Part 2
"The fuck was that Louis!" Harry booms as he enters the car park to the warehouse in full turnout gear, his balaclava pushed up on his head, his short tuffs of curls peaking out the top. He looks angry and Louis despite himself, steps back.
"It was orders Harry, Liam ordered me to go in" Louis says defensively.
The SWAT team just pulled a bust on a high end drug ring and Louis was used as bait.
Harry then turns to Liam angrily.
"You sent him in there with nothing, no protection, how could you fucking do that!! when did Scott or I authorise that?" Harry yells angrily at Liam.
It causes the rest of the team to look on. Scott stands next to Harry full of authority. Drew and Edward then walk over towards them, everyone still in their gear.
"Calm down Harry, Louis is okay, it was just a scrape" Liam tells Harry.
"Just a scrape? He got a bullet graze to his shoulder" Scott says angrily
"It's his job boys" is all Liam responds before he is opening his car door.
"Not to go in unprotected, you will be answering to us" Scott then says furiously
"Scott " Louis tries, Louis is angry and embarrassed at Harry and Scott's overprotective outburst.
Harry and Scott knew Louis was working undercover on this case, know he's been working up to this moment for 18 months and he did his job perfectly, everything went off without a hitch. Apart from when a bullet went passed Louis and grazed his shoulder.
"Come on Boys, let's calm down okay, get back to the station" Drew tells Harry and Scott.
Harry and Scott are on a complete adrenalin rush they are so angry and upset, they had to watch on silently as Louis was in the firing line without any form of vest for protection. To watch Louis in danger like that, has them reeling. Their overprotective side is showing and they are using anger to take it out on everyone else.
Harry kicks one of the bins next to the ambulance. Noah, Louis Squad partner, sits next to Louis as the paramedics tend to his shoulder, Louis keeps his gaze off Harry and Scott.
"Fuck" Harry yells throwing his hands into the air as he stalks off back to one of the vans.
Louis sighs and looks up to Drew, silently asking their friend to look after Harry.
"I've got him kid" Drew smirks and stalks off after Harry.
"This isn't over Louis, you will be answering to us at home" Scott says to Louis with authority as he and Edward start following Harry and Drew back to the cars.
"They are just upset Lou, it's okay" Noah tells Louis.
"Yeah, I get that, but I can handle this myself, I know what I'm doing" Louis says.
He hisses in pain as his shoulder is wrapped up.
"It's a pretty deep graze Lou, you're extremely lucky it didn't cause more damage" Amy one of their team Ambulance officers says
"Will he be out at all?" Liam asks
Sammy, Amy's partner sighs at Liam's lack of concern
"He should be, I should be writing him up for at least four weeks, but we know you boys and I won't do that to Louis, it will be painful for a few weeks so he should take it easy" Sammy says
"Good okay, I'll see you boys back at the station, Good work today Louis" Liam tells him.
"Thanks boss" Louis says.
They watch as Liam leaves the scene, Sammy trying to hold back her anger
"Thanks Sammy" Louis then says quietly
Sammy looks to Louis and sighs with a slight smile.
"I shouldn't have done that Lou, I have to agree with Scott and Harry on this one, you're extremely lucky it was just a graze" Sammy says
Louis looks down, he's known Sammy and Amy for two years now, they always backup at raids and are the on call medics for the bureau, they know Harry and Scott well too and always take their side, wanting to protect Louis.
"Please take it easy Louis, there's a few stitches in there" Amy says as she finishes up
"I will, thanks" Louis says.
They then hear a van screech off through the carpark, Harry, Scott and the team, Louis knows he will have to face his very angry partners when he gets home.
Harry and Scott walk in the apartment three hours later, they see Louis police jacket and boots at the door and know Louis is already home. They walk in and to the kitchen where they see Louis making tea, They've both calmed down a little...that is, until they see Louis in no shirt, just sweatpants, tattoos littering his toned muscly, tanned body, until they see the bandage wrapped around Louis shoulder, see what they could have lost today. Their anger hits them hard, again.
"Why didn't you tell us" Harry asks, he throws his bag in the corner and stares at Louis.
"You knew I was going in" Louis says back.
"Not unprotected Louis god dam it" Harry yells.
"Why are you so upset at me, I didn't know either, I found out on scene, I'm not going to run to you and ask permission like you're my parents" Louis yells.
"You should have said no" Scott says angrily
"And ruin the bust? I've been working my arse off for 18 months Scott, I can't do anything right in your eyes" Louis says
"That's not true Louis" Harry says upset
"Look, I do this everyday, you do this everyday, it's my job, I don't know what else you want me to say, it's not that big of a deal" Louis says sighing, he's tired and upset and doesn't want to argue anymore
"You were shot in the shoulder Louis, you could have fucking died" Scott says, his emotions getting the better of him now too.
"I'm fine, it's just a scrape" Louis says back.
Scott and Harry scoff
"You think Sammy and Amy didn't call us and tell us the truth, that you should be off for a month" Scott says
"Fuck sake" Louis says under his breath
"We want you out Louis" Harry tells him sternly.
"Not this again" Louis says and he pushes off the counter and starts to walk out of the room,
"Louis" Scott says as he grabs Louis arm, effectively stopping him from leaving
"I'm not having this conversation right now, please, my arm is sore I just want to go to sleep before next shift" Louis pleads
Harry and Scott sigh.
"We are serious" Harry says.
Louis has never seen Harry or Scott like this before, they are never one to show emotion like this. They've all been together five years, been lovers since Louis graduated the academy, Harry and Scott being Louis recruit trainers and seven years his senior. They are both now head of special forces and frontline SWAT while Louis works undercover. Their relationship isn't kept a secret and as long as it doesn't get in the way of their job then no one has an issue. Harry and Scott are so high up it wouldn't matter, they only do a few cases a year together anyway.
"You want me out, you get out too" Louis says and he leaves the room.
Harry and Scott know it's selfish of them to ask Louis to get out of the force, especially knowing they would end up resenting Louis if he asked them to do the same. The thought of Louis in danger though has put them on edge. Neither of them have ever felt unsafe going into a bust, never thought they would need to worry about Louis. They know the plans, know the protocols, trust their team, but today they felt as though they were put on the spot, forced into something they had no clue about. That's not how they work and they will be making sure to let Liam know what they think. Harry and Scott could end Liam's job tomorrow and if they really wanted to, could end Louis too. They would never do that though and need to find a way to deal with these foreign emotions.
The boys sigh, still on edge, they decide to skip dinner having already eaten at the station and head for the shower, they try to let the day wash over them but as they enter theirs and Louis bedroom to change, they see Louis sleeping soundly, so innocent looking and they both nearly lose it.
Harry and Scott spend the next hour making phone calls and organising things before they turn up to work in the morning.
By the time they make it back to the bedroom both boys have calmed down somewhat, they are both confused and don't really understand what's wrong with them, why these emotions are surfacing now. Louis has been undercover for years, they know his job has risks but they've never felt like this before. They put their boxers on and climb into bed next to Louis, on either side. They reach out for Louis and hold him close all night, relieved he's safe and in their arms.
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