Chapter 13: Forgiveness and Celebration

   I woke up as the light broke through the blinds, I sat up as I rubbed my eyes, I looked around to see that I was in the infirmary.
I looked down to see my stomach wrapped up in bandages as well as my arms.
   "How ya felling." I looked up to see Rin walking up to me and sitting on the edge of the bed.
     "Is Koneko ok?" I asked.
      "He's fine." He said.
      "That's good to hear." I said as I smiled at him.
        "And I feel fine." I added as I looked into his blue eyes. His face brightens up with a smile.
        "That's good to hear, i'm glad your ok." Rin said.
       "So what about the others?" I asked.
      "Their ok, you know I heard them say that Koneko left a note." Rin said.
      "WHAT! Come on let's go catch him before it's to late!" I yell as I jump out of the bed, while Rin waited for me outside, I put on some black jeans, with white converse and a white shirt, I then put my white hair into a bun, as I walked out the door with Rin following from behind.
     "What are you doing?" Rin asked.
     "Stopping him from leaving." I say as I increase my speed.
       "What!?" Rin says as he speeds past me.
        "He's not leaving." Rin said as we saw Koneko ahead of us. Rin then walked up behind him and kneed him behind his knee, making him go forward a bit.
     "Come on stop messing around!" Koneko said as he turned around, expecting to see Suguro, but instead he sees me and Rin.
    "What up." Rin says with a smile.
     "Hey Koneko." I say as I give him a warm smile.
      "Okumura, Sayoko." Koneko said as he stared at us with a surprised expression on his face.
      "Where you going with that enormous bag? You doing laundry." Rin said. I giggle a bit.
      "It is a pretty big bag, so ya gonna tell us what your doing here?" I asked.
      "What do you care were i'm going. It's not like it's any of your business." Koneko said as he looked away.
     "HUH!" Rin and I yelled as we were shocked at his answer.
       "After my parents died, I was all alone in the world, the head monk at the temple took me in and raised me like his own, I always appreciated his kindness so I made up my mind that I'd pay him back, so I came to the academy with Bon, truth is I'm just a scardy cat, I'm totally useless, so I decided to quite I'm only gonna get in everyone's way if I stay 1 minute longer." Koneko said. I immediately felt sadness wash over me, as I looked at Koneko with sadness in my eyes.
     "Back up, what did you say." Rin asked.
     " That I'll be in everyone's way." Koneko said.
       "No, before that." Rin said.
         "I'm useless." Koneko said.
       "BEFORE THAT!" Rin yelled, making Koneko flustered.
       "HUH! I DON'T KNOW!" Koneko said.
        "YOU SAID IT'S NON OF MY BUSINESS, DIDN'T YOU!" Rin yelled as Koneko got really confused.
     "HUH!" Koneko said.
      "Don't say it's not my business, it is cause, belief it or not I think of you as one of my friends." Rin said.
     "Okumura." Koneko mumbled.
      "And I'd be sad if my friend left, ya know." Rin said.
        "Your lying." Koneko said.
         "NO I'M NOT!" Rin said.
        "Stop trying to make me feel better, sugar coating it is not gonna change the fact that I tried to kill you two, and if I get possessed by another demon, who's to say I won't do it again, THAT'S NOT WHAT FRIENDS DO! SO HOW COULD YOU THINK OF ME AS YOUR FRIEND!" Koneko said, at that moment I was tired of hearing him talk himself down, so I walked past Rin and placed hand on Koneko's shoulder.
      "Sayoko." He whispers. I stared into his Brown eyes as a tear ran down my cheek, the wind then blew my hair as I starred at Koneko, I then brought him into a hug, as I cried into his shoulder.
     "Why are you crying." He asked. I sniffle as I continued to hug them.
      "Because...your my friend Koneko.....I really care about you, and so does Suguro and Shima your best friends, they are your strength, your not weak Koneko....your stronger than you just haven't realized it yet." I sobbed as I pulled away and held his hands. I then give him a warm smile.
     "Don't ever talk yourself down like that, ok." I say, as more tears run down my cheek.
     "Sayoko I..." Koneko said before he was interrupted.
     "KONEKO!" We turn to see Suguro, Shima, Sheimi and Izumo.
     "GUYS!?" Koneko said, I smiled as I let go of his hands and stepped back next to Rin, who gave me a heart warming smile.
      "YOU BETTER NOT BE LEAVING, REMEMBER YOU MADE A PROMISE!" Suguro yelled, Koneko then smiled as he looked back at me and Rin.
     "No, I'm sorry guys." Koneko said. Suguro than looked at me, as I looked down, I then turned on my heal as I walked away, letting them enjoy their moment, I have a smile plastered on my face as I head to my dorm. It must be nice to have friends like that, ones that care, I wish I had friends like that. I then reached my room as I opened the door and flopped down on the bed, letting my tail lose, as it waves through the air. I then drift off to sleep.

    *next day*

I'm in the classroom as Shima goes up to Sheimi and starts to ask her questions.
    "You wanna know my birthday?" Sheimi asked as she looked at Shima in confusion.
     "Yep if you don't mind, so when is it." Shima said.
      "My birthdays on March 5th." Sheimi said.
     "Uh Uh. What's your blood type?" Shima asked as he wrote more things down.
    "B I think." Sheimi said, Shima then wrote more things down as he slammed his little note book together.
     "AND I HAVE YOUR RESULT! Your a romantic who likes to follow the beat of her own drum, and you've got big goals, your an optimus and you love to day dream." Shima said.
     "Huh!?" Sheimi said as she stood there in shock.
     "How bout you Izumo." Shima says as he ran up to the purple haired girl.
    "My birthdays October 11th, and my blood type is A." Izumo said, Shima then wrote down some stuff and slammed his book shut.
    "AND I HAVE YOUR RESULT! Izumo your and idealist, and you treat everyone fair and square, but even though you play nice with everyone, your always super quick to criticize anything or anyone who forces you to question your own beliefs." Shima said, as Izumo stared at him with a pissed off look.
    "What the hell was that about." She said.
     "That's your astrological sign and your blood type and your 4 pillers of density, and the fortune comes out of here." Shima says as he points to his head.
     "Your studies would benefit the most memorization skills." Izumo said.
     "Well that's what you think, but you gotta admit your interested aren't ya." Shima says
    "I'm outta here." Izumo says as she packs her stuff and leaves.
     "She is one cold women." Shima said, he then looked at me and ran towards me.
   "You want to try Misaki." Shima said.
   "SURE! My birthday is September 5th, and my blood type is A." I say,  he then writes in his book and slams it shut.
      "AND I HAVE YOUR RESULT! Your an confused lover, you never know what your heart is telling you, you tend to hide all your emotions way down deep so that no one sees your true self, you are very driven and strong willed, but you fear losing people so you try your best in all of you battles." He said. I stood there in complete shock.
      "WHAT THE HELL! YOUR FORTUNE MUST BE OFF, NON OF THAT WAS TRUE!" I yell as I wave my hands in the air.
   "Sorry, those were your results." Shima said.
      "Hey do me next, I wanna know my fortune." Rin says. 
       "Nope sorry, it only works in girls." Shima said.
     "Oh come on, let me tell you my birthday." Rin begged as he and Shima argued.
We turn to see Sheimi writing on the board.
   "What is it Sheimi." I asked.
    "I just realized, Kamiki's birthday is coming up." She says, with excitement in her voice.
    "So." Rin said.
    "We should throw her a surprise birthday party." Sheimi said.
    "Count me in." I say as I smile at my blonde friend.
   "Out of all people, why do we have to celebrate her birthday." Suguro said.
    "Come on Bon, it would be fun." Shima said. We all sit down, as Sheimi stood in front of the blackboard, but she didn't write anything, she then turned around.
     "Before we start, what happens at birthday parties again?" Sheimi asked, as every one freaked out, except me, since I didn't know either.
     "I wish to know as well." I said, as everyone's eyed were on me.
    "What, I want to know." I said.
    "You guys really don't know, didn't you guys ever have a party before?" Shima asked, Sheimi shook her head.
    "No. My mother was always busy, and my brother's were to busy with cram school, so I never had a proper birthday." I said, Rin and Shima began to tell us about what you do at parties.
    "So there's cake and presents." Rin said.
    "Don't forget the decorations and games." Shima says.
    "Oh ok." Sheimi and I said.
   "I can imagine it now, giving her some flowers." Shima said.
    "WHAT YOU CAN'T EAT FLOWERS!" Rin yelled as he and Shima began to argue, Sheimi then jumped in.
     "RIN THERE ARE PERFECTLY EDIBLE FLOWERS! " and the three of them argue, I decided to stay out of it.
    "Clam down Moriyama." Koneko said as he tried to stop them.
    "OH MY GOD! WOULD YOU CUT THE CRAP ALREADY!" Suguro yelled, everyone then stopped and looked at him.
     "Shima your in charge of getting the present, find out what she likes." Suguro said.
    "You got it." Shima said as he ran off.
    "Okumura you make the cake, and Koneko you watch him, to make sure he doesn't screw up." He said.
    "Alright well make a good team Koneko." Rin says.
   "And finally Moriyama, Sayoko and I will be in charge of decorations." Suguro said. 
     "That's our Bon." Koneko says.
    "Now get going." Suguro said as everyone went off. I sat in silence as Sheimi and Suguro talked.
     "Hey are you ok Misaki."  Sheimi asked. I stared at her as I looked away.
     "Misaki." Suguro said, I turned my head the other way.
      "GOD DAMMIT MISAKI! LOOK AT ME!" Suguro yelled, I jumped back at his sudden out burst as I looked him in the eyes. He then sighed.
    "Look, i'm sorry about everything. I didn't mean anything I said. Look I was an idiot, you are my friend and it doesn't matter if you are Satan's daughter, it doesn't matter, so can you forgive me?" He said, I looked at him for a moment before a smile formed on my face.
     "Ya, you are an idiot. But that's why I love ya. And you are forgiven." I said as he smiled at me.
    "Now let's get to work." I say as we work on the decorations. Suguro than showed us his amazing craft skills me and Sheimi watched in awe.
    "WOW SUGURO YOUR AMAZING!" Sheimi yelled.
     "Your a master at crafts!" I said as he blushed a little, he then looked up as his eyes went wide.
    "What is it?" I asked as I turned around to see non other then Izumo, Suguro then grabs my hand and runs, leaving poor  Sheimi behind.
    "What are you guys doing?" She asked.
     "NOTHING!" Sheimi yelled as she ran off.
    *Rin cake time*
  All off us stand in front of a huge white cake that says Merry X-mas. Rin looks pretty proud of his handy work.
   "I think it's the best cake I've made." Rin said, wow he really is dumb, I mean I've never had a birthday before, but even I know that, that's not what a birthday cake is supposed to look like.
     "WRONG!WRONG!WRONG!" Suguro yelled.
     "What? You don't like angle food?" Rin said.
     "You were supposed to keep an eye on him Konekoumru!" Suguro said.
    "I'm sorry I looked away for one minute, and when I looked back he was already done." Koneko said.
     "Hey ease up on Konekoumru, why don't you tell me what's wrong with it, cause I think that I made a masterpiece!" Rin yelled.
    "It's a mistake, that's what it is." Shima said.
    " I think that it looks like a perfectly good birthday cake." Yukio said.
    "HUH!?" We all yelled as we looked at Yukio in shook, they then look at a cook book.
    "Birthday cakes and Christmas cakes are totally different." Rin said.
    "And it took is 15 years to realize it." Yukio said.
   "So what are we gonna do with this thing?" Suguro said as he pointed at the cake, in the end we sent it to Mephisto.
    *next day*

   Sheimi, Suguro and I were in the room working on the decorations when we there was a presence behind us, we looked back to see Izumo with her arms crossed and behind her was Shima who was rubbing the back of his head.
    "Sorry guys."  Shima said.
     "YOU HAD ONE JOB!" Suguro yelled.
    "But why are you mad Izumo?" I asked her.
     "Ya Moriyama wanted to do this for you, so what the hell is your deal, do you not want people to care." Suguro said.
   " No." Izumo said as she looked away.
    "It's just why are we just now celebrating a birthday, when we already missed everyone else's, like a couple days ago you two were talking about getting your motorcycle license, and just yesterday, Misaki said that her birthday was last month." Izumo said.
    " She's got a point." Shima said.
     "See, so how about we also celebrate the birthdays that we missed." Izumo said.
    "That means we'd have to celebrate Bon's, Shima's and Sayoko's." Koneko said.
    "Don't forget Paku." Izumo said.   
   "Hey do you guys think we could celebrate upcoming birthdays too?" Rin asked.
     "Ya. That sounds like fun." I say
  We then all celebrated all of our birthdays as we waited for Rin to bring in cake, once he did, we all gathered around and we lite the candles.
    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" We all said in unison as we began the party. We then did a gift exchange, I opened my mystery gift and I got a heart shaped necklace.
     "Woah! It's so pretty!" I said as my eyes lite up, while Suguro laughed at my childish act.
    "Hey Ryuji can you help me put this on?" I asked as I looked up at him and dangled the necklace in front of his face.
    "Sure." He says as he takes the necklace, l than pull my hair back as he bends down to clip it on, since i'm pretty short to him, he had to bend down, his breath tickled my neck as he clipped the necklace on, I then let my hair go, as I looked at the necklace.
    "Thanks Ryuji."  I say as I smiled at him, Rin then walked up to us.
    "Hey Misaki, I just realized something." He said.
     "Oh really?" I said.
    "And what's that?" Suguro asked.
    "Oh really, so I'm older then you two, which means that you have to respect me AND WHAT I SAY!" I said as I put my hands on my hips, and stood in front of Rin with and evil smirk on my face.
     "She's got plans now." Suguro said.
    "Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut." Rin said.
   "It would be a miracle if you did." Suguro said.
    "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" Rin yelled, as the began to fight, all I could do was laugh. And for the rest of the night we partied and had so much fun. So this is what it's like to have real friends.

~ Hello my fellow readers, sorry for the late update, so I hoped that you guys liked this chapter. Please vote or comment. I love you all. AnimeGeek201 out!💗~

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