Chapter Seven

 Celesti's POV

I have done it. I have become a Sabertooth member, but I didn't know that Orga can pack a punch like that! All I wanted to do was get my apartment, and take a nice bath. I'm sure I would have some bruises from the battle, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Yukino had placed the Sabertooth emblem on my right hand, and I couldn't have been more thrilled at that moment. Yukino smiled at me as she did, saying, "Welcome to Sabertooth! I look forward to battling alongside you!"

I nodded as she put the emblem on my hand, "Thank you! I am so excited to be here! But...would you happen to know of any places that I can live at?"

Yukino removed the stamp and placed it, but as she did, she was humming to herself. She looked at me and smiled, "There's always some openings in town, but for a new member like you, you can always stay near the guild hall."

I scratched my head out of embarrassment, "I actually already went on a request with Sting and Rogue. Do you think I'll be able to afford a room where they live?"

"Absolutely! Wait, you went on a request with them when you weren't an official member?"

" that a crime?"

Yukino nodded at me quickly, "Not at all! I didn't realize you were that brave, Celesti!"

"I'm not a Gryffindor for nothing!" I smiled at the white haired woman, "It doesn't take much for me to help out. Thank you for placing the guild emblem on my hand."

"No problem. Please let me know if I can help you out in any fashion."

I then walked out of the guild, looking at my mark. It was red with gold flecks in it, reminding me of my Hogwarts House. Yukino had remarked that she had never seen an emblem like that before, so I thought it was unique. Yet, it made my heart ache for home. I could really use a Butterbeer right now!

I started to walk back towards the city when my legs were attacked by Lector and Frosch. Because they ran at me, I ended up being tripped onto the ground. I turned to face them and Frosch proceeded to tackle hug me, "You were great out there Lesti!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness of Frosch, so I smiled, "Thanks. I've got another quest for you: can you help me find where you live? I think there's some openings there, so I can pay it with some of the money I earned on today's request."

"You're going to be living with us?" Frosch's eyes were wide, out of excitement.

Lector shook his head and sighed, "Not with us with us, but probably in the same building. Right?"


Frosch clapped its hands and smiled, "We'll have to have sleepovers and all that fun stuff! Do you mind if I sleepover tonight?"

"Let me just find your owner, okay? You always have to ask permission." I wrapped my right arm around Frosch as I got up,to protect it from falling. Once I got up, I looked for Sting and Rogue, wondering what they did with the money from the request.

Lector already did that for me, thank goodness he was a bit brighter than his comrade. I approached Sting, Rogue, and Lector, and I saw that Lector had a small handful of jewels in his hand. Lector then summoned its wings and flew up to my eye level, smiling. He grabbed my left hand and put the fistful of jewels in it, "Here's what you need for an apartment near us!"

I smiled at Lector as I put the jewels in my dress pocket, "Thank you for delivering it to me." I then looked at Sting and Rogue, "Where exactly do you live again? I don't quite know my way from here."

Sting smirked at me, "Are you asking for help?"

"Yes. Is that a crime?"

"Maybe, you'll just have to find out. Follow me." Sting then started to run ahead, and left me in the dust!

I started to run after him, Frosch cradled in my arms, "Not fair!" The green creature grabbed onto my neck as I ran, causing me to wrap my arms around it! I yelled back out at Sting, "Get back here!"

I stopped running when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I stopped mid stride and turned back, seeing Rogue. He had that dark presence around him once more, which baffled me. I put both of my feet on the ground and shook my head, "Is Sting always like this?"

"Sometimes. I'm sure you'll get used to it soon."

"Alright. Wait, now how do I get back to the apartment complex?"

Rogue smiled softly at me, "I'll show you from above. Frosch needs to pay attention to this as well."

The green creature poked its head up from my shoulder and turned around, smiling, "But I already know where it is!"

"You say that how many times, yet you still get lost?"

Frosch blushed at this, and I felt bad for the creature, "True. But that's why I always have you by my side, Rogue!"

Rogue nodded at the creature in my arms and started to walk ahead, the shadows disappearing from around him, "This way, Celesti. It's easy to find when you're not chasing someone down."

He was right! It was probably only a few minutes away from the guild hall, but I would have been completely lost if I had to chase someone. As we walked into the town, the citizens started to stare at Rogue, Frosch and me in shock. Were they afraid of us? I wasn't going to hurt them, that's for sure!

Some people awwed at us and I knew what this meant: they thought Rogue and I were together! As we walked, my face became more flushed because of this attention. An Auror is supposed to slip through the cracks on a mission, not be noticed! I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Rogue say, "We're here."

I never was happier to see a familiar building, except my mind was too focused on trying to fly under the radar to pick up on where we went! I smiled at him as we walked in, "Thank you for showing me where to go. I'll be working on getting my own place." I then put Frosch back on the ground and smiled sweetly at the creature, "I'll be around if you need something, alright?"

The creature replied back, "What about our sleepover?"

"We can't sleepover if I don't have a place to live, alright?"

Frosch nodded as it saw Lector on the stairs, "Alright! I'll be waiting for you!"

I shook my head as Frosch went away, laughing. Rogue looked at me, a tad confused, "What was that all about?"

"I think your...erm..."


"That's what they're called! Okay, so your Exceed has taken a liking to me for some odd reason and wants to sleep over." Rogue seemed mad at that, so I quickly touched his arm, like a child with its parents, "Don't worry! I'm not going to hurt Frosch, honest!"

"That's not why I'm mad." He carefully pulled his arm away from my touch and walked over to one of the couches.

I followed him, determined to figure out what the problem was, "Then why are you upset? Did I, or Frosch do something wrong? Or was it Sting?"

He sighed as he sat on the couch, red eyes meeting my blue eyes, "No, it's nothing you can help. It wasn't Frosch either, or Sting."

I sat next to him, "Then what is it? I'll help out in the best way I can."

Rogue nodded, "Don't laugh please, but I think I'm jealous of Frosch."


"Because...Frosch gets to spend a lot of time with you, while I don't."

He...likes me in that sense? Holy... I smiled at him as I replied, "Look, once everything is all said and done with where I'm going to live, you're welcome to come over anytime, okay, within reason."

"I'll probably take you up on that offer to get away from Sting every once in a while."

"Awesome!" I got back up and turned to him, "I'll see you on the other side, as a residence of this fine place!"

"I'll be up in my place. Let me know where you're staying." He got up quickly and hugged me once more, whispering, "Stay safe."

I nodded at him, knowing fully well that I would be okay. Rogue then let go of me and walked up the stairs, going towards his room. How was I going to be able to fill out paperwork now with him on my mind?

I managed to do it somehow, and walked up the flight of stairs, my pockets feeling a lot emptier than before. I held the key to my new apartment in my right hand, excited to start this next chapter in my adventure here! I was able to unlock the door when I heard the door behind me slam open! I jumped out of fright and heard a person exclaim, "What are the odds that you're our new neighbor?"

I turned around and saw Sting smirking. This kid was going to tick me off in all of the wrong ways, I swear! I nodded at him, determined to make sure that this was my dominion of peace and quiet, "I am your new neighbor, but there are rules. Rule number one, my door is open for the most part, but there are certain times where you are not allowed in!"

"Define those certain times for me exactly?"

I opened the door to my apartment and crossed the threshold, only turning to slightly close the door, "Right now because I need to decorate this place!"

I had no idea that Dragon Slayers were so strong! Sting slammed my door into the wall and barged in, uninvited, I swear he's worse than Fred Weasley! I ended up against the wall, the door squishing me, so I let my breath out in a high pitched squeak. The door started to close, and I fell onto the ground, feeling the pureness of air fill my lungs. I was just about to get up off the floor and give him a piece of my mind when I got slammed into the wall again, thanks to Rogue coming in and shouting, "Sting, it's rude to bust into others' apartments like this. Especially when they're strangers."

"Yeah, but Celesti wasn't being clear enough for me with her rules!" Sting quickly retorted back.

"Wait...if this is Celesti's place...where's Celesti?"

The door started to close once more, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air, "I'm right here."

Rogue came over and offered a hand to me, but I got up under my own willpower, mainly, out of anger at Sting. I marched over to Sting and pulled my wand out and pointed it at him, "You!!! Next time let me get out of the way before you barge in! Oh that's're being cursed now! Levicorpus!" A green light shot out of my wand and Sting was then hoisted in the air by his ankle.

Sting looked at me and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. Rogue shook his head, and I felt a tad embarrassed by my actions...not really. His Twin Dragon Slayer had it coming. Little did I realize that my door wasn't closed all the way, so Lector and Frosch came in to witness Sting in this state. Lector yelled out, "Sting! Who did this to you?"

Sting pointed at me, "She did it."

I had a feeling that if I didn't cast Liberacorpus, then I would be cat food. I quickly cast it, and Sting landed on the ground face first! Lector ran towards Sting instead of me, thank goodness, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Sting got up and nodded at Lector, "Yeah, I just learned not to mess with Celesti."

I walked to him and offered my left hand to him, showing mercy. Sting took it and I pulled him up, surprised at my own strength. Lector held onto his friend's leg, afraid of me all of the sudden! I bent down and reached out to Lector, "Relax, I'm not going to seriously hurt any of you. Just minor jinxes and hexes if you get on my nerves."

"Can you possibly teach me how to do that?"

"Sure, but only if you behave." I got back up and turned to the two men and their Exceeds, sighing, "Well, welcome to my humble home. It's not much, but give me a few, and it will look like a home!"

Frosch looked around at the drab apartment and frowned, "How will you do that, Lesti?"

I pointed my wand in the air and smiled at Frosch, "Easy! I've got magic for a reason, and I know there are spells that will conjure decorations! Hopefully, I don't transfigure any of you by accident." I closed my eyes as I pictured the Gryffindor Common Room coming into my mind, at least, the reading corner I loved. I circled my wand above my head, and opened my eyes, smiling as I saw my vision come to life!

Chairs formed out of nowhere, and shelves too that were full of my old school textbooks! While the walls were still plain, the biggest wall had a bright red and gold banner on it with my House- Gryffindor! I smiled as I looked around and went to the bookshelf, "Welp, this should do for now."

Lector jumped up in front of me, surprised, "Wow Lesti! That was awesome!"

"Thanks! I'll investigate the other rooms soon and design them from there!" I put my hand up to my mouth as I hid a yawn, "Once I get some sleep, okay?"

Sting nodded, "So that's what you meant by at certain times."

"No, yes, sort of. But at least you understand what I mean now."

"I do, so good night, Celesti." Sting and Lector walked out, and I couldn't have been happier at that moment!

I flopped onto the couch and took my hair out of its ponytail, shaking my head. I was slowly starting to feel the effects of the day's activities, but forgot I had company. I opened my eyes and saw Rogue and Frosch looking at me. I sprang up from my position and smiled weakly at them, "I'm so sorry about that! I forgot you two were here!"

Rogue waved his hand at me, "Don't worry about it. We'll be heading out as well. Let myself or Sting know if you need anything, alright?"

"Will do. Thanks for everything today." I waved at Rogue as he closed the door behind me, but something didn't look right. Someone was missing!

I looked at my left leg and heard a little giggle as Frosch looked around my leg, "Now we have to sleep over!"

I picked up Frosch and frowned at it, "I'll let you sleep over just this once without permission, okay? But if Rogue gets mad at either of us, it's your idea!"

"Right! So what will you be doing first?"

"Bathing. I kind of want to clean off. Which reminds me!" I held Frosch in my arms as I picked up my wand and went charging into my bedroom, "I need clothes!" I flicked my wand in the direction of the closet, and clothes started to fill it up!

Frosch gasped from my arms, "Whoa, that's so cool! How do you do magic like that?"

"I spent seven years in a wizarding school learning tricks like this. But here, in your world, my magic seems to bend some of the rules of my world." I put my wand on the bed and went to grab an outfit that looked similar to the one I currently have on, "See, I'm usually not able to make clothes like this out of thin air, but here, I'm able to."

Frosch grabbed the sleeve of the outfit and gasped at feeling it, "So cool! Can you make outfits like this for me?"

"So as long as I know what you like, sure!" I pulled out some pajamas that were freshly conjured by my magic, "Maybe we'll have a fashion show tonight! After I shower of course!"

Frosch clapped its hands, "Alright! Can I mess around with your wand while you shower?"

"Yup! Just nothing destructive, okay?" I then walked out of the room and into the bathroom and gasped at the size of the tub. Towels were already in there on a shelf, so I put my pajamas on there and turned on the water. I started to get out of my clothes, only to realize that my arm was still wrapped.

I took the wrap off carefully and noticed that what was left was only a few tiny cuts! I love magic in this world sometimes! I then got into the bath, feeling the warm waters soothe the ache of the day's battles. My peace did not last for long, however. I heard Frosch cry out, so I jumped out of my bath and wrapped a towel around me. I ran out of the bathroom into the living room, where I heard the Exceed cry out, and saw....Rogue there. He was holding Frosch in his arms, and at that moment, I was all too aware that I only had that lone towel on. I looked at Frosch and sighed, "Well, what did I tell you? And how did you get in here?"

Rogue's face started to turn beet red, but I was furious about an unexpected intruder!! He shook his head, composing himself as he spoke, "Shadow Drive. I heard Frosch banging around in here, so I came to see what was the matter."

Frosch still had my magic wand in its hand, so I gently took it back. I looked up at the ceiling and saw tiny burn marks on it. I turned back to Frosch, feeling like I needed to scold him, but instead, I said, "Yer a wizard, Frosch."

Both Frosch and Rogue looked at me, as if I had lost my marbles. I smiled calmly at Rogue as I spoke, "That's the second time your Exceed has managed to get sparks while messing with my wand. I could easily teach Frosch some spells, but next time, ask your owner for permission to stay with me!"

Frosch nodded, "Yes, Lesti. I'll do that from now on."

"Good." I turned on my heel and started to head back to the bathroom, "Please don't disturb me for a few. I really want to make sure that I didn't...erm.." Oh fudge, I had a guy that possibly likes me in my home, and I'm just in a bloody towel, so I needed to make up an excuse quickly, "Didn't forget anything else from that store earlier!"

I slammed the door of my bathroom shut and sighed to myself, feeling ashamed at my actions. Great, so I can't even have a quiet bath around these two Dragon Slayers. Just what in the world did I sign up for when I requested the vacant apartment near them?

I walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later and saw Frosch and Rogue...dozing on my couch. As quietly as I could, I conjured up some blankets and pillows, and transfigured the couch into a bed. Those two probably had a long day, just like I did. Plus, it would be rude of me to deny them comfort, even though they were invading my space.

I quickly walked into my bedroom and dove underneath the covers that were conjured a few minutes ago, excited to sleep. However, I kept the door cracked open, just in case if those two needed anything. For some odd reason, they managed to find a way into my heart. 

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