Part 20

__Silver Pov__

"Where the hell are they its been over two weeks." You hit your dorm room wall and April looks up from her book.

"I dont know Silver and no one can find them so i dont know." You look over at April.

"We can find them i know we can, we just need some help."

"Silver i know you care alot about them ,but no one knows where they are or where they have been so for all we know they could be dead."

"But we cant think like that, we have to have hope that they are fine. Im going to call my brother about it, maybe he can help with this."

"Ok good luck." You walk out the dorm and then slam the door behind you. You pull out your scroll and walk up to the roof of the school so no one else can hear you.

"Hey Mercury."

"Hey Silver what do you need."

"My team mates have been missing for two weeks and i need your help to find them."

"Ok what are there names."

"Aqua Winchester and (Y/N) Arc."

"Ok ill send you all the info i can get on them in a little while."

"Ok thank you Mercury."

"No problem Bro. Bye."

"Bye." You hang up and put your phone in your poctect when you notice a shining object infront of you. You walk over to it and pick it up. It is a neckalse in the shape of a dragon with a (F/C) stone for the eye of the dragon.

"Huh I wonder what this is doing up here." You flip it over and the name "(Y/N)" is engraved on it.

"What the, I have to show this to April."

__Isabella's Pov__

"Ok friends here's the plan. First we find my friend in the city and he will be able to help us from there." Ruby, Yang, Blake,Weiss shake there head and agree. " Ok now go get team JNPR and we can leave and start the search." Team RWBY leave and you get ready to leave.

Ruby runs into the room. "Ok there about to head to the city come on ok." You get upand head to where the two teams are and youll head to town.

"There he is. Hey Shirako!" He is listening to his normal Teku music with his racing group called the Teku.

"Ah well if it isnt the Teku Queen her self." He turns the music down a little. "So what do you need from me on this fine day."

"I need the Teku to help me find two friends of mine that went missing a few weeks ago."

"Ah you came to the right Teku for the job." He pulls out a computer and props it on his white, blue, and orange car. "Whats there names."

"Aqua Winchester and (Y/N) Arc." He looks up at you with a weird face.

"Did you just say (Y/N) Arc?"

"Yeah why have you seen him recently."

"No but about a year ago he showed up ready to race anyone he could. He called himself the Enforcer."

"Well help me track him down."

"Ok lets see." He looks at the computer for a bit longer and then clicks on something. "Ok the last time Aqua was seen was about 2 days ago and that was in the moutains north of Vale. And (Y/N) was spotted 4 hours ago in town."

"Perfect. Thanks man."

"No problem and good luck."

__(Y/N) Pov__

"Valkire why were you acting a little odd when you met Aqua."

"I wasnt acting odd."

"Yeah actually you kinda were."

"Uhh fine you want to know why." She hugs you while your driving your car. "Its because your my first true friend and i dont want her to chang that."

"You know we can still be friends even while me and Aqua are together."

"Yeah i know but it wont be the same and it will be kinda weird for me and you to be good friends while you'll are dating."

"Ok i see. I dont know, but i will try to figure something out." You continue to drive through Vale and then you notice something suspicious. "Hey Valkire does that car look like it is following us or is it just me." You look at the black suv behind you.

"Huh it kinda looks like its following us." A mini gun turret then appears out the top.

"Crap!" YOu floor it and turn right into an alley way and you continue to drive until you reach another highway. "I think we lost them." You then see the driving towards you. You start to drive the down the highway but you are stopped by a line of black suv's.

"Come out with your hands up!" You look at Valkire and she nods at you. "Come out now or we will be foreced to use force!"

__The Soldiers commander's Pov__

"Ok boys check the car." The soldiers go to the car and open the doors.

"There not there boss."

"What thats impossible." They then open the trunk of the car. Two of the soldiers then get shot and Valkire and (Y/N) then come out from the trunk. "Get them." Valkire then shots two more of my soldiers. My soldiers then start to fire at them.

I pull out my revolver and aim it at the girl. I pull the trigger ready to fire a round.

"Valkire watch out!" The boy then jumps infront of her and takes the bullet for her. The girl then fires a shot into my stomach and i fall to the ground unconscious.

__Valkire's Pov__

"NOOOOO!" You get on your knees infront of (Y/N) and pull out your first aid kit while you are crying. You put a bandage around the bullet hole and you just sit there crying. "Im sorry but thats all i can do."

"" (Y/n) barely has his eyes open.

"How are you....You still alive!?" You hug him.

"Ahhh please let go it still hurts." I let go of him and lay him on the ground again. "And i have a power that regenerates my health over time so i will be fine."

"Oh ok. Do you think you could make it to the car with my help?"

"I think." You then lift him up and put one arm around you and walk him to the car slowly and you then sit him the passenger side and close the door. You then run around to the drivers side and get in and crank the car up to drive away.

"Drive Valkire." You then drive off away from the scene before Isabella's group and the cops show up.

Challenge: What show are the Teku from?

Reward: First 3 to answer correctly get their own character in one of my stories of their picking. DM me your answer and good luck.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I hope you have an amazing day and Blade out!

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