Part 28 - Again

"They were up there for quite sometime. You think everything is alright?" Catherine asks as Ellen shot Oscar a look before turning her gaze back at her. "Hope so. I'm counting on Henry on this one." They were all seated by the back yard enjoying the fire that Oscar had lit with their each glasses of whiskey.

It wasn't until later they heard them coming down the steps that made both Ellen and Catherine shot up from their seat and wait. Henry came down first before Alex and stopped when he saw the stares they got from their family and Alex stood next to him mirroring his expression.

"What?" Alex asks and all of them waited in eager before he shot Henry a look. "Well? Did you remember anything?" June asks as she stood from her seat as well with both of her hand clasps together. Alex stood with his eyebrow furrowed before he turned to look at Henry and Henry didn't say anything in particular only letting his gaze back at him.

Alex smirked trying to hide his smile and it made Henry smiled too only they are trying not too look too happy and they knew his family is dying right now for an answer.

"We've decided that-" Henry stops and pressed his lips together letting his gaze down. "What Henry wants you guys to know is that, uhm-" Alex continued but also stops mid sentence biting his lips in process.

"For christ sake! What have you both decided?!" Catherine yelled and Henry shot her a sharp look. "Mum." He calls and pleaded her with his eyes not too embarrassed him like this. "Wait, you guys are not thinking of separating right? I mean think of Arthur. How would he feel not being able to see one of you anymore." Bea says and both Henry and Alex turned to look at each other.

"Why did you say that? If we're separated, Arthur would still be part of this family." Henry replied and they all sighed knowing well how this goes.

"But you're coming back to London with us if you guys are divorced. Arthur is coming with you right?" Catherine says and Henry turned his head to the side, "Why do you think I would go back to London?" Phillip stood and faced them finally with his one hand in his pocket staring at Alex and Henry. "You said so yourself last night. Now are you guys are getting a divorce or what?"

Alex cocked his head towards Phillip and eyed him up and down. "Is that my shirt?" He asks and Phillip looked down at his flannel blue shirt that he had on before he answered. "Well, Henry vomited on me and I don't exactly pack much for Austin. I thought this would be a day thing. Wait-" Phillip stopped and pointed his finger at him. "You arsehole!"

It was only then they noticed how Henry and Alex smiled at each other and Alex had his arm wrapped around Henry waist and Henry leaned his head against Alex's shoulder that made them screamed.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW HENRY CAN DO IT!" June says and literally jumped at Henry and grabbed his head before she kissed him on his cheek and Henry pleaded Alex for help. "Well done bro." Bea says as he kissed Alex on his cheek instead and they both smiled.

"It's still coming back to me. I don't exactly remember all the details much but a little gist of here and there. But I know Henry. I know how much I love him." He says and they both were pulled into the couch by the fire and Henry snuggled into Alex.

"I'm glad you both find your way back to each other." Ellen says as she snuggled into Oscar. "Thank you for coming back for us." Henry told his mother and she raised her glass at him. "What's this Phillip telling you vomited on him?" Alex asks as he turned his face to Henry in his arm. Henry eyes widen and tried to hide his expression away from him but Alex took his chin to look at him instead and their faces are literally inches away. Their nose tip almost touched and Henry pressed his lips together.

"Henry what did you do?" Alex asks and Henry shot Phillip a look. Alex turned his gaze at Phillip as well. "It's nothing, it's in the past. Let's move on." Phillip says as he took another sips. Henry sighed knowing Alex won't let this go so instead he told him briefly, "I got drunk and might have taken some pills. But I'm fine! I swear." He could see Alex is fuming with rage when he clenched his jaw tight.

"I'm sorry, I was lost." Henry said and he could still see Alex is spacing out in front of him. His hand still wrapped around Henry's body holding him by his shoulder and there is no sign of him letting go. "Babe." Henry calls but Alex ignored him not until Henry pulled him by his chin and Alex turned his gaze at him. "I'm sorry. I swear." He whispered and Alex swallowed his throat feeling the heaviness inside of him.

He didn't say anything else but nodding him and kissed him on his forehead instead before resting his jaw on Henry's head.

"The police thinks that it wasn't accidental. Do you remember what happened exactly?" Oscar asks and Alex tried. He remember calling Henry before going home and he was stopping by some shop to get something. But on the drive back there was a car following him from the town.

"There was this car, following me back from town. Kept high beamed their lights at me and provoked me into the roadside. I give them way to pass and they rammed me on the side and I lost control of the car." Alex says and he could feel Henry's grip on his hand tightened when he heard them. "Do you remember what car? What model? Or the driver?" Ellen asks and Alex pinched his nose bridge trying hard to remember.

"That's enough." Henry calls as he took Alex hand in his. "He needs rest. There's too much going on tonight. Let's continue this tomorrow." Henry says as he raised himself up from Alex embraced and pulled him up.

"He's right, it's late anyway." Catherine says and they all decides to give it a rest for tonight. Oscar had provided a room for both Phillip and Catherine while Bea bunked with June for the night. Henry shuts the door of their bedroom and saw Alex sat by the edge of the bed staring into the floor before him.

Henry walked slowly towards him and kneeled right between his legs. He stroke Alex's arm up and down and Alex exhaled in relief. "Alex?" He calls and Alex turned his gaze back to Henry in front of him. "It's gonna be okay." He says and Alex stares deeply into his eyes. His hand stroke Henry's cheek softly feeling Henry's soft skin brushing against his finger.

"I'm sorry. I know how hard it must been. I remember you told me you had a feeling right before I got into the accident. It got me thinking." Alex says and he pulled Henry up from the floor and he sat beside him on the bed.

"What if your dream about Arthur is not just a dream. What if something is bound to happen. Like you had before I got into the accident?" He says and Henry could feel the tightness in his chest grew. "Henry I can't stop thinking about this." Alex says gripping into his hair as Henry stared at him. "It was just a feeling. I had that every time you leave the house. When we're not together. It's common for every partner." Henry tried but he could see it doesn't actually calming Alex down.

"Before you were shot, we were on the phone and you told me to hurry home. Tell me then you don't feel like something is up." Alex asks and Henry felt how he strong his gripped on Henry's hand is. Henry wanted to say something but the only thing he could think of right now is Arthur.

"I'm getting our son." He says as he literally jumped and ran towards Arthur room. He sighed in relief when he saw Arthur still sleeping and he carried him out from the room and back into their room. "From now on, he sleeps with us." Henry says and Alex agreed.


"Listen. I think something is up and we both don't know how to feel about this." Alex starts and Henry was by his side feeding Arthur his breakfast and they all are actually by the dining table having breakfast. They all stopped and stared at Alex before he continued.

"Henry's intuition is something I shouldn't have taken for granted. I thought he's just delusion that he had for sleep deprived but it got me thinking." He stops and stares at Henry and Henry replied with a soft smile. "Before Henry was shot, we were on a call, he told me to hurry home. Even though he didn't know about the photos yet but he knew something was wrong. Before I got into an accident, we were on call, he told me to come home cause he had this feeling."

They all looked at Alex like he just grew two heads and back at Henry but Henry isn't denying anything he said and instead he focus on feeding Arthur.

"Where are you going with this?" Phillip asks and Alex licked his upper lip before he continued. "Henry had a dream that something bad happened to Arthur. Someone took him." Alex says and he could see everyone face dropped.

"We will provide security for you guys, don't worry about it." Oscar says and Henry mouthed thank you. "In the mean time, why don't you guys stay here instead. It will be much safer." Ellen suggest and Henry sighed.

"As much as I wanted too Ellen, we have work and we can't exactly leave the house like that. You guys have done so much, I owe you guys my life and there is nothing that I can do to repay your deeds." Henry says as he looked into each and everyone of his family.

"Henry, you are as part of this family, there is no need for owing. We would die for you as much as you die for us too." Ellen says and Henry smiled when she stroked his arm up and down. "Yeah but lay off the dying part first, some of us do have lives you know." Phillips say before he chewed on another piece of pancake into his mouth. Henry scoffed before he continued feeding Arthur. 

As promised, Ellen did called on one of her security to help provides some assurance in protecting Henry and Alex home. Baby Arthur are not to leave to a stranger and definitely more home security. Alex had installed better security in their home that even a window open would alerted them someone is inside their house.

It was weeks later when Henry and Alex at home since the last time they spoke about it. Henry had gotten better and so does Alex. He had his cast removed and Henry was finally able to sleep without any help from his medication. Although Alex protested him about having it around the house but Henry says it was needed just in case. They agreed to let Arthur finally sleeps in his nursery since they both had trouble sleeping with Arthur kicking them in the face in the middle of the night. 

It was late night when Alex jolted up from his sleep finding Henry not in bed. He felt the sheets cold to touch so he knew Henry must be up for a while. He got up and headed straight to his son nursery finding Henry on the rocking chair with awake Arthur in his lap.

The room lit with stars and constellation and he still remember how he and Henry had prepare this room for Arthur. The pale blue sky is only can be seen during the day and when night falls, the constellation Henry had painted himself lights up the room.

He didn't even noticed when Alex came into the room when his eyes are so fixed on the ceiling talking to Arthur. "You see the stars right below the North Star Artie? That was called The Dipper. Papi used to call me North Star once. It was way before you were born." He whispered and Alex smiled. Arthur babbles the word papi over and over when he saw Alex came in to the room.

"I still do." He says and Henry finally turned his gaze back to Alex in the room startled seeing him standing by the door. He smiled as Alex walked further into the room and sat on the floor next to Henry grabbing Arthur's hand in his. "Your daddy is still my North Star and my only light that shine when I'm lost. The one that guide me home to you." He said whispering into Arthur's face as he smiled his toothless smile.

"What are you doing up." He asks Henry as he kissed him on his knuckles. "Someone is teething." Henry says and Alex laughs. He grabbed Arthur's cheek and tried to peel his upper lip to see his gum and noticed the slight hinge of white tooth starting to come out.

"Well, you're lucky you're not breastfeeding right now." He says and Henry laughs. "Still hurts when he bite my fingers or my arms though." He says and carried Arthur to face him. He kissed him on his cheek and carried him back into his crib letting him play till he falls asleep on his own. He stares into Arthur's babbling his own words and played with his rattle not realizing Alex is asking him something. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" Alex asks and Henry nods. "Yeah, just thinking about him." He says and Alex came behind him wrapping his arm around his waist with his chin rested on his shoulder. Henry sighed into his embrace leaning a bit on his chest.

"What are you thinking?" He whispered into his ears. Henry didn't say anything only leaning his head against Alex and rubbing it together. "Maybe you're thinking about having another?" Alex asks and Henry eyes widen, "Seriously?" He asks and Alex smirked at him. "Not now I meant maybe when Arthur is a bit older. We could try having another. Maybe this time through surrogacy? One of our own." He whispered again into Henry as he pulled him closer.

"You think of everything aren't you?" Henry asks and Alex smiled. "You know my NDA is bigger than yours, you should have seen my future strategy binder." Henry rolled his eyes before he turned and wrapped his arm over Alex's neck. Alex let his hands rested on Henry waist sliding a little lower to cup Henry's ass.

"Please tell me this binder is somewhere in this house so I can read them." Henry says and Alex smiled grew as he leaned to kiss him. "It's in here." He took Henry's arm and set it over his chest, "Right in my heart." Henry smiles when Alex leaned for another kiss.

It wasn't until they heard crashing noise coming from downstairs that made them stop kissing and Alex turned his head sharply behind him. The alarm must have sent an alert to the security company and they will send someone over soon. He thought.

"Stay here." Alex says and Henry grabbed Arthur in his arm letting Alex go and check their home. "Shh shh baby, papi just gone and checked the monster." He says and Arthur soothed right after.

Alex grabbed the baseball bat from the side of their staircase heading down to his living room area finding it empty. He checked his front door it was locked but the alarm had been disabled. "Fuck." He mutters and wanted to grab his phone but he left them by his nightstand when he and Henry both went to sleep.

So assumed the alarm might alerted the company and his private security is just around the back. He went and checked every window of his house and found none of it broken so he decides to check by the kitchen.

As he looked and noticed the kitchen door is slightly opened and the glass broke by the handle and it scattered on the floor. He closed the door and before he could run upstairs to get his phone. Someone stood right in front of him and everything was completely dark and Alex lost his consciousness shortly after.

Henry couldn't shake the feeling of being in this room alone for too long. He had Arthur in his arm and he wanted to check on Alex. It's been a while since he was gone and Henry felt anxious waiting for him to be back so he decides to go out and check when he saw someone climbing the stairs with a bat in his hand. He thought it was Alex at first but the guy is buffer, he had black snow capped on and he knew immediately is not Alex.

So Henry went back into Arthur's nursery and start thinking of his escape. He couldn't leave Arthur alone and definitely not leaving Alex alone either.

He took Arthur and hides him in one of his hamper and starts putting clothes on top of it to cover him before he hides behind the door. He noticed they had cut off his power and if it wasn't for the glow in the dark constellation. Henry won't be able to see anything right now.

He had no weapon in this house except for the kitchen and this guy probably had a gun with him and Henry is not reliving his trauma of being shot. So he hides and hoped for the sake of his family, this guy is easy to take down.

As the guy entered the room slowly, Henry could see him opened the door and he hides behind it and before the guy could turned to see him hiding behind the door, Henry slammed the door on his face and the guy retort back groaning in pain.

Henry kicked him on his chest and he doubled back and before he could kicked him again the guy grabbed Henry's leg and pulled making him fall on his back right on the floor. The guy charged at Henry wanting to hit him but Henry managed to get his leg on the guy chest and kicked him hard making him stumbled backwards and onto the wall behind him.

Henry got up and tried to grab Arthur from the hamper to escape but the guy stood sooner and grabbed Henry and slammed him to the wall. He groaned in pain as the guy grabbed him again by his neck and throw him on the floor. Henry coughs when his body hits the cold hard floor and tried to make escape by crawling towards Arthur's crib and before he could grab anything, he was pulled and the guy punched him on his side.

He fought back and punch the guy on his face only it wasn't as strong as he is and the guy was furious when Henry did so and went for another punch on his face.

Henry could hear bells ringing in his ears when the guy punched him again and he knew his face is busted and he couldn't care less so he kneed him and he tumbled on the side and Henry immediately grabbed the night lamp on the side of the crib and hit him on his head over and over until it broke to pieces.

The guy lay flat on the floor unconscious as Henry got up and grabbed Arthur from the hamper and he cried when Henry removed the clothes from his head. But luckily the cried is muffled by the clothes that he took from the wardrobe and he hushed him softly.

Henry swallowed his throat and felt the rusty feeling inside knowing it's blood. His body and his face is aching but he needed strength to find his husband. But before he did, he went to his bedroom next door and grabbed his phone.

He dialed Oscar's number and it rang three times before he answered. "Henry? What is it?" He heard his hoarse voice and Henry didn't waste time. "The house is under duress, I repeat the house is under duress." Henry quickly ended the call and hides his phone when he heard creaking of footsteps climbing the steps and he immediately went to his wardrobe to hide.

He had Arthur with him but he is too young to understand the word silent and Henry had to closed his mouth with his palm as he hides in the closet. He could see there is another guy, thinner and he had a knife in his hand. Henry hoped he didn't actually heard him when he made the call and his phone is still with him. Anyone would thought he would have called the police instead but calling the police would take them longer to arrive and Oscar is closer, he would bring the rest of the authority here and Henry knew it. He trusted his father in law way better than any authority in this country.

He was about to breathe in relief when the guy almost left the empty room but stopped when Henry's phone made a ping sound indicating a text coming in and he hoped it was silent enough but the guy heard and now Henry saw him stood by the closet waiting for it to open.

Henry placed Arthur down next to him while got ready for the guy to barge in. As soon as he opened the door of the closet, Henry kicked him right in the middle and he screamed in pain stumbling backwards on the floor. Henry didn't hesitate to kick the guy in the nuts, it will buy him time to run so Henry grabbed Arthur fast as he can and ran to the staircase heading downstairs.

As he reach their living room trying to find Alex only then he saw Alex by the kitchen with his hand behind his back kneeling on the floor and his face is beaten with blood coming out from the side of his face. "Alex?" He called and saw the guy hold Alex holding a knife on Alex's neck. "One move and it's bloodbath in here." He says and Henry stops, still holding Arthur in his arm.

"What do you want?" He asks and the guy smiled. 

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