Part 12 - Henry

"Do you think it's the best thing to do Hen?" Bea asked as they hanging out eating crumpet with tea served by the palace maid. She ate, Henry only lay there wallowing in his own sadness. Bea heard from June after Henry broke off their engagement and it broke her heart when June said Alex shut out everyone from helping him. So once she heard the news, she hopped on a flight back to London to be with Henry.

Although her mother promised her that she would be around to take care of Henry but she knows better. Mother always so busy with her work and princess duty, she won't be able to take care of Henry. Plus seeing Henry like this brought her a lot of memories when she took care of their father on his dying bed.

So that would explained these siblings on the bed in Henry's bedroom with a tray of tea and crumpets in between them.

"I don't know what to think." Henry said and Bea stares at his tired face. All the sleepless night he had worrying about Alex and the bad dream he's been having. Bea could hear him screaming in his sleep and she felt like they are back during teenagers time. Only that time maybe she wasn't fully awake to even realized what was happening around her or Henry. The cocaine had taken the worst year of her lives by forgetting everything that happened.

"What are you afraid of?" Bea asked and Henry sighed. "Everything." He sniffed as he brought his pillow closer to his lips. He laid on his side facing Beatrice on the bed with a plush soft pillow in his arm as he hugged closed to his chest.

"Maybe if you stop worrying about everything would do you some good." Bea said and Henry shot her a look. "Come on Hen, stop worrying about everything and let the nature takes its course. Focus on getting better, then for what it's worth, if Alex truly belong to you, nothing in this world would ever taken that away." Bea tried to cheer him up.

"Only death." He said and Bea's face dropped. "Hen, you need to stop doing that. Not every love stories will ended up like mother and father." Henry turned on his back and sighed. "I know that but I almost did." He stared into his bedroom ceiling and Bea stayed silence.

Henry felt the bed dipped next to him and saw his sister sat up and grabbed the tray from the bed and placed them on Henry's coffee table instead. She huffed in anger as Henry saw her paced around his room before he decides to stop her. "Bea you're pacing." He called as he sat up and leaned against the bed.

"Of course I'm pacing, I'm thinking." She said and Henry waited for her to explain. "I don't get why such epic love like you both could be easily given up Hen." She paced again and Henry sighed.

"Because like Juliet, Romeo had to poison himself just so he could be with her. Like Tristan, he had to let Isolde married his King and he died for his country. And like Thisbe, he killed himself after saw Pyramus mortally wounded to death. No such things as happy ending Bea, its just life." Henry said and Bea could see tears forming in his eyes as he stares at her.

"Oh Hen." Bea went to her brother and wrapped her arm around him. Henry nuzzled into her neck as he cried. "I can't stop thinking about that night." Henry mumbles in her neck and she peeled him away from her. "Hen, talk to me, tell me then. You can't let it control your mind like this." Bea forced him but he shakes his head and rubbed his palm in his eyes.

"It's just too much in my head right now." He said and Bea nodded. She knows Henry needed to catch a break, to be away from people so he won't hurt them. He always does this but she thought that when he met Alex, it would be different cause Henry literally leaning on him.

So she decides to do what's best, let them both for now. It would come to their senses when the time is right.




The voiced called him over and over again as he tossed in his sleep. He felt cold as he heard the voice whispered in his ear. "Dad." He whispered and he could see him, clear as days right in front of him. He could see him smiling down at him as he chased his father's though the field. His dad always had unplanned race with him whenever he could when they get to the meadow. They are back in Edinburgh with his dad, it was coming winter. He remembers it well. It was the last time he saw his dad well before he fell sick.

"Dad!" He screamed his name as he sat up from the bed. This is his life now, woke up into an empty room in the middle of the night with no long arms to help him settled his racing heart. Henry felt his heart beating like a base speaker underneath his palm, he inhaled and exhaled multiple time to try ease the feeling away.

Henry brought his knees to his chest hugging them close to his heart trying to suppress his rushed feeling away. "You are all alone in this Henry, all by yourself." The voice spoke inside his mind again. It brought tears into his eyes as he sobbed into his knees. The voices are right, he is alone. He had Alex but he pushed him away. He had all of his friends including June and Nora but he pushed them away cause he was too afraid to be seen as a weak one.

Henry decides to take a walk to clear his mind, so here is walking around in his robe barefooted around the palace like King George III, mad as a hatter. Five days ago he ended things with Alex and it was the biggest mistake in his life. He wishes Alex would call him but again, he's being such a coward himself. He's afraid that Alex won't pick up his call and what if he did, Alex would still be angry, he thought.

He took a seat in the garden facing the wild green grass with roses that yet to bloom, the coldness hits him as he took a seat on the metal chair. He took out his phone and couldn't help but stared into the screen. Alex's face came into the view as he let his finger scroll further in his gallery. Most of the recent photos was actually taken when he was in the hospital. Alex staying by his bedside, taking Henry's photos when he fell asleep. He wonders why didn't he took it with his own phone and yet their account are linked. It was the last photo that shakes him, he almost dropped the phone on the ground.

It was the photo Ellen took in their home, Henry sat on the couch with June and Bea both by his side and Alex behind him kissing him on his temple as he took his medicine.

He eventually did dropped the phone and when he picked it up from the ground, his finger allegedly pressed the contact list and he didn't know what overcome him when he accidentally pressed Alex's number on the top one cause it his emergency contact and it's saved as his favorite so it immediately connects with only one pressed. It took him less than few seconds to realize what he did when he immediately pressed the red button to end the call. His hand is still shaking from stopping the previous call and before he could ease his tremble, his phone rang. Alex, fuck!

It took him few seconds before he answered the call and waited for him to say anything. "You booty call me in the middle of the night and expect me to speak?" Alex voice could be heard from the other line and it broke him. He missed that voice so much and he didn't want Alex to hear him cry so he cleared his throat before he replied. "S-Sorry. I accidentally pressed your number by accident." He said before he pressed the button to end their call.

His heart is still racing when he placed his palm over his chest as he tried to calm his breaths. But he was surprised by another buzzing on his phone. He saw Alex's calling him and he immediately answered. "H-Hello?"

"Why aren't you asleep?" Alex asked. Henry swallowed the tightness in his throat. "Can't sleep." He whispered. "Bad dreams again?" Alex asked and Henry breaks. He held his palm over his mouth trying to muffle his cries. "You dad?" Alex asked and Henry nodded knowing he wouldn't be able to see it, so he hummed in response.

"It's just a bad dream, Hen." He said and Henry nodded. He held his phone tight into his ear not wanting to let go. "Take care of yourself." He said and Henry didn't want him to go just yet.

"Alex!" He called and he could hear him rustling, "Yeah?" He answered.

"I miss you." Henry said and Alex could hear the breaking in his voice and Henry waited. He knew it was stupid of him to say those words but he didn't regret it. Whenever they travel apart from each other, Henry missed him too but at least he get to see him through video calls or even a voice call. But this time it's different. He didn't hear his voice for five fucking days, he is miserable.

"I know." He said and it broke Henry. It broke him into million pieces as he heard him said those words and he wished he could ask him whether he miss him too but he has no rights to do so right now. He gave that all up. He deserved it.

"Anything else?" He asked and Henry silenced. Tears dripping down his cheek as he shook his head and sniffed. "Nope, thanks." He said and ended their call.

He didn't hear him anymore until three days later, he received a text from him confirming his appointment for the day. Alex forwarded the appointment as he was about to get ready for the hospital visit. He just double tapped liking the message but then he decides to snap a photo of him in front of the mirror in his grey jumper and white slacks heading to the hospital. The only replied he got was, "Is that what you wearing for the appointment? I thought a Prince supposed to be stylish." Alex commented and he smiled. He remembers the first few weeks he texted Alex, how he hated the tie he wore and they go back and forth with the banter.

He only replied "Rude," before shoving his phone inside his pocket.

"Inhaled." The doctor said as he placed the stethoscope on Henry's back and he did. He does it few times on his back and he was asked to lay down on the cold bed. The nurse exposed his stomach to the doctor who surprisingly looks like Doc Brown from Back to the Future. He pressed on Henry's scar and he flinched upon the cold contact. "Sorry Your Highness, let me warmed it up." He said as he rubbed his palm together.

He touched Henry's stomach quadrant by quadrant before he placed them on the left side and Henry winced. "Does it hurt?" The doctor asked and he looked down on his hand before shaking his head, "Just sore." He replied. The doctor then proceeds to listen to Henry's lungs and stomach as he laid there letting him placed the stethoscope on his chest and torso. He had this look on his face that made Henry worry.

"What is it?" He asked and the doctor smiled letting his shirt back down and throw his gloves away. "If it's okay with you Your Highness, I need to get some blood sample." He said putting on new gloves and Henry's eyebrow furrowed. "Why?" He asked and the doctor already grabbed a stool to sit and pulled Henry arm out. "Just precaution." He said and Henry gave in.

He was taken by the nurse for vitals and they are not impressed with Henry's vital signs. The nurse keep checking his blood pressure and repeated for his temperature by his ear to confirm the data. She even went to the other ear just to be sure. "What?" He asked cause if she put the thermometer one more time in Henry's ear, he's gonna tossed it out the window. "Just a tad bit warm." She said and Henry sighed.

He was still on the examination bed in the room waiting for his results when he received a text. The last time they texted was about couple hours ago and right now is already almost twelve.

"How is it?" Alex texted him.

"Still here." Henry replied.

"Wait, why?"

"Blood work." Henry replied and Alex sent him another text but he didn't manage to see it when the doctor knocked the door and walked in to the room. "Got your results, Your Highness." He asked and Henry sat up facing the guy.

"Can I go?" He asked and the doctor denied him, "We think maybe you should stay here for few days. Your blood work came back and it's not good. I need to keep you close monitored. Your white cell counts is high, it came back as twenty. It was supposed to be less than ten so we need to further check into it and start you on antibiotics." He explained and Henry denied him, "I already completed my antibiotics." He said and the doctor sighed before he explained.

"Your Highness, a person who had spleen removed had tendency to get infected very easily. With your blood it saying how your body is reacting and if we didn't start this course, you will only get worst." He said and Henry sighed, he stood up from the bed and take his jumper from his equerry before he wrapped it around his body.

"I have work to do. I am not wasting my time in the hospital again." He said as he walked out from their examination room followed by Holden.

"Sir?" Holden called catching up with Henry but Henry is unbelievably fast and they are already by the elevator when he stopped.

"What?" He asked and Holden stopped abruptly almost colliding with Henry's body. He stood fixing his suit before he continued. "Maybe the doctor is right, you need to rest. You haven't slept, you barely eat." He said so softly afraid anyone would hear their conversation, "Who are you? My mother?" Henry asked as he stepped into the elevator.

Henry walked straight into his SUV and waited for Holden to step in but he didn't. "What are you waiting for?" Henry asked him and he smiled, "Your medicine Your Highness. I see you back at KP." He said and Henry shook his head in anger. He slammed the door close and nod to the driver.

He exhaled a tired breath as he took out his phone and read Alex last message.

"Hope everything is fine."

Then he added a prayer hand emoji but it only made Henry mad. So he did something unexpectedly and pressed the button call with Alex name on it.

It took him few rings before he answered and when he did, all hell break loose.

"Why didn't you call me?!" Henry screamed. Alex on the other hand are clueless not just because he had no idea what Henry talked about but also it still early in the morning in New York. "What?" He asked clueless on Henry's question.

"You didn't call, you didn't text, you didn't asked me how I was for the past one week!" Henry screamed in his phone and he could feel how Alex is stammering to find words to answer him. "Well if you want me too then why the hell didn't you call me?! You didn't text me, you didn't asked me how I was for the past week. So back at you!" He replied and it fumed Henry.

"Fuck you! Don't put words in my mouth Alexander, you know what I meant. You didn't even stop me from leaving!" Henry snapped.

"Well if you want to fuck me sweetheart, perhaps it is time for you to come home then, cause it gets lonely here! Also what else am I supposed to put? I can't shipped my dick to you!" Alex snapped back and Henry almost burst into a laughed but luckily he didn't.

"You're a wanker." He said and Alex snorted. They both stayed silence on the line not until Alex's voice whispered softly, "Come home babe." It took Henry a while to reply and when he did, Alex knew he is crying, cause his voice changed "I can't." He said and tears dropped on his cheek. "That house. It haunts me. I can't Alex." He said sobbing into tears. "Then we sell the house. We find new home for you and me and David."

Henry sniffed as he leaned back clutching his phone close to his ear. "Are you really gonna sell the house for me? Where are we gonna live?" He asked and he could feel Alex smiled. "Orion." Alex said and it made Henry burst into more tears. "It doesn't matter where we live, as long as we are together. I would do anything for you Hen, you know that." Alex said and Henry was about to answer him but something caught his throat and it turned to a coughing fit.


"Henry?" Alex's voice heard through the small speaker as he worried about Henry's state. He could hear Henry coughs vigorously and it sounded like someone shoved a rock down his throat and choked him.

"HENRY! Don't scare me like this!" He screamed into the speaker before Henry managed to get his voice back. Luckily for him, the car had some water by the door holster. He uncapped the bottle and gulped the water down to ease the pain in his throat.

"S-Sorry." He said and Alex exhaled in relief. "Are you okay?" He asked panicking and Henry sighed licking his lips as he nods. "Can I call you back?" Henry asked with his voice barely heard and Alex was reluctant to let him go but he knows Henry need time to himself. 

Alex waited for Henry to call him but he didn't and when it was hours later, he tried to call but he couldn't reach him. By some time after lunch, he texted Henry multiple time still no answer and it got him worried. So he decides to call him again instead.

The first call was failed and he attempted another call. It took him few rings later when the call finally connected. "Hen?" Alex asked and he could hear him cleared his throat before he answered.

"Hmm, yeah?" He sounded sleepy, shit maybe he shouldn't have disturb him, he should have let Henry rest instead. "Are you okay?" He asked and it took Henry too long to answer. "Hen?" He asked again and Henry sighing, "No." He replied and Alex's heart dropped. "What is it?" He asked and he could hear Henry sniffled with a slight cough before he continued.

"I need you here with me." He said so weakly with a hoarse voice and Alex released a sigh of relieved. "Okay." He said and it made Henry's voice beamed, "Really?" He asked and Alex nodded. "Yeah, I'm coming. Just hold on and I will be there soon." Alex said and Henry smiled.

"Hurry, please." Henry pleads and then followed by "I love you."

"I love you more my prince."

Truthfully since their last conversation after Henry chokes, Alex was already buying flight ticket and headed to London but he is just not sure cause what if Henry suddenly decides that he needed space and didn't want Alex to come. That would be a waste of money and time. But what he didn't tell Henry is, he already had plans in his mind. Perks of being the ex president son, he already making his victory plan and also his concession plan.

Victory plan being;

Bringing Henry home and married him as fast as he could so he won't get to run away again.

Buy a different house,

Move to a different states or country if Henry wanted too,

Quit his job.

Those are the list and it goes on and on about few days now.

But if he didn't have Henry; his plan would be,

move to a different city or country,

sold the house,

quit his job, he's adamant about this.

be as far away from Henry as possible. Out of sight out of mind. He was almost agree to live in Tibet with all the monks if it's all what it'll take.

But he never agreed on the concession plan cause for him, no matter what, Henry is his life, his soul and his eternity. He will never met any other guy like Henry, provided if he would still date male in future, no woman ever would beat Henry even. Being with Henry had it's challenges, his demon, his flaws. No one said the Prince is perfect which is what makes Alex loves him even more. Not once in his life Henry ever put himself before anyone, he always thinks for the sake of others before his own.

Which explains a lot with the Fox Foundation he had created and build on his own. To help people and make a difference because that is Henry, his Henry.

So here he was air bound only few hours more to spare until he got his happy ending. Luckily Bea was there so she had a car waiting as he landed in Heathrow.

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