Part 1
Your name is (Y/N) you have (H/L) (H/C). You wear a (F/C) hooded jacket with a (2F/C) undershirt with blue jeans. You were sent on a mission by your boss to scout out a fighting school named Beacon. You aren't excited about going to school, you see it as a waist of your time.
(flashback) (??? pov)
Im glad you could join us (Y/N). Now lets get down to buisness, we need you to infiltrate Beacon to find out as much information about the teachers and students in the school. You will be leaving in two days. Good luck (Y/N) and stay safe.
"Got it Boss and ill try to stay safe" (Y/N) said and walked out to pack his things for the mission.
(Back to present) (Y/N pov)
(saying in your head) On the ride here I saw two students that are rather interesting. One was a girl that had long blonde hair and she wore black shorts with a brown jacket and a yellow undershirt. She was with a girl that was a tad bit shorter that her. She had short hair that was black hair that was red near the end of it. She wore a blouse with a skirt and a hooded cloak that was colored in black and red.
You were interrupted by a voice saying "Hey Im Ruby and can I see your weapon". You turn to see the girl with the short black and red hair
" Hey yeah sure you can see (W/N)." You pull out a two revolvers with blades attached to the bottom to the barrels.
"OMG these are so cool did you make them yourself!" Ruby says in a very high pitch voice.
"Yeah I made these with my brother Jaune. The boy who is running around about to throw up." She gasped at shock when she found out that you were related to Jaune Arc the boy that threw up on the ride to Beacon.
You started to walk off with both of your weapons in hand. When you hear Ruby say " Hey I never cought your name."
"Its (Y/N)...(Y/N) Arc." You then walk to a large room that everyone else is gathering in.
___Time Skip___(Y/N) Pov__
"Hey whats up little bro" Jaune turns to see a very familiar face walking towards him.
"(Y/N)! What are you doing here!"
"Well I though I would come and my little bro out in school" You then see Jaune turn his attention to a girl with white hair that is speacking to that Ruby girl you met earlier that wanted to see (W/N).
" Jaune you do realize who your looking at right?" He turns to you with a curiouse face.
"No I dont." You then start to laught a little "Whats so funny (Y/N)?"
"Its funny becuase you like Weiss Schnee, the daughter of the owner of the Schnee dust company." He then glances at her and then back to you.
"How do you know all this?" He asks seeming very curious.
"Look at how she acts and talks, that gives it away. Very few families can dress their daughter in such expensive cloths like that."
"Ok well I have a question?"
"What is it little bro."
"Why did you leave 4 years ago without saying goodbye to any of us." You then look away in sorrow.
"Thats a story for another time."
(??? pov)
"I need to check in with (Y/N)" You then pick up yout phone and call the contact labeled Sweetie.
"Hey baby how is the mission going."
"Hey boss its going good. I thought you said you wouldnt call me that while were doing our jobs?"
"I cant help it, I love you that much (Y/N)"
"Ok Cinder I have to go prepare for a test tomorrow but ill call you back later."
"Ok I love you sweetie."
"Love you to bye."
__Time Skip to next day___(Y/n) pov___
I was walking down the hallway to the test when I saw someone who caught my eye. She had red hair and she seemed to wearing armor that looked to be modeled after the actient roman soldiers armor. You thought to yourself. "Wow is this seriously what Cinder is scared of that's just sad." You continue to walk out the school and to a near by forest when you and the group of students are instructed to step on metal plates on the ground.
"Each of you will be givin team mates today." You hear a lady say when you'll all step on the plates.
You then pick up on certain things the man with the gray hairs says like "Do not hesitate to destroy everying in your path." and "The first person you make eye contact with will be your partner." You also hear that you and your partner will need to retrieve a relic and bring it back.
"Well this seems easy enough." you say with a large amount of confidience in your voice.
You then hear someone else say "Hey cuttie want to meet me in the forest so we can have a little fun." You then blush a little and turn your head to see the blonde girl from earlier named Yang. "Well if we happen to meet up that sounds fine to me." This makes her blush a little then she is launched in the air and you then realize your next.
You turn your head and say to Jaune "See you on the other side little bro." Jaune turns his head just in time to see you be launched up into the sky.
__Time Skip__
You land in between two baby nevermores on the ground. "Oh great where is their mother she wont be happy about this." You then pull out (W/N) and fire one round into each of the nevermores heads.
"Nice shooting tex." You turn your head to see a girl in a blue trench coat that has white markings on it. She has dark blue eyes and blue hair she wears white pants and blue tennis shoes.
"The name is Aqua. What's yours?"
"Its (Y/N), so I guess were partners now."
"Yeah i guess so. I think the relics are right past them trees so lets get going."
"Sounds good to me." You then start to walk with your new partner. Aqua then said that she can see the relics and she took off running. You then try to run and catch up with her but she already made it to a small podium and picked a relic by the time you caught up to her.
"How are (cough) so (cough) fast?)
"I was always a fast runner. I even have a trophies for winning races at my old school."
"Wow that's really impressive."
"So that means your just going to have to learn to run faster to keep up with me."
"Yeah I guess so and by the way first one back to Ozpin gets 20 dollars." You take off ahead of her giving you a little bit of an advantage but it doesn't take long for her to catch up to you. She turns and looks at you and you do the same you both then turn and look ahead and when she turns her head to look at you again you weren't there.
"Where did he go?"
___Aqua Pov___
"Where could he have gone." you ask yourself as you keep running.
"He Aqua want a lift, it will be fun."
As you hear this you look up to see (Y/N) with (F/C) wings made of fire flying above you.
"How are you doing that?" you ask with a look of confusion and shock
"If you come with me ill tell you how." You stop running and stand still so you can think about it while (Y/N) is hovering infront of you. You soon look up at (Y/N) who is there starring at you waiting for an answer.
"Sure it sounds like fun. Just don't pull any stunts or I will make your life a living nightmare."
"Ok I promise, its just can you turn around for a second."
"Umm sure I guess."
__(Y/N) Pov__
(in head) "Come on (Y/N) you can do it just a little bit more effort"
You then start to feel your body change. When you open your eyes you are now (F/C) dragon with (2F/C) fire coming off your wings.
"You can turn around now Aqua."
__Aqua Pov__
When I turned my head I see a large (F/C) and (2F/C) dragon
"Is that you (Y/N)?"
"Yes its me. So you want a ride or not?"
"Of course I do."
You then go and run up to the side (Y/N) and jump on his back. You were surprised you weren't hot considering he was a dragon.
(in head) "He must be able to control the heat of the flames. That's the only thing that makes since in my mind."
You were then snapped back to reality by (Y/N) asking a question.
"Huh what did you say (Y/N)?"
"I said are you ready to take off now."
"Oh yeah im ready when you are."
(Y/N) starts to flap his two wings and we are soon flying high in the sky. You start to look around at the beautiful sky and clouds all around us. It was an amazing sight. You then turn your head to look at (Y/N).
"Hey Tex."
"Is that now my nickname or something. And what do you need?"
"Yes it is and I just wanted to say thank you for letting me fly with you."
"You can fly with me anytime you want to."
You and (Y/N) soon make it back to Ozpin before anyone else can make it back.
(Time skip)
__(Y/N) Pov__
*in head* "Should we go help the others with the Nevermore that Ozpin told us about."
"I think we should (Y/N). What do you think we should do?"
"Yeah I think we should go help them."
You both start to walk to the place where you hear the screams that you think is a girl screaming
Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This story was originally uploaded to my old account but I got rid of that account. So now I figured youll would like it if I brought this story back.
Blade out.
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