Part 17
The next day Louis is nervous as he turns up to the beauro. He didn't take any pain relief this morning so he could drive himself and he's extremely sore and tired.
The boys all agreed it was best Louis drive himself, so as he didn't raise suspicion at and the boys let him go alone as Liam can't do anything to Louis on the middle of the police beauro if he doesn't like Louis decision to leave.
Louis walks in slowly and straight to Liam's office, Jax greets him on the way and Louis smiles and says hello, like he doesn't suspect a thing.
"Hi Louis, good to see you back" Liam says as Louis enters his office
"Yeah, thanks" Louis smiles slightly, his nerves hitting him hard
"Jax is ready to get back to it, I've given him your first case for today" Liam says
"Okay, Can we talk first?" Louis asks
"Of course, come in, sit doen" Liam says
Louis walks in and takes a seat in front of Liam.
"What's up?" Liam asks
Before Louis can get a word out the raid alarm is blaring throughout the beauro
Liam is instantly out of his chair and Jax, Charlie and Max, who also work with S.W.A.T on raids come through the door
"Alright boys, we're on, warehouse on Main Street, drugs and explosives onsite, possible Terrorist threat" Liam explains, reading it off the call out screen, as they all grab their bullet proof vests and weapons.
"Louis, we could use your help" Liam then turns to Louis to say. Louis must admit the sound of the raid alarm has him excited but he's sore, he doesn't even know if he can get through a raid, and he's supposed to be on homicide.
"Liam, I don't think" Louis starts before Liam interrupts
"Louis, I'm not asking, we're a man down I'm making the call" Liam says pointedly
Louis sighs, he can't actually decline, he hasn't resigned yet and a raid is serious and everything is supposed to happen above board, he knows Charlie and Max will need him so he agrees. He's going to have to face the wrath of Harry and Scott later.
Louis nods and Liam grabs his vest for him, Louis gets to putting it on, ignoring his pain. He follows the steps that are imprinted in his brain, he's done this a million times, he's nervous for some reason though.
They all make their way out to the vans listening to instructions and Louis prays this goes by quickly.
Back at the apartment Scott, Harry and the boys all get the call at the same time while they are sat around the lounge room. They grab all their gear and head straight out too.
It's is not unusual to get an unplanned raid, it happens all the time and they all have to be ready for it. They just hope Louis is on his way home, Scott takes his phone out to text Louis but he gets one from Louis first
"Don't be mad, the alarm went off before I could talk to Liam. I have a vest and gun. I'll see you there, be safe" Louis texts
Scott's heart sinks and he shows the message to Harry,
"Fuck" Harry curses as they are all changing in the back of the S.W.A.T vans, ready for arrival. Scott and Harry warn the boys out and they all know to keep an extra eye on Louis
Louis gets an instant response back from Scott
"Shit Lou, please be careful, we will protect you as best we can, be safe"
Louis doesn't have time to respond, they are six minutes out and he needs to get his head in the game. Liam is running through the drills as they are pulling up to the warehouse.
When they get out Louis knows Harry and the boys are already in position on the roof and the back entrances. His team goes in the front, in the firing line, like always.
When they enter the warehouse, it's dead quiet, no one is around. They pair off like usual, Jax, Liam and Louis heading towards the western side of the warehouse. Louis feels somewhat unsafe but he knows Harry and the boys are watching and waiting on command.
The warehouse is eerily quiet, the sound of their own breathing is deafening. They don't come across anything for the first few minutes, as they turn and head down a dark hallway.
They then hear gunfire from the other end of the warehouse. It doesn't last long before It then ceases
"Four suspects apprehended, two heading towards the western end" They all hear in their earpieces.
Louis turns around at approaching footsteps, he sees two masked men running towards thm, shots are fired and Louis feels himself hit in his vest. It hurts like a mother and he knows it will bruise.
He fires a shot and hits his target directly in the knee, not where he was aiming. Liam manages to take the culprit down completely, Jax having taken out the other target. The lights are then turned on, flooding the warehouse with artificial light.
"Alright Lou?" Jax asks as he turns to Louis
Louis is a little dizzy and he feels wobbly on his feet, he feels a rushing in his ears and he's so confused
He then falls into Jax who grabs him and helps him on the floor. Louis eyes start to go blurry and he can't seem to breathe properly
"I'm sorry Lou" Jax says and Louis is so confused
Liam is then down beside him too, leaning over Louis.
"You gave us no choice Louis, we're sorry it had to end this way" Liam says
He then puts his gun down, takes off his vest and then his raid sweater.
"We have to make it look like we helped" Liam says to Jax as he puts the sweater over Louis wound that is profusely bleeding on his stomach
Louis looks down, he doesn't understand, he sees his vest completely covered in blood, even through the black material he can see how much blood he's losing.
Louis looks to Liam and Jax, that's when he sees Liam's arm and the dragon tattoo. The guy who shot him in the first raid had a dragon tattoo
Louis realises in a second that Liam was the one who shot at him. He tries not to panic but he does try to get up
"Not so fast Louis, Liam says as he pushes Louis back on his back, Louis wincing in pain. We can't let you leave this warehouse alive, you know that" Liam says
"Do it already Liam, hurry the fuck up. You can't hold off Harry and Scott forever" Jax says
Liam nods
"You did this to yourself Louis" Liam says and he then puts his hand over Louis mouth and nose trying to suffocate him
Louis struggles with all his might, he's so weak but he fights, he tries to get Liam off him but he's fading quick, this is how it ends, he thinks and he can't help but want Harry and Scott next to him.
"Three suspects apprehended, all officers accounted for" Harry, Scott and the boys hear over their radio.
They sigh in relief, Louis is okay.
They make sure the suspects that they have helped apprehend are arrested and put in the back of the Van before they turn around expecting Liam, Jax and Louis to be heading out too. Harry and Scott instantly know something is wrong when they aren't right behind them.
"Boys cover us" Harry yells as he and Scott grab their guns and run towards the western side of the warehouse, Drew, Edward, Noah and Dan behind them
They slow down as they approach, they can hear Liam and Jax talking, they grip their guns and aim them as they turn around the corner
"Move the fuck away from him now" Scott blasts with all his authority
They see Liam clearly trying to suffocate Louis while Jax is holding him down.
Liam and Jax weren't expecting the boys so soon
"He's been shot boys, we're trying to help him" Liam tries but Edward and Dan are on top of them both arresting them in no time.
They are taken off cursing and yelling, Liam trying to talk himself out of trouble.
Scott and Harry don't have time to listen before they are by Louis side
"We need an ambulance urgently, western side of the warehouse, officer down. I repeat officer down" Drew says shakily into his radio. They all watch on with heavy hearts as Scott and Harry face their worst fear
"Louis, can you hear me?" Harry asks as they realise Louis is covered in blood and he's not moving.
"He has a vest on Harry what the fuck is going on" Scott yells as he tries to see where the Bullet entered
The paramedics, Amy and Sammy make it to them in record time
"Louis, can you hear me, it's Sammy bud can you open your eyes" Sammy tries as her and Amy work quickly
"Harry, keep pressure on the wound okay, as hard as you can" Amy tells Harry who's to shocked to do anything but what he's told.
They can't Lose Louis, not like this
"Louis squeeze my hand if you can hear me" Sammy asks as she grabs Louis hand. She gets a slight squeeze in return
"Good boy Louis, well done, great job" Sammy says
The boys are relieved if it's only for a minute
Things work quickly then and Louis is put into the back of the ambulance and whisked away to the hospital. Leaving a distraught Harry, Scott and their squad behind
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