Part 6 - Found

Trigger Warning ~~ Brutality and harm.

Alex's heart dropped upon hearing his voice and he swore if he was escorted by any Secret Service by now, he would have him shot instead. It was the guy they tracked down, the Russian billionaire, Sergei, here in a flesh.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Alex stood keeping their distance apart ready to fight. "I won't do that if I were you." He pointed at their surrounding finding every single corner of the garden has his men stood waiting for order. Alex exhaled in defeat before his eyes darted back to him. "What do you want?" He asked and Sergei had the audacity to smirk at him. "Like I said, to talk. Sit." He instructed as he took his own place on the bench.

Alex still stood like a statute next to him trying to comprehend where is this going. There is no possible way for him to escape and definitely getting help if he needed.

"If you want the guy who robbed your home and shot your boyfriend then you will listen to me." He said and Alex couldn't help but feeling even more confused. "Wait what?" It didn't take him that long to actually sit on the bench but his body face the Russian mafia leader right in front of him.

The guy pulled out something from his coat and handed it to Alex and he saw it was Henry's father's watch. The one that is so unique only one kind in this world. He took it from the guy's hand and inspect for any damage. "I know it means a lot to him more than anyone else." He said and Alex still not moving his gaze away.

"I might be a crook - as what you American call it but I buy my share fair, also I know where is this guy hiding." He said and Alex exhaled his breath sharply. "Of course you would, you hired the fucking guy and crippled my fucking fiancé!" Alex shouted and he could see the guy raised his finger up signing his men to stay down.

"I didn't hired him to shoot the Prince. I hired him to make sure he paid his debt." Alex eyebrow furrowed into more confusion. "What?" He asked clueless. "I hired him so he would pay his debt. He would find whatever I desire and in return I won't have to kill him. But now he is making me the target for every country I want to travel. By shooting the grandson of the Queen of England." He said as he returned his gaze towards Alex.

"Now I want to clear my name. So I can travel in peace collecting items all over the world as I fit so." He continued and Alex listened to him cautiously.

"Here is his hotel, I assumed the items he stole from your home is with him, if he hasn't sold it already." He smirked, handing Alex the piece of paper. How dare this bastard being this calm as Alex is already fighting his urge to kill him in his seat. "What you have in return?" He asked and he could see this guy smiled, from this side he looks not more than fifty, probably Henry's father's age by the time he passed.

"Just one." He said smiling and it creeps Alex, sending chills running down through his spine.

"His father's cufflinks." He asked and Alex thought for a second before he nodded. Sergei pull something out from his coat pocket and handed it to Alex. It was Henry's photo again and this time there was no red cross over his face, just plain Henry in his casual clothes- smiling.

"He is really the Prince of people's heart isn't he?" He said as he stood. "Well, he caught mine." The guy winked and Alex had to retort back before he actually strangle this guy. Henry is his and his alone, no one can take that away.

"Calm down sweetheart, no one will able to change Henry's feeling for you. That smile alone is enough to tell me how he feels about you cause he was looking at you the time this was taken." Alex doesn't understand any of this conversation points to where but by the time he did, Sergei is already gone like dust in the wind and when Alex looked around, all of his men has gone too.

"Damn." Alex thought. He didn't think that the Russian mafia was also a fairy.

As he walked into the hospital hallway again, he wanted to tell Bea but he decides to keep her away from knowing this cause everything that he wanted to do next is not on her list. Henry would never forgive him if he knew and the only time he would know if Alex tell anyone about this. So he decided that he would take this solo.

"Where's Alex?" Nora asked as soon as she entered Henry's room. She saw Bea is sitting by Henry side and their mother is by the couch. "Don't know. He just left to get some air but that was a while ago." She said and they all feel like Alex is up to something. They are not wrong.

Pez did tried calling Alex few times but failed as his phone is off and June already leaving death threats to Alex's voicemail. Oscar came around the evening bringing food of his people to the family and Catherine couldn't be happier having his company. After all they are going to be family soon. But still no one could trace Alex and it gotten them to worry since Alex is not in his right mind right now. They are afraid that Alex would do something he might regret in future.

Alex went to the hotel that Sergei told him and he couldn't figure out what his next plan is. He wanted to hurt this guy as much as he hurt his Henry but he need to be smart about it. So he took one of the Secret Service with him in secret provided he didn't tell his mother about it. The guy is almost seven feet tall and buff as a professional boxer.

Alex bribed one of the housekeeping to give him entry of the bastard's door. Every housekeeping has one master key for all in case they wanted to enter the room and clean. So he did. As the Secret Service guy named - Tom barged in, the guy almost fled, just like Alex had thought he would. He was already halfway to the balcony but was rather tackled by Tom and he fell to the ground.

Alex walked into the hotel room and closed the door behind him before he walked further finding the guy groaning in pain on the floor. "Hurts? You will be." He said and nodded to Tom to pick him up from the floor and tied him to a chair.

Alex sat by the couch waiting for Tom to finish tying the bastard on the chair and stood behind him waiting for next order. Alex sat on the couch with his leg crossed as he waited for him to plead for his life, but this bastard is cocky. So Alex decides to stand and fixing his suit that he had on and walked around the hotel.

His eyes darted to the duffle bag underneath the bed and pulled it out bringing it in front of the guy. He dropped the bag on the table and starts to unload it one by one. He brought out Henry's suit, crumpled after being shoved in and dumped it on the floor. Later he pulled out his own suit, the Tom Ford one then he saw his Armani suit and he swore he wanted to kill this guy right here right now. "I was just wondering, where the hell do you think this suit would go? I don't think you would fit since you are shorter than Napoleon." The guy was upset Alex calling him short and tried to charge at him but he was held by Tom from behind and he was pressed against his seat.

The more Alex dig, the more rage he felt building inside his heart. He found every single piece of stolen item, the watches, the cufflinks. All but one. "Where is it?" He asked and the guy had the nerve to ask what earning him a punch on his face by Alex.

Alex broke one of the chair legs in the room and hold it like a bat before he asked again. "Where the fuck is it?" He asked and honestly either this guy is stupid or he is just pretended to be. So when he screamed at Alex face to go fuck off, he swung the broken wood on the guy's face, earning him a blood spurt out of his mouth and he swore he could see few tooth came out of him. "I'll ask again and this time you better answered it nicely or the next one will break your jaw in half. Where - is - the - fucking - ring?" His voice is monotone as he spell out his word one by one to him since he felt he is that stupid.

"I sold them" he said and another swing goes to his face. Unfortunately it didn't broke his jaw in half but Alex knew he broke his nose and cheekbone. "For your sake I hope you lied." Then another swung on the guy's legs and Alex could see his leg deformed in two places. The guy screamed in pain and Alex nodded to Tom and he held a piece of clothes over the guys mouth to muffle the scream.

Another then another swing hits the guy's body and by the eight time Alex was running out of patience and not too mention he is releasing all of his anger towards this guy. Each swing brought flashes of image of Henry pleading him on the floor bringing the next swing more harder than the next one. He throw the broken wood on the ground as he heard the guy crying for his life. Pathetic.

"Please, please." He said pleading, now that is what Alex wanted. "I'm sorry, please. Please forgive me. Please. I will tell you where the ring is." Alex scoffed before he throw another punch on the guys face shutting him up.

"What makes you think that pleading my mercy would stop me?" He started.

"Did you spare him mercy when he pleaded?" He asked and the guy shook his head still crying like fucking baby. "When you took his father watch did you spare him the mercy?" Another punch on his face. "When you took his father cufflinks, did YOU spare him mercy?" He punched again. His bloody face already soaked Alex knuckle but he ignored them.

He pulled this guy by his collar and bring his face inches away from Alex's face. Alex could smell the rusty smell from his bloody face and immediately thought of what he had on the night Henry was bleeding in his arm brought him back to tears. "When he pleaded you to spare him the ring, did you give him?" He asked as he had this guy neck on his chokehold. The guy's mouth gaped apart as he fought for air to breath and the look on his face brought satisfaction on Alex heart.

"What? Hard to breathe? Now you feel how I feel when I almost lost the love of my life! You bastard!" He said so close to the guy's face inhaling the bloody smell. But not until he was interrupted by Tom's hand on his wrist. "Enough sir. Let's handed him to the authority, he deserves enough." Tom said and Alex wasn't gonna let go. He has Tom in his death stare. "I don't fucking care, he deserves it." Alex said and continued his assault on him.

"I do." Tom said as he called from his communication wire. "I don't want you to have blood on your hands. Take Barracuda back to base." Tom said into his earpiece and pulled Alex hand away from the guy. "Also, it was a stupid name for a code name." The guy said and Alex made a disappointing face towards him.

"Bedside." The guy said even though he was fighting for his life, Tom released the tie around his leg and arm knowing he won't have any effort to escape now that his legs is broken, thanks to Alex. Alex walked into the room and searched the bedside, he went to the right side first before he went to the left and found it. The ring that was meant only for Henry cause he had it engraved underneath the rim.

From Thisbe to his Pyramus.

Alex smiled as he held the ring in his hand. He had that engrave for Henry on purpose. It was the sole reason why they are still together now if it wasn't for that note in his kimono.

He put on the ring on the same finger and now he has Henry and his together side by side. He walked out of the room finding more men coming in now bringing the bastard into cuffs and one of them escorted Alex out and into the SUV.

"I want to see Henry." Alex ordered the driver and he nodded so he drove him straight to the hospital. He pull out his phone and gave Tom a call, he answered with a second ring. "The cufflinks, give them to Sergei, he will chose which one, the rest bring back to the house. I will handle it tomorrow." He said and Tom noted by replying yes sir.

Alex looked down on his bloody hand and cursed. He didn't care for it, he wanted to see Henry now, it doesn't matter how bad it looks, he just has to see him.

As he arrived at the hospital he could see everyone that passed him had their eyes darted to his bloody hand but he didn't care, he picked up his pace and starts to feel Henry closer and closer.

As he reach Henry's room, he slide the door open finding that every single person is there including Phillip, he assumed arrived from Germany in that ridiculous suit, which again he noticed that he also wearing a suit so he decides not to make a snarky comment on his attire. "What the fuck Alex?!" June shouts as soon as Alex entered with a bloody hands looking like he just came out of fight club. "Alex? Where the hell have you been?" His mother asked but he didn't care for her, he had to see Henry, so he walked inside closing the door behind him.

"Looking for this." He said as he raised his palm up showing them two sets of rings on his ring finger, one belong to Henry. "Also Sergei found me earlier and told me where's the bastard staying so I pay him a visit." Alex said and the look on their face.

"You didn't kill him right?" Ellen asked fear for what he might answered. "Unfortunately no. I wanted to but Tom was there before I did." Alex said so differently as if he had no remorse. "Alex you're joking right?" Nora asked in disbelief. "Wish that I am but no." He said and went to Henry's side. He leaned in and kissed him on his cheek before he was pulled by his mother.

"Everyone else out! Catherine I need you and Oscar to stay so I won't kill my son!" Ellen said as he grabbed Alex by his elbow and won't let go. They all looked at each other before headed to the exit and Phillip happens to be the last to leave so he pulled the sliding door halfway before he spoke, "For what is worth, good job little brother. The bastard deserves what you did to him." Phillip said and earned Alex a smile, but as soon as the door closed, Alex was hit on his upper arm by his mother. "What has gotten in to you!" She screamed not caring that they could hear her outside. She knows they're gonna eavesdrop anyway.

"I had to do what I had to do to avenged Henry!" Alex screamed back and Ellen scoffed in disbelief. "Okay, first of all, are you okay Alex? Are you hurt?" Oscar asked him and he exhaled before he answered by nodding his head. "I can't say that I'm actually impressed." Catherine said earning Alex another smirk which angered his mother more and more. "Enough with the encouragement, this is outrage Alex you know better than this!" Ellen screamed again and this time Alex doesn't care anymore. They can fight him all they want but he will never be sorry for what he did.

"I don't fucking care mum! They can throw me in jail all they want but that bastard deserves it!" Alex screamed and Ellen is already gripping her blond hair in her hand shocked to have her son acting like a lunatic. "You want to go to jail, fine! I will drag your ass right now to jail and have you locked up! Do you ever stop and think for once how it would affect anyone in this family Alex?! Do you?!" Ellen replied and she already felt Oscar hand around her elbow with Catherine on Alex's.

"I don't care mum, you can do whatever you want as long as I get to see the guy suffered for what happened to Henry! He deserved every single beating for what he did to Henry!" Alex screamed and they all could feel the rushed in all of their hearts and the room starts to sound a bit more chaotic with lots of loud beeping sound. Not until one of the nurses barged inside Henry's room finding the mother and son at each others throat she started to scream to get their attention.

"ENOUGH!!! Both of you, can't you listen?" She asked and when she did, they all fell silent and the only thing that could be heard is Henry cardiac monitor beeping really fast. "Hen?" Alex called went to his side and the nurse went to check on the monitor before she silent them. Alex stroked Henry's hair with his finger hushing him. "Baby, I'm right here. I'm right here, I'm so sorry." He whispered as he listened to the heart beeping slowly calm down. "He could hear me?" Alex asked as he looked at the nurse clerking away the charts.

"Beats me, he is not supposed too, he's on sedation." She replied earning Alex another furrowed eyebrow. "Then how do you explain that?" Alex asked and he could hear the nurse sighed. "There are things that can't be explained by medical professional, maybe he could hear you, I don't know. Or maybe he didn't want you to fight your mother like this. So for His Royal Highness sake, please, stop fighting. This is a hospital, not a fish market." She remark before she left them in the room.

Alex couldn't help but to feel sorry for his mother but he is not sorry for what he did tonight. But for her sake, he had to admit that what he did is wrong. So when he turned his gaze towards his mother, his eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill. "I'm sorry mama." He said and Ellen couldn't help but feeling the worst for yelling at her only son. She sighed as she walked towards Alex and gave him a hug. Alex cried into her shoulder as she rubbed soft circles on his back.

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