whatever you decide to do it up to you from here Kanan said as he held out his hand Sabine reach his hand and they shake hands with each other "good luck Sabine and may the force be with you Kanan said as he leaves Sabine and the other's alone.
Sabine Ketsu Rose Jacob and Ghost stood in the room in silence "So what now boss?Jacob asks Sabine look at the datacard in her hands "we're heading to Nevarro so pack your gear we leave in 20 Sabine said Rose Jacob Ghost and Ketsu walk to a door on the far the door open revealing the gang armoury
Sabine Ketsu Rose Jacob and Ghost enter the armoury they gather their gear Sabine and Ketsu grab their new high tech pistols
*Sabine/Ketsu dual pistols*
Jacob reloaded his pistol before he put it back in his holster then he grabbed his special rifle off the wall
*Jacob assault rifle*
Jacob aimed it as he adjusted the scope on it before checking the ammo. Rose grabbed her daggers, knife, and her Vambrace before she grabbed her SMG off the wall
*Rose SMG*
Rose place both SMG on her belt then placing a secondary weapon on her back. Ghost put a large case on the table he use his left hand to clean the dust on it then he open it revealing a large heavy duty Sniper
*Ghost sniper rifle*
Ghost picked up the Sniper He used his right hand to feel the cold metal of it Jacob noticed this "it been years since you use that Jacob said Ghost nod his head as he placed it on his back. Sabine put her knife in her holster then she looked at the safe and she walked up to it before she put her right hand on the scanner then entering the safe code the safe door unlocked and opened Sabine reach for something in it she grab it and took it out revealing to be a lightsaber she look at lightsaber in her hands she grip it tightly in her hands before she put it on her belt "I want you guys to get the ship ready I be back Sabin said "where?Jacob asks Sabine didn't say anything as she left the room "to see an old friend Sabine said just as she left the armoury. Ketsu Jacob Rose and Ghost had everything they start heading to the ship "hey Ketsu you know Sabine longer than we do, where does she go?Rosa asks "yeah ever since these imperial senator's show up we been hunting them so what up? Jacob sid Ketsu let out a sigh "do you guys know about the fueling station on lothal?Ketsu asks "yeah Sabine and her team blow up to take out a new Fighters why?Rose asked Ketsu close her eyes as she took a deep breath.
*Ketsu Narrator*
"(It was a week before the attack on the Dome Sabine and her team were on lothal to help liberate it from the Empire with the help of Ryder the old lothal ruler. Sabine contacted me through our old transmission she told me how bad the situation is and she needed help, I of course agreed to help her cause so with the help of a rebel pilot named Wedge we snuck past the blockade. Sabine leader Hera explained to us about the plan four teams are posted to split up and set charges on the fuel pods me and Sabine were one, Hera and Kanan,Ryder and Zeb and finally Ezra and Wedge were together, but what we didn't know that the Empire got wind of this and set a trap for us. Rebels made it to the fuel station and saw all kinds of patrols in the area "okay everyone knows the plan? stay together, watch each other's backs and we will be back in no time Hera said "don't worry Hera we got this Ezra said Sabine smile as she punch him softly in the arm "good luck guys Kanan said as he and Hera made their way to right side well Zeb and Ryder sneak towards the left side Sabine kiss Ezra on the check "be careful love Sabine said "don't worry I be fine Ezra said as he and Wedge sneak towards the stations.
A stormtrooper walked past his area making sure everything was okay before he moved on Ketsu and Sabine sneak past him and place the first charge on a pipe, Sabine put a second charge on the fuel tank Ketsu put a third charge on a second pipe but she hide behind it as two Stormtrooper walk pass her "specters 1 and 2 charges in place Hera said "Specter 4 and Ryder we just finished up Zeb said Sabine put the last charge on a large pipe that is connected to the other giant fuel tanks "this is Specter 5 me and Ketsu are done here Sabine said "Roger that specter 6 are you finish? Hera asked but they didn't get anything from Ezra comlink "specter 6 come in! Ezra do you read us? Kanan asks "kids must have shut off his comlink again or they could be Bucket heads near him Zeb said Sabine was about to respond when alarms went off "REBELS HAVE BEEN SIGHTED!ALL UNITS TO SECTOR 12 IMMEDIATELY! The officer announced Ketsu saw every Storm Troopers running to sector 12 "Wedge it Sabine where are you and Ezra? Sabine asks they can hear blaster fire on his comlink "we got separated!*blaster fire*I can't reach him I try to make my way there Wedge said Sabine put her comlink away before she grabs her blasters then ran towards sector 12. Sabine and Ketsu ran towards sector 12 "Hera me and Ketsu are heading to sector 12 meet us there! Sabine said as she ran a little faster. Sabine and Ketsu reach sector 12 they saw a group of Storm Troopers standing in a circle "sir we got one of the rebels pin but the other one ran off the Captain said "doesn't matter capture the others and bring them to me Thrawn said "yes sir the Captain said but one of his men got shot they turn around to see Sabine and Ketsu firing their blasters at them "get them!He said but two of his other men were shot in the head the rest looked behind them to see Zeb Ryder Hera and Kanan running in firing their blasters the Storm Troopers were all wiped out in seconds. Sabine and Ketsu walk up to the others "where Wedge and Ezra?Hera asked "Wedge said they got split up but I don't know where Ezra Sabine said Kanan drop to his knee as he felt a sharp pain run through his body "Kanan you okay?Hera asks "I just a disturbance in the Force like someone we know just die Kanan said but before he can explain to them one of the coms on one of the dead Troopers went off "WE FOUND THE JEDI! HE HIT!HE HIT!I REPEAT THE JEDI HAS BEEN HIT a Trooper said which made everyone worry "Ezra! Sabine said softly "I can track him let go Kanan said as he led the others to Ezra.
Kanan led the others to the other side of the fuel station "hurry he close Kanan said as they all pick up the pace. They reach the area were Ezra was and they saw a transport shuttle with 6 Storm trooper by it two of them were dragging a body's "there he is!Kanan said Sabine Hera Zeb aimed their blasters before firing the Storm Troopers saw them and fired back well the two Troopers quickly put Ezra on board the shuttle "no you don't!Sabine said as she fired two rounds nailing the Troopers in the back making them drop Ezra Ketsu grab her spear off her belt then extended it before she threw it spearing the Captain. The last Trooper drop dead near the shuttle door the driver got out of his seat he grabbed Ezra by his hand and tried to drag him inside the transport but Zeb sucker punched him hard in the face knocking him out completely. Sabine kneels down next to Ezra She puts his body on her knee to see he had a large cut on his cheek and he was bleeding out "Ezra who did this to you? Sabine asks Ezra groan softly "it..was..w-wedge Ezra said making everyone to be surprised by this "he is a ISB agent working for Thrawn he told Thrawn about our attack and he set a trap for us Ezra said as he cough up blood but before Sabine could say something blaster fire flew pass her she look to see a huge number of Storm Troopers running towards them from all sides "everyone behind the transport Ryder said as he Hera Zeb and Ketsu fire back Kanan and Sabine both drag Ezra behind it. Blaster fire hit the transport from all side "we're pin we need to leave!Hera said "how there are no other exits!Zeb said as he fired a couple of rounds Kanan grab his and Ezra lightsaber "Zeb grab Ezra Sabine with me Kanan said as he and her both ran to the wall he toss Sabine Ezra sabers both turn them on and use them to stab the wall then slowly pushing them cutting a hole through the metal wall "hurry!Zeb said two AT-AT appear on both sides Kanan and Sabine saber made it to the bottom then Kanan used the force to push the circle out of the way "let go!Kanan said Zeb picked up Ezra before he and the others ran to the hole. Kanan exit first then he helps Hera then Ryder Zeb put Ezra body next both Hera and Kanan grab him by his hands before they drag him out Zeb exit next Ketsu exit after him Sabine was about to but she saw she still have a tone of explosives left Sabine ran back to the transport she grab one of the bombs she activated it then putting it back in the satchel before she toss it in the transport before she ran back to the wall. The bomb starts counting down quickly Sabine jumps through the hole she rolls to catch herself before she ran to the others the bomb countdown stop as the bomb exploded so did the bombs they plant as well the explosion took out the Troopers as a wall of fire travel outward wiping out everything in the fuel station.
Far away from the fuel station on a hill the rebels were far enough they stopped so they could check on Ezra "hang on Ezra we get you patch up Sabine said Ezra was breathing softly and slowly "no you can't.....I won't make it Ezra said as he lifts his right hand and places his lightsaber in Sabine hand before he squeezes her hand "p-promise me that you...will free my home for me? promise me! Ezra said softly Sabine sniff as she feels tears forming she squeezes Ezra hand before she kisses his knuckle "I promise, I promise my love Sabine said Ezra smile before his hand loosen his grip as he took his final breath he was gone Sabine cry softly as she pull his body in for hug as she cry softly Hera was crying as well she turn and hig Kanan as he rub her back Zeb and Ryder look away with a sad look Ketsu kneel down next to Sabine. The rebels were at Ezra old tower he used to live in they buried Ezra there a freshly pile of dirt was laid down with rock on top of it each one of the ghost family brought something of Ezra to place on his grave Kanan walk up first and place Ezra first helmet on top,Hera walk up and gently place his data disc of his family on the right side and a letter she wrote with a lovely message written in Twi'lek, Zeb walk up and place Ezra old backpack with his energy slingshot, Sabine walk up she kneel down and place a ring it was Ezra ring he was given when he ask her to be his girlfriend and the ring was to show that they are together Sabine broke down crying as she place a hand on his grave. The rebels were back at camp packing up "so what now?Ryder ask "for once I don't know Kanan said "yeah, no way we can liberate lothal now Hera said "no i promise Ezra we free his plane and that what we are going to do!we may lose him but we won't lose this fight Sabine said to them as they nod their heads.
*End of Narrator*
Ketsu finished telling the story "after we freed lothal Sabine and I left the rebellion to hunt down Wedge but we couldn't soon after we start hitting ever imperials base then that when we meet you three Ketsu said Jacob Rose and Ghost were silent now knowing the reason for all these mission "now you three know what happen I hope you understand why our Mission were none stop Ketsu said "yeah we do, Sabine family brought my village medicine when the Empire were holding out on us Jacob said "and they help my little brother Zac escape from the academy Rose said Ketsu stood up "thank you guys I mean it Ketsu said "no worry Boss we got your back Jacob said to her before they all start walking up the ramp.
*Ezra radio tower*
Sabine walked up to Ezra's old home it was clean and remodeled for her by Ryder as a thanks. Sabine stop near a pile of rocks that has Ezra belongings on it "hey Ezra, sorry I haven't been visiting lately I been...busy with stuff Sabine said to the grave Sabine sigh as she kneels in front of it "we found Wedge, I'm going to stop him but I'm going to get revenge for what he took from me, he took you my love Sabine said a she place her hand on one of the rocks a tear drop fell and splash on the rock Sabine sniffles abit before she took a deep breath "I wish you were here Ezra, you would have like my team Sabine said with a smile she lean forward and kiss the gravel softly before she stood up Sabine saw Ezra lightsaber was resting between his helmet,his backpack and his ring so Sabine grab the lightsaber she tightly hold it close to her chest "don't worry Ezra you will be avenge Sabine said as she place the lightsaber on her belt before she walk back to her hideout. Sabine never noticed that a large wolf stood behind her stranding next to the grave it had brown light fur and its eyes were blue It watched Sabine leave before disappearing into the night.
The ship travels through Hyperspace en route to Nevarro. Sabine and Ketsu sat in the Captain chair well Rose monitors the system,Jacob pilot the ship and Ghost just sits there "so Jacob you said you been to Nevarro what it like?Rose asked "oh it's amazing original it was a fill with bandits, Pirate's, and bounty's Hunters but it changed after remaining imperial Force were dealt with now it's just a nice place to live Jacob said "what about this....Magistrate fella?Ketsu asks "oh High Magistrate Greef Karga was part of the bounty Hunter Guild before he took charge of Navarro now he the damn thing that happened to the people of Nevarro Jacob said "think he helped us?Rose asks "oh he will I use to run cargo for him so I'm sure he helps us Jacob said Sabine sat in her seat quietly as she played with her kyber necklace around her neck "it a beautiful necklace Ketsu said Sabine look at her then smile "thanks Ezra give it to me after we left Mandalore Sabine said "well it nice gift wish I got something like that Ketsu said "you would if you stop doing a one night stand with every guy you sleep with Sabine said then the door open as a orange R6-D2 roll in
R6 stop by Sabine and beep excitedly "thanks R6 Sabine said as she pat his Chrome.
The ship exited out of Hyperspace near Nevarro. Jacob pilots the ship down to surface "transmitting landed Codes Jacob said as he enter the landing codes "landing codes accepted you're clear to land Control said Jacob pilot the ship to Nevarro "there it is Nevarro Jacob said as the city came into view
Rose Ghost Sabine and Ketsu see with the small city in the distance "wow Rose said Jacob landed the ship near the wall where the other ships were parked. The ship came to a stop then lowered it landing as it landed on the ground. The ship ramp lower Sabine Ketsu Rose Jacob and Ghost walk down the ramp were a repair crew was waiting "hey guys we don't need repairs Jacob said the repairs crew just nod their heads before they left. Sabine and the others enter the small city there they saw small businesses, ships parts, bakery and a school with many different children running around laughing "Nevarro was a town fill with bad of the bad but not it a friendly trading place Jacob said as they walk further into the city. They arrive at a large stone building there was a statue of a Mandalorian, a IG-11 Unit, a female solider, and Greef Karga himself with written on the bottom (Heroes of Nevarro) Sabine look at the statue "Heroes of Nevarro? Sabine said "yup these are people who save this city and the people who them Jacob said "including you my friend a voice said Jacob Rose Ghost Sabine and Ketsu turn to see a male in robes walking to them with a smile on his face as he laugh
Greef Karga laughs as he shakes hands with Jacob "Jacob my favorite smuggler How have you been?Greef Karga asked "good actually I'm with a crew now Jacob said as he introduced the other's "well any friends of yours is a friend of mine Greef Karga said "guys meet Magistrate Greef Karga- Greef Karga meet my team Rose Ghost Sabine and Ketsu Jacob said "it a honor to meet you Greef Karga said as he shake hands with all of them " a pleasure Sabine said "so what brings my one of favorite smugglers/Gunslinger to Nevarro? If you're looking for a job I still got plenty of bounty puck's left Greef Karga said "actually we are here on a New Republic mission Jacob said Greef Karga look at Jacob with a displeased look "well New Republic isn't welcome on Nevarro they still do patrol's regularly but they aren't welcome Greef Karga said "why?Rose asks "a couple of months ago a pirate decided that Nevarro belonged to him and his crew without the New Republic or gunslinger I can hire to protect us, we were forced to leave our city Greef Karga said "how did you take it back?Ketsu asks "I managed to contact an old friend of mine he and his friends took our city back Greef Karga said "your friend? he a Mandalorian? Sabine asks "yes he is why?Greef Karga asks"me and Ketsu are Mandalorians as well we were hoping you could help us find them Sabine said Greef Karga rub his beard as he thought about it "well lucky for you I know where his people are Greef Karga said "where? Sabine asks "there on Nevarro for liberating our city I give him and his people a large plot of land to use we deliver them supplies every month Greef Karga said "can you take us there? Sabine said "there camp is far I have some speeder's bikes you can use I let them know you're coming Greef Karga said Sabine nod her head "thanks Greef Jacob said "no mention Jacob beside this is a favor I promise you Greef Karga said as he shake hands with Jacob. Three worker's brought three speeder's bikes to the gate "only three?Rose said "yeah sorry it all we got we mainly use these for patrol's the guy said as he and his coworker left "so we have to share Jacob said Ghost him disapprove "you three take them me and Ketsu will follow from the sky Sabine said as she and Ketsu put their jetpacks on Jacob Rose and Ghost on the bikes then starting them up before driving off Sabine and Ketsu took off in the air. Greef Karga watch from his office with a smile "good luck Greef Karga said as he watch them leave.
*Nevarro plains*
Sabine and Ketsu flew in the air with their jetpack well Jacob Rose and Ghost drove on speeder's bikes following right behind them as they drove through desert. Jacob was in the first with Rose and Ghost behind him he looked at the radar on his speeder to see the bot was close he used two fingers to single the others that they are close so they speed up a bit well Ketsu and Sabine boosted as well. Jacob Rose and Ghost came to a stop at the coordinates "well we are here Jacob said Rose lifted up her goggles "I thought Greef Karga was a friend?Rose asks "he is Rose maybe he sent us to the wrong location Jacob said as he Rose and Ghost got off Their bikes. Ghost was looking around but then he grabbed one of his pistols and aimed at the rocky cliff then fired a round which nailed a probe Rose and Jacob turned around when they heard the shot "a probe?Rose said then they heard a blaster cock they looked to see a silver Mandalorian standing near them "hands up!He said Ghost aims his blaster at him Jacob and Rose aim their weapons at him "not happening and besides we outnumbered you Jacob said "yeah 3 to 1 what you gonna do?Rose asks "I like those odds and I'm not alone He said as more Mandalorian landed around them aiming their Blasters at them Rose and Jacob grab their second weapons well Ghost duel wields both rifles then a blue heavy armored Mandalorian who was caring a mini gun landed next to the silver Mandalorian "drop the guns mercenaries he said but before they could do anything blaster shots were fire above them they look up to see Sabine and Ketsu driving straight down as they fire their Blasters making them back up. Sabine and Ketsu land by their team and sim their Blasters well Sabine active her little birds on both Vambrace "Stand down!Sabine said to the other Mandalorian "now a chance girl!the silver one said as they were all in a stand off "WAIT!HOLD FIRE!a female voice spoke as a blue armour Mandalorian landed she pushed past them and held out her hands "stop! She is a friend of mine She said Sabine lower her blaster in surprise "Bo-Katan is that you!?Sabine asks Bo-katan walk up to her then she held out her hand Sabine put her blaster away and shook hands with her "Sabine Wren it's good to see you again Bo-Katan said "Bo, you know her?the silver Mandalorian asks "yes because she is the one who gave me the dark saber Bo-Katan said which made the others Mandalorians surprise as they whisper to each other the silver Mandalorian put his blaster in his holster "then by the Creed she and her friends are welcome to be our camp, our leader would like to speak to you personally He said as the others out Their weapon's away Sabine nod her head to her team Ketsu Rose Jacob and Ghost put their weapons away "come we got much to disguise Bo-Katan said as they walk to the camp well Jacob Rose and Ghost push the speeder's bikes to the camp.
*The Mandalorian campsite*
The Mandalorian and Sabine team made it to the campsite "welcome to our home Bo-Katan said Sabine Ketsu and the others saw all kinds of Mandalorian by several fire pits and some children's near a large pits each wearing a different color helmet "I never saw so many Mandalorian together...not since Mandalore Jacob said "it all thanks to Bo she was the one who gather them and brought them to us the silver Mandalorian said "and now it be enough to retake our home once again The big blue one said. they reach a large tent two guards grab the tent doors and open it for them "Armorer we got guest Bo-Katan said Sabine Ketsu and the others see a person kneel on the floor in front of a silver skull she stood up reviling the leader "welcome sister's, to our camp Armorer said "Do we...know you?Sabine said "no but all Mandalorian are brother and sister's to us Armorer said "this is Sabine Wren of Clan Wren she was the one who gave me the Dark saber Bo-Katan said "so you're the one who wield the dark saber first Armorer said "yes I actually was given from my boyfriend who fought Maul but Maul escape and he give it to me Sabine said "I see where is your mate I would like to speak to him Armorer said Sabine didn't say anything as she look to the ground "he dead Sabine said "I see sorry for your loss Armorer said "thank you Sabine said.
Sabine and her teams were sitting by a campfire with Bo-Katan Armorer and the others Mandalorians "so you gather up every Mandalorian that survived the Purge and recruit them to your Creed Sabine said "indeed our secret is our strength and our strength is our numbers Armored said Sabine was took a drink when she noticed the blue Mandalorian staring at her "something on your mind? Sabine asked "something you don't want to hear, girl he said "why? afraid to talk to a girl Sabine said which made him stand up "my problem is with those who remove their helmet and not caring for our tradition he said "I do care but just because I removed my helmet doesn't mean I don't care for my culture Sabine said "if it we're up to me you would be dead before even got close to this camp! he said as he stood up which also made Ghost stood up with a hand near his holster "easy ghost Rose said "Paz Vizsla that enough! Bo-Katan said revealing the guys name Paz Vizsla just grunt before he left "forgive Paz temper he is known to start fights at camp with the others Bo-Katan said "yeah even I dealt with him a couple of times silver Mandalorian said "this is Din Djarin he was the one who I found during his travel and who recruited me as well Din Djarin nod his head "a pleasure Sabine said "hey I remember who you are now, you're that Mandalorian who shot up Nevarro for a bounty Jacob said Din Djarin look at him "you were there?Din Djarin asks "yes but I stay out of that fight I know not to mess with you're kind Jacob said Rose was eating a ration bar when she felt something or someone on her she turn to left to see a tiny green baby climbing on her "oh hello little one Rose said in excitement the baby drop down into her lap near her meal "who do you belong too?Rose ask "grogu here Din Djarin said Grogu leap from rose and into Din Djarin lap "why do you have a baby?Ketsu asks "his name is Grogu he foundling I found and now I train him Din Djarin said "so do I Bo-Katan said "Din Djarin found him during his time as a Hunter he grew a unique bond with Grogu and a bond with Bo-Katan Armored said Sabine look at Bo-Katan to she her and Din Djarin holding hands "well I be damn Ketsu said with a smile.
"Now tell us why you come to Nevarro? certainly it isn't for me Bo-Katan asks "we are here to ask if you know anything about this guy Sabine said as she shows them the image of Wedge "I don't know who this guy is Din Djarin said "our Intel said he works for the imperial warlord Moff Gideon Sabine said which made the Mandalorian go silent "Moff Gideon is a enemy of the Creed we were the one who brought him to Coruscant Armored said "we know but from the Intel that was gather Moff Gideon work with Wedge and it seems the remaining imperials forces that was scatter across the Galaxy vanished we want to know if there any other place that Moff Gideon use Sabine said Din Djarin look at Armored to see her turn her head and nod to him "there is a imperials base far from here it been laying low trying not to be found but two of scouts mark it Din Djarin said "where?Sabine asks Din Djarin grab his holo-display off his belt and activate it revealing a map "near the lava cavern it not protected Din Djarin said Rose look at the map she scan the map and made a copy for herself "it north-northwest from here it a couple of hours drive Rose said "what you think?Sabine asks her "well if the base is functional maybe we can sneak into the base download from the main computer Rose said "you might want to be careful there are guards keeping watch Din Djarin said "don't worry we will Sabine said"actually boss, why don't you and Ketsu stay here get to learn about these Mandalorians well me Jacob and Ghost deal with the base Rose said Sabine look at her but Bo-Katan place a hand on her shoulder "let them Sabine we need to talk about something with you Bo-Katan said Sabine look at Ketsu and she nod her head then she sigh "just be careful you three Sabine said Rose and the others nod their before they head to the speeder's bikes well Bo-Katan Armorer Din Djarin spoke to Sabine and Ketsu.
Hope you guys enjoy part 2 of this and I will be updating the Jedi and Mandalorian treaty's chapters next.
Spartanleader out
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