Friday-When hell came to earth. Literally.

I was running away from the hellborn sight. Demons were chasing after us. We couldnt survive this assualt. The demons... They already killed my friends.. All of them. I was the last one. Hell came to earth, literally. It all started that unlikely night when Zeon brought his dog in for pet day. Most people didnt have a pet, but I did. My old trusty goldfish. Timmy. But it just got worse when.. When Zeon's dog... Turned into a cerberus. With white pearly teeth that gnawed through Zeon, viciously, infront of everyone. He was screaming for help. No one bothered. No one cared. He was dead. There were a few murmed cheers, when suddenly, lava started trickling down the walls of the hall. The teachers burnt up, and the floor beneath us, turned into a obsidian black, and crimson rock. Lava spewed up from the ground, burning up the pets and killing Ayaza, no mercy what so ever. Black shadows casted the land and they danced around us menacingly, their cackles terryfiying. A red demon came out. He was beefy, and his horns were on fire. He held a black trident. One that.. One that looked like the devil's. The difference was, he wasnt the devil. This was hell. He creeped up behind Trio, and brutally stabbed him in his heart, jerking foward, but stood still, his skin pale and lifeless. After blood started spewing out. He laughed like a maniac.
"Trio.. TRIO'S DEAD!" Cried Yza, who ran away from this bloody sight. People were screaming, havoc wreaked on this land. Lava bubbled under feet, and scalded my shoes bottom, so I took a run aswell. Demoms appeared from everywhere! They all had blood red eyes, and started killing people, left right and center.
"N-no!" I heard Rino cry. "Not me-...." He said, before being stabbed. Yudai's long red hair was caught by a demon and he was pulled back, tearing it off, and he sent lava to pummel him into pieces.
Blood trailed to my feet. I looked up to see Aika being stabbed to her doom. Hiyoku was running, being chased by a demon. His legs were grabbed tightly and ate them off, blood trailing down reaching Yza, where another demon grabbed him, and cut him right open. This made me sick to my stomach. Shika tripped, and fell into a demon's arm, where he pulled him into a black abyss, hearing Shika's scream and the laugh was horrific. Kurosawa and Kenji were running as fast as they could, to get away from the demon that killed Aya with no mercy.
"Kenji!! I cant make it!" Panted Kurosawa. "Continue, without me!"
"W-what?!" Stuttered Kenji. "No!" He cried.
Kurosawa waved his goodbyes, as a demon rised, scooped him up and shredded him. My eyes were wide open. I looked back at me, and I saw it. The demon was after me.
"Die..." He hissed.
"N-no way!" I ran off. Kin and Hede were double teamed and stabbed brutally.
Shade looked at the beast coming straight at him. He had his fangs beared, and he stood still in fear. He lunged at him, eating Shade in one fearsome gulp, while I ran from everything that happened. Hiku was running away from the demon that stabbed Ruku with no mercy, and he scooped her, and stabbed her.
I couldnt bare this sight...
I close my eyes shut as the screams and cries of all my friends were there.
Diake was eaten.
Rukia was stabbed.
Oni was crushed.
Masaru had his head ripped off.
Selene had collsapsed.
Hikaru was stabbed.
Shioru was brutally murdered.
Nicole was dead.
Everyone else suffered a similiar fate. But me.. Just me...
I felt ashamed.
The land beneath me crumbled.
The demons were tormenting me.
I thought this was the end.
I felt nothing beneath my feet.
A sudden pain filled my body.
I.. I thought I was dead.
I jumped up from my bed, kicking off the bedsheets.
"Just a nightmare.." I thought. Cold sweat trickled down my fore head, as I breathed heavily. Tears filled my eyes. I had no idea what happened. Was I... Dead?

Hey guys! Ryu here.. I hope you were creeped by the cold intro. I had a nightmare... Yeah, that was it. That really shook me up, I thought I wasnt alive anymore!! So when it came to friday.. It was embarrasing.
Form time. I thought red head couldnt see me, so I was cursing at him. No one noticed me, so I thought no one could see me. Backlion was playing a game with one of his followers, and people crowded around him. Red head was reading a book while I was cursing at him.
Period 1!!
Drama... In all honesty, I hate this class. Acting isnt my thing, and I cant work with people well!!
"Get into groups of 4." Said my teacher. Everyone rushed into a group, which left me, Ayaza, Hiyoku and some other random kid who threw up from a bad breakfast.. Which left us with 3.
"We have to make a play based on chocolate." Ayaza said.
"Ok, idea!" Exclaimed Hiyoku. "So we basically have Ryu as this guy who sells chocolate, right?"
"Ok.." I replied bluntly.
"So, then Ayaza comes to buy one. What he doesnt know all the choclate's melted from being in the sun and he was ripped off! Ryu leaves and I, as a policeman, pin him down and voila! Ayaza gets a refund, Ryu is in jail and Im a hero!" Hiyoku said.
"Explain why I'm the bad guy?!" I shouted.
"Revenge. Lets do this!" Hiyoku said. After alot of throwing ideas around and trying different approaches, we made a final one and presented it to everyone.
"Buy your chocolate here!" I shouted.
Ayaza came up and said, "Ooh! May I buy one?"
"Yes sir! That'll be £19!" I said.
"Alright!" Ayaza gave me some pretend money and took pretend chocolate aswell.
"Thanks!" I said, running off.
Ayaza pretend to open the chocolate bar and he screamed, "My chocolate is melted!!"
Hiyoku rushed in and said, "My good sir, what is going on?"
"I bought melted chocolate for £19..." He said. He pretended to cry. Hiyoku had a determined face on. He jumped up, grabbed my head, twirled his arms and RKO'd me.
"Your under arrest for selling melted chocolate bars for a ridiculous price!"
"Is that even a crime?!" I exclaimed.
"I think." Hiyoku said. I sighed and he took me to a 'imaginary' cell and threw me in there. "Enjoy," He said, leaving. And that was the end.
The class clapped and cheered after our 'strange' performance.
It was break and I challenged Ayaza to a cardfight. Worst. Mistake. Ever.
"Pair up and surge, ride my avatar! Dragonic Kaiser Crimson! And now I.. LEGION AND SEEK MATE!" He shouted, shuffling back 3 criticals and 1 perfect guard back. "Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion. LIBERATE, THE GENERATION ZONE!"
That when I tablepalmed.
"Generation Stride, Dragonic Kaiser Warning! Skill active, counterblast, and G Persona flip, he'll attack the front row!!" Ayaza stated, a smirk on his face. I panicked for a second.
"Uh.. Perfect Guard the vanguard with Twin Blader, dropping Three Minutes. You can take Ultimate Raizer, Dual-flare and Starlight Hedgehog..." I muttered.
"Alright, triple drive!! First check! Yellow Gem Carbuncle, critical! All effects to right Chatura. (11000 > 16000) (1★ > 2★) Second check! Demonic Dragon Nymph, Seiebo! Heal! Power to left Chatura (11000 > 16000) and healing a damage. Third check! Dragon Dancer, Anastasia, no trigger. Now Warning's effect kicks in along with Crownholder's! 5000 power to both Chatura's! (16000 > 21000) Once again! (21000 > 26000 ) Crownholder gives 2000 power to itself and another unit when my 'Kaiser' vanguard attacks hit! Give yourself 2000 power and Chatura infront of you another 2000! Do that again! (26000 > 30000) (7000 > 9000) (30000 > 32000) (9000 > 11000) Now, my left Chatura attacks with a boost from Crownholder for 43000 extra critical!!"
"F-fourty three thousand?!" I stuttered. "N-no guard... Damage check. First check. Red Lightning, critical. Power to vanguard, (11000 > 16000) and critical. (1★ > 2★) Second check... Dancing Wolf." I was now at 5 damage, Ayaza at 3.
"Now, I counterblast 1, draw a card and bind your Twin Blader so when you Legion you cant shuffle back! Now my other Chatura attacks for 43000!!" Ayaza exclaimed proudly. I looked at my hand.
"A Grade 3, 2 Grade 2's and 2 Grade 1's... So all together my shield is 20000, my vanguard is 16000, so that's 36000.. Damn it, I'm 10000 shield short.. Wait, I'll inter- Oh yeah, he killed my intercepts. My life!!"
"No guard!" I said proudly, flipping over the top card. It was Ultimate Raizer, Mega-flare. I had a stupid look on, sweat dropping as I saw that grade 3.
"Alright!" Ayaza cheered. "I WON!!" I sighed, packed up my cards as the bell rang and went to maths.
I sat in my seat next to Zeon. I looked at him a bored glare, he smirked, and looked at the board.
"So, jungle boy-" Zeon started.
"Its Ryu." I cut him off.
"So," Zeon said, using air quotation marks, "Ryu, you gonna do the starter?" He asked with a smirk on.
"Wipe that smirk off your face and yes," I responded, looking bored. (Or so they say.) "I will."
"Ok then. First one to finish gets my vanguard deck!" He exclaimed, writing away. I got up from the table, shocked at how neat and fast he wrote (man, knowing how to use a katana must be awesome!) I picked up my pencil and wrote some equasions. By the time I finished the first one, Zeon was drenched in sweat.
"D-done." He panted, sweat dropping on his book.
My jaw dropped. He brought it up to the teacher and he said it was all correct. The rest of that lesson was just... I dont know anymore.
English! Now I'm not the best at it, but I ended up in Yza's set, and he's brilliant at it. I took my seat next to Rukia, slouching, as a saw what we had to do.
"Ugh, Shakespeare... Why do I bother with school!" I cried in my head.
"Hamlet huh..." I heard Rukia mutter. I swung forward, grabbed my pen and started writing something. I couldnt be bothered about what I write, so I just wrote. Looks like Yza and Riku were having a better time. We learnt about Hamlet and about stuff like that... My eyes glued to the clock, wishing it would end. My feet tapped again and again, as my head layed on my fist, chin on it. The clock turned. The bell beeped. We were saved by this boring lesson!! It was lunch, I packed away quickly as I could and dashed to the dinner hall.
Lunch was my failing attempt to Ayaza that I'm better then him.
"Perfect guard! Countercharge!" He exclaimed.
"Now, I retire Cat Butler and stand my vanguard once more!!" I exclaimed. Ayaza looked at his hand.
"I can take any assualt you throw at me." He stated.
"Grrr, vanguard attacks again! 25000!! 3 critical!" I snarled.
"Guard with Yellow Gem Carbuncle, Plasma Dance Dragon and Mighty Bolt. (11000 > 36000) Good luck." He said.
"You may have locked me out, but I still have Twin Drive! First check! Minimum Raizer, critical!! All effects to vanguard. (25000 > 30000) (3★ > 4★) Second! Three Minutes, draw! Power to vanguard and draw. (30000 > 35000) Now retire Cat Butler and stand again!! Attack, CRITICAL EXPLOSION!!" I screamed.
"Perfect Guard." Yawned Ayaza. "Countercharge."
"Twin drive!! First check! Red Lightning, critical! All effects to vanguard! (35000 > 40000) (4★ > 5★) Second! Red Lightning, again! (40000 > 45000) (5★ > 6★) All effects to vanguard!! Now, I retire my final Cat Butler, STAND ONCE MORE MY VANGUARD!!" I shouted. "FINISH HIM! CRITICAL BLOW!!"
"Puh-lease. Give me a better challenge. Perfect Guard." He yawned again. I shred down his hand into nothing! That was the good part.
"Twin drive!! First check! Cat Butler! Second check! Ring Girl, Clara, a heal! Healing a point and power to vanguard. (45000 > 50000) End." (50000 > 11000) (5★ > 1★)
"Stand and draw. Legion, AND SEEK MATE!!" Ayaza exclaimed. He shuffled back the 4 perfect guards he used. "Generation Stride!" He shouted, dropping Mighty Bolt. "Warning! Skill, counterblast, G persona flip!"
This felt like de-ja-vu...
"Attacking the front row!" He commanded.
"Hm..." I mumbled. "Perfect guard my vanguard, Dual-flare 1 and 2 can go.
"Triple drive!! First, (Yellow Gem Carbuncle) Critical! All effects to right Chatura. Second! (Dragon Dancer, Anasatisa) Perfect Guard, no trigger. Third! (Plasma Dance Dragon) critical!! All effects to right Chatura again!! (11000 > 16000 > 21000) (1★ > 2★ > 3★) Now, Warning and my 3 Crownholders skill shall kick in!! 10000 Power to Chatura (21000 > 31000), 12000 power to Chatura (43000) thanks to my 3 Crownholders, and they get 4000 themselves! (7000 > 11000) Now with a boost from Crownholder, Chatura attacks for 54000, 3 critical, AT THE VANGUARD!!" He exclaimed.
"Guard with Cat Butler, Ring Girl, Clara, 2 Red Lightnings and Three Minutes! (11000 > 56000)" I panted.
"Now, with a boost from Crownholder, Crowholder attacks for 22000 at the vanguard!" Ayaza exclaimed.
"No guard..." I mumbled. I took a damage. It was Ultimate Raizer, Dual-flare. My whole formation was gone. I was done for.
"Stand and draw. My vanguard attacks for 20000 at your vanguard!!" I exclaimed.
"Perfect guard!" Ayaza screeched.
"Twin drive. First check. Starlight Hedgehog. No trigger. Second. Mr. Invincible, no trigger. I end." I said saddended. My hand was horrific. I had left over from the last assualt a Minimum Raizer and another Mr. Invincible, I now have a Starlight Hedgehog and another Mr. Invincible.
"Stand and draw. Final turn. Finish my opponent, MY VANGUARD ATTACKS!! CRIMSON CATASPROHE!!! 22000!!" Ayaza screamed.
"No guard." I said, with a hint of sadness in my voice.
"Twin drive. First check! Chatura. Second! Shieldblade Dragoon." Ayaza said. "Thats game."
"Damage check..." I said, flipping over the top card. I facepalmed when I saw it was Ultimate Raizer, Mega-flare.
"Hehe, like before." Ayaza chuckled. The bell rang as I went outside with Ayaza for P.E.
When we got inside the changing rooms, it smelt disgusting, it smelled of wee. Some liquid was all over the place, and it was just... Yuck. Oni had the "bright" idea of spraying his deoderant all over the place to try and make it smell better. It just made it so much worse...
We went inside the sports hall, and watched some year 9's do some sports. Now it was our turn. We started off with reverse dodgeball, where you try and hit the back wall and try to not let the balls hit... the whistle blew, as we rushed to get a ball in the center, I grabbed one and hurled it straight at the wall. Yza jumped and smacked the ball back straight at us, while Ayato and Ayaza were defending these shots. It was madness, people were running all over the place as balls were shot. We then had a handball tournament. Our team came in the glourious 4th place! Yeah, outta 6 teams, we got 4th.
Now was Graphpod. We were finishing what we did in the last class. That was a rough design for our stationary set. I was doing vanguard. I was happily drawing as the music played in the background. A perfect end to a really scary start of a day.
And that lead me here. Yep... Here.

(Whoo, its been awhile since I updated. Sorry guys. And sorry for using/mentioning your OCs,
Yeah. Sorry guys ^-^)

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