Part 7

Scott and Harry make it back to the apartment first and they decide to do a little snooping on Louis laptop. They pull it out and look up what Louis has so far on Molly Green's murder. When Troy Austin's name comes up as a DNA match Harry and Scott's hearts sink, This is dangerous, why wouldn't Louis tell them this information.

They decide to put the laptop back and keep an extremely close eye on Louis, the case and Liam. Harry and Scott also need to talk to some of their crew on the streets and undercover to see if they have heard anything and if Louis name has come up.

When Louis gets home he's about to fall over from exhaustion and lack of sleep and food.

"Hey Lou, you look exhausted are you okay?" Harry asks

Louis looks at Harry and sees he's actually concerned, Louis is to tired to act like he's actually okay though

"Yeah, just need a shower and sleep" Louis says

"Well why don't you go have a shower and we will have dinner waiting for you when you get out" Scott says smiling slightly

"You don't have to, I can just grab something" Louis says

"We want to Lou" Harry says gently

"Okay...thanks" Louis says with a half smile

He makes it to the shower and strips off, his shoulder is extremely sore and the redness is getting worse but he pushes the pain aside and gets in the shower. He brushes his teeth and washes his hair, relaxing as best he can under the water. He wonders why Harry and Scott are acting so nice towards him. They are probably about to dish some bad news, like he's being sent to the file room for three months. Although at this point anything is better than homicide.

Louis is about to get out of the shower when he feels arms around his waist from behind and Harry's rough voice in his ear

"You seem a bit tense baby" Harry says and it sends shivers up Louis spine.

Harry then starts kissing Louis neck and up to his ear. Louis can't deny that he's craved Harry and Scott's touch these last few days.

Scott then come into the shower and in front of Louis, he cups Louis cheek with his hand and kisses him. Tingles shoot all over Louis body, even after all this time Louis still get butterfly's, still can't get enough of the way he's kissed and touched by Harry and Scott.

Scott deepens the kiss and moans into Louis mouth, Scott and Harry, as much as they don't usually admit it, have craved Louis, need to be close to him, feel him.

Harry then moves them forward until Scott's back is up against the wall and Louis is sandwiched between them. Harry and Scott roam Louis body with their hands and take turns kissing him senseless.

Louis submits, he has too, he always submits to Harry and Scott, his body just reacts that way and always has.

Louis moans as Harry and Scott both enter their fingers inside Louis to open him up.

"Mmmm, feel so good Lou" Harry whispers in his ear

"Can't wait to put my cock inside you Lou, fill you up" Scott says

Louis breathing picks up at the thought of Harry and Scott inside him

When he's deemed ready Harry and Scott take out their fingers and turn Louis around, Harry grabs him by the waist and picks Louis up, he wraps his legs around Harry's waist and Scott holds him from behind. He takes them both like always and they all moan, they've missed each other.

Harry and Scott hold onto Louis tightly as they pound into him, Louis moans and they kiss heatedly as they all chase their highs.

Eventually Harry and Scott come undone snd Louis follows. They all breathe heavily coming down from their highs.

The boys don't usually show much lovey dovey affection, even after sex, but they take the time to kiss Louis gently and clean him up. Louis is really confused and a little shy with them, not used to it at all. They all get out of the shower dry off and change into sweats. Harry and Scott leaving their shirts off while Louis puts his police hoodie on again.

They all head out to the kitchen feeling a lot more calm and sated. Louis thinks maybe Noah is right, he should give Harry and Scott the chance to be what he needs, but he has no idea how to bring that up, or tell them, or anything.

"We made your favourite for dinner" Harry says as he goes to get taco shells from the oven.

"How come? You didn't have to do that" Louis says

"We wanted to" Scott says with a smile.

"How's your shoulder?" Harry asks concerned as he dishes up.

"It's okay" Louis lies. He will sneak more pain relief before bed

Louis phone then rings and he goes to his backpack to get it

He sees it's Noah and answers

"Hey Lou, sorry to bug you, I left my USB at work, can you email me the file on Molly over so I can keep working" Noah asks

"Sure just give me a few to get my laptop organised" Louis replies

"Sure, thanks Lou! See you tomorrow" Noah says and Louis agrees and hangs up.

Louis then opens his laptop and as he does he notices the files are already up on the screen, he knows he didn't leave them open.

Louis looks towards Harry and Scott who are talking and smiling at each other in the kitchen, they wouldn't would they? They wouldn't go this far and snoop Louis thinks, but Louis knows they absolutely would.

He walks into the kitchen and looks towards Harry and Scott angrily

"What's up, why are you angry?" Harry asks when he sees Louis face

"Please tell me you didn't go snooping on my laptop and into my work files" Louis says trying to remain calm

Harry and Scott stall and look at each other, they realise they've fucked up

"Lou, listen" Scott tries

"I can't believe you guys, what is the deal? You put me on homicide and this case on purpose didn't you. You act angry that I'm on call but really it's your doing, what are you playing at? You've been pushing me away for months, If you didn't want to be with me why didn't you just say, why didn't you just ask me to leave. Instead of all this, instead of screwing with my career which I fucking love. Why did you have to mess with it" Louis says brokenly

"Louis, absolutely none of that is true, we were snooping because Drew told us about your case with Stanley's wife and we think it's to dangerous for you to be on and investigating" Harry says loudly.

"Noah told Edward, why didn't you tell us?" Scott then asks

"Why the fuck do you think Scott? For this exact reason. My career is in your hands and if you don't like something, that's it, my career is done. Edward doesn't treat Noah like he's not good enough or like he does everything wrong, he supports him and I can't even remember the last time either of you supported me" Louis says back, the tears are threatening again and he doesn't want to let them fall in front of Harry and Scott

"Are you serious right now" Harry asks angrily

"No Harry, I'm making it all up for the sake of fighting with you" Louis says sarcastically

"Louis we always support you" Scott interjects

"Okay, you're right, once again my feelings are made up" Louis says frustratingly

"We aren't saying that" Harry says

"Look, you two put me on homicide and I'm working this case whether you like it or not. That's your problem, that's on you" Louis says heatedly

"Louis you went into a raid without a vest on, you put everyone at risk, that's why you're on homicide" Harry says back angrily

"If it was Noah, we would have acted the same" Scott says

"Fuck, I'm so sick of feeling like this... you're angry about a decision I had to make last minute, You know I made the right one for the team and the end result. You're angry because you had no control over me, that I didn't ask your permission first, not that MY life could have been taken, I was so stupid to think that you actually cared about me getting hurt ......" Louis says, he finishes breathing heavily.

"Louis how could you think that" Scott says upset

"Look, I don't want to talk about it anymore... I think it's best......I think it's best...if ....I just leave" Louis says, he doesn't think about it and just says it, his heart heavy.

Harry and Scott are silent as they try to understand Louis words.

"What do you mean leave Louis?" Harry asks his voice a little shaky

"I love you both with everything I have, I would do absolutely anything for you both and I think I've proven that over and over these last five years, you both are my world but.... I'm not yours" Louis says as he holds back his tears

"Louis no" Scott says brokenly

"It's okay, I understand that we started off great and that I was what you wanted, and now, I'm just in the way. I'm not what you expected me to be, I'm not good enough, I'm not living up to your expectations and I understand I've let you down. You don't love me anymore" Louis says trying not to choke up

"How can you say we don't love you?" Harry asks in disbelief

"When was the last time you told me you loved me Harry" Louis asks

Harry and Scott look at each other and realise what Louis has said is true, they haven't told him and they are absolute dicks for letting this happen and for making Louis feel like he was nothing. How could they let it get this far

"Louis, we are so sorry" Harry starts

Louis thinks Harry is talking about them not loving him and he tearfully laughs

"It's okay, Harry, you guys don't need to apologise, I should be the one apologising....I'm just, going to go. I think I'll get a hotel tonight and I'll be back to get my stuff later on, or you can send it later if that suits you better" Louis says, he doesn't even look at Harry and Scott he just backs out of the room, goes to his bag and picks it up. He goes to their room and grabs some clothes, his work stuff and goes to the front door.

Harry and Scott cannot belive this is happening right now, that Louis is actually breaking things off and leaving. They cannot handle this and the feelings this is bringing up for them.

"Louis please just wait" Scott says as they follow Louis to the front door

"I've kind of done enough of that Scott, I don't think you realise how long I've waited for you to love me, for you to show it. I thought it was just how you were, that you don't like showing emotions or have trouble, but the longer it's gone on I realise it's not's me" Louis finishes and he lets a tear slip, he's so embarrassed he turns and just rushes out.

Scott and Harry stand there and watch the door, hoping Louis is just being silly and that he will come back, that this is all made up, that it's not really happening.

"What just happened Scott" Harry turns in disbelief and tears towards him

"We lost him Haz, we fucking just lost him" Scott says sighing as he sits on the couch with his face hands in his hands

Louis manages to make it to his car before he completely breaks. He sobs so hard he can't breathe, he feels so useless and upset, he doesn't know which way is up right now. He manages to control his breathing and drives to the nearest cheap motel. He doesn't earn as much as Scott and Harry so can't afford something above three stars. He doesn't care though. He checks in and it's all a blur as he triple locks his door, throws his bag aside and spends the whole night awake and crying, literal sobs wrack his entire body and he feels completely alone, more alone than he's ever felt in his entire life


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