Part 13
Louis has a pretty lousy night but his scans come back clear and after nagging Andy so much, he agreed that Louis can go home, if he has the next two weeks off work and rests completely.
"I mean it Lou, you need to stay in bed unless you need to go to the bathroom or eat" Andy says
"I know, I promise I will" Louis says half smiling
"Harry and Scott aren't allowed back on the ward for another hour, so you can hang around until then and then you can get going okay" Andy says
Louis doesn't want to bother Harry and Scott and knows they have work today so doesn't want to call them.
"It's fine I've got a ride home" Louis says
Jax offered to come get him after he messaged this morning asking how Louis was. He's taken the next two days off just to rest under Liam's orders, but he's completely fine and wanted to help Louis out.
"Okay, if you're sure" Andy says sceptically
"Yeah, totally, Harry and Scott have work anyway" Louis says.
Andy nods and gets to taking Louis drip out, and discharging him with a whole bunch of medication.
Thankfully Scott and Harry dropped Louis some clothes off when they came up last night and Louis changes into his navy sweats and white sweater. Louis is in a lot of pain and it's slow going, he walks as best he can out to the carpark where Jax is waiting for him.
"Okay?" Jax asks as he helps Louis into the car
"Yeah thanks" Louis says with a slight smile
Louis gives Jax the hotel address and Jax begins the drive
"I'm sorry about last night Lou, I'm really sorry" Jax says biting his lip
"It's not your fault, we were sideswiped" Louis says
"Yeah but I could have reacted quicker or something" Jax says shaking his head
"Don't beat yourself up, please, it was an accident" Louis says
"Thanks Lou" Jax smiles
Louis returns the smile and tries not to think about how much pain he's in.
When they pull up to the hotel, Jax helps Louis to unit number 5 on the bottom floor and he opens the door with the key Louis gives him.
When they get inside Louis sits down on the bed.
The place isn't the nicest at all, with a double bed against the wall with red and black sheets. The small bathroom is to the left of the door and a tiny table with a TV and mini fridge sits underneath. It screams 70's murder hotel but it's clean and Louis has hardly been staying there with work anyway.
"What have you got to eat in here!" Jax asks as he bends down to the fridge, he opens it and finds a bottle of water
"Not much, I haven't been grocery shopping, I'm not hungry anyway" Louis says as he winces
"I can run over and grab you some food" Jax says
Louis really doesn't want to be a burden, Jax has work to do and Louis feels guilty that he even gave him a lift home
"No no it's fine, honestly I'm okay, I'll get Uber eats if I'm hungry" Louis says
Jax looks at Louis assessing him before he agrees
"Okay, if you insist, but please call me if you need anything, I can pop over or get you food it's no trouble" Jax says
"Thanks Jax, I really appreciate it" Louis says
Jax smiles and nods, he leaves Louis medication on the table and heads off back home.
When he's gone Louis relaxes back on the bed, his head is killing him and the pain from his ribs is making him feel nauseous. He doesn't even have the strength to watch TV and he falls into an uncomfortable sleep.
Scott and Harry turn up to the hospital an hour later. They see Louis has been discharged when they turn up to his room. Andy is walking passed and sees them looking confused
"Louis said you guys were working this morning" Andy says as he reaches them
"We were but we left to come see him and hopefully pick him up to take him home" Scott says
"He said he had a ride, I assumed it was Noah" Andy says
"Noah's on SWAT now, he's got a new partner" Harry says
"Oh yeah I remember now, Charlie isn't it, I did his medical for the position" Andy says smiling
"Well Charli was put off last minute, he's got a new partner, Jax, did Liam send him to you too?" Scott asks
Andy furrows his eyebrows
"The guy in the accident last night? I thought he was just a fill in. No, I didn't do his medical, but maybe Casey did, if I wasn't on and it happened quickly" Andy says
"Mmm, we will look into that" Harry says
"So what's Louis discharge notes?" Scott asks Andy.
"Well, I've told him to rest, he's not allowed up unless it's to eat or use the bathroom. His ribs will be sore and he really needs to take it easy. His concussion could be present for the next few weeks, any signs of vomiting or bad headaches bring him back. I'm confident his infection will clear up with the antibiotics I've given him but just keep an eye on that too. I know Louis tends to ignore things until they get too serious to avoid" Andy says
"We will make sure he's okay and bring him back if he needs" Harry says
"Thanks Andy" Scott says smiling
"Anytime, I can do a house call in a week and check up on him, those pain meds need to be taken every four to six hours too, so his pain doesn't get to much" Andy says
"Okay, sounds like he's in for a rough ride" Scott hums
"Unfortunately yeah, but with you two around I'm sure he'll get through it" Andy says
The boys nod and they go to leave the hospital, they get in the car and realise they don't actually know where Louis went. He wouldn't go back to the apartment and Noah still won't tell them where Louis is staying. But this is serious and Louis needs looking after so they give Noah a call.
"Hey boys, how's Louis?" Noah asks as he answers
"Well, we went to pick him up and he wasn't at the hospital, Andy said he thought you took him home" Scott says
"Me? No, I've been speaking to him over message and called last night, but he was out of it and couldn't talk. I was going to head over to the hotel after work" Noah says slightly worried
"Well, we think Jax picked him up, but we don't know where his hotel is and we need to make sure he's safe" Harry says
Noah sighs
"Yeah okay, agreed, he's staying at the Hotel on east street, apartment 5 bottom floor" Noah says
"Far out, that place is a dump" Scott says
"Yeah, but he's not there a lot, works been keeping him to busy to even sleep" Noah says
"Well that's changing right now, he's taking time off and coming home" Harry says with authority
"Well, don't rat me out, tell him you followed him home or something, and call me when you know he's okay" Noah says
"Thanks Noah, we will" Scott said
The boys hang up and make their way to Louis hotel. When they pull up they don't hide their disgust, the place is awful and if they had known Louis was staying here they wouldn't have allowed it
They make their way to the door and knock a few times, they get no answer, Harry decides to try the door and much to their anger it opens
When they walk in, they see Louis on the bed, fast asleep, they both don't even have to talk before they are gathering Louis clothes and toiletries and putting them in his bag. His laptop and work items too. Scott then moves to pick Louis up bridal style and Harry opens the door for them.
They manage to place Louis in the car without him even stirring and Harry goes to to check him out of the hotel for good. There is no way they will allow Louis to come back here.
Louis doesn't wake on the drive back to the apartment and Scott and Harry are able put him into their bed without him waking up at all.
Louis ends up sleeping for four whole hours, when he stirs he's instantly hit with the smell of Harry and Scott and a comfortable mattress.
He opens his eyes to a very familiar room and he sighs. The clock says 3pm and he gets up, needing to use the bathroom. Louis isn't one to complain but his body is so stiff and sore and his ribs just ache constantly. He makes it to the bathroom and finishes up before he's going in search of Harry and Scott.
Louis hunches over as he walks, to help deal with the pain and as he comes to the lounge room he sees the boys on the couch, working. There is paperwork and folders all over the carpet. They have the TV on and are in sweats, shirtless and Scott is eating some leftover Chinese food
"Lou!" Harry says when he sees Louis
"You shouldn't be out of bed baby" Scott says as Harry helps Louis to the couch
"I shouldn't be here either" Louis says pointedly
"Well, we weren't leaving you in that hotel for another minute, we need to look after you Lou" Harry says
"I can look after myself" Louis says shyly
"We know darling but you don't have to, that's what we are here for and Andy said you're going to be in pain and need to take time off" Scott says
Louis sighs
"Well now that he told you that I guess I have no choice" Louis says
"We know you so well, we've already spoken to Liam and it's done, so don't try to get out of it" Scott says smirking
"Did you really come into my apartment and get me? I didn't even wake up" Louis asks
"You we're out to it, you're on pretty strong drugs, it's safer for you to be here with us" Harry says
"And don't worry, we aren't asking you to get back together with us, we know you want to take things slow and that's fine, no pressure, we just want to look after you and make sure you're safe okay" Scott says gently
Louis insides go crazy, Scott and Harry are doing and saying everything he's ever wanted and he hopes he doesn't fuck anything up. He looks at Scott snd Harry from under his lashes and smiles
"K....thanks" he says smiling shyly
"Anytime baby" Harry smirks
"Now let's get you comfortable, you need more pain relief and some food" Scott says
Harry helps Louis back on the couch and gives him a blanket and makes sure he's okay. Scott grabs the pain relief and Louis some toast and they coddle him thoroughly. Loving having Louis back even if it's only for two weeks, they will make sure they do everything they can to make it permanent .
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