Oof this song (salvation) makes me a little emotional 😂😭
As soon as I had reached my front door step, I had turned my head back around to where baldur was standing, but through the snow fall, I couldn't spot the gods familiar silhouette from anywhere. He must have gone his own way already...
I clicked my tongue, pushing opened the heavy wooden door to my cabin, and stepping inside, where it was dark, and cold; I will have to light a fire in the small fire pit, and maybe a few candles, especially if I want to make myself the warm honey and crushed berries drink, to warm me up after I was exposed to the freezing tempatures of the realm of midgard, and needed something to warm my body.
I propped my walking stick that was about as tall as I was besides my door frame, keeping my thick wolf pelt cloak over my shoulders.
The last bit of sunlight left a soft beam through my window, giving my cabin enough light for me to get around, and light my lanterns without tripping over everything cause I cannot see.
There was a few wooden planks mounted on the walls, acting as shelves that I keep necessities on, such as candles, herbs, and flint and steal, which is just what I'm needing right now!
I reached my hand up, and felt around on the highest shelf, til my hand took ahold onto the small flint stone, then a smaller piece of scrap steel I will use to light the individual lanterns of the cabin, and most importantly, the fireplace
One by one, I went over and rubbed the flint and steel together over my lanterns, and with a few different tries, the wicks had set ablaze, illuminating the room, and after that was done, I repeated the same steps with my fireplace, that took a few more tries before the pieces of log and dry twigs formed a flame from the sparks of the flint and steal rubbing together.
I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I let the heat of the fire take over the cold, and slowly warm me up from being outside almost all day, with baldur.
By the way... The name 'baldur' sounded vaguely familiar... I cannot seem to remember where I've heard that name before, but I'm almost certain that there was something I read, or heard about that involved baldur.
Maybe after I fix my drink, I'd look through my dusty books and try to find anything that could give me an answer.
After sitting by the fire for a couple of good minutes, watching the burning embers til I was warm enough to walk away from the fire, I stood right back up to my feet, the wood underneath making a faint creak, holding my body weight.
From on top of one of the lower shelves was a small bucket. I picked up the bucket from the hook that was strung up to it, before making my way over to a large bowl that was filled with chilly water. I pushed the bucket into the water, allowing water to flow through til it had just the right amount of water I was wanting, pulling it back out, tiny droplets of water slid off the bucket and back into the bowl as soon as I pulled it out.
Finally, I hooked it up over the warm fire, not too low that it'd burn the bucket, and not too high that the water wouldn't boil soon enough, but just where its supposed to be.
While the water boiled, I'd go to get everything I need to crush some small berries.
As I did just that, searching for the sweet and tart berries to crush in a small bowl, a mortar, using a narrow pestle to crush and grind them up.
As soon as I gathered everything, a small jar of bees honey, a handful of berries, and the mortar and pestle, I set on my bed, legs crossed, and began grinding the berries in the bowl to almost a paste; the sweet aroma making my mouth water. I opened the jar of thick golden honey, and drizzled the amount of honey I wanted into the mortar, and used the wooden pestle to help stir the ingredients together.
The water was at a boil, and I poured some into a cup so carefully not to burn myself. Finally, I added my crushed berries and honey into the hot water, giving it a good stir to mix it all together, taking the first sip that nearly burnt my tongue! I was fine. The drink may be a little watery than I'd like, but that won't stop me from drinking it.
Was there something else I wanted to do? Oh yeah! I was wanting to search around my books for anywhere I may have heard of the name baldur!
"Better go do that before I forget..." I mumbled to myself as if there was anyone there listening, marching over to more shelves where there are all sorts of books, left unorganized.
The books concisted of fables, stories on the history of the realms, and even a few spell books, cause from what I remember, my mom had tried to practice vanir magic before she had me.
I clicked my tongue as I scanned the books, squinting my eyes as I read the runes carved on the sides, reading them too see if there was any that stood out.
There was one that caught my attention as soon as my eyes landed on top of it. The title read:
I know little about ragnarök, and that it isn't supposed to happen for another thousand years or so, so fortunately I wouldn't be around to witness it.
I remember my father would refuse to tell me much about ragnarök when I was youger, assuming that it'd scare little me, which it may have prevented little me from sleeping at night for a long time, in fear of that fateful day; even now, with the little information I know on ragnarök, i am a little intimidated.
I pulled the book out from the shelf, and took a closer look at the book. It looked like it held the signs of ragnarök, and what's to come on that day; I cannot believe I haven't read this sooner! This sounds like it could be really interesting! May as well learn about it, even if I don't get to witness it for myself- thank the gods...
I was so drawn to the book, even before I read the title, so I wonder if there was some reason that it was what caught my attention out of all the other books i have stocked, most I haven't read- I'm not the biggest fan of reading.
The book was surely old, judging by the worn down covers, made of leather, with red dyes. The book in general looked like it'd crumble apart if I wasn't handling it properly.
I continued to examine the cover, front and back as I made my way back to my bed, cup of my warm honey drink in my over hand, taking a seat on my bed as my eyes didn't draw away from the book.
As soon as I opened the first page, dust flew off the stained paper pages and covers, flying into the air. I scrunched my nose and waved my hand to keep the thin cloud of dust from getting into my face.
With a huff, I turned my face back down to the book, using a lantern lit besides me as a light source go help me read, and everything was written in elder futhark, which was convenient for me, as I was very familiar with the alphabet.
'Ragnarök; a series of unfortunate events, and a great war between gods and jötnar alike'
Read the first sentence.
Jötnar? Crazy! I thought they've completely vanished from the land! They just be alive, if its prophesied that jötnar would be involved in a 'great battle'.
I continued to read along, the first sentence had easily drawn me in, making me eager to continue reading.
'Sköll and hati, devourer of the sun and moon.'
What's that supposed to mean? Is that supposed to be taken literally? Is that even possible for something- or someone to eat the sun and moon? It must be a metaphor, right? I hope so...
'A battle between the giant, jörmungandr, and the god thor'
I've heard somewhere that Thor would battle between the jötnar, the world serpent, didn't realize it had some ties to ragnarök... Should have figured!
There was so much to read, and with every sentence I just wanted to keep going, and soak up as much of this information as possible!
I took a big sip of my warm, sweet drink, immediately going back into the book as soon as I swallowed the liquids, flipping over to the next page.
'Death of the god of light, and the beginning of fimbulwinter, one of the first signs of ragnarök.'
The god of light? I stopped where I was in the book, leaning closer as I read that sentence over and over, as it had stuck out to me the most out of all them.
Of course, I know fimbulwinter, but I didn't know that a death of a god is what would start it.
The god of light...
I have only ever known of one god of light, like I've known one god of thunder, Thor, or one god of war, Tyr.
So the god of light...
Baldur is the god of light, isn't he?
Impossible! He cannot die, right? He's cursed! He has told me he cannot die, so there is absolutely no way that he could die! It must have got it all wrong...
What if... What if he was cursed for a purpose? Not for anything wrong he's done in the past, and some witch made him pay the price, what if it was for his own good?
The witch... They cursed him to protect him!
He was supposed to die to start fimbulwinter, the winter that's supposed to last for three years, then the beginning of the end.
The witch did this so this wouldn't happen, it makes more sense now!
I cannot be sure if this, though... I could be all wrong, and that I'm just making dumb theories... But what if?
I closed the book, setting it aside on my bed, having to process what I've just read.
Was baldur really going to die? How? He cannot die.
I don't want him to die...
Wow! This chapter may have been my longest chapter yet!
I actually had so much fun writing this, and I want to write more, but I don't wanna add too much detail on the little things that are unnecessay lol.
Anyways yeah! I hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it!! :D
Okay but tbh, I really wanna try that berry, honey drink I mentioned multiple tines in this chapter lol.
I just kinda made something as I went along that sounded good, now I wanna try it with strawberries and raspberries :0
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