Summer/Velvet: Different Scenarios
Summer: Meeting Your Family
In your room you were staring at the calendar hanging off the wall. More particularly it was one day in particular. Tomorrow you were to visit some family.
Y/N: Okay, okay.
Suddenly your door opens. Turning your head around you see it was Summer.
Y/N: What are you doing here?
Summer: (sits down on your bed) What do you mean?
Y/N: I thought you said you and your team were going out.
Summer: Yeeeaaaahhh about that...
Y/N: Qrow and Tai?
Summer: This time Raven got in trouble as well. I don't know what the two did to her but she was chasing them with her weapon.
Y/N: I'm not going to ask further.
Letting her body fall to the bed she looks at the what you were staring at.
Summer: Something happening?
Y/N: Tomorrow I'm meeting some family.
Summer: Can I come?!
Y/N: I don't know.
Summer: What? Why not Y/N?! Are you embarrassed of me?
Y/N: No, no. Far from it. Wait...
You thought to what may happened and how you would definitely be asked if you are with anyone yet. This would be a perfect chance to show Summer.
Y/N: You can come if you want.
Summer: Yes! What should I wear? Should I bring anything? Who do I-
Y/N: Relax Summer. It's just a simple visit. Just wear what you usually wear.
Summer: Okay.
Y/N: Though yeah bring something as that's what they do, and before you ask cookies are a good idea.
Summer: You know me so well.
Sitting right next to Summer an important thought came to mind.
Y/N: Oh yeah! Do not eat anything tomorrow Summer. I mean it.
Summer: What? Why can't I eat anything tomorrow?
Y/N: Well you can eat a light breakfast but nothing else.
Summer: You still haven't answered my question.
Y/N: Well food is quite the thing when we do have these family meet ups. Meaning you are probably going to eat a lot.
Summer: Maybe I'll just skip out on the breakfast then.
Y/N: Yeah. Between the food their and what I had back at Atlas I would choose that any day of the week. Though it does not mean I would not regret it after.
Summer: Wait, wait. Could I?
Y/N: Could you what?
Summer: It's just you know it sounds more like this is something special and I just went right in.
Y/N: You are with me. If anything they will treat you like family immediately. In the past they might of not with some the others of my cousins but that was because all of us knew it was not going to work out. In fact if I did not ask you they would be angry as they all have been waiting to meet you.
Summer: Really?
Y/N: Do you remember getting together and I said for the l family reunion my brother has shirts planned for his show of support?
Summer: Is this the family reunion?
Y/N: Nope. That's the whole family. This one is just Vale but more of my family heard and the ones here are excited.
Summer: Greeaaat. No pressure.
Y/N: You'll be fine. We'll leave immediately after classes so if you want to make cookies I suggest waking up early.
Summer: Got it. Then I'm staying here for tonight. If that's okay.
Y/N: Sure.
Summer: Great! I'm going to go to my room and get clothes and get ingredients and I'll be back lickity split.
Summer immediately ran off leaving you in the dust.
Y/N: Definitely need to sweep.
Arriving to her team's room Summer opens to see her team playing cards.
Raven: Tai, any fives?
Tai: Go fish.
Summer: What are you three doing?
Qrow: Mixing it up for tonight.
Raven: Actually Tai challenged Qrow to this and I'm here as a wild card apparently.
Qrow: My honor is at stake both figuratively and literally. Wait, no just literally.
Tai: Whichever one of us looses has to cook. That and they loose their honor.
Summer: What?
Raven: It started off as a joke but then it escalated.
Tai: Wanna play next round?
Summer: No, I gotta grab some of my things and go. I'll also be gone after class.
Tai: K.
Qrow: Yeah.
Raven: See ya.
Summer: Just please try do not to get into trouble. It seems like every time I'm gone for more than a few hours it happens.
Qrow: Alright.
Summer: I mean it this time guys.
Raven: I'll make sure it doesn't.
Summer: That means you two Raven.
Raven: What!?
Summer: You have a tendency to try to hurt both of them when they do something to you.
Raven: Fine. I'll just use more subtle ways.
Summer: Good. Well I'm going to Y/N's room.
Tai: Remind him he owes me five bucks for spotting him back at the arcade. When he spent all of his money with him getting you that stuffed animal.
Summer: Okay.
As the next day came and classes were over you and Summer made your way to the little reunion of your family's.
Arriving Summer saw some kids outside that were running around and having fun except the few adults watching over them.
Summer: Who are they?
Y/N: No idea.
Summer: How do you not know?
Y/N: Remember Atlas? We were the part of the family that only came once a year.
Following behind Summer followed you up the doorsteps. Entering the house you see mostly everyone was on couches or in the kitchen talking.
A few turned their heads and realizing it was walked up to you. Aunt Clara was the first to greet you and Summer.
Aunt Clara: Y/N!
Y/N: Hi Aunt Clara.
Hugging you she looks to Summer and hugs her as well.
Aunt Clara: Good, good, you came. Now come.
Dragging Summer to who knows where you shook hands with some others and said "hi" to some of the others you didn't quite know. Looking for your cousins that you know well you found the two with Summer.
Summer goes by your side, holding onto your hand as she was nervous. Not by the fact that she didn't know anyone. In fact she would've thrives in that situation, but rather she didn't want to embarrass yoy in front of your family.
Cobalt: Y/N, long time no see.
Y/N: Where's Aunt Clara?
Cobalt: Kitchen. Said that she had to help make food and introduce us to Summer.
Russet: So this is the girl Aunt Clara talked about. Honestly I thought she was lying.
Cobalt: It was hard to believe.
Summer: And why is that?
Russet: He was one of our closed off family members. He really only knows us.
Y/N: Too old to be with the kids and too young to really talk with the adults.
Cobalt: We're basically the only ones at this age range. So how did you score her?
Y/N: I'll let Summer say.
Summer: Short version or long?
Russet: Short.
Summer: Y/N saved me. Lost my emblem, but the note he left me had an address on it. Anyways I followed it and found Y/N. Then we talked. Then went out...
You looked to Summer pleading with your
eyes not to mention the bowling part. She understood luckily.
Summer: After Y/N had to go back to Atlas we stayed in contact. Then when he arrived back I told him how I felt after my teammates said I needed to hurry. Apparently if you're from Atlas that's a plus.
Russet: Always the foreign students. Damn. Maybe save someone.
Cobalt: Don't you think that maybe. Just maybe you need to take it slow after all the breakups you've been through?
Russet: Nah. Well maybe. We'll see.
Summer: (whispering to you) Is he always like this?
Y/N: (whispering) Only involving this. Other than that one of my favorite cousins.
Russet: So got any female friends who might be interested as a charming man such as myself?
Cobalt: Here we go.
Y/N: You charming? And no. I hang out with my girlfriend's team and there is one other.
Russet: Sooo?
Summer: I don't recommend it.
Russet: What? Why not?
Y/N: You heard of the incident at Beacon? You know the one last week?
Russet: The one where a student fell down the stairs and had to be airlifted?
Y/N: Well there's more to it.
Russet: What?
Y/N: Don't know. Summer hasn't told me yet. I only knows it involves Raven who is the one on Summer's team.
Summer: (sighs) Fine. I did promise I would tell you. Apparently some student was dared to touch.
Cobalt: I don't like where this is going.
Summer: I didn't either. So Raven then did this. Punched him and he fell down the stairs. She then made him to never say that she did that to him.
Cobalt: So did she got in trouble?
Summer: Raven was never called in. So that is why Y/N doesn't recommend it.
Russet: Never mind. I choose life.
Summer: I did punish Raven though. No training for a week.
Russet: How's that a punishment?
Y/N: Well you never met Raven. She has the whole survival of the fittest mentality.
Summer: To which I clash with her with it. Anyways she wasn't happy having fun for an entire week. Raven prefers it in small doses.
Aunt Clara: (in background) THE FOOD IS READY!
Summer sees Russet tying a headband to his head and Cobalt taking off his belt.
Russet: It's go time.
Cobalt: Here we go again.
Summer: What's happening?
Summer then turns to see you taking off your belt as well.
Y/N: Remember we take food seriously at these small reunions. I normally take a nap on Cobalt's couch in his room after.
Summer: Oh, but isn't eating more than what you're comfortable with a bad thing?
Y/N: We throw that out the window in these occasions as a lot of the food done will only be made for these occasions. These are some of the few times we indulge.
Summer: I see.
Y/N: C'mon. This is where you will actually get to know people. You know where we all come together as everyone was really doing their own thing until now.
Walking away Summer was unsure what she just signed up on but quickly followed behind as she wanted a chair besides you.
Velvet: Getting Together
Waiting at the cafeteria table RWBY's and JNPR's usually sit in Velvet was waiting for the two leaders.
Jaune: Velvet?
Ruby: So what was the message about? I'm confused as we never really hanged out.
Velvet: I know. Believe me I know but it's just Y/N hangs out with you two the most.
Jaune: How do you have our numbers?
Velvet: Well with Y/N's freedom he tends to be here one moment and gone the next. He gave me some to call as if I don't know their may be the chance you all may know.
Ruby: Yeah... Doesn't help with the whole Blake and Y/N competing who can go the longest without being seen by the other.
Jaune: (shudders) No one is safe. I walked into what I thought were open doors only to
hit a wall that turned out to be his holograms. They create traps to try to catch the other.
Velvet: So the reasoning for this is that Y/N hasn't been himself lately.
Ruby: Really? He seemed the same to me.
Velvet: Okay, in that he's been gone a lot.
Jaune: I mean I haven't seen him in awhile. He even missed Pancake Sunday.
Velvet: Well he left a letter behind and I know where he is going.
Going to the location stated on the letter they found themselves in front of an abandoned building.
Ruby: What's with Faunus from the White Fang always choosing abandoned locations? Maybe if they hid it in plain view. Like there is a real business that hides the illegal stuff.
Jaune: These places would make some really great haunted houses.
Entering in the abandoned building they see four figures standing over a table. With one being large in particular.
Ruby: Wow.
Jaune: What?
Ruby: Don't you see his weapon?
Jaune: A one sided axe?
Ruby: No, well yeah but the top part looks
like it's hollow. My thinking is that it shoots out a mortar shot. Probably a guillotine gun.
Jaune: How do you know?
Ruby: Observations. Given his large stature and all I imagine something heavy and then with the weapon-
Velvet: Shhhh. They're talking.
The three look back to the figures.
Vera: Things are getting worse with your sudden departure.
Seth: Yeah. Things are getting bad.
Y/N: That was bound to happen with the more moderate leaders getting ousted.
Warwick: How's being a student been treating ya boss?
Y/N: Oh you know well. I regret that I could not make it to Pancake Sunday though.
Hearing a sniffle Velvet and Ruby look to Jaune to see him wiping a tear.
Velvet: What's wrong?
Jaune: He remembered.
Looking back to the figures Velvet gripped at the doorframe as she saw the female getting too close to Y/N.
Vera: Yeah, and how has that rabbit Faunus been treating you? You never did mentioned her name.
Y/N: Velvet. Her name is Velvet.
Vera: The name is cute. When do we get to meet her?
Y/N: Now. Ruby. Jaune. Velvet.
Ruby: (whispers to Jaune) Y/N cannot be talking about us right? How were we seen?
Velvet: (whispers to Ruby) Do you know anyone else with those names?
Ruby: (whispers to Velvet) No.
Jaune: Hi Y/N and random people.
Warwick: Jaune? Wait... Is this the guy who said "The name is Jaune Arc-
Y/N: Yes.
Jaune: You told them?
Y/N: They asked who you were so I said the one sentence that describes you. You know how you introduced yourself.
Seth: Yeah, if you haven't stopped that you should stop. I feel embarrassed for you.
Walking into the light Velvet alongside Ruby made their appearance.
Velvet: Y/N. Who are they? Please don't tell me you...
Y/N: It's not what you think. Truth be told I gotten tired of holding this from you. Before you make your judgement can you please just listen? Please?
Velvet: Okay, but only because I don't know both sides of the story.
Ruby: Soooo. Are you three part of the White Fang?
Vera: Yes.
Ruby: Do you have a problem with us on the account of us being you know humans?
Seth: You may have fought some of our more radical brethren and sisters but not all of us hold such views.
Warwick: Yeah, given how Faunus are the minority it would not exactly be good if we did the whole war on humans thing.
Vera: Not to mention it would prove people who despise Faunus right.
Ruby: Huh. Well it's nice hearing that.
Y/N: Believe me. The good that is done has to be done without people identifying us. So that those inside the organization will not be against us or so that we can do it in the first place. You can guess the whole wearing the uniform in public will not exactly go well.
Jaune: Doesn't help with the whole recent events and stuff. Like Roman.
Vera: Exactly. There are those who look to the high leader before Sienna. His ways may be slow but it did not made us out to be the monsters they say we are.
Velvet: Can you all please explain what your names is? I kinda feel embarrassed that you know us but we don't know you.
Seth: Sorry. Seth.
Warwick: Warwick.
Vera: Vera.
Y/N: You could say they are my subordinates that helps leads the troops but in actuality I consider them to be my friends.
Velvet: That's sweet.
Y/N: Yeah, well before you all came along they were it.
Jaune: Really?
Warwick: Yes, given what we do we lose friends on the way.
Ruby: So how did you know we were here?
Y/N: Preplan and you guys are loud.
Velvet: And how long has this been happening?
Y/N: Only recently.
Vera: You should have seen when Y/N first made contact with us.
Jaune: And what happened?
Vera: Well he tried making it dramatic with a cloak and all. Didn't go well as you would think. I mean who would try something like that? Didn't go well as you think.
Ruby: Yeah... I wonder who would try something like that? Haha.
Y/N: Almost exploded.
Velvet: What!?
Y/N: Yeah. Seth with his guillotine gun.
Ruby: I knew it! See!
June: Reminds me of how you exploded. What was the nickname?
Y/N: It was craterface .
Ruby: Don't forget I remember yours Vomit Boy.
Warwick: You really made some interesting friends.
Y/N: Okay, now we are just wasting time. What do you want to know Velvet?
Velvet: What is really happening? No half lies. No avoiding the question. The truth.
Y/N: I've been thinking. Sure I can explain you the situation happening but that really doesn't matter. Hearing what happened my friends here are thinking of leaving. They're not the only ones. So we thought about you guess it creating something new.
Velvet: Something new? What do you mean?
Y/N: We don't know yet exactly but it won't be to take but to instead help. It would even have humans as well as obviously there are those that are friendly or sympathetic to the cause the White Fang under Ghira tried and failed.
Seth: The White Fang now only causes pain and misery.
Vera: Not all of us believe the lies the White Fang says. My parents made sure of that.
Warwick: Look, we are trying to make a bridge. One that helps both humans and Faunus alike. We've been going at this all wrong. In only accepting our kind we limit ourselves. We need to expand our horizons.
Velvet: Really?
Y/N: That's what I learned from all my time with you, Velvet.
Ruby: What about us?
Y/N: Yes Ruby. Yes.
Jaune: Wait, and who is gonna lead it?
Y/N: Yeah to avoid such a thing happening such as Adam there would be more than one in charge. Though if you're asking who it will not be me. There are those who stood silent. The only thing stopping them from leaving is the mere fact that they believe in the cause. Though not what from the White Fang as it now stands. There is enough grumbling to actually establish this. As for how it will go is not going to be answered today.
Velvet: Do you mean this?
Y/N: You were the only one to visit me while I was in that cell. I didn't lie to you then and I don't intend now.
Vera seeing what is going on quietly walked to Seth and whisper talk.
Vera: You see what I see?
Warwick: No.
Vera: The tension between the two.
Warwick: I'm tired. After this I'm goin to hit the hay.
Vera: Just trip or push Y/N and I'm going to do my part to all of this.
Warwick: Alright. Though don't expect it to look subtle.
With the meeting now over and the these two going into positions and that was needed was one suggestion.
Vera: Well it's time to go. Y/N will be with us for the rest of the night.
Velvet: Alright. I guess this can happen as you all are friends and are trying to change.
Vera: Go on give him a hug goodbye. In my culture it would be rude not to.
Velvet: Really? I never heard of that.
You knew full well that each and every word that came out of her mouth was bullshit and was a lie. As for why she was doing this you were unsure but had a sneaking suspicion.
Vera: Oh yeah. You never heard of this? You know how some kiss a person's cheeks. Most wave or say goodbye, but mine it is absolutely necessary for the people in charge of each of the groups to hug. Not doing this would be a sign of disrespect. And you led your friends so... Do you get what it getting at?
Velvet: I don't want to disrespect you and your customs.
Vera: Good because if you don't I have to sacrifice and animal to make sure no bad omens happen to all of us.
Velvet: Bad omens?
Vera: Yes. Very bad. The worst kind. You heard of stepping on a crack and braking your mom's back? Well that.
Velvet was unsure if this was true but the way in which Vera said it with such a confidence that made it sound true.
Vera: Also it has to be unannounced. Usually this would already be known to both parties but this visit was unscheduled.
Velvet: Okay
Walking up to you, Warwick, was given the signal to do his objective. Seeing Velvet at a distance to make sure you would not just fall on the floor he did it.
Warwick: I'm going to push you okay?
Y/N: Wha-
You couldn't even finish what you were going to say as Warwick pushes you into Velvet. As if it were one of those cliche movies the two of you once smash into one another and kissing each other accidentally.
The three promptly left to outside where the other two were to let this sort this self out.
Ruby: What's taking so long?
Warwick: Where's the blonde? Jaune was it?
Ruby: He got a call from his team. Had to go.
Steeping out with Velvet you two gave a hug goodbye before she left with Ruby. Waiting for them to go out the earshot you talked.
Y/N: I hate you all.
Seth: What did I do? I had nothing to do with this.
Y/N: You stood and watched.
Vera: What happened?
Y/N: Here's the other part to the message. Since you two did what I probably wouldn't have never done for a long time I'm buying for tonight.
Vera: So it worked?
Y/N: We're planning to have a lunch by ourselves tomorrow.
Vera: A date then.
Y/N: Don't make me make fake doors for you to walk into.
Vera: I knew it.
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