Part 8 - Recovery

Henry sat up on his chair after the therapist helped him off the bed for the first time in a week. He could feel his whole body tense upon every single movement. How Henry craved for a bath right now to ease the tension in his muscles. They had removed the tubes attached to Henry's body leaving him only with his oxygen tubing curling under his nose. Luckily the tube is long enough for him to sat on the recliner he had in his room. He exhaled a long breath as he leaning his back against the chair.

The therapist had pushed his rolling table right in front of him and placed his phone nearby so it's beyond his reach. They left him to sit for a while and Henry is now sitting in the room alone. Alex went back home yesterday after spending days in hospital with Henry since he wake up. So yesterday Henry had to send him home cause it's been torture seeing him lying on the couch every night. Even though Henry made him slept with him on the bed together he knew Alex got up middle of night and slept on the couch instead cause he scared he might accidentally pulled out the tube and made him bleed in his sleep.

Henry was thinking about calling Alex but also he didn't want to bother him at work so he gave up and placed back the phone on the table in front of him. The television is on but nothing on it making Henry even remotely interested. He sighed staring into the blank space in front of him  before his phone rang. Speaking of the devil.

He smiled seeing whose face appeared on the screen and immediately answered the video call. "Good afternoon sunshine." Alex voice heard from the speaker, Henry got to admit sometimes, the Texan in him came out and he's loving it. "Hai baby." Henry smiled sheepishly. "What are you doing? Have you eaten yet?" Alex asked concerned about him not eating much since he was allowed too. "Uhh- a bit yeah." Henry lied and Alex knew that he did so it explained the reason why he stared into the phone screen with his one eyebrow raised.

"Watch this." Henry showed Alex where he is and he could hear him gasped with his mouth gaped apart. "Baby! You're up already! Okay I'm coming there!" He cheered and Henry could hear him doing something rustling behind the screen as it shook the video footage and lastly ended up Henry watching nothing but his office ceiling.

"Alex, what are you up to?" He called wondering what could possibly Alex is doing not until he came back to the screen. "I'm leaving work for now, I will be there as soon as I can." Henry sighed cause he knew there is nothing he can say to stop him. It's only one in the afternoon and Alex has already ditching work for Henry. "I'm picking up lunch. Anything you had in mind? Something you've been craving maybe?" He asked and he could see Henry's tired face leaning against the chair. "Uhm, nothing. I'm not hungry." His voice croaked as he smiled through the camera.

"Yeah I'll pick up something for you, I love you, be there soon." Alex said and Henry replied him the same word and to be careful before he pressed the end button. He exhaled another breath feeling the tightness in his chest as he did. The doctor mentioned that he need to focus on his breathing and his movement exercise so if he managed to complete that, he might be discharged sooner than he thinks. So he took a deep breath again but soon regrets after feeling the sharp pain in the middle of his chest. He rubbed his chest inhaling and exhaling to ease the pain like the nurses teaches him. He didn't feel the need to ask anyone for help cause he knows the answer would be medication which he refused for now cause it makes him sleepy all the time and he hated that feeling.

He didn't realized he fell asleep on the chair when he felt a hand brushing his cheek with a soft kiss planted on his forehead. He looked up and saw Alex stood next to him. "Hey babe." He sighed but smiled either way before Alex leaned for another kiss on his lips. "Miss me?" He asked with a wide grin on his face.

He took another chair in the room and sat by Henry's legs and placed the brown bag on the table. "I brought lunch." Alex said with a wide smile on his face. "I told you I'm not hungry." Henry replied weakly and Alex saw the look on Henry's face. He palmed Henry's thigh and Henry placed his palm over Alex's hand.

"You need to eat something." Alex said as he continue to unload the food on the table. Henry had to admit that the smells actually tempting and it came from their favorite asian restaurant they used to have for take-out. Especially if none of them can get out of work and drowned in papers, Chinese food is always the best choice.

"I just don't feel like it. Feel like throwing up when I think of food." He said sighing as he sat up a little. He can't help but wincing at the pain of his back for sitting on the chair for almost two hours now. "That is why I brought you chicken porridge. Also I got some wonton soup." He said and peeled the packaging off to grab the spoon.

Alex scooped the porridge and starts blowing the heat away and proceed to feed Henry. He brought the spoon closed to Henry's lips in which he stares at Alex like he had two heads before he gave in and eat them anyway. There is no fighting Alex in this and he knew better.

Until third spoon in, Henry begs him to stop. "Babe, you barely eats and I will have this porridge in you either way I wanted." He warned Henry before forced another spoon inside Henry's mouth. He was about to retaliate before they were interrupted by someone knocking the door. "Hey ya'll." A strong voice came in to the room and Alex saw a certain Texan diplomat entered Henry's room with his father followed suit.

"Mum!" He called placing the porridge back on the table before he got up and gave her a hug and later his dads. "How are you Henry?" She asked as she leaned to kiss him on his cheek brushing her fingers through Henry's hair. As Henry relationship with Alex grew, so does his family, Ellen treated Henry like he is her own son. "Hanging there, not too mention General Custard here is force feeding me like I'm a toddler." He raised his chin towards Alex that stood by his father.

"Okay, first of all, it's Custer, not Custard, I'm not a desert, get your history straight English." Alex commented and Henry smiled. "That you are." He made a snarky come back earning Alex laughed with a wink. "What are you feeding him? Jesus Alex, this is so unhealthy." Oscar asked after he went to Henry's side and greet him. He could see the circle underneath his eyes and he knew Henry is hiding his pain.

"Some porridge." Henry replied and pushed the table away from him with helped from Ellen. "I need to get back on the bed, my back is killing me." He said and tried to raise his body off the chair but he stopped when he felt sudden twinge of pain over his chest as he stood. His palm went over his chest gripping the front of the shirt he had and groaned.

"Hen, honey are you alright?" Ellen asked as he saw Henry leaned forward with his face scrunched. "Hurts." He mutters and it didn't take Alex much time to waste. He literally sprinted out from the room to get helps. He returned to the room finding Henry still on the chair with his hand over his chest and the sound of the machine is pure chaos. "Hen?" He called and went straight to his side. The doctors and nurses came in behind him with their face expression is unreadable.

He stroked Henry's blonde hair away from his sweaty forehead as helped calming him down. "Breathe babe, breathe." He whispered as he took Henry's hand in his. Oscar and Ellen stepped aside letting Henry being examined by the doctor except for Alex. The nurse is taking his vitals on his other side while the doctor is listening to his heart. "Let's run some CBC and ECG." He ordered the nurse which she acknowledge it by saying okay.

"Let's get you back on bed your Royal Highness." The doctor said and he had his hand cupping Henry's right upper arm and Alex grabbed his left side. "Arghh!" Henry screamed as they lifted him from the chair and Alex can't see him in pain like this. So he let Henry put his arm over Alex's shoulder. He wanted to just carry Henry to bed himself but he is too afraid to move him so instead he just grabbed Henry's waist on lifted him with a swift move to the bed. It wasn't that far anyway only two steps and he would be in bed but Henry could barely walk much less lift any finger so Alex helped him.

"OW! Ahhh!" Henry cried after Alex placed him on the bed and he clutched his side where they had removed the drain earlier and Alex cursed himself. "Babe, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He apologized but Henry just shook his head, he only wanted to lie down but why does this hurts so bad. "I c-can't breathe." He said as he tried to inhale and exhale deeply and the nurse had changed his oxygen tube back to the face mask one and cranked the oxygen higher.

She was later joined by her colleague in the room, one of them is taking Henry's blood and the other exposed Henry's chest and starts putting something on his chest. When she was done placing the clips over Henry's chest, he looks like death row inmate waiting on the electrical chair for their death. Henry is sweating by now like he had run a marathon and his heart rate still going to fast making the monitor beeping constantly.

They gave him something over his IV and Alex could see how Henry starts to slow down and more calm like he was before. He was able to exhale a long breath and let his head leaned against the pillow before his eyes falling asleep.

"What the hell happened?" Alex asked as soon as they got out from Henry's room with his parents besides him trying to comfort their son. He can't stop the tears from flowing and his mother stroking his arm up and down feeling the need of her motherly touch. "It happens, he's fine now. He just had a little muscle straining and cause him to panic a little." The doctor explained and Alex can't help but to feel even more confused. "A little? Henry was pale. He can't breathe. He was almost passed out and if I wasn't in there who's gonna help him?" Alex voice raised but he was stopped by his father.

"He did lost a lot of blood and he still in recovery. I never said he is better hundred percent. We will have to transfuse more blood into him tonight cause his hemoglobin came back as five and we need to bring it up at least nine or above." The doctor clarified.

"He's not been eating much." Alex stated and the doctor nodded understand, "That would explain it but mainly because his body is still recovering. His heart doesn't received enough blood to pump to the rest of his body. But I assure you after the transfusion he will feel a lot better." He explained and Ellen thanked him.

"Can I donate mine?" Alex asked in hope. "That depends, what type are you?" He asked and Alex still remembers doing charity work for his student time in GW and he knows exactly what blood type he has. "I'm an O positive." He remarks and the doctor nodded. "Well, aren't you guys a match made in heaven." He commented as he write something in his file.

"Wait, doc, Henry is blue blood." Oscar stated. "Is it allowed for anyone to just donate him bloods since he is Royalty?" Alex was stunt to hear such nuisance law but again he read somewhere that Royals travel with their own pack of bloods so his father was right.

"That's true but I thought Henry abdicated." The doctor asked, "From office and his royally duties, not this though. I don't know, should we call his mum?" Alex suggested. "How long will it take for Henry to get his blood transfusion then?" Ellen asked concerned. "It would usually take about an hour maybe two but we had shortage right now in our blood bank so probably more. There's been an accident yesterday, a lot of casualty so we haven't had time to restock our supplies." The doctor explained and Alex sighed rubbing his face with his hand.

"Never mind that, show me where to donate?" Alex asked not wanting to delay this any further and the doctor called one of the nurses to guide him to the blood taking area in their laboratory.

Ellen and Oscar waited inside Henry's room while Alex still donating blood. Unfortunately for them Oscar and Ellen both have different blood type as Henry and Alex so they won't be able to participate. They wanted to be with Alex when he was in the lab but Alex insisted for them to stay with Henry which they did. Henry is fast asleep when they walked back to his room and they had him on monitors again.

Alex came stumbled an hour later into the room looking like a drunk and luckily Oscar caught him before he fell on the floor. "Alex? What happened?" Ellen asked after seeing her son walked in like a zombie, sweats dripped from his head before he landed on the couch and exhaled. "I was supposed to wait there for a few hours so they could monitor me but I want to wait here." He said and caught Oscar shaking his head in disbelief.

They waited for about half an hour for them to run the cross match for Alex's blood before giving it to Henry, although he knew its clean but it's their protocol and perks of being an ex-president son they had everything sped up. The nurse later explaining the procedure as protocol before administering Henry, Alex's blood. Henry is still fast asleep when they are doing the procedure which Alex let him cause he also felt drained and his eyes drifted to sleep eventually.

He woke up probably couple hours later finding no one in the room except for him and sleeping Henry. The monitor continuous beats making him relieved that he is back to his usual self, not the panicking one. He looked around for his parent but they were nowhere to be found. But from the corner of his eyes he could see his mum's bag is still here so probably they are at the cafeteria somewhere.

He noticed the blanket on top of his body before he removed them and went to Henry's side. He sat on the chair next to him and later grabbed Henry's hand in his. It was chilling cold and he could see pale skin on Henry's face has slowly turning to a hint of pink. They already started the transfusion couple hours ago and the bag is now half emptied.

Henry began to stir in his sleep and slowly he could see Henry's eyes flutters opened and smile when he caught Alex next to him. "Hey baby." He whispered and Alex had the biggest smile on his face. He stood and leaned forward to kiss Henry on his lips but stumbled and almost landed on top of Henry.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Henry caught him by his arm and he sat back down on the bed with an awkward smile. "I uh- I did something." He started. He pointed towards the bag hanging by Henry's head and he turned his gaze sharply back at him. His face is confused as he turned his head back to Alex. "What?" He asked and Alex smile again scratching the nape of his neck.

"That's my blood." Alex continued and Henry's eyes widen in shock as he turned his gaze back and forth from the bag to Alex. "Are you serious?" He asked and Alex sighed feeling Henry might have against it. "I wish no but I wanted to help you. Also, it's kind of nice we're having the same blood type. The doctor even called it match made in heaven." He chuckled but Henry kept his gaze forward not saying any word or showed any emotion since Alex told him.

"Babe, I'm sorry, if you don't agree with this, I will tell the nurse to stop it and find stranger's blood instead." Alex said and as he was about to stand and called the nurse but Henry grabbed his arm and pulled him into a kiss.

The kiss is deep and longing and Alex relieved that Henry doesn't have to wear those freaking face mask anymore instead they put him back on the curling tube and Alex could feel the wind coming out from the tube under Henry's nose tickling his. Alex exhaled after their lips disconnect and leaned his forehead against Henry before he smiled.

"I love you." Henry said and Alex smiled grew wider. He didn't say anything in return but instead he leaned for another kiss instead. Alex pulled away from his kiss and went to lie down next to Henry with his arm wrapped around Henry's body pulling him close to his chest. They continued kissing for about few minutes before interrupted again by his parents barging in carrying fruit baskets in each of their hands.

Henry smiled when he saw them so happy carrying the bag inside. It was huge and full with fruits and he saw a chocolate box that caught his attention.

"Mum, dad, that's too much." Alex said earning Henry a smile. "Nonsense, this is good for you Henry. See the grapes and the plum will help you bring back you red blood." Ellen said after placing the basket next to his bedside.

They stayed and chat a bit with Henry but soon had to leave cause it was already seven at night. Henry had finished the transfusion when they both left leaving Alex on the couch with his laptop typing away all the words in silenced. Henry couldn't help but stares at him which Alex caught few times when he did but didn't say anything other than smiled at him. Alex is blessed to be here right now considering a week ago Henry is there unconscious and dying.

"Are you bored?" Alex asked still typing his laptop without glancing at Henry. He heard Henry sighed and apparently he nodded but Alex didn't even look at him to realize that he did. So instead Henry raised himself and removed the wire that was attached to him and decides he want to use the toilet for now. "Woah, woah, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Alex asked placing his laptop on the table before he went to Henry's side.

"I need to pee, it's okay. Go ahead and finished your work." He said pushing Alex away from him but he stood there blocking Henry from getting off the bed. "No, you're not, I'll get the nurse to help you." He said before trying to grab the call button that he rarely used because he would just go up to the counter and asked them himself. But if he leaves now, Henry would be walking to toilet so he stood his defense using his body as a shield.

"Alex, it's okay, they are busy, I can manage this on my own." Henry said attempting to push Alex again but he is too weak and Alex didn't even budge. "Gosh, what are you a giant?" He snide and Alex had to hide his smirk away, "Compared to you my short king." Alex commented which it didn't help cause Henry was infuriated by that word. "I am six foot!" He claimed and Alex nodded, "Uh - huh, whatever." He replied with a smile.

He gave up trying to fight Henry and he was right, the nurse is quite busy being short staffed and all so he helped Henry instead. He took Henry's arm with his hand and they walked side by side like an old married couple. Henry stood by the door of the bathroom before closing it but Alex stand in the way, "Move!" He told him but he didn't budge. "What? Do your business, I ain't going anywhere." Alex replied and Henry sighed.

"I told you I want to pee, now go so I can close the door." Henry pushed him by his chest but again not even a slightest movement. "What? Are yo shy with me now Henry?" Alex teased and Henry giggled, "Not the time right now, please, wait outside I will call you when I'm done." Henry said still laughing. "Awww, baby you had your dick in my mouth and now you're telling me you're shy?" Alex batted his eyelashes towards Henry thinking he would be charming enough for Henry but only to be thrown a door on his face.

"Just tell me you're shy and we can settle this later." He said from behind the door as he leaned his body to it but no answer from Henry. He could hear Henry turned on the water so he sighed and waited.

It might have been a while since Henry was inside and Alex started to gotten worry. "Hen, you're okay there?" He knocked softly on the door waiting for him to answer. He got more worried now Henry is silenced, not a single word of replied so he knocked again.

"Hen, I'm worried can I come in?" He asked and then he heard him, "N-No, please. Stay there." Henry's voice is breaking and Alex could hear him like he was holding back his tears. So he didn't say anything other than barged in without his permission. He thought about letting Henry be with himself but he is too afraid of Henry's condition right now so he did what he had too.

He saw Henry by the toilet bowl sitting down and crying. Tears escaped his eyes as he wiped it off hoping Alex won't be able to see it but he did. Henry had finished his business in there for quite sometime because Alex heard him flushed and he saw Henry sat on a close toilet so he knows Henry isn't having any difficulties in performing his ablution. So something else might have happened that made him so upset.

"I told you not to come in here." He said as he wiped his nose with his palm and looked the other way. Alex walked further and kneeled right in front of Henry. He had his hand wrapped in Henry's hand and he could feel him shaking. "What is it?" He asked and Henry kept his silenced for a while. Henry sighed letting his tongue licked his upper lips before he continued.

"It's hideous." He said and Alex's eyebrow crooked. "What?" He asked. "This." Henry pulled his shirt off revealing the scar they had made for his operation. There was one vertical line middle of his chest just until his diaphragm and another horizontal like on his left abdomen below his nipple. Alex knew, he saw it before. Hell he even saw it before it was this healed so it didn't bother him at all.

"Hen, this scar isn't mean anything and you know I don't care for it." He states and Henry nodded, "It's just constant reminder how vulnerable I can be. Or weak." He whispered and Alex sighed. He cupped Henry's chin in between his finger wanting him to gaze upon his eyes.

"Hen, this scar doesn't show your weakness but rather you'd survived something awful in your life. You are the strongest person I knew." Alex claimed and Henry scoffed, "Phillip had scars when he enlisted. I got a scar because I wasn't able to protect my own home." He said and Alex scoffed. "Hen, Phillip had that scar cause he was too focus being a dick and you, you are a victim. No one could expect what happened and I was half to blame cause I didn't protect you earlier. I should have told you about him when I first got the photo threat but I thought it was someone pulling a prank and tried to scare me. It could have been anyone living in that area who knows. Maybe our neighbors instead of us. But he is behind bars now, no one will hurt you."

The little thing about Alex that Henry loves is his ability to make things better. He sees the world differently than Henry. "Now, let's get you back to bed." He said as he stood before Henry and waited for him to stand but he did something else. He wrapped his arm around Alex's waist and rested his head on Alex's torso instead. Alex stroked Henry's hair with his finger rubbing soft circles on his back.

As days goes by, Henry is doing good at therapy and his blood came back as ten like the doctor had promised. He could see Henry slowly starts showing color and more strength in him. Nora and June always pays him a visit at the hospital with Pez. He still remembers how Pez hugged his best friend for the first time he saw Henry stood and never felt this proud. Henry might survived this because of the best team that work on him but he survived building himself up on his own, he never gave up and Alex is so proud of him.

"So, no physical activities including heavy lifting, anything that is more than five pound is not for you to handle. We don't want the stitches to tear." Henry turned to Alex's gaze in confused, "Two kilos babe." He explained and Henry's single oh made him smile. "That would also include sexual activities. Don't let your heart rate went above 120. I mean it." The doctor warned and Henry could see Alex is taking a mental note on this. No sex. Damn that was a hard one and Henry knows better but seeing Alex taking notes on whatever the doctor had say making him more curious.

"I'll be seeing you in two weeks for your check up, don't forget your medicine and Alex, I need you to make sure you measure Henry's weight every morning." He said and Henry scoffed, "I mean it Henry, I'm not happy releasing you back home but I know it's good for you. You need all the home therapy but you also need to eat more or I'm referring you to a psych consult." He said and Henry eyes darted towards Alex. He nodded hoping the doctor will let go this conversation for now. He feels like he is back in his eighteen years old self after his father had died and he is back in his therapist room scolding him for not eating.

"I guess that's all, I wish you the best Henry, you are my best success case." He said holding out his hand for Henry and he shook in returned. Alex on the other hand had his arm wrapped around the doctor's neck thanking him for everything.

As they walked out of the hospital alone with none of their families accompanied Henry cause he didn't want them to know, he couldn't felt happier. Alex hand in Henry's and his smile is the only thing Alex wanted in this life. His love stood next to him.

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