Part 29 - End

~~Last Chapter~~

"What do you want?" He asks and the guy smiled. 

"I'll be damned, I think we hit jackpot boys." The guy says and only then Henry can see the guy he kicked earlier was standing right behind him. He had a knife now in his hand and pointing towards Henry. He stood there trying not to make any sudden movement feared they would hurt Arthur or Alex in the process. "Take whatever you want, just leave my family alone." Henry says and he could see Alex is being held harder on his head and the knife nicked him a little on his neck leaving red marks.

"It's getting personal now. You think you two boys can come down here and acted like you owned the damn place. You wrong!" The guy said and hit Alex on the side of his neck and Henry screamed. "Don't hurt him!" He can see how tough Alex is trying to stay silent knowing Henry is holding their son and he tried not to fight this guy with a knife against his neck.

"You see, initially I thought you just some spoiled brats that has mummy and daddy money lying around. Didn't know that you had way more than that." He gripped Alex harder and Henry raised one of his free hand up surrendering.

"I will do everything you asked but please, let him go." The guy smirked and Henry could see him taking the knife away from Alex's neck and pushed him on the ground and Henry immediately rushed to his side.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine." Henry says as Alex hold his bleeding face and then Arthur's. Henry run his fingers over Alex face as well trying to see how deep the cuts were.

"Ain't that nice." The guy said and let them both on the floor while he leaned against their cabinet acting like he had the higher ground. "Gentleman, this is His Royal Highness Prince Henry, the prince who gave up the life on the throne for the love of his life, the son for the former President of the United State." Henry can see the other idiot whistle in amusement knowing who they are personally.

"We're rich baby." He says slapping the other guy's hand and they both returned the gaze back to Henry and Alex. Arthur is fussing over them and starts to cry but Henry shushed him into his chest. He was supposed to be asleep, not this and he knew Arthur can sense Henry's heartbeat going fast and irregular making him fussed even more.

"Take him away." The guy said and tried to take Arthur away from Henry but he pulled back and took few steps back away from him. "Try take him away and you lose a hand." He threatened and the guys were focused on Henry not realizing Alex was crawling away from them in the dark and the other guy is cornering Henry from the other side.

Henry is trapped between the table with both guys coming at him and Arthur. He was holding Arthur closer to his chest as they both tried to grab Henry from him. "You're not making this any easier. I wasn't gonna hurt him but now I'm thinking about it." The guy threatened and Henry hold Arthur tighter in his arm afraid of what these guys gonna to his son.

It wasn't until a loud bang coming from behind these two guys made Henry crouched down on the floor shielding Arthur with his body. Then another loud bang exploded behind him and he was too afraid to even lift his head up and see. It went total silent after the two gunshots and the only sound Henry could hear was Arthur cries.

The only thing matter right now is protecting Arthur and Henry had no idea what happens to Alex. He was hiding by the corner with his face pressed against the wall when he could feel a couple of hands wrapping around his arm and he flinched. "Don't touch him!" He retorts backward and fell on his buttock right on the ground. "Hey, hey it's me, it's me. Everything is fine." Alex said right in front of him and Henry looked around when he noticed the two guys is down on the floor and he exhaled in relief.

It was moment later when their house starts having people rushing in carrying firearms and they could see the logo across the chest, SWAT and Henry couldn't be happier. "Oh thank god." He whispered as he leaned against the wall with Arthur still crying in his arm. He stared at Alex's face letting his tears running down on his face.

"It's over, babe, it's okay." Alex tried to coax him as he stroke his arm up and down and slowly Henry let him take Arthur away and he could see Oscar came in among all the men that start crowding their home. He could see Henry still sitting against the wall clenching his chest as Alex kneeled right in front of him holding crying Arthur. "Are you guys okay?" He asks as soon as he spotted them.

"There's another one- upstairs- in Arthur's- nursery." Henry pants breathlessly as he tried to tell the men about the third person upstairs that he single handedly hurt. "Hen breathe. Please." Alex tried to calm Henry and he gave Arthur to Oscar and held Henry's hand in his.

"Where-the-fuck-you got- a gun?" He asked as he still panting in his breaths and Alex could see his lips is pale as he took more breaths. "Second amendment babe, right to bear arms?" He says and Henry shook his head as he squint his eyes closed. Alex could see a tear streaked down Henry's temple mixing with the blood that was pouring out from his nose and the corner of his lips.

"I ca-can't," Henry tried to take another breath and failed and his mouth gaped apart trying to breathe. "Dad I need to take Henry out of here." Alex says as he pulled Henry up from the floor and wrapped Henry's arm around his shoulder. Alex was helping Henry to walk out from the dining are when Henry stops and staring at the guys in handcuffed.

They were pulled up from the floor and pushed to move when Henry's eyes landed on them. The guy stops mid track and stares at Henry standing in between the dining area and the living room. The nerve he had when he smirked at Henry and winked at him. Henry could see the gun shot wound over his shoulder and the guy winced when they pushed him forward.

"You mess- with the wrong house." Henry says even though he tried to catch his own breath when he said so and the guy shook his head in defeat being pushed out from their home.

Henry felt the room spinning as Alex helped him and the more he moves, the more the room spins and eventually Alex felt Henry's limped on his side before he was dropped on the floor. Alex felt heavier as he fell together with Henry on the floor and the last thing he remembered was seeing Henry by his side and his eyes drifted to his unconsciousness.

Henry felt heavy when he finally regained consciousness and the first thing he noticed was the usual long light above his head that he had grew accustomed to it. He swallowed his throat feeling his head weighed thousand of pounds heavier. He squinted his eyes shut few times before he could finally see clearly.

"Hey, you're awake, thank god." Ellen face came into the view and he sighed in relief and soon shot up and looked for his husband. "Where's Alex?" He asked and Ellen turned to her side pointing at the bed next to him. Henry turned his head to his side finding Alex on the bed with Arthur on his lap as he smiled at Henry. "Hey daddy." He waved Arthur's small hands at him and Henry sighed in relief leaning his head back on the pillow.

"I'll take him." Ellen offers and Oscar followed behind her but Henry stopped him. "Oscar," he stops middle of the room and turned his head towards Henry on the head. "Thank you." He says almost a whispers cause his voice still hoarse from dryness.

"Anytime mijo." He says and left the room with Arthur and his wife. Henry heard Alex shifting next to him and climbed down from his bed before taking his seat next to Henry on the bed. Henry still had his head turned towards the other side not facing Alex. "Hey." He says as he took Henry's hand and Henry didn't protest but still not looking at him.

"I know you're mad but you have to admit if I didn't have that gun, none of us would be here right now." He can see Henry's jaw tightened as he hold his words but his eyes glistened in tears. "Babe, hey." He pulled Henry's chin and he could see him already breaking in tears.

"It could get a lot worst." He says and Alex could see tears running down his face. He pulled Henry to his chest and he hugged him. The familiar scent hits him knowing Henry is safe with him right here in his embrace and he exhaled in relieve. Alex rubs soft circle on Henry's back calming him as he shudders in his tears and pulled him right after.

"Hen, it's over, they got him. We're safe." He says stroking Henry's cheek and wiping away his tears with his thumb. "They almost had our baby. Why didn't you tell me you had guns hide in the house? Where did you hide them?" He asks and Alex could see how upset Henry was at this matter or the fact that Henry smacked his chest with the back of his palm.

He pressed his lips together before he took a breath and exhaled. "Under- the- dining table." He says and tried not to look at Henry when he said that and he can feel Henry burning holes on his face with his stares.

"ALEX!" He screamed and Alex shushed him with his palm over Henry's mouth and Henry continued to ramble on scolding him behind his cupped hand as Alex muffled his words. "You fucking idiot! How can you let this happened? Arthur could have-" Alex pulled his hand out thinking he might be done but Henry didn't and he had to muffle him again.

Henry was not amused at what he did and he stares into Alex's eyes, "Are you done screaming at me, can you let me explain? Or you still want to scream some more cause this is enjoyable and a major turn on for me." He asks and Henry didn't exactly answered him instead he just let his eyes do the talking but Alex take it as a sign and let his palm down and Henry stayed quiet giving him chances to explain his stupid idea.

"I know it was dangerous, but you didn't noticed that and I had kept it for months now. Plus it's not like I killed him, it was to injure him so he would back off." He says almost as if there is no remorse and Henry is fuming. "They could have shot you back you idiot! You didn't know if they're armed and yet you take a cheap shot and hoping they won't fight back?" Henry groaned as he pressing his fingers against his temple feeling the headache is coming back stronger.

Alex stares at Henry as he laid his head back on the pillow and sighed. He kept swallowing his throat and Alex noticed that so he grabbed the pitcher from the bedside and poured him a glass of water. "Here." He says and handed Henry the glass and he took it reluctantly but winced when the rim hits the bruised on the side of his lips.

"Can we talk about how you single handedly hurt the guy in Artie's room. Dad told me his head is like smashed pumpkin on Halloween." Henry coughs when he heard Alex and groaned further when he felt pain over his side where the guy had kicked him.

"It's not funny." Henry says and Alex can't hide his smirk. "He tried to take Arthur and I hide him inside his hamper. When I thought about how big he is or the thought of him hurting Artie, I just snapped." Henry explained and Alex nodded pressing his lips together.

"Good to know." He says and Henry shot him a look. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"That you have rage in you and I get to see some other guy had to deal with it instead of me." He says and Henry clenched his jaw tighter, "You should be so lucky cause I'm going to have you offed as soon as we got home." Alex chuckled and saw how hard Henry was trying not too.

He leaned forward kissing Henry on his forehead before resting their head together. "I'm sorry for making you worried." He kissed again in between Henry's eyebrow and felt how he relaxed in his kiss. Henry looked up at him, his eyes linger on the bruised over the side of Alex face and the mark from the knife that was press against his neck.

Henry trailed his finger down on Alex neck tracing the red line feeling hopefully that it doesn't turned out the way he had imagined. "Can we please have a normal life?" Henry whispers and Alex smiled at his words.

"Normal is overrated baby." He says before he leaned to kiss Henry on his lips.

It doesn't matter what life Henry and Alex had pictured to have together with their kids cause no matter how things were planned, it never turns out the way it supposed too. A simple New Years party can turned to a starts of a relationship, a beautiful uncoordinated proposal turned to the most horrifying home invasion in their history. Even a simple memorial could changed into finding their son that they love to death.

As they grew older, there is nothing that would separate them, not a monarchy, not a bullet and definitely not even death.

When Henry was on his deathbed in his home right here in Austin, Texas, Alex is right beside him every single minute of his last life. Their son grew older and become one of the greatest Philanthropist and a parliament member following both of his father's footsteps. Their daughter who they adopted few years later was the most beautiful model traveling across the world promoting human's rights and women empower following her aunts footsteps. Something about women power in their household that made her the woman she is or the fact that her meemaw is used to be the most powerful woman in the world, she was led to that.

The borrowed time Henry had was enough for them, he knows that he was not meant to stay forever but it was enough for him to see his children grew up and become someone that they both proud. He lay on his bed, Alex's hand tangled in his old crooked finger, Alex still hates how Henry's hand is still as soft as it was when they first met.

Henry laid besides Alex exhaling every breaths that was left in him and Alex's eyes refused to look anywhere else but at him. He feels that this might be the last time he saw Henry produce air and he didn't want to miss every single detail about him.

"Henry." He calls

"Alex." Henry replies with a croaked voice.

"You and me." He smiled at him and Henry replied with a weak smile on his face.

"You and me." He whispered back and a single tear dropped on the side of Alex face. He leaned closer and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek feeling it wasn't enough time left.

Their family is just outside waiting for them and for Alex to come out to tell them that it's over. That Henry, the Prince of everyone's heart had finally dies peacefully in his sleep with his husband next to him. Their loves will make history and the future generation would tell their tale as they whispers among the walls just like Henry always dreamt off.

As Henry exhaled his last breath, Alex could see how his years of worries, finally relaxed and all of his face muscles that he contorted when he was happy, sad or in pain was gone. He let his tears run down his face one last time for Henry and leaned to kiss him on his forehead.

"I see you soon my love." He says whispering into Henry's ear as he laid on his shoulder with their hands intertwined and their rings collided on top of each other. Alex closed his eyes remembering the last few moments of him and Henry whether they are in DC, London, New York or Austin or anywhere else in this world, they had left so much memories and impact on people lives in their line of work.

Without Henry there won't be Alex and without Alex, Henry would still live in that palace locked away in the tower waiting for his knight come to rescue him.

It was hours later when Arthur decides to check on his fathers and noticed Alex is sleeping next to Henry with their hands tangled on Henry's chest. Their faces are so peaceful and inches away from each other. "Dad? Paps?" He called and no one answered him.

He sat on the bed by Henry side resting his palm over his father's and felt the coldness in both of them and he closed his eyes letting his tears run down his face. "I love you both so much." He whispers as he cried further not until a soft voice peaked from behind him that made him turned his head around.

"Artie?" The sweet voice of his sister heard from behind the door and she saw her brother cried on the bed and she cried too. "They're gone Elle, both of them." He says and Elle, or her full name Elleanora who was named after both Ellen and Nora being the most important woman in Alex career shed her tears as she hugged her brother by the bed.

"They are soulmates." She says as they both stared at their father's bodies on the bed almost as if they were sleeping. There is nothing that would separate them, just as they thought, not even death. When there is death, there is always beyond and both Henry and Alex found their way back to each other. 

Just like Thisbe finding Pyramus, Romeo finding Juliet, Tristan finding Isolde. All great love stories must have pain and suffering in them but also a beautiful, powerful and epic love story that history shall never forgets. Just like Henry finding Alex in the midst of crowd mourning his father's death. Just like Alex found Henry, his North Star that was brighter than anything else. 

A/N: It is heartbreaking for me to finish this story cause every time I finished a story it felt like I lost them all over again. I love writing and I know I'm not that good in writing my word down correctly, English is not my first language and I sure hope you guys enjoyed every chapters. Writing is the only therapy I needed in life and this world here is helping me get through my own real life. Who knows in the future I might write more. I sure would love some ideas for a new story. 

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