Part 27 (Finale)

__(Y/N) Pov__

You look up and see Yuri pointing his swords straight at you. He then starts to swing them down towards you and you hear screaming. Turning, you see Aqua jump between you and Yuri. Yuri's swords cut her across the chest. She falls to the ground as blood begins to gush from the gashes on her chest. You run over to her and hold her head in your arms. She looks at you with weak eyes, as a tear falls from her left eye. You begin to cry, holding her head with one hand and running the other through her silky blue hair.

"Goodbye (Y/N)."

Her eyes close and you bring your head down so your head touches hers.

"Aqua, please.. don't leave me!"

Your tears fall onto her face and you stay there, her dead body in your arms. Behind you, you hear Yuri's dark laughter.

"You're too weak (Y/N) - you couldn't even protect your girlfriend. But, if you joined me, I could make it so that this would never happen aga-"

You punch Yuri, cutting off his words and sending him flying into the wall of the school. You walk over and pick up Aqua's sword, tears still running down your face. You begin to walk towards him as he staggers to his feet.

"Good!. Let out that anger!"

You continue to walk towards him, holding the sword of your beloved dead girlfriend. Standing right in front of him, you face off with Yuri..

"Come on, 'dad', hit me!"

He does, and you look back at him smirking. You kick him into the wall, then he looks up to see the end of Aqua's weapon, now in sniper form.

"Tell the devil I said hi."

You pull the trigger but you are knocked back by his transformation into his strongest dragon. You look up at him as his head is turned directly towards you. He grabs you with his left claw and flies straight up. You can feel your bones being crushed under the pressure. You start to glow white and blue but you feel more powerful than last time. Aqua and Isabella appear in front of you.

"Use our strength to kill him (Y/N). We love you, and we believe in you."

They disappear and you are able to break Yuri's grip and and send him flying opposite of you. You transform into a white and blue dragon the same size as him. Your hear a loud roar, and see a much smaller female green and dark blue dragon stop by you.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you not hurt you. Now let's end this!"

You nod and turn back to Yuri.

"You're going to die, Yuri."

"How about you prove that?"


You roar and grab Yuri and throw him to the ground. He jumps back and uppercuts you, throwing you back. The new green dragon then quickly flies back and forth, making small cuts on Yuri until he grabs it and throws it away. You then rush him and punch him, then warm up your fire. You shoot a long blast of fire and he does the same. The two streams of fire meet in the middle, each fighting for dominance over the other. Your blue fire slowly starts to lose ground to his dark red flame. You soon run out of fire and his fire consumes you, sending you crashing into the city below. You land on a few buildings, trying to stand, but you aren't able to. The green dragon lands by you. You look over to it and see it trying to lift you up.

"Get up (Y/N), we need you!"

"I can't get up anymore!"

"Yes you can, I know you can. So come on, one more time for Aqua!"

You have a flashback of all the times you spent with Aqua: the first time you met, your first date, your first kiss and all the ones after that. You feel a surge of power as you begin to roll over onto your stomach.

"That's it! Come on big fella you can do it!"

You get up and get punched into the building behind you. You create a hole in it and Yuri kicks the green dragon into another building. While he is distracted by the dragon, you get up and fly through the hole, grabbing him and flying through multiple buildings, before slamming him into the ground. You grab him and pin him down until he kicks you off. You go to punch him, but he blocks you and slams you into the ground. He cuts you across your chest and continues to claw you until he is knocked over by the other dragon. He grabs the dragon, bites its right arm off, and throws it into a side of a building where it lays unconscious.

"I'm getting pretty sick of you, you little pest."

He turns to finish the dragon, but you run over and slam his head into the side of a building he turns and looks at you but you grab his throat. You squeeze his neck as hard as you can, and you feel his hand grab yours. His hand drops and you shoot your fire at him, but he uses his last strength to claw the side of your face, making your fire hit only one side of his face leaving it burnt. You feel blood start to gush out, running down the side of your face, you look at him to see he is unconcious. He then transforms into his human form and so do you, he falls to the ground and you fall to your knees. Half of his face is burnt and he has cuts all across his chest through his shirt. You feel where the cut is on your face, as well as the cuts on your chest to feel the remainder of your shirt and jacket covered in blood. The green dragon then transforms into Valkire lying in the same spot, missing an arm and unconscious. Everyone runs up into the middle of the street as you fall over on your side and close your eyes.

__In your head__

Getting up from the ground, you look up to see a mansion. You walk over to the doors and open them to see a long table with all the Fireborns eating at it. You also see Aqua and Isabella talking with an old man until they turn and look at you. They walk over and the old man steps up in front of them.

"Hello (Y/N), welcome to the Hall of Fire. This is where all Fireborns come once they die."

"Then why are Aqua and Isabella here?"

"Because we have decided to reward them, too, for the capture of Yuri. Isabella agreed that she would use all her power along with all of us to bring you to back. It is not your time yet, so I'll let you all say your goodbye." He walks off and Isabella hugs you.

"Isabella, why would you do this?"

"Because I love you (Y/N), and I want you to live a long happy life with Aqua. I know I'll see you in the future, and I'll always be able to talk to you the way Aqua and I did during the battle."


"No buts (Y/N), this is my choice, and someone has to save the world and prevent deaths. Now let's get this started."

The old man walks over.

"Are we ready to start the process?"


"Ok, Isabella will be here waiting for both of you in the afterlife. Now come and join us."

You all walk outside and all the Fireborns surround you, along with Isabella. You hug Aqua as they start to chant. Soon you both start to glow white. You both look over at Isabella as she smiles at you. You mouth 'goodbye' to her and she cries and smiles. You and Aqua then both disappear.

__In real life__

You wake up in a hospital bed surrounded by Silver, April, and Team RAIN.

"You're awake!"

April hugs you, causing you to wince in pain.

"April please.....the cuts."

She pulls back and looks at you.

"I'm so sorry I'm just glad to see you awake."

"We all are, bro."

You look over at Silver.

"Help me up."

"You need to rest (Y/N)."

"I need to check on Aqua and Valkire."

You begin to get up, despite everyone telling you to stay in bed. You're soon on your feet, and you walk down the hallway, supporting yourself with the wall. You feel someone put your arm around them to help you balance. You look to that side and see Ray from team RAIN helping you.

"I thought you hated me."

"I never hated you. I was just worried someone would take Neko away from me so I wanted to act intimidating."

"Ha, well you failed at that, my friend."

"Yeah yeah yeah, shut up or I'll push you down. But once everything started to happen, I hit a realization that if she loved me I wouldn't need to worry so I stopped."

"That's good Ray, I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. This is Aqua's room here. Just don't be upset about what you see."

You enter a room and pull a curtain back revealing Aqua in a hospital bed sitting up. She turns and looks at you and smiles. Her face begins to tremble as she smiles, and you rush over to you kiss her. Ray looks in amazement seeing Aqua alive.

"How are you alive?"

You and Aqua turn to him and smile.

"Isabella. She's the reason we're alive right now. We both died, but she helped bring us back, because apparently our destinies aren't over quite yet."

"After everything I've seen this year it's not shocking. I'm sad Isabella isn't around anymore, she made everything so happy."

"Yes she did, but always know she is right here."

You point to his heart.

"Now Aqua, do you think you can walk?"

"I may need help."

"Ok Ray I'll take it from here."

"Ok later man."

Ray walks out and you help Aqua up and begin to walk.

"So where are we going?"

"To Valkire's room. She is hurt badly. I think this is it."

You both turn into the room and see Valkire bandaged up and missing an arm. A doctor walks in with a clipboard.

"The only thing we can do for her is build a robotic arm."

"She's not going to like that."

"You got that right."

"Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave, so we can check the rest of her wounds."

You both exit and walk outside to what's left of the courtyard. You both sit down on a bench overlooking the city. Aqua leans into your side.

"Hey Aqua can I ask you something?"

"You can always ask me anything, Tex."

"Do you still love me?"

"Yes, I always will. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well after everything I've gotten you into in just one year I don't see how you can still want to be with me."

"That wasn't your fault! I know you didn't want any of it to happen to us."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just thought after all the the crap that happened something might've changed, but I'm glad it didn't."

"Me too, Tex."

You hear walking so you look back and see April and Silver walking hand in hand together. They sit on the arms of the bench as team RAIN, RWBY, JNPR all stand on the sides of the bench. Qrow, Ozpin, Lincoln, Xavier, Glynda, and Ironwood stand with them. The sun sets into darkness as the lights around come up, and you and Aqua look at the rest of them. You put your arm around her and look around at all your friends.

"These have truly been Years to Remember."

__Yuris Pov__

You get thrown into a metal room with cuffs on your hands and feet, and a black mask covering your face. Two soldiers chain you to the floor as you are on your knees in your personal prison.


One soldier knees you in the face. You remain emotionless as you look up at him. They both walk out soon and close the door, leaving your cell pitch black.

"I'm going to kill you all and send you to the deepest pits of hell. And as for you (Y/N), and your friends, I'm going to make sure you die slowly and painfully."

You hear movement in each corner of the room but you can't see anyone until a flame ignites in each corner. The flames are gold, purple, orange, and pink. You then hear someone moving in front of you until they stop only feet from you. You look up and see two blood red flames with someone outlined by a red aura. They then make the flames so big you can see the entire room. You see everyone is covered in a black robe so you can't see them.

"Where is (Y/N)!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't seen him in years."

"Bullcrap! I know he defeated you. Now WHERE IS MY BROTHER?!"


I hope you all enjoy this extra long chapter and also the finale of my first story. I put my heart into this story and it seems like you love it just as much as me. I hope you all have and Amazing day and thank you all for reading this story and Blade out!

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