Part 20

Two nights later is when Louis finally stirs, the boys are talking to him when he moves his hand, the hand Harry is holding.

"Lou?" Harry stand up and grips his hand tightly leaning over Louis

"He squeezed my hand Scott" Harry says

"Lou, baby, can you squeeze my hand darling?" Scott asks as he too stands up to lean over Louis.

Louis does

Scott looks to Harry and they both split into grins

Andy then walks into the room

"Andy, Louis squeezed our hands" Harry and Scott say

Andy smiles and comes over to Louis just as he begins to choke on the tube in his throat

"It's okay kiddo, I'm going to take the tube out now just try to relax" Andy says as Harry moves aside. Andy takes the tube out of Louis throat and he coughs a few times, but he's breathing on his own.

"Good boy Lou, you're okay, just breathe" Andy says.

Andy places an oxygen mask over Louis face to help him breathe and Louis begins to open his eyes slowly.

They feel like led and Louis has trouble keeping them open, he's so tired, his body feels like a dead weight. He's so sore but he can't move properly

"Hi darling" Louis hears when his eyes land on Scott and Harry standing next to each other on Louis right side.

Louis groans, he tries to talk but he can't

"Just relax Lou, it's okay, you're going to be a bit disorientated and sore, just catch your breath, you don't need to talk" Andy reassures

Louis is scared, he's never felt like this before, he can't remember what happened, he doesn't understand what's wrong with him and why he's hurting so badly. He doesn't realise he's getting him self worked up.

"Hey baby, look at us" Scott leans down to Louis level, he rests his arm above Louis head and strokes his hair

"Just relax, you're going to be ok, we know it hurts and we know you're confused but it's okay, everything is okay just breathe" Scott says

Andy is busy checking Louis vital signs and watches on smiling to himself at hearing Scott and Harry being so gently with Louis.

"Good job Lou, everything's fine, we're right here it's okay" Harry says

Louis is so tired he can't even comprehend anything properly and he doesn't even realise he falls back to sleep

"Shhhhhh good boy, shhhh" Scott snd Harry repeat over and over until Louis is off again.

When they know Louis is back asleep they look to Andy who's smiling

"Nice work" He says and the boys can't help but blush

"He could be out another few hours, when he wakes again, he will hopefully be more coherent. This is a great sign though boys, he's slowly turning a corner" Andy says smiling

"Thank god" Harry says

"Get some rest okay, I'll back with pain relief soon" Andy says and the boys nod

They both grab one of Louis hands each and fall asleep with their heads on the hospital bed. Not wanting to let go of Louis.

The next time Louis wakes he comes face to face with an empty hospital room. He's so sore but his head is a lot less foggy.

He reaches up and takes the oxygen mask off, he looks around the room and sees Harry and Scott's bags on a chair in the corner, there is also a fold out mattress in the corner with a pillow and blankets strewn over it, like it's just been slept in.

Louis tries to sit up, his body so sore it takes him a couple of goes before he manages it. He instantly feels dizzy and the room spins as pain shoots up his side. He begins to sweat and he thinks he may be sick.

Harry and Scott then enter the room with a few bags of food and a tray of drinks.

"Lou, baby" Scott says as he puts the bag down and rushes to Louis side

Harry puts the drink tray and bag down that he's carrying and is next to Louis in a second

"Darling, are you okay, just lie back baby" Harry tries

"I don't want to" Louis croaks, he is just thankful his voice works

"Are you in pain?" Scott asks gently as he runs his hand through Louis hair

" hurts so bad" Louis says as he tries to breathe.

"Just relax back baby, it will help your pain if you're lying down" Harry says

"I feel like I'm going to be sick, it hurts so bad" Louis says

"Okay, just take some deep breaths, it's completely okay if you're sick, it's all normal and  Andy can give you something to help that too" Scott says

"I'm sorry" Louis says

"What on earth are you sorry for sweetheart" Harry asks gently

"Everything" Louis says as he looks to the boys so innocently

"Listen to us and listen to us good, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, do you understand us. Scott and I should be the ones apologising, we are so sorry we weren't there for you darling" Harry says determined

"We are sorry for taking you for granted, we are sorry for making you leave, we are sorry for not protecting you Lou, please forgive us, we've been worried sick about you and would have lost it if you hadn't have come back to us baby" Scott says

Tears prick Louis eyes, he's so overwhelmed and his body aches

"I don't want you to say sorry" Louis says as a tear escapes

The boys look at each other worriedly, they think Louis is trying to push them away again.

"What do you want darling" Harry asks gently

"I just want...a hug" Louis says brokenly and the boys sag in relief, smile and feel awful all at the exact same time.

All their boy wants is love and affection and they will both be dammed if they don't give it to him.

Harry and Scott both take their shoes off and climb on either side of Louis

"Baby, we will give you as many hugs as humanly possible" Harry says

"Come here" Scott says as they gently help Louis lay back in their arms.

They get him as comfortable as possible, secure in their arms

"We are always here for snuggles baby, whenever you need" Scott says

"We love you so much Lou, you being in our arms is everything we need" Harry says

Louis let's his tears fall freely as he relaxes back in the boys arms

"We will be by your side through all of this Lou, we are at your beck and call forever" Harry says

"We love you" they say as they kiss Louis on the head

"I love you too" Louis sniffles

The boys smile and whisper sweet nothings in Louis ears until he falls asleep again.

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