Part 1 - Home
warning ~~~ Sexual content.
As promised, Alex and Henry did live together in their Brownstone house like domestic couple they had hope for. Henry never feel this happy living with the love of his life and get to wake up and sees his face everyday. Well, not exactly everyday, they still had jobs to do, with Alex and his law firm and Henry flying back to London or any other countries whenever they needed him too especially for his Fox Foundation.
But still, the best thing they ever had since the email got public and they announced their love publicly, this is the life Henry would never imagined of having. Besides abdicating his life from the royalty, it was the second best choice he had ever made. The first one obviously being in love with Alexander Claremont - Diaz of course.
Usually it was casual Sunday for both Alex and Henry but today is different. Today Alex had other plan on keeping the love of his life to himself. He promised their friends a bottle of champagne if they would leave them two alone and it took them more than that for a bargained. Not until Alex threatened them that if they don't leave him and Henry alone for today, they would be banned from entering their home. They all agreed unfortunately.
They had been busy with their schedule and Alex and Henry couldn't even have time to be together this past weeks and Alex miss him. Sometimes Henry would wake up to an empty bed finding his boyfriend glued to the laptop trying to win the case for his client and most of the time, he was at the shelter that he dedicates his life to by helping those people.
So whenever Henry got up, Alex is either gone for work leaving fresh coffee in the kitchen or he might have fallen asleep in their study room in their Brownstone house. They had been living here for almost three years now and Henry never thought of residing anywhere else. This is their home, provided it's their first home together, but still, it's home.
"All I'm saying is that we would not bother you guys, we would just watch the tv and leave you if you want to have sex with the Prince of England in the bedroom." Nora voice echoed inside their kitchen as Alex was putting her on a speaker while cooking the breakfast pancake by the stove that caught him off guard and almost fall on his face when he turned to look at Nora.
"Gosh sometimes I should put you guys on my EarPods instead of my speaker, you're embarrassing me!" He said with a clear blush on his face.
"Oh come on Alex! As if we don't know how many times you guys fucked behind our backs and sneaked in when you think we don't notice." Nora hollered and Alex couldn't be anymore mortified at her words.
"I swear to god, you are this close to be blocked for the entire week." Alex said and Nora scoffed. "Like you could survived without me for a week!" Alec smiled knowing how true it is and he could never imagined living without all these crazy people.
"Alex if the sex is that good then how am I supposed to compete with that?" June chimed in and even put Alex in all shades of red. "I swear to god both of you need to get your mouth sanitize by the pope!" Alex words seethed through his teeth.
"Come on Alex, like we don't know how good it was if you had to fight him against all the monarchy! I mean if I have that kind of English butt I would fought the whole armada too." Nora wink and put Alex more embarrassed not realizing a certain monarch stood by the entrance of their kitchen.
"I swear I should put a bell on my neck every time I walked in to your conversation." Alex looked up and immediate smile formed on his face. Seeing Henry in nothing but his navy blue bathrobe with his blond hair all messed up like he was just in a tornado, soft smile on his face and not too mention a hint of red on his ears.
"Good morning love of my life." Alex chirped and Henry walked into his open arm and wrapped his arm around Alex's waist before their lips connected into a soft kiss. They both were interrupted by chuckling on Alex's phone and turned to look at both June and Nora mimicking their kisses and Henry couldn't help but to blush. He hides in the crook of Alex's neck with his palm over Alex's broad shoulder.
"You know this is what happy means, stop teasing my boyfriend." Alex continued as both Nora and June make kissing noises over their speaker and Henry chuckled before he turned around and saved one of the pancakes before it burnt their kitchen down. "Oops!" Alex said after he saw what Henry did and decides it is time to end their call.
"Alright ladies, you guys can continue to mock the Prince but he is mine for the rest of the day and I'll see you guys tomorrow okay?" Alex said and they both still making kissing voices and Alex couldn't help but to smirk before he hits the red button and ended their call.
"Now my prince, can I serve you the plate." Alex said after he witness Henry tried to salvage what's left of the pancake on the pan but decides to dump them in the trash can cause it's already look like one of the cobble stone.
"What are you planning for today?" Henry spoke as soon as he stood by the kitchen chair and Alex placed a plate of pancakes with melted syrup and blueberries around them. He couldn't help but to dip his finger in the syrup and lick it before he grabbed the cutleries and starts cutting them in pieces.
"Today I have planned on keeping you on the bed all by myself. It's been a while since we had time for each other." Alex walked around the island and stood next to Henry and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist. Henry turned to his side opening his legs further apart so Alex could leaned in and rested his body against his leg.
Henry cut the pieces of the pancake and feed Alex a piece before he took another piece for himself. He heard Alex hummed next to him enjoying his bites and he couldn't help but feel a little turned on. He could see a drop of syrup escape from the corner of Alex's mouth and he can't stop himself. He buried his finger in Alex dark hair before he gripped it hard and pulled them back against his chest.
It caught Alex off guard when Henry pulled his hair behind and he leaned against Henry chest but before he could say anything, Henry licked the syrup that drips on his chin from down up to his lips and gave him a raging kiss. "Whatever you had in mind lover." Henry said after he licked the syrup cleaned and leaving Alex stunned with a gapped mouth in awe.
"Christ! You're killing me!" He said as he turned and gave Henry a proper kiss from front and he grabbed Henry's head with both of his hand before he collides their faces together.
The kiss got heated and Alex couldn't help himself, he needs Henry right here right now on their kitchen island so he did. He had Henry already wrapped his legs around Alex waist so Alex lifted him up from the stool and placed him on the table pushing the plates away.
"Today, you are mine." Alex said as soon as he placed Henry on the marble top and he reached Henry's robe tie pulling them to loose. He wore nothing but his black brief and Alex could already see him hardened underneath it. He climbed on top of Henry and continued assaults on his lip leaving crimson mark on Henry's lips. He continued kissing Henry on his lips and moved down to his chin and make home on his neck.
He heard a low growl in Henry's throat as he sucking the skin leaving marks for sure but who cares. Henry is his, and they are not hiding in the closet anymore, no pun intended. "Alex." He whispered as Alex continued kissing him lower and landed on Henry's chest. Years of training in polo and swimming had mesmerized Alex and continued to kiss and let his tongue wanders on Henry's chest. "Oh god." Henry whispered under his breath as Alex kissing his solar plexus before he looked up with a smirk on his face.
As he reached Henry's brief he dipped his finger into the rubber band around Henry's waist and pulled them off. As he kissed Henry's hip line he can't help teased him and stares deep into Henry's eyes before he took Henry's whole length in his mouth.
He heard him gasped as it took him by surprised. He could feel Henry gripped his hair and running his finger into his soft curls as he kept bobbing his head up and down Henry's length.
"Christ Alex! I'm - I'm gonna- oh god." Henry continued finding his word as Alex sloppy slurps bringing him to his end. He swore this man would be the death of him and not that it matters. He was already willing to go on a battle for him, Alex is not only his strength but also Henry's weakness.
Alex could feel Henry close to his coming when he arches his beautiful body on the counter and gripped Alex's hair tighter in his hand. He finishes Henry off with a groaned escaped Henry's throat and felt the warmth running down Alex's throat as Henry came.
It's the thing that Henry does whenever he finished, he would hide his handsome face in his palm hiding away his shyness and even they are together for years, he still feels a little insecure around Alex especially when it comes to his post sex look.
Alex climbed on top of him again removing his palm away from his face and stares down at his beloved face. "Why you hide such beauty away my darling? I love your face especially when you scream profanity and pray to God under my name." Henry blushed upon hearing such words from Alex and he had to admit, Alex has his way on bringing him out from his own insecurities.
Alex leaned to kiss him on his lips and throughout the years, he never did once claimed how dirty or how inappropriate to kiss someone on their lips especially after you just go down on them. He loves them, especially after Henry comes, his eyes could barely open and he was like a kid just spun around twenty times and landed on the ground riding his dizziness away.
"You're a devil and I'm going to hell." Henry said as Alex rested his chin on top of Henry staring at his beautiful carved face. Gosh he loves this man so much and it comes to the purpose of today. "Come on Adonis, let's go and shower." Alex said as he climbed down and pulled Henry on his back, piggy back him to the top stairs where their bedroom and bathroom are. Henry laughed all the way up to their bedroom and Alex bounced him like a child and earned him few kisses on his cheek as Henry wrapped his arm around his neck.
Alex didn't want him to have a bath cause he had all day planned for today so he hopped in the shower dragging Henry together with him and of course who couldn't say no to shower sex. After all, Alex didn't get to come yet and Henry won't let him leave until he did. He returned the favor by kneeling in front of him with the warm water running through his back.
When it comes to Henry, it comes naturally to Alex. As soon as he saw his face, his cock would awake and giving him half hardened figure. But when Henry is kneeling in front of him like a slave to his command, he is already ready to explode. So he didn't take much time for Henry to suck him and Alex already had him back on his feet and turned him by his shoulder. His back pressed against Alex's chest as he prepared him for his entry.
In their house there will always have endless supply of lube. By their bedside nightstand, there's lube and condom on each side depends on who's grabbing it. Their coats and expensive wear for the parties and such event. In their study room, in the drawer. In the car, in the dashboard and lastly in the bathroom, by the cupboard and also here in the shower by the rack they hung for their shampoos and soaps.
He poured a little on his finger and he helped Henry adjusted to his length and width which is three finger to be exact. It's always an agreement from them both and mutual trust. Henry trusted Alex and so does Alex on occasion night he had to bottom, especially when Henry is in one of his mood.
As he nodded, Henry could feel him filled him up to his core and again another nod he could feel Alex moves slowly before he picked up the pace and piled him to oblivion. A soft 'yes' and 'please' could be hard against the bathroom wall as Alex fuck him.
It was always an eventful morning for them especially when they both sacrificed their time just so they could be together and those time are precious nowadays. Sometimes he and Henry would be apart for weeks and sometimes only days unlike before he barely could see him only during event and that time they both had to be seen in secret but now, now they both get to be who they are, in love.
As Alex brushing his teeth, Henry was about done with his and they both just had a shaved together. In their bathroom there was the biggest mirror on the wall with again white marble top and grey scales. It screams luxuries and fits for both of their title. The Princes.
Henry was about to leave when Alex grabbed him by his waist and kissed him with his mouth filled with toothpaste and pressing more kisses on his cheek and neck. Henry protest by pulling away but he was locked in Alex's arm leaving him in a toothpaste mess.
"Jeez Alex! I just finished washing my face!" Henry said as he pulled Alex's towel leaving him naked in front of him and wiped his face from all the mess. "Seriously? My butt towel?" He said and Henry couldn't help but stopped for a second before he throws them at Alex. "Seriously? I had your cock in my mouth and you're concern of you butt towel?" Henry said and Alex couldn't help but broke into a laughs.
Henry splashed the water on his face cleaning all the mess Alex made with Alex stood next to him still brushing his teeth and then rinse his mouth with a mouthwash. Henry couldn't help but returning the favor by pressing a certain amount of shaving cream on his palm as Alex was bowing down to pour out the mouthwash.
Before he could see what Henry did, his face was palmed with a handful of shaving cream as Henry rubbed them all over his face and laughs. He couldn't see Henry's face but he swore he's gonna kill him by now. He tried to grab him but failed as his vision was compromised by the cream and he didn't want it to get into his eyes so he wiped it first. "What the-" Alex saw the cream on his face as he looked into the mirror, it didn't just get on his face but also his hair leaving him with white streak that look almost like Alex had white hair.
Henry left him in the bathroom still laughing as he approached their walk in closet. He pulled on his navy blue brief after wiping the cream on the towel he had and walked out from the walk in closet with Alex hoodie in his hand and dumped them both in their laundry basket, it's time to wash it knowing how many nights he spent wearing it especially when Alex isn't around.
He went to their dresser by their room and grabbed the first drawer, it was all of their watch collection both Henry and Alex. It's worth thousand and millions of dollar but he couldn't care for it. Few of them were gifts and some was given for price he won at polo or such event. It's part of their investment as Alex said, or so he thought. Henry remembers seeing Alex's shoes collection and said he would auction it off if Alex didn't start wearing them.
He pulled the next drawer which is their shirts and the hoodies and the next drawer is their ties, socks in next drawer and bottom is their casual pants that don't need to hang for such delicate material. it's usually jeans or sweatpants and their luck, Henry and Alex is almost same size so it doesn't matter whose and whose.
He grabbed Alex's grey hoodie and his plain minty green shirt for Alex to wear them later which he always does when they are not to be expected at certain place. Henry would just pull out whatever outfit for Alex and he would wear them regardless of what he chose. He trust Henry that much.
As he pulled the last drawer to grab their sweatpants, Henry is on his knees when he was fighting to close the drawer. "Jesus! Why are you choosing to fight me today!?" He fought and he could hear Alex's voice from the bathroom still cursing him for the shaving cream. "Did you have trouble closing the drawer again, Hen?" He shouted from the bathroom and Henry scoffed. It's not the first battle and it won't be the last.
"I swear this drawer is just you paying me back for what I did." Henry said as he tried to push and pull the drawer but he gave up. He sat on the floor only on his brief and starts inspecting the drawer from the inside before he pulled it out and set it aside. His arm length is long enough to reach the end and he noticed something. He felt it, a soft velvety feeling kind of box that got stuck at the end that made it unable to close so he grabbed it.
He inspect the box and noticed it was not exactly black but was actually blue, royal blue if he must admit and the soft velvet is brushing his fingertips. It was no bigger than his palm and it was in a shape of rectangle unlike most jewelry box it comes in square and there is a white satin ribbon around it. Wait, he thought. His birthday isn't anytime soon and certainly he didn't remember buying Alex one. He tempted.
He tempted to open the box anyway so he did and when he pulled the white ribbon loosing the bow perfectly tied up on it, letting the ribbon fell on his lap, he could feel the nervousness in his chest and the trembling on his palm and fingertips as he tried to open the box.
Must be another pendant or bracelet for Alex that he might forgot or maybe it fell through the cracks behind their dresser, he tried to ease his mind hoping not finding anything weird in there. But as he was about to open them he could hear Alex screamed in gasped. "NO!"
Alex said from the bathroom entrance looking down at Henry on the floor with the mysterious box in his hand. Henry eyebrow's furrowed into confusion as to why his boyfriend tried to stop him from opening this box, was he hiding something- he thought.
Such things never escaped Henry's mind cause no matter what, he would always feel like he didn't deserve Alex. No matter what they had gone through, he still feels that Alex could do better than him. So he pry the box away from Alex as he tried to take it away from Henry's hand and Henry stared at his face with such anger and confusion. Why did Alex wants to protect this box like his life? Henry thought.
So he did, he opened them right before Alex could snatched it away from his hand and gasped. He was already by the balcony window when Alex was about to snatch it away from his hand and he stood far away from him. He gasped at the box in front of him before he stared at Alex's face and regrets it. "Is this?" He asked and Alex sighed in defeat.
Henry felt his knees weakened as he dropped on the floor but caught by Alex. "Babe, breathe." He could feel the impending panic attacks climbing his chest and his throat. His hand trembles holding the box in his palm as Alex caught him and let him rested his hand on Alex's palm.
"A-Alex." He trembles, his voice breaks as he couldn't believe what he is holding. Inside the box, there was two black titanium ring both their size. It wasn't thick nor too thin and it was just right amount of width perfect for them to wear. There is a silver lining in between the black and it was filled with small diamonds around it and as Henry look it glistened under their bedroom light. "Hen?" Alex called him again seeing he hasn't move an inches since he noticed the rings and not too mentioned that Henry is on his lap on the floor still finding his breath.
"Hen? Are you okay?" He asked again still holding Henry in his lap and Henry didn't raise an eyebrow nor he turn his gaze anywhere but the rings. "Henry!" He raised his voice shaking him in process as he was getting a bit of scare from him. Henry gasped returning the gaze back at Alex and on point he starts to breathe funny.
"I-I.. wh- wha.." He mumbles as he still hold the box in his hand like holding a baby chick scared it would get lost from his palm. "Yeah, I know. It was supposed to be a surprised actually." Alex took the box in his hand and closed them and hides them behind him although he sees no point in it. Henry still tried to find words to muster in this conversation but failed and only left his jaw apart.
"Why-why did you have that?" He asked as soon as Alex grabbed his hand in his trying to ease the trembling fingers and the shakiness. "You were not supposed to find it now, it was supposed to be a surprised for tonight." Alex starts and Henry shot him a look. "What's tonight?" He asked still shaking. "The night you said yes to marrying me." He said and Henry couldn't help but let his jaw wide apart. He could faint now and be done with this conversation but again, he wanted this. He craved Alex every single days why did he reacted this way.
Maybe it's because the thought of Alex proposing to him after he heard him talk of marriage last year with his mom over the FaceTime. Maybe also the fact that Alex and him is in a good place and there is no one could take that away from him.
"So?" Alex asked as again Henry shuts down in silence. Henry stared deep down in Alex brown eyes seeking answers in them when all of his body screamed yes, his mouth seems trying to find words. "You didn't ask." He whispered. Alex smirked at the thought and returned the box right in front of them. Him still in the towel and Henry only in briefs, both sat on the floor of their bedroom home finding the perfect words to do this.
"Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband? To have me as I am, a working class boy who made your world as his? To have you every day as I opened my eyes and be the last person I see as I closed them in this world?" Henry could see Alex's eyes starts to water and the tears made it glistened from the light behind him from the window. It was the most perfect word anyone ever said to him.
"If only you promised me, Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz, my knight in my dream, my ground for when I need balance and my home where my heart is. That no matter how life gets hard, I would always be the one you're running back to. Your home, your love. That whenever your head is storm, I would be the ground where lightning hits." Henry replied beautifully and caught him in tears. "Is that mean.. you are saying yes?" Alex asked to confirm.
Henry nods repeatedly before crashing their lips together. "Thousand percent." He said in between their kiss and Alex felt relieved rushed over him. The hell with tonight, Henry already agrees to marry him. "Wait." Alex said pulling Henry in process. "We have to figure out your name though, it would be hell for anyone to introduce you." Henry chuckled as he wiped his tears with his palm.
"I abdicated, so I don't care for my royal name. I would just be Henry Fox." Henry said and Alex smiles. He knew it was pain for Henry after he chose to abdicate he cried every night losing everything especially his childhood home. It's not that he won't be able to visit but moving out from Kensington Palace was the most hardest he ever seen Henry do. Every memories he had of his father running through that place.
"How about, Henry Fox-Claremont-Diaz?" Alex said earning Henry a look. "Why your name has to go last? Why can't it be Henry Claremont-Diaz-Fox?" He stopped before he could hear himself and unexpectedly rolled his eyes in the conversation. It sounded stupid for him and he agrees to let it be Fox-Claremont-Diaz instead.
That day is the most perfect day for Alex and Henry. The unexpected engagement and living in a house just both of them. Seeing the ring on Henry's finger made him more worked up and horny. He can't removed the image of Henry's hand wearing the ring as they kissed or when Henry runs his finger all over Alex's body, he sees it as an achievement, his trophy. Henry is his and forever it will be him. No one can stop them now.
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