Part 24 - Sleep
warning, this chapter contain triggering effect and suicide. I really hoped you guys don't hate me for this. I just want people to know that having this problem doesn't mean the end for everything. I understood that better than anyone else.
Alex walked into his home finding the mess on the table just as he left it. He sighed seeing his son baby seat is covered in a mess of green and orange before it caught him. He knows Henry is bathing him for sure, this mess is a nightmare on that boy and Henry hates mess.
He climbed up the stairs and stopped before he could hear a faint cry and immediately rushed into their bedroom. He gushed opened the door and he can hear Arthur cries grew stronger and louder. "Hen? Artie?" He calls and went to their bedroom to find Arthur laid down in the tub and the water is thankfully not deep enough to drown him. But he cried because the water keep getting into his ears.
"Oh god, Hen!" He found Henry by his side leaning against the tub on the floor with screaming Arthur right next to him. He picked up Arthur from the tub and wrapped him up in a soft towel before he went to Henry.
"Hen, Henry!" He didn't budge when Alex shook him and next thing he knows, Henry's body falls back on the floor behind him. "No, no no no Henry. Henry wake up, please wake up." He rushed Arthur into his crib after putting on his diapers. He didn't find time to put clothes on him cause Alex left him in the crib shortly after even though he is screaming his lungs out.
"I know baby, I know. Let me check on daddy first okay. I'll come back, I'm so sorry." Alex says kissing Arthur on his head before stormed out of his nursery to check on Henry.
"Hen, Henry wake up please." He cradled his head in his hand over his lap and tapped on Henry's cheek. He is not moving or making any signs of waking up but he is definitely breathing, Alex checked.
He carried Henry out from the bathroom and placed him on their bed before he went back into the bathroom. He took some small towel and run them under water before he went back to Henry. "Hen please wake up, please." He says and run the soaked towel over his face.
He took out his phone and was about to call 9-1-1 but he stopped himself when Henry stirs. "Hen?" He saw Henry's eyes twitched and his hand is brushing his own face before he realized where he was. "Arthur?" His eyes wide opened when he saw Alex right in front of him and he jumped up in shock pushing Alex out of the way.
"No, no Henry he is fine, wait here." Alex pushed him back to bed and literally run over to the next room where their son is. He was calming down playing in his crib when Alex carried him out and brought him to Henry.
"Oh god Artie, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Henry says as soon as Alex placed Arthur in his arm and he kissed him on his cheek. "Is he okay?" Henry cries and Alex nods still breathless from all the running.
"What the hell happened Henry? How can you not hear him cried like that? You left him in a tub!" He asks and Henry looked up into his eyes in guilt. "I passed out?" Henry asks and Alex nodded softly. Henry cried holding Arthur in his arm and kissed him on his head whispering his sorry over and over again before he gave him to Alex.
"Henry, you need to start telling me the truth! What the fuck is going on right now?!" Alex asks as he carried Arthur in his arm and took a few steps back away from Henry.
"Arthur needs his nap or he will be awake whole night." Henry says and he could see Alex is more frustrated at him right now cause he clenched his jaw tighter and sighed.
He didn't say anything else but walked out from the room and tried to put Arthur into the crib to let him sleep. Luckily for all the incident happened earlier, he manages to fall asleep within few minutes. Alex stroked his son cheek and pecked him a kiss on his forehead before he left and headed back to his room.
When he entered the room, Henry is no longer on the bed. He looked and saw the bathroom door closed and he sighed leaning against the door frame. He wanted to go in but stopped himself when he heard Henry sobbing inside.
He waited from behind the door thinking that Henry need some space but soon forgotten when he heard a mirror crashed. He barged into the bathroom finding Henry on the floor with a bloody knuckles and the mirror broke into million pieces.
"Hen." He called and he could see Henry's face is soaked in tears with his eyes swollen and he could see the bruised formed under it for all the sleepless night. Oscar was right, Henry is not himself and he is trying his best to hide it from Alex.
He sat besides Henry and took his bloody knuckle into his hand and he winced at the touch of the towel on his wound. "Leave it." He says trying to take the towel away from Alex but he pulled Henry's wrist back and gripped it hard in his hand. "The last time I did that, you almost killed our son." He says and he knows his word is harsh but Henry needs to hear it.
Henry shot his eyes sharply at Alex and he breaks into another sobs before clenching his own chest in pain. "Oh god forgive me." He mutters under his breaths.
"I can't help you if you don't let me Henry." Alex wiped the blood away from Henry's knuckles and Henry shakes his head. "I can't." He whispered and Alex sighed. "We have been through a lot Henry and there is nothing that we can't do. So tell me what is going on or I will take our son away from you." Alex threatened and Henry sobs further looking into his eyes. Alex is not joking.
"Please. Don't." Henry begs and Alex pressed his lips together.
"Tell me." Alex says and this time his voice came a little sterner. Henry closed his eyes still clenching his chest before he opened his mouths. "My dreams came back." He says and it caught Alex. "When did it start?" He asks.
"Few weeks ago, and I can't sleep since." Alex sat besides Henry wishing he wasn't an idiot right now. "What did you see?" Henry inhaled and exhaled before he continued. "Artie. Someone got him and hurt him. All bloodied and lifeless in his crib." Henry breaks further and his tears are running like waterfalls.
"I keep seeing him in that room, trying to take him away from us. Keep saying he wasn't ours to keep." Alex eyes furrowed, "Who did you see?" He asks and Henry shakes his head, "It was dark. I can't see his face, but he has the same hair as Arthur, same eyes only colder." Henry says and it sent chills running down his spine. He knows that all of this is just a dream but Henry does have some kind of inkling when he had dreams like this.
The past years had made him so well and he finally forgotten about the guy who tried to kill him and now he had to go through this. "Maybe we should talk to your therapist. Maybe she could get you back on the meds." Alex tried and Henry turned his head sharply at Alex.
"You know it doesn't help me at all!" Henry argues and Alex sighed next to him. "You need to know that is nothing but a dream! You are scaring Arthur and you are scaring me! You need help Henry!" He screamed but Henry screams back.
"I needed you! But you were too busy to notice that I am suffering here all alone. There is no one that can understand my mind except for me. No therapist in this world or any medication that would stop this and you know it!" Henry already standing by the wall when he said it.
"Either you see a fucking therapist or we'll see a marriage counselor." Alex says as he stood and face him. He can see how his word hurts Henry further. "You don't believe me. You used to believe me." Henry pleads and his voice breaks. "I believe you Hen, but not when you almost put our son in danger." Henry wrapped his arm around his body trying to ease the feeling inside of him.
"Your choice." Alex said and Henry slides down on the floor in defeat. "I rather die than to hurt you both, you know that right." Henry says before Alex left the bathroom and headed out from their bedroom.
He stops in the middle before turning on his heels to face Henry still on the floor leaning against the door frame. He wanted to say something but Henry is pissing him off right now and he didn't want to say anything further. "I'm taking Arthur to Ma. Until you sort things out, he will be staying there."
Henry didn't say anything else except breaking into more tears.
Alex packs whatever he could for his son and his hand is trembling. He didn't mean it so harshly but Henry needs the wake up call. He drove them to his parents house and it was middle of the night. It shocked them to see Alex by the door carrying Arthur in with his bags and no Henry on sight.
"Jesus Alex, you shouldn't have treat him like that." Oscar says after they put down Arthur in his crib inside the room and Ellen made some tea for them. "What choice do I have? He was right there with him by inches and he didn't even hear him cry his lungs out. If he could crawl and get the water to run, he would be drown by then ma." Alex cried thinking of the worst thing could have happened.
Ellen huffed in anger before she stood and starts pacing in front of them. "You should give him the benefit of the doubt Alex. Henry loves Arthur and it's not his fault for what happened." Ellen says and Alex scoffed. It triggered something in Ellen that made Alex curious.
"You need to go home right now and make sure Henry is alright." Ellen says and Alex shot her a look in disbelief. "I can't even look at him thinking of what happened and now you want me to go back?"
"Alex! Listened to me, GO HOME! Henry needs you right now more than ever." Ellen says and shocked Alex. "What are you not telling me?" He asks and Oscar sighed. "Ellie, Henry is not you, sweetheart." He says and Ellen is already huffing in anger. "You wanna bet?" She says.
"What do you mean by that?" Alex asks and his mother is at verge of breaking into tears. "Do you remember how I told you about your mum?" Oscar starts and Alex nods. "I did the same thing to her just like what you did right now. I took your sister away so she could have some space." He said and Alex waited.
"And?" He asks and Ellen is already crying by now which earns Alex more confusion. "Your mum tried to take her own life after what happened. I found her in the garage, with her car running, windows down. Half awake in all of the smoke." At this point Ellen breaks further and Oscar went to her side to coax her. "If I didn't go back to her, I would have lost her."
Alex literally jumped at the thought of Henry hurting himself. Bea's voice echoed in his mind repeating over and over hurting him. "He would rather hurt himself than to see others hurting. That is Henry." He was stupid, but never would he thought he would be this stupid. So he jumped from his couch and literally sprinted over his car and sped home to Henry.
When he got home, he was welcomed with the feeling of emptiness and he rushed inside to get to Henry. He went to his bedroom and tried to open the door but the handle is locked. "HENRY! Open the door! Babe please! Don't do anything stupid! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I BELIEVE YOU! You hear me!? I believe you!"
He shouts and slammed the door trying to prey it open when his father came from behind him and shocked him to the core. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asks and his father shook his head. "Because I have an idiot sons and now I want to make sure both of them survive. Find the damn key Alex!" He barks and Alex ran to their home office and find a bunch of keys in his hand.
"Are you kidding me right now?! That would take forever!" Oscar screamed and he tossed the key to his side. "Break it down!" He ordered and Alex stepped back before he kicked the door down, over and over but it seems like the door won't budge.
"Seriously?! Why the hell you have all the muscles if it doesn't work huh?!" Alex rolled his eyes at his father before he pushed the door with his body and it finally cracks. He pushed the broken door further and noticed the table that blocks the door from behind. Henry must have pushed it there to block him.
When he entered the room, Henry is lying on the bed, so peacefully, so steady. He was on his back and his head flat on the pillow with his hand on his side.
He rushed to Henry side and tried to wake him up. "Hen, Henry. Wake up." He says and Henry didn't even make any sign of movement. "Henry?" He shakes his body trying to wake him up but he didn't, he just lay there lifeless.
Oscar called the 9-1-1 operator and tried to tell them what happened and the lovely lady on the line is so calming. She made Oscar put her on the speaker for Alex so she could instruct him on what to do.
"Alex?" She calls and Alex looked to his side, his father had his phone on speaker when he heard his name called. "Alex, my name is Grace, now I need you to focus okay." She says and Alex sobs nodding, "I need you to put your finger over your partner's neck, slightly to the side and felt for a pulse, really checked. It might be very shallow but there is hope." She says and he did but he shook his head looking at Oscar next to him.
"I c-can't! I can't feel anything." He says and he heard Grace sighs. "Alex, calm down, really feel it, everything is rushed right now and I know your head is a mess. Pressed your ear into your partner's chest and listened. Don't listen to anything else but his." She tried again and Alex did. He stayed on Henry's chest really trying to hear for a heart beat and like Christmas in a heartbeat, he did hear them.
"There is! There is! What do I do now?" He asks and he could hear Grace exhale in relief. "Try and see if there is any empty bottle lying around the he might have taken. In the mean time, I want you to put him on the side, don't let him on his back."
Oscar ran towards the bedroom and tried to look for what she asked and found nothing. Alex put Henry on the side and noticed something fell from his hand. He looked down and it rolled over underneath the bed. "Wait, I found something." He says and went to look for it.
He took the empty bottle in his hand and noticed it was Henry's sleeping medicine and it was empty. "Oh god! Oh god! Henry! You fucking idiot!" He says angrily and Grace couldn't calm him down. "What did he take? I need to know!" Grace yelled and Oscar took the bottle from Alex hand and read it to her.
"Babe wake up please! Please! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" He pleads over and over again.
"Oscar, I already alerted the Austin EMT to standby with some Narcan, they are still two minutes out. Maybe you can try something else?" Grace asks and Oscar nodded waiting for her instructions.
"I need you to make him vomit. I need him to spill everything that is inside his stomach. Can you do that?" Grace ask and Alex nodded before he put his finger deep inside Henry's throat. He was hoping to reach Henry's gag reflex and soon found when Henry starts to gag.
He pushed Henry's body up as he vomited all over the floor and Alex felt relief when he sees some of the white tablets came together. But Henry falls back weakly on the bed, he still had his eyes closed and this time, Alex could see his face turned pale and his lips is almost blue.
"Oh God, what is happening? Grace something is wrong." He says. "His lips are blue and he still not awake. Oh god he's so pale." Alex cupped Henry's cheek trying to wake him up. "Alex turned him on his side, we need to make sure his airway is clear." Grace says and Alex did, with the help of his father, they put Henry on his side but it does nothing.
"Austin FD!" The voice screamed behind him and Alex could finally breathe. Oscar pulled him to the side and let them work with Henry.
"TK oxygen! Give me the Narcan now!" The girl shouted and the guy, Alex recognized him but felt blurred. They sprayed something inside Henry's nose and placed a bag device over his face before pressing it couple of times.
"Babe, please." Alex says and TK took another look at him, "Alex? Wait, Henry?" He asks and Alex looked up, in tears. "TK! Not the time, he still not responding to Narcan! Give him another and prepared to give him CPR." The girl says and he could see TK threw her another and she sprayed into his nose again. They pressed the bag to Henry's face few times but nothing. The sound of his heartbeat over the monitor beeps once like in a million year.
"TK, chest compression, NOW!" She says and he jumped on top of Henry and pressed on his chest but soon stopped. "Too bouncy cap, I need board!" He screamed and they decides to pull Henry off the bed and on to the ground.
That guy TK he immediately jumped back on top of Henry and pressed on his chest few times and they counted each time. It was not until the third time he did when Henry gasped a sharp breath and coughs. "There you go!" She screamed and put Henry on his side before he vomited further on the ground.
"You're okay, you're okay." Alex says as he went to his side and Henry was met with his confused looks. "HOW fucking dare you! How fucking dare you! You tried to leave me asshole!" Alex screamed into Henry's face as he held his head in his hand and Henry cries further before he was pulled into his hugs.
"I just want to sleep." Henry says almost a whisper but Alex hugged him tight in his arm. "Grace, he's okay baby girl. You did good." The girl says and they ended the call.
They loaded Henry into the ambulance and Alex followed inside. Oscar decides to drive himself following behind them as they both heading to the hospital.
"I still can't believe it was you guys." TK says and Alex smiles. "But given that last time it was you on the stretcher instead of him, it's just weird." Alex scoffed and he turned his gaze over sleeping Henry with their hands still clutching together.
"You have no idea how many times I have been on this side instead of him." He says and TK nodded. "I know, I look you guys up. New York, phew. That was lucky save man." He says and Alex nodded, a single tear dropped on his cheek and he wiped them.
Alex was waiting by the waiting area praying for Henry's sake that he is alright. He saw the doctor came out and heading towards him. "He is recovering right now but Mr, Diaz, he needs to be under psychiatric observation. So these things won't happened again." The doctor says and Alex broke down. "Can I see him?" He asks and the doctor shook his head.
"I'm sorry but Mr Fox has requested not to see anyone especially you. For the meantime. I think it's better you go home and rest then." The doctor says and he broke into more tears.
"Alex, Henry needs space. You need to let him recover." Oscar says and Alex nodded.
"It's called idiopathic hypersomniac." The doctor starts and Alex pressed his lips together. He was called the next day for a family review trying to understand what was happening to Henry. "Is he schizophrenic?" Alex asks and the doctor shakes his head and leaned forward on the table. "We can't rule that out but Henry didn't exactly hear voices, it's just haunting dreams and sleep deprivation." The doctor said and Alex tried to accept all of these is happening right now.
"We got a baby at home. I thought it was because of that." Alex explained and the doctor nodded. "Constant fearing of your son's safety is what triggering this problem in the first place. He was terrified of something happened to your son. Something a trauma survivor experienced that made them like this. He can't help it."
"So all these years he had this, you could have told me that diagnosis to make me understand him better." Alex stared into the doctor's eyes and he didn't exactly said anything else. "None of you could fucking tell me and he suffers alone for months!" His words seethed through his teeth. "I want him home."
"It's better if he stayed here." The doctor tried to reason with Alex but the only thing he wanted right now is Henry. "He WAS here! He was here before and none of you do shit about it! You gave him medication that made him worst! He NEEDS me and you are turning him against me!" Alex shouts and the doctor stood from his chair grabbing his folder with him. "His Royal Highness is not well, and I can't authorized him to leave just yet."
Alex stood abruptly and thew the chairs back and it hit the wall behind him. "I will fucking sue you if you don't let me see him!" Alex threatened and the doctor was already at the door before he turned on his heels and stared at him.
"It's not my call, he is the one that decides. He didn't want to see you. You need to let him recover." Alex felt his chest is twisting in pain when the doctor says Henry didn't want to see him. Years of memories flashes right into his mind as he remembers the time Henry ghosted him. Many few times there is but he knows this one, this one hurts him the most.
A/N: I am so sorry for this chapter and if you guys don't like it but I promised you it will get better.
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